Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

After enduring the heat and drinking a bowl of thick soup from the centaur tribe, Fish gave his tongue another rejuvenation spell.

This thick soup, which is stewed with meat and wild vegetables, has a very strong aroma because of the addition of a variety of fine spices, which is very appetizing and tastes great.

The only downside was that it was too hot. Fish wanted to swallow it boldly, but the reality was that he could only sip it in small mouthfuls. Even so, his little tongue was still burned.

"Would you like another bowl?"

The female horseman on the side stirred the pot with a wooden spoon, and a large amount of aroma spread quickly because of her actions.

"Gudu..." Fish swallowed hard, then turned his head away with all his willpower, "I don't want it for now, meow! This soup is too hot, I'll drink it when it cools down later!"

After finishing speaking, Fish quickly ran away, otherwise he would definitely not be able to hold on under the temptation of this rich aroma.

After running away, Fish soon got to play with the group of ponies. Although there was a little unhappiness before, as long as they stopped calling him the Son of Nature, Fish would no longer be angry.

For the ponies, Fisher's status as the Son of Nature is not as important as the snacks he took out later.

In the simple life of the horse people, there is no concept of snacks at all. When they are exhausted, they just pick some fruits to eat, so when Fish took out his magic pocket and shared his collection of snacks with the ponies, it was very popular. He became more popular.

"Fisch, can you only switch between cat and human forms?"

After Fish showed his transformation spell, the pony man Brand Warden asked curiously. He pointed to his lower body and said, "Can you become like us, half-human, half-human?" How is the cat?"

"Meow like you?"

Fish tilted his head and thought for a while, then raised a hand, and five long, sharp claws popped out from the tips of his fingers.

"Is that so meow?" (●ΦωΦ●)

"Hmm... It feels different."

Mills stretched out his hand and carefully touched Fish's sharp-looking claws. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Cat's claws don't look like this."

"Meow..." ω

Fish looked down at his paws, lost in thought.

It seems... that's it.

So Fish tried to keep as many of the cat's characteristics as possible when he transformed into an adult. He was quite confident about whether he could succeed, because no matter what form Fish was in, he still kept The cat's eyes are covered, so it shouldn't be difficult to keep more parts.

With such confidence, Fish began to switch back and forth between human and cat forms non-stop, and those ponies who were watching also shouted loudly, cheering for Fish.

"Come on! Fish!"

"You can do it!"

"Become a cat person!"

Even Bain and the other adult centaur were attracted by the sound, watching Fish changing back and forth.

After a lot of tossing, Fish actually awakened a spell that could make him half-human.

【The Appearance of Nature】

Adjust how much you change in each form.

Then, under the watchful eyes of a group of centaurs, Fish in human form grew cat ears, cat tail, cat whiskers, cat paws, and a beautiful black and white spotted fur, and turned into a big man standing upright. tabby cat.

The only disadvantage is probably that the height of Fish in this form has shrunk a lot, becoming only about forty inches, which looks about the same height as a house elf and Professor Flitwick.

"Meow! How did you become shorter?!"

Fish in cat form walked up to a pony man to measure his height. He felt dissatisfied, and in this form, his clothes had turned into fur, and he couldn't take out his magic pocket and wand.

But there is also a surprise, that is, Fish in the half-human state can speak human language, although he himself doesn't really care about this.

So Fish began to adjust the degree of his transformation again, the beautiful fur faded, and he changed back to human clothes, his stature gradually elongated, returning to his height in human form, and the cat's claws became more suitable for grasping In the end, only the cat eyes that existed in the beginning, the cat ears on the head, and the cat tail hidden under the robe that flicked twice from time to time remained.

"Meow! Neko-human form!" (●ΦωΦ●)
Fish is still very satisfied with his new form. The cat ears allow him to hear more sounds. Although the cat tail has lost the function of maintaining balance, the existence of the tail alone is enough to make Fish feel the mood Pleasure, otherwise I always feel that there is something missing behind my buttocks, and I am not used to it.

In fact, he can still keep the cat's mouth and cat's nose, but the cat's mouth is not convenient for eating, and there is a stinky guy in the school. He is making himself guilty by keeping the more sensitive cat's nose, and Fisher is not so stupid.


Seeing Fisch's cat-man form, the surrounding horse people cheered loudly for some reason, seeming very excited.

"Meow?" ω

Fish tilted his head and looked at the group of centaurs who suddenly became restless with a puzzled expression, and the cat ears on his head were shaking.


Then they seemed even more excited.

Inexplicable meow.

The brains of this group of horsemen really have some problems.

Fisch didn't bother to pay attention to the group of centaurs who seemed to be sick, and ran back to the fire before, scooped up a bowl of thick soup that had cooled down a lot, and drank it.

And the madness of the horse people continued, they began to dance around the fire with unknown meaning, and there were bursts of shouts from their mouths that they didn't know whether they were music or shouts.

Although the noise from the horsemen made Fish a little annoyed, he could still bear this little discomfort in the face of delicious food.

After a celebration that Fish couldn't understand, the horsemen also gradually calmed down. They came to the fire one after another, and while drinking thick soup, they set up a bird that only woke up in the morning on the fire. Here comes the wild boar, slowly roasted with a generous sprinkling of spices.

"Meow!" (●ω●)
Fisher, who wanted to continue drinking the soup, immediately put down the pottery bowl in his hand, staring at the little wild boar on the fire, his pupils dilated, and the tail protruding from the wizard's robe behind him was also swinging restlessly from side to side with.

Under the licking of the flames, the wild boar's skin gradually turned golden, and a large amount of fat oozed from the inside, dripping into the fire, making the flames burn more intensely.

Sniffing the fragrance floating in the air, Fisch sucked the saliva from the corner of his mouth again.

"It's almost ready." The centaur in charge of roasting wild boar smiled and touched the cat ears on Fish's head. "You can have some more soup."

"Don't meow! I want to save my stomach to eat meat!"

The strong-willed Fisch decisively rejected the other party's proposal.

After a while, the wild boar meat was finally roasted, and just as Fish was eating the roast meat, holding back the heat, suddenly there was a huge commotion outside.

"Firenze! Ronan!"

Hagrid's loud cry was full of panic.

"I need your help!"

"Wang! Wang Wang!"

Hagrid's huge figure broke into the centaur tribe, and Fang who was following him smelled Fish's scent, and ran to the fire first.

"I need you to help me find a lost student! Of course, it could be a... Fish?!!"

"Big man! Come and eat barbecue meow! It's delicious!" (●ΦωΦ●)


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 Some friends have already discovered that the "Brandwalden" in the last chapter is dota, to be precise, it is the name of the centaur chief in war3.

  In fact, I originally wanted to use Hecarim, but that name was more famous, so I changed it to Brandvarden, but I was discovered right away...

  If I have a chance, I will bury a few deeper eggs.


  Thanks to Natural Taoist 123, beibei163, and Zeyue for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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