Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 247 Seven Treasure Thunder Tree

After the little prince got into the passage on the left side of the hall, it was like a different person.

He turned his head and saw that the two formation masters of Tianshumen and Fang Yuan were concentrating on breaking the restriction behind the emperor's heart, but what they didn't expect was that the emperor's heart was not so easy to take off. When the restrictions around the imperial mausoleum disappeared, the emperor's heart automatically activated its magical powers. It shone into the souls of the three formation masters!

Qualified to be hung on the beam of the tomb of Emperor Wuchi, this emperor's heart is not just a warning to the emperor!

It is also the last restriction on the imperial tomb of Wuchi Kingdom!

It's just that it's different from other prohibitions, it won't directly eliminate the enemy, but subtly, and the supernatural power will manifest itself...

He could see that the three formation masters had been intimidated by the emperor's heart, at least within three days, they easily got out, and he was a little relieved, with a look of determination on his small face, and offered a purple talisman...

The material of the talisman was not silk, but there were rune patterns on it, full of spirituality. After he silently recited the mantra for a long while, he took the initiative to fly up, folded it in the air, and turned into a paper crane.

In the depths of the imperial mausoleum, the passages are crisscrossed, complicated and weird, and full of dangers, but he is not afraid at all.

In the imperial mausoleum, the large formation has been restrained, but there are still some hidden restrictions, but he easily bypasses them.

Obviously, he had already made sufficient preparations before coming.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, he had already come to a heavy and dark bronze door. The door was tightly closed, giving off an extremely heavy and dangerous feeling. Not to mention whether there was any restriction on the door, it was very heavy enough that no one could open it.

But the little prince obviously knew about the existence of the bronze gate long ago.

When he came here, he knelt down, prayed silently for a while, then took out a small blue knife, gently stroked the tip of his right index finger, and squeezed out a drop of bright blood, and then got up and fed it into the mouth of the animal head on the bronze gate.

The bronze animal head, which looked like a dead thing, suddenly opened its eyes and looked at the little prince fiercely.

The little prince was not afraid at all, and looked up at the bronze animal head.

After a long while, the bronze animal head seemed to have confirmed something, and suddenly closed its eyes slowly.


The heavy bronze door suddenly opened slowly, revealing a gap.

From the crack in the door, a dazzling light shot out.

The little prince heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly walked into the bronze gate with the paper crane flying beside him.

As soon as he entered the room, he immediately took a deep breath.

Behind this bronze gate, there is a huge crypt with a radius of more than a hundred feet, and on the stone walls around the crypt, there are densely packed caves. In each cave, there is a purple copper coffin with exquisite patterns on it, which are the unique patterns of the royal family of Wuchi Kingdom, and the people in those copper coffins are the previous emperors of Wuchi Kingdom!

Surrounded by all the former emperor's coffins, in the middle of the cave is a pool of dazzling electric fire.

The pool is also about ten feet in size, and the lightning inside it grows from time to time, and then disappears constantly, illuminating the cave like Bai Yao, from a distance, it seems to be filled with a pool of lightning, and it will overflow at any time...

But that was just an illusion, the little prince could see the bottom of the pool through the dazzling lightning on the surface.

At the bottom of the pond, there was a small sapling more than three feet high, the leaves were like pine needles, the stem was like bronze, and it was tall and straight. All the lightning came out from the lightning that grew on the small sapling, collided with each other, and connected into pieces. Under the nourishment of the lightning, even the soil under the small sapling condensed into the image of a rock, full of the power of lightning.

What is even more astonishing is the color of the sapling.

It is changing all the time, red, orange, blue, purple, gold, and emerald, constantly changing.

And when the color of the sapling changed, the color of the lightning also kept changing.

The electric light shines on, making this side of the cave constantly changing with various colors.

Seven Treasure Thunder Tree...

Looking at the sapling, the little prince also took a deep breath, and then slowly let it out after a while.

The queen mother said, there is only this way...

He whispered to himself, and then took out an iron box from the universe bag.

The iron box is four feet square, with an iron gossip inlaid on it.

The little prince squeezed the finger he had cut just now, squeezed a drop of blood on the iron gossip, and saw that the eight formations slowly changed. After a while, a white light projected from the middle of the gossip, and the little prince hurriedly raised his hand, and threw the gossip out. The iron box seemed to have its own spirituality, and immediately flew over the thunder pool, and slowly turned over.

Endless white light flowed out from the box, covering the entire Thunder Pond.

