Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 69 Caused by a Golden Snitch...

Chapter 69 Caused by a Golden Snitch...

Tomorrow's release time is after 12:05 noon. There is no zero-hour update. You don't have to wait at night. As long as I am not busy tomorrow at noon, I will try to update as soon as possible.


"Have you heard? Professor Quirrell seems to be on leave."

"It's only been a month since school started... Could it be that the curse of the mysterious man will become stronger by itself?"

"Professor Quirrell just went out on business, and it's not that he just resigned..."

"Whatever the reason, at least we don't have to smell that bad smell this morning."

"I just don't know who the substitute teacher is."

"I guess it's Professor Snape. Everyone knows that he has been coveting this position for a long time."

"Oh no...then I'd rather take Professor Quirrell's class..."

A new week began again, and Harry, who came to the auditorium for dinner, heard a few senior students next to him discussing about Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Before he could ask, Fish who was eating beside him cheered, "That's great meow! The stinky guy is gone!"

"Don't be so happy so early," Fred approached with a smirk. "If I remember correctly, your first-year Defense Against the Dark Arts class should be on Wednesday. Maybe Professor