Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 57 Trapped in the Demon Formation

Swish, swish, swish...

It's hard to describe the divine power of that moment, the flying sword that Qi Xiaofeng spit out was like a divine weapon from the sky, whistling and swirling, purple like lightning, after that, seven or eight silver-backed wolves were torn into pieces by the flying sword in an instant, and their flesh and blood scattered all over the ground.

Then Qi Xiaofeng rushed forward for more than ten feet, squeezed the magic formula, and the flying sword flew back immediately, circled around him like lightning, and then rushed out again, a poisonous snake that was quietly lurking beside Qi Xiaofeng was cut in half by the flying sword, and the blood splashed outward, like scarlet fireworks, making Qi Xiaofeng look like a divine mansion...

Follow Senior Brother Qi!

Wu Qing also shouted in a low voice at this time, stepped forward, and saw several monsters rushing towards her, immediately pinched the magic seal secretly, her eyes were shining brightly, as if there was some kind of mysterious power, all the monsters rushed to her, as if drunk, swaying to and fro, and fell directly to the ground and fell asleep, looking weird and miraculous.

However, Wu Qing's little lucid dream technique didn't seem to be very good. The monsters in front fell asleep on the ground, but the ones behind just sluggish for a moment, then shook their heads violently, and then continued to rush forward.

The rest of the people also displayed their supernatural powers at this time, casting layers of spells continuously, beheading or repelling the monsters blocking the way, and followed closely beside Qi Xiaofeng, like a boat going upstream, quickly approaching the top of the mountain...

Oh my god, is this the method of the immortal family?

At the foot of the mountain, a group of soldiers and the nobles of Taiyue City were all dazzled, as if they were dumbfounded.

What kind of power is that? A wolf like a calf, a fierce and unstoppable bison, any one of them is an extremely terrifying existence, even a mortal warrior may not be able to withstand a few rounds in front of them, but in front of these young little immortals, they are all like paper. If those immortals use their methods on them, it must be...

I didn't dare to think about it anymore, everyone looked at the background of the group of immortal disciples in awe, as if they were gods!

And among the nobles in the city, General Qi's expression was even more smug. Those disciples of the immortal sect had terrible methods, and his son was the bravest among them. This made him feel elated.

Haha, nephew Fang Xian is going to help you, run faster now, maybe you can catch up with them...

For some unknown reason, General Qi suddenly turned his head and teased Fang Yuan with a smile.

The people around were startled when they heard this, and turned their heads to look at Fang Yuan. They have all heard from those disciples of the Immortal Sect that this little brother Fang Yuan Fang seems to have problems in his cultivation after he entered the Qingyang Sect.

Based on their strength, there should be no problem. Why should I go up the mountain to make trouble?

Sure enough, Fang Yuan didn't seem to be able to hear the ridicule in General Qi's words, so he just replied honestly.

When the others heard this, they immediately laughed in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, they believed 70% to 80% of the words of those Xianmen disciples...

These disciples of the Immortal Sect are really good. It's hard for ordinary monsters to resist this display of power, and they rushed to the top of the mountain immediately...

At this time, someone couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Fang Yuan then looked up, and under the bright full moon, he saw Qi Xiaofeng and the others charge extremely fast, and the magical lights would light up from time to time, and countless monsters were thrown out or torn into pieces, and then the figures of the seven of them, like seven sharp swords, flew towards the top of the mountain quickly.

Xi Kuichou, Dong Xinyou, demonic aura like smoke, ghost shadows wandering around...

While observing, while secretly calculating in his heart, he already has a faint understanding of the situation on that mountain.

General Qi, get ready...

At this moment, there was a person running fast at the foot of the mountain, and when he got close, it was Zhou Qingyue.

Zhou Qingyue also saw Fang Yuan, his eyes were slightly timid, but when he changed his mind, his expression changed. Instead, he looked at Fang Yuan coldly, then snorted coldly, ignored him, and said to General Qi: Brother Qi and others went up the mountain just now and ordered me to wait at the foot of the mountain. Turn it into a demon slave, and it will be considered as a monster, the last one can't be left, otherwise there will be endless disasters, they asked our armored soldiers to cooperate and kill all the monsters!

Oh? Since that's the case, all the armored soldiers obey the order and quickly surround the mountain, and don't let a monster go!

When General Qi heard that it was his son's order, he hurriedly ordered to dispatch troops to condemn the general.

