Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 743 GGAD

Chapter 743 GGAD
In the end, Lupine failed to respond positively to Tonks, which made her very depressed, her hair quickly turned back to gray-brown, and she didn't say a word during the lunch time, especially after the lunch was over. He was the first to leave the table and ran away with his head down.

All the other women gave Lupine reproachful looks, even Mrs. Weasley, who had always wanted Tonks to marry Bill, was no exception. Fleur and Ginny even went after her directly, intending to comfort her.

Lupine just smiled wryly, just like Sirius said, it's not that he has no feelings for Tonks, it's just that Lupine clearly understands how difficult it is for a werewolf to survive in the wizarding society, so he doesn't want to drag him down Tonks.

Compared with emotional women, the men here, especially those who have formed families like Mr. Weasley, Mr. Granger, and Newt, are more able to understand Lupine's thoughts, but this kind of thing, outsiders are not too familiar with it. It's easy to interfere, so they basically kept silent.

Only Sirius, who was Lupine's friend, dragged him aside for a heart-to-heart talk after lunch, and the others got together in twos and threes...

Several mothers exchanged their experience in educating their children. Mr. Weasley was the same as before, pestering Mr. Granger to learn about various interesting items in Muggles, Bill was concerned about Percy's work situation, and the twins found Rove - they want to sell their product to Ilvermorny through Rove.

At this time, Harry and Ron finally had the opportunity to learn about Professor Slughorn's memory from Fish and Hermione.

"Voldemort made a total of six Horcruxes... and there may be more in the future..." Harry and Ron felt Voldemort's cruelty again after hearing the news.

"By the way, Harry." Hermione asked cautiously, "Have you had any dreams about Voldemort recently?"

"No, what's wrong?" Harry shook his head.

"It's like this," Hermione explained, "Didn't Voldemort need to split his soul when making Horcruxes? At that time, his brain should be in a defenseless state, so you are likely to sense it... Although This is just my guess, but I think the odds are high, so if you keep getting no response here, Voldemort probably hasn't started making new Horcruxes yet."

"However, that's not the point." Hermione said again: "The point is that if you really saw the process of him making the Horcrux, remember not to expose yourself, so as not to attract Voldemort's attention."

Only then did Harry suddenly understand, he nodded solemnly and said, "I see."

Afterwards, Fish went to visit the plants he had planted here, and found that Sirius took good care of them, so he directly found an empty flower pot beside him and got into it, and began to doze off.

Then the afternoon passed so smoothly, until Hermione came to wake him up for dinner in the evening, Fisher jumped out of the flower pot, shook his body and recovered his human form, followed Hermione to the restaurant have dinner.

Before he reached the restaurant, Fish could smell the aroma of food. He quickened his pace and walked into the brand new restaurant.Fleur and Ginny teamed up to decorate the place so colorful and full of flowers, it was like a paper flower explosion.

The flames in the fireplace danced happily, casting a layer of red on the nearby Christmas tree. On a small table next to the dining room, there was a beautiful wooden radio, and a woman's singing came from it.

It's just that these things are not within the scope of Fish's attention, and Maomao's eyes have been firmly locked on the table full of rich food.

Almost all of the food that Fisch likes is placed on the table. In the center of all the food, there is a huge Christmas turkey. The turkey's skin is roasted brown and is still making "sizzle" at this moment. The sound, and continue to ooze fragrant oil.

"Good evening, everyone!"


While greeting everyone without sincerity, Fish ran towards the dining table with bright eyes.

Then he was caught by Professor McGonagall again.

"How many times have I said that! Wash your hands before eating!"


Fish could only reluctantly glance at the delicacies on the table, and then reluctantly was dragged to the bathroom next door by Professor McGonagall.

Soon after washing his hands, Maomao jumped back quickly, rushed to the dining table, picked up a pair of knives and forks, and stabbed at the turkey in the middle.

Professor McGonagall opened his mouth, but finally gave up on lecturing, and let Fish put all kinds of food on his dinner plate, and the others all had doting smiles on their faces.

Then, Newt raised the wine glass in his hand and said a short toast, and then everyone started tonight's banquet amidst "Merry Christmas".

Just as everyone was drinking and drinking, a tall and dusty figure walked in.

"Ha! It looks like I haven't missed the banquet tonight." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Then he shook his wand, and the dusty robe he wore on the outside flew to the small table beside him and folded it neatly.

"Newt, Tina, it's been a while." He came to the dining table, greeted the Scamanders first, then turned to look at Rove, "And you, Merry Christmas, Rove."

"Albus, why are you here now meow?"


Fish temporarily turned his attention away from the food in front of him, and looked at Dumbledore curiously, "Remus was still looking for you before."

