Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 347

Dangtang Tianlaicheng Jin's family, can you do such a thing?

Outside the secret realm, all the major immortal sects were already in an uproar, and the way they looked at the Jin family had changed.

Before, they looked at the Jin family with the intention of destroying the reputation of the Jin family first, and then looking for trouble, but now they found out that there was no need to ruin their reputation, they had already done such a thing that would not be tolerated in the world.

Whether it's secret wedding dress tricks, deceiving people's Daoyuan, or later nurturing gods in other people's bodies to achieve one's own cultivation, these are all evil methods that everyone despises. Even one is already a heinous crime. The Jin family actually committed two in a row?

Fortunately, the Jin family has such a good reputation for thousands of years, who would have thought that they would be so vicious behind the scenes?

It's no wonder that the Jin family has always had no successors. One generation is not as good as the next. If they don't make good fortune, how can they last?

Yeah, I don't have any talent in my family, so I'm going to put my ideas on others...

Old Mrs. Jin is getting more and more confused the more she lives, isn't she afraid of being exposed when doing such things?

Have you noticed an extremely terrible problem, that is, Mrs. Jin herself, did not get the complete inheritance of Tiangang Wulei Yin at the beginning, but she has ruled the roost in the realm of Zidan for many years. Who knows how she cultivated?

Yes, it is said that the old lady Jin was just an unknown junior in the Jin family thousands of years ago. At that time, she was not even a member of the main line. Later, when the Jin family had no successors, she rose up and frightened the world. However, no one knows exactly how she practiced and how she became the Sky Thunder Purple Pill. Could it be that her cultivation is actually...

Who remembers who was the Taoist companion of the old lady Jin?



For a moment, there was chaos outside the secret realm, and countless suspicions came out.

Everyone in the Jin family, masters and servants, had already turned pale at this moment. They had listened to other people's curses, and even extremely disrespectful guesses about the old matriarch. However, under such circumstances, they were unable to refute for a while. Firstly, the surrounding people were already angry.

And more importantly, they really don't know these things!

Even the ancestors of Jin Dan, who had already blocked the Jin family, were completely unaware of what Jin Liuqing said.

Even in their hearts, they still firmly believe what their ancestors said, and the real Lei Fa only talks in her mind.

It's just that even if you didn't know it before, now that you hear it, you still believe it faintly...

Because they remembered that the old matriarch is now old and has already started to arrange her affairs. The supernatural powers and spells that she has realized in her life, secrets and strange things, have special personnel responsible for sorting out for her, sorting them into categories, and passing them down as an important inheritance of the Jin family.

For another example, although the old lady is old, she would be interested every year to train her own children and grandchildren, most of whom are granddaughters, to teach them how to practice Taixi Jue, or to refine a few treasure pills for the girls here...

Logically speaking, this is probably just because the ancestors are getting older and like the juniors.

But some ancestors of the Jin family have noticed that the Taixi Jue that the old matriarch taught these juniors to practice may not be very strong, but there are many unambiguous changes. The elixir she refined has not found any special impact on the cultivation base...

Of course, after all, the old lady is the old lady, no matter how suspicious they are, they dare not say anything.

These are all small doubts accumulated in the hearts of the ancestors of the Jin family, but now they suddenly understand.

The only thing that scares me is that...

...Twenty years ago, Jin Yueleng, a Daoist of the Jin family, was extremely talented. After practicing the five thunders of the Tiangang, the first few thunder spirits went smoothly, but there was a big problem in the last thunder spirit.


The few elders of the Jin family who thought of this suddenly shook their heads violently, and no one dared to think any further.

Fellow Daoist Jin, you've done it...

At this moment, not far from the entrance of the secret realm, Mr. Taixu looked at the old lady Jin indifferently.

In his eyes, there was no anger, but some indifference.

Although his voice was not loud, countless people around him immediately turned their gazes over.

Old Madam Jin heard this, but his expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: What does Mr. Taixu mean?

Mr. Taixu said: In order to resist the great catastrophe, the Immortal Alliance has long issued four laws and regulations, the third of which is to protect and evaluate the immortal seedlings. You must not damage the foundation of Tianyuan for your own selfishness. Your Jin family uses inheritance as bait to fish for the world's proud, which is a big taboo...

Hehe, there are too many people in the family, so it's inevitable that there won't be a few lunatics!

After hearing this, Old Madam Jin kept her composure, just smiled, and said: That girl went crazy two hundred years ago, and she only talked nonsense all day long, so I detained her at home. Unexpectedly, if she didn't notice, she got mixed into the secret realm. Now she's just talking nonsense in the secret realm. Could it be that old Mr. Taixu took it seriously after hearing it?