Hearing this, all the soldiers under his command felt apprehensive, thinking that there are only a thousand soldiers, how can they surround the mountain?

But soon there was an order from above, so they had no choice but to obey, and ran to the four directions one after another, encircling as many as they could.

Have you mobilized all the beasts in the mountains...

Fang Yuan just listened on the sidelines, thinking in his heart: Is there such a stupid monster in this world?

Through the actions of Qi Xiaofeng and others rushing into the mountain, coupled with his observation, I vaguely guessed something in my heart...

Gradually, the eyes became a little deeper!


He suddenly raised his head and looked fixedly at the mountain.

It was also at this time, on the top of the mountain, the situation suddenly changed in an instant.

Qi Xiaofeng and the others had rushed to the top of the mountain at this time, and were waiting in line to look for the monster that caused chaos, but suddenly, the surrounding environment changed drastically, and from nowhere, there was suddenly billowing black smoke, and from the black smoke, there were countless monsters with ferocious expressions and blood-red eyes, rushing forward from all directions, and the roaring sound shook the mountains and plains!

Not can there be a demon formation here?

Qi Xiaofeng and the others were taken aback, the situation completely exceeded their expectations.

Don't panic, first repel the monsters and then...

Qi Xiaofeng was obviously a little bit unexpected, but he was still calm and hurriedly shouted loudly.

Just when he yelled loudly, the surrounding monsters rushed out. They were actually more terrifying than the monsters they encountered in the mountains. They were ferocious, tyrannical and terrifying. Qi Xiaofeng roared and staggered.

Qi...Brother Qi...Xiaoqing Mengshu!

Seeing this, Wu Qing was taken aback, and hurriedly used the Xiaoqingmeng Technique to repel the monster.

But before this type of spell could be cast, a cloud of black smoke rushed towards her face, causing her to step back quickly in shock. The spell had already been broken, and several monsters around rushed towards her, scaring her and hurriedly sacrificed a talisman to save her life.

The situation of the others is not much better than them. In the Qingfeng Poetry Club, the disciple named Hong Tao roared and used the Yin-Yang Yushen Jue violently, but a golden phantom appeared in front of him, with his arms outstretched, and hugged a bear monster that was rushing towards him firmly. The golden phantom shattered, but still rushed forward.


The powerful Jinghuo Golden Sword Talisman hit the bear monster's shoulder, tearing out a bloody hole, but the bear monster also slapped Hong Tao's chest with one paw, breaking off countless ribs, spewing blood from his mouth, and flew out like a rag bag...

The disciple of the fairy sect who was following Xiao Qiao, named Lu Zhu and holding a mysterious ice arrow, shot forward a mysterious ice arrow, but the magic power was not fully poured out, and the power of the mysterious ice arrow was limited. Although half of a tiger demon's body was so painful that it turned into ice, the demon tiger took advantage of the momentum to rush towards him. With just one sip, the immortal disciple lost half of his arm...

Quick, fast back...

A disciple of the Immortal Sect was startled and hurriedly retreated down the mountain, but a billow of black smoke billowed from the ground, and the Immortal Sect disciple hurriedly rushed out. Unexpectedly, in a hurry, the deduction of the change of the formation was not accurate enough. When he rolled out, he should have directly grabbed the Gate of Life and escaped, but rushed to the Gate of Death, screamed, and fell apart...

Almost in an instant, all the disciples who were unstoppable and unstoppable just now were all in disarray and defeated.

The wounded, the dead, all fell to the ground slumped, like fish on the table in front of a monster.

We fell for it...

Junior Sister Xiao Qiao's complexion also changed suddenly, as if she was desperate, she raised up a handkerchief with a purple border, but it turned into a translucent cover in the air, tightly covering them all, and this is how to save her life...

Haha, I have waited for so long, and finally got some good bait...

In the black smoke, a sharp voice suddenly sounded, and the surrounding black smoke slowly changed into a human shape.

You... who the hell are you? We are disciples of the Qingyang Sect. How dare you harm us?

Junior Sister Xiao Qiao clenched her silver teeth, looked directly at the black smoke of the human form, and shouted sharply.

I don't care which school you are disciples from. I used your blood to refine the seal, and then ran away. Who can find me?

That black smoke smiled triumphantly, flying around the top of the mountain, turning around, as if thinking about how to break through the protective cover.

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