Although Maomao didn't intentionally eavesdrop, his keen ears still caught part of the conversation between Lupine and Sirius before. Lupine seemed to bring back some important news and wanted to tell Dumbledore.

Dumbledore probably wanted to hide the truth from the few students who hadn't joined the Order of the Phoenix, so he didn't ask Lupine what was going on, but explained while scooping up a bowl of hot soup for himself: "I'm going to I visited an old friend I haven't seen for a long time, so we chatted a little longer."

He seemed to be in a good mood, obviously Dumbledore was very satisfied with the result of this meeting.

"Old friend?" Fish tilted his head and thought for a while, then suddenly asked, "Is it Grindelwald?"

Everyone at the table who knew Grindelwald was taken aback by Maomao's words, and Professor McGonagall scolded: "What are you talking about? Grindelwald is a dark wizard more dangerous than Voldemort! How could he be an old friend of Albus?!"

Newt on the side said, "Actually, Albus and Grindelwald were indeed friends before."

However, before others expressed surprise at Newt's words, Dumbledore himself revealed a secret that made everyone even more horrified.

"To be exact...Gellert was once my lover."

This secret was unknown even to Newt, who, like everyone else, was speechless at the news and looked at Dumbledore in surprise.

However, Dumbledore ignored the surprised gazes of the others. He stared at Fish with great interest and asked curiously, "How do you know about the relationship between me and Gellert?"

"Because you called him Gellert."

Fisch blinked his eyes, and said it as a matter of course.

"It's that simple?"

"if not?"


Maomao scratched his head, his face full of inexplicable meows.

In Fisher's cognition, only those who have a good relationship will call each other's Christian names, and for Maomao, who is relatively simple-minded, this detail is enough for him to make a judgment.

As for why Dumbledore and Grindelwald fought despite being friends...

Isn't this normal?

Fish himself used to get into fights with Professor McGonagall frequently, so of course he didn't think it was a problem.

"Okay..." Dumbledore shook his head dumbfounded, "Then how did you guess that I'm going to visit Gellert today?"

This time, Maomao's answer was even simpler——

"Because he fights well, meow!"

Fish raised his head and said confidently.

Maomao's logic is very simple, because Grindelwald fights well, so Fisher is impressed by him, and the first person who thinks of him will naturally be him, and then he asks.

"You really went to Nurmengard, right meow? You didn't bring Fish! Fish wants to play too!"

Just when Dumbledore laughed because of this joking reason, Mao Mao expressed dissatisfaction with him again.

Before, Fish wanted to go to Nurmengard to find Grindelwald, but Dumbledore didn't agree, but now this bad old man secretly ran to find Grindelwald, and he didn't even bring himself with him...

It's really too much!
Especially during the day, Fish wanted Lupine to take him to play with other werewolves, but was also rejected.

So Mao Mao was in a very upset mood now, he stared at Dumbledore viciously, and even pressed down the cat ears on his head.

"Ahem, actually, if you don't mention it, I plan to find time to take you to meet him. Getler is also very interested in you." Dumbledore quickly comforted him, and at the same time he signaled Professor McGonagall to be safe. Cao Cao, "Don't worry, Minerva, with me here, Fish will not be in danger."

"Then Fisher can go to fight with him when it's time?"


Maomao asked immediately.

"Just to see him..." Dumbledore explained feebly, "Gellert is not allowed to use his wand. His wand has always been with me."

"Hey! That's so boring..."

Fisher's interest dropped instantly.

But soon, Mao Mao suddenly had a heart move...

Anyway, I don't use my wand very much when fighting, so wouldn't it be good to secretly give Grindelwald my wand when the time comes?


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 Last night I had a dream that I had finished the book, but unfortunately I couldn't remember the contents of the last few chapters in the dream, otherwise I could copy a bunch of them.


  It’s been so hot recently, I was sweating after a few steps, and my glasses fogged up, so I cut the walking distance in half.

  Those aunts can still dance the square dance unremittingly, I really admire...

  In addition, there are groups that dance similar to aerobics, and there are quite a few of them.

  One of the teams, the team leader was hanging a mic, shouting "healthy life" and so on while dancing... Then when I turned around and walked back, she began to say that good sports need a pair of good shoes, and asked Those who followed the dance started selling shoes... I remember she seemed to be selling some kind of tea a few days ago, the effect is similar to energy drinks...

  I don’t understand why there is a large group of people dancing there, it’s noisy and cheating money. I don’t know about other teams, but at least I don’t hear any sales promotion, and playing dynamic music is better than listening to a person shouting at the top Want to be comfortable?
(End of this chapter)

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