After all, there was a faint chill on his face: Speaking of it, the major immortal sects in this world, the major ancient families, which family does not have a few shady secret arts and methods, and the Immortal Alliance really takes care of everything. I wonder if you can manage it?

I don't know how many people around heard it, and secretly gave a thumbs up: Old Mrs. Jin, you are so cheeky...

Sure enough, people are mature...

It's impossible for ordinary people to be so moody and angry even now!

On the one hand, I want to push it clean, but on the other hand, I want to drag other people into the water to cause trouble. It's amazing...

But Mr. Taixu heard the old lady Jin's words, but still kept his expression calm, and said indifferently: You don't need to tell me what the old lady said, the old man is not irresponsible for this matter, and I don't bother to intervene, but what I saw and heard today, I definitely have nothing to hide, report it to the Immortal League, nothing else, you condemned a group of masters to frame that Fang surnamed boy, and it is true that you took away his foundation?

Speaking of the later, he flicked his sleeves coldly: Zhen Shenwei will definitely come to the door within three days, you just wait at Jin's house!

Punishing God Guard...

After hearing this name, the surrounding immortal sects suddenly lowered their voices, and everyone's eyes were astonished.

Zhen Shenwei is going to come to the door, is Xianmeng really going to move the Jin family?

Is Xianmeng going to attack my Jin family?

After hearing Mr. Taixu's words, Mrs. Jin's eyes were fixed, her anger was concealed, and her heart was heavy, which was far from the simple calmness she showed. While thinking secretly, she sat back on her grand teacher's chair. With cold eyes, she explained a few words to the ancestor of the Jin family beside her, and then just stared at the phantom in the secret realm...

Anyone could tell that she had already stared at Fang Yuan to death.

At this time, no matter whether they have hatred against Fang Yuan or not, everyone is also sweating for him at the same time...

Is this Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment tantamount to taking his own life to destroy the Jin family?

Hehe, it's not only his life, but also his future. This is more important than his life. After all, the Jin family has ten thousand years of experience. Even if it is proven that the old matriarch used evil methods, it may not necessarily fall. But this day, the foundation of the way of heaven, I am afraid it is dead...

Some people couldn't help frowning: Could it be that Xianmeng won't protect him?

The person next to him sighed, and said: The Immortal Alliance only protects the immortal seedlings, but if this is the case with the Jin family's Leifa who cultivated the foundation of the Heavenly Dao, then he has only two paths. One is to stay in the foundation-building realm forever and not seek the Jin Family's Dao. For the Immortal Alliance, it is nothing but a little combat power of the Golden Core level. The other path is... to embark on the road of evil cultivation!

The surroundings suddenly became dignified, and they all understood this person's guess.

That's right, although the girl from the Jin family is willing to sacrifice herself to help Tian Dao build the foundation to perfect the thunder method, but no matter what, this is an evil method. If Tian Dao builds the foundation and agrees, it will also belong to the evil cultivator's line.

Taking a sneak peek, Mr. Tai Xu actually had a serious expression on his face, as if he was waiting for an answer from the young man surnamed Fang.



I don't need you to pay it back!

Surprisingly, in the secret realm, Fang Yuan didn't seem to think about it for long.

After Jin Hanxue said the words she had thought about for a long time, he looked at Jin Hanxue with strange eyes, not thinking about how to answer, but a little surprised that Jin Hanxue would say such a resolute sentence...

After looking at it for a while, he gave the answer, as if it was a matter of course.

On the contrary, Jin Hanxue was slightly taken aback, and blurted out: Why?

Fang Yuan replied calmly: I don't like evil methods, if this is the secret of the last volume of Lei Fa, then I don't want it!

The astonishment on Jin Hanxue's face became even stronger: Then your path of cultivation...

Fang Yuan interrupted her: If you want to sacrifice yourself to help me refine Lei Ling, then your path of cultivation will be forfeited?


Jin Hanxue's face was gloomy: Anyway, no matter how hard I work, I won't succeed!

Fang Yuan said indifferently: If a road doesn't come to an end, no one will know what the scenery is like. We just need to keep going!

Jin Hanxue was slightly taken aback, bit her lip, raised her head and looked at Fang Yuan: Then where is your way?

Fang Yuan suddenly laughed, and said: My path will definitely go on, no one can stop it!

Looking at his smiling face, with white teeth and clean lips, full of confidence, Jin Hanxue couldn't help being slightly absent-minded.

Two senior brothers, help me protect the law!

But just before she could ask all the questions she wanted to ask, she suddenly saw Fang Yuan flying hundreds of feet, sitting cross-legged on a low hill next to the golden pillar, said something in a low voice, then crossed her hands in front of her lower abdomen, and slowly restrained her breath.

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