After a while, the thunder tree was uprooted and slowly flew into the small box.

Afterwards, the gossip pattern on the small box changed again and returned to the previous appearance again, the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree was also sealed inside by the iron box, and the iron box seemed to suddenly lose its spirituality and fell to the ground.

The little prince jumped over in a hurry and put his hands in his arms.

The box is light, but he is as heavy as if he is holding the whole world.

With a low sigh, he followed the paper crane and left here through another passage.

You really didn't tell the truth!

But at this moment, a flat voice suddenly sounded.

The little prince was taken aback, almost fell down, turned around quickly, and saw Fang Yuan in green robe.

He didn't know when he also entered this burrow, and looked at himself quietly at the door.

The distance between the two is so close, but he doesn't even know when Fang Yuan came, let alone how long he has been here.

you you……

The little prince panicked and opened his mouth, but couldn't say a complete sentence.

He couldn't figure it out, Fang should have been calmed down by the emperor's heart at this time.

Even if he and the two formation masters can get out of trouble, at least three days later, by then he would have gone far away.

I shouldn't be here, right?

Fang Yuan said lightly: The emperor's heart mirror is a psychic mirror. He was born to protect the imperial tomb of Wuchi Kingdom. He hangs on the beam of the tomb. In fact, it is the last restraint of this imperial tomb. Whenever outsiders come in, even if they have the slightest thought of wanting to take anything away from this imperial tomb, they will be locked up by it. At least they will be disordered, and at worst, they will be suppressed forever!

While talking, he looked at the little prince indifferently: Do you think I should be locked up now?

The little prince stared at Fang Yuan, took a few deep breaths, and calmed himself down. Holding the box tightly in his arms, he tried to maintain the stability of his voice, and said, did you get out of trouble?

My soul is protected by a secret method, and ordinary magic weapons cannot restrain me!

Fang Yuan replied indifferently, and said: What's more, I have never believed in you, so how could I really break the restriction of the bronze mirror?

You... why don't you believe me?

The little prince's face became more and more panicked, he took a step back, and said, Where did I make you suspicious?

It's a joke to expect a mirror for you to dispel your father's enchantment. If you really bring that mirror back, let alone whether you can succeed, you may not even be able to see your father's face. You are very smart, there is no reason why you don't understand this!

Fang Yuan said calmly, walked forward slowly, and said: The more important thing is that when you told me where the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree is, I didn't believe you anymore. Although I really don't know much about the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree, I have read a lot of the pharmacopoeia of all kinds of spiritual medicines and god trees in the world, and I even understand some principles of cultivating spiritual plants. I know that this kind of god tree can't be cultivated in just any place.

He spoke slowly, very confidently: So you said that the tree of the Seven Treasures Thunder was raised in the altar of your Wuchi Kingdom. I never believed this from the very beginning. After all, the Kingdom of Wuchi is a small country, and there is no treasure land that can cultivate the Tree of the Seven Treasures Thunder. Then, the one that might allow you to cultivate the Thunder Tree of the Seven Treasures must be an evil and dark place, and what nourishes it must not be ordinary things...

Looking at the coffins around him, he continued: The gods of thunder can be nourished by extraordinary things, but only the human heart can nourish the way of heaven. Therefore, I have thought for a long time that the only thing that can nourish this kind of gods is your Wuchi Kingdom's imperial prestige that governs a country. Thinking about it this way, apart from the remnants of the previous emperors of your Wuchi Kingdom, what else is more suitable for raising this thunder tree?

Hearing these words, the little prince's expression became extremely strange: You knew that the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree is here?

Fang Yuan said: It's just a random guess, it looks like I got it right!

The little prince really didn't know what to say, he secretly gritted his teeth a few times, and clenched a purple jade slip in his hand.

Fang Yuan looked at him, and said: It seems that you still have a backhand, but you also know that your strength is far from mine, what will this backhand be? Looking around, he said indifferently: Yes, here are the remains of your former emperor of Wuchi Kingdom, and there must be some remnants of spirits. You probably want to inspire them and mobilize their power to suppress me?

Then he shook his head: Don't do that, I don't want to kill you!

The little prince was spoiled by what he said, flustered and desperate, and almost fell down. After all, the jade slip did not dare to crush, holding the iron box tightly in his arms, and said with despairing eyes: Don't come here, I destroyed the thunder tree, and I won't give it to you...

Then you destroy it!

Fang Yuan didn't stop at all, walked straight over, and said indifferently: Anyway, it's not mine!

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