Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 353

Either way, it's an idea worth trying!

Although he also felt that the idea just born in his heart was crazy, Fang Yuan still decided to give it a try!

Having made this decision, he stirred up his Xuanhuang Qi, stirred up the mist in all directions, and absorbed it into his body one by one, which also made his Xuanhuang Qi that he had refined into the fifth thunder spirit begin to grow slowly, pervading around his Dao foundation, and then slowly growing, like a weak grass, began to sprout branches, giving birth to more possibilities...

And this is the most daring decision Fang Yuan has made since his practice.

The Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue is an inheritance that even Jiugu from the South China Sea admires very much, but unfortunately, this inheritance is not complete, it can only be ranked at the top of the mysterious rank, and it barely has the meaning of a god rank.

After Fang Yuan combined Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue with Tiangang Wuleiyin, the rank of Xuanhuang Yiqijue has actually been raised a step, at least from Xuanji to the category of gods, which can be regarded as an improvement for this inheritance. It can be said that Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue solved a hidden danger of Tiangang Wuleiyin, but it can also be said that Tiangang Wuleiyin continued Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue.

But if so, is it over?

Fang Yuan didn't think so, instead he felt that this was just the beginning!

Since I can deduce the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue to the god level, can it be deduced to a higher level?

The predecessors have already written this peerless article, so can I write more of him, or even complete it?

Speaking of which, this is of course a crazy idea!

The creation of every inheritance in the world has countless painstaking efforts and failure experiences of predecessors. Many inheritances are handed down after a person who practiced reached the top of the road of cultivation, and then passed down from top to bottom...

No one has ever dared to clamor to create a lineage when they first embarked on the road of cultivation.

Fang Yuan didn't think that his talent was so high...

...But the key is, he has the skill of sky extension!

Hidden in the True Explanation of Dao Yuan, the Tianyan technique that fell on him like a blessing from the heavens!

Now he has used it to deduce the cultivation method, the array technique, and the supernatural power, but he has a feeling that the function of the Tianyan technique is actually far from being so simple. It is mysterious, and he may only use a small part of it...

It's like a golden bowl, but it is taken by beggars to beg for food.

This is called violence!

Its real role is not known, but at least, it is interesting to use it to do more difficult things.



Thinking of this thought in his heart, Fang Yuan's eyes became firmer.

Of course, there is another more obvious benefit of doing this, that is, Fang Yuan no longer has to beg for other people's inheritance.

In the realm of foundation building, he really spent a lot of energy for the inheritance of the five thunders of the heavenly gang, and he was a little troubled by the scheming wrestling with the old lady Jin, but what was even more frustrating was that when he reached the golden core realm, he also had similar needs. Could it be that at that time, he would go to seek advice from others and experience some annoying things that he encountered in the Jin family again?

Either that, or it is deduced by itself by taking advantage of the all-encompassing feature of Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue.

Of course, to a certain extent, this may be a more difficult path than seeking the Dharma from others. It also requires Fang Yuan to find out the various shortcomings of Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue, and he needs to find some other exercises to make up for it, but Fang Yuan is willing to give it a try!

The prerequisite for doing this is to first deduce the next step of the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue.

All kinds of thoughts, in fact, just flashed through Fang Yuan's mind, and what is more important now is cultivation.


As he breathed out his spiritual breath, the black and yellow aura in his body that had just been transformed into a thunder spirit not long ago, which seemed a little weak, rose straight from the top of his head at this moment, a three-foot blue light, all-encompassing, and there was a faint electric light looming inside!


After adjusting his mood, Fang Yuan began to breathe out slowly.

At this moment, the black mist floating in the air in all directions immediately gathered towards Fang Yuan, like sea waves gathering on the three-foot blue light above his head, as if they were impatient to blend together...

But Fang Yuan resisted and didn't refine them right away!

Now he has two choices. The first is to simply bring the surrounding breath into his body, warm and nourish Xuanhuang's energy and thunder spirit, making it stronger, and then he can gather the five spirits and condense the golden core.

But in this way, he is only forming alchemy. In terms of cultivation, he still focuses on Tiangang Wuleiyin, supplemented by Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue, and after reaching the golden core level, Tiangang Wuleiyin is ordinary, and he still needs to seek other inheritances to continue his own path!

The second choice is Fang Yuan's current plan.

He wants Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue to be the main one against the guest, supplemented by the five thunders of Tiangang, and deduce a path of practice. In this way, he can not only condense the purple core, but also continue to walk along this road to a higher place when he is in the golden core state...

Now, there are endless auras around him, and it is the best time to try to deduce the law of practice!



Different from the growth of the other four thunder spirits, the thunder spirit of Xuanhuang Yiqi replaces myself. In the original Tiangang Five Thunder Yin, the last thunder spirit is my soul. I replaced it with Xuanhuang Qiqi. Although it is much safer, the principle is the same. They all need to practice to grow. In the end, Xuanhuang Qi will become the foundation of my alchemy...

As the surrounding breath was drawn into his body, thoughts in Fang Yuan's heart flashed quickly.

All kinds of ever-changing exercise routes, various cultivation methods and corresponding results flashed through his mind quickly, as if standing at a crossroads, he saw thousands of different paths leading to thousands of different results.

What he was looking for was the path with the greatest potential and the most reasonable way!


During this process, even Fang Yuan's figure seemed to have become somewhat blurred.

Since he got the technique of Tianyan, he has never used this technique to such an extent.

Most of the time, the answers he wants to get can be obtained with a little work, but now it is different, his cultivation base is higher, and the derivation route is more complicated and more mysterious. More importantly, the derivation in the past was only transformed on a certain basis, but now, he is forced to find a new route according to his own understanding!

Taking articles as an example, modifying an article is easy, but writing an article is not easy.

What's more, you have to write a good article?

With the Tianyan Technique running at such a high speed, Fang Yuan's spiritual thoughts were quickly exhausted, but he had already prepared for it. Immediately, a spirit full of purple air flew out of his Qiankun bag, forming a small mountain in front of him. He directly pressed his palm on the pile of spirit spirits, and then saw the abundant spiritual light inside, and he absorbed it into his body like flowing water...

Soon, a group of elves with hundreds of taels all turned into gray stones.

Then Fang Yuan waved his sleeves, pushed the stone away, and took out a bunch of elves...

Time passed by every minute, day and night passed.

Fang Yuan sat cross-legged in this broken world, letting time go by, but he remained motionless.

Guanshi Sun and Guan Ao both came over to have a look, and saw that he was concentrating on his studies, so they didn't bother him, and just kept watch elsewhere.

Three full days!

After three days had passed, when Fang Yuan was surrounded by gray stones, he suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart. There was already a law of exercise that looked good, formed in his mind, but he was not in a hurry to confirm it.

This direction should be right...

...Although this road seems extremely difficult!

He slowly opened his eyes, with neither joy nor sorrow on his face, he just pondered for a moment silently, analyzing the pros and cons.

This path can also help me form alchemy, but if I really go like this, then after the golden alchemy, my path of cultivation will be different from others. I will no longer be struggling to find some inheritance that will allow me to go further. Instead, I will continue to improve my own inheritance. No one will threaten me with inheritance like the Jin family, but I have countless times more things to learn...

I will need more things to make up for and perfect the cultivation path of the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue!

He just sat there quietly, countless questions flashing through his mind.

Then, he made a decision in less than a snap of his fingers: This is exactly what I want!


He stretched out the palm of his right hand, and pressed lightly into the void in front of him.

At this moment, the eyes seemed a little decisive: Turn the customer first, and then go to the black and white!

At this moment, the black mist that filled his body was suddenly attracted to him, strand by strand, all merged into the blue breath above his head, and then was drawn into his body, wandering non-stop between the meridians, every time he walked around a small area, the energy in his body became stronger, and the blue light above his head became more condensed and more powerful.


At this moment, Suzaku Thunder Spirit, Immortal Willow Thunder Spirit, and Green Carp Thunder Spirit also appeared beside Fang Yuan, plus the toad that Fang Yuan hadn't taken back, the four Thunder Spirits revolved around that green qi, and all of them had a ray of energy appearing on their bodies, combined with the green qi, exchanging their respective qi energies, and then, becoming more and more integrated, the cycle continued...

From today onwards, the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue has become my main inheritance, and the Tiangang Wuleiyin only exists as a magical power!

Although this road is difficult, it is exactly what I want!

After all, I have the skill of Tianyan...

If I use this kind of thaumaturgy, but only walk the same path as others...

He smiled faintly, showing his arrogance: In the future, wouldn't someone say that I only relied on external things to achieve the immortal way, instead of relying on my own ability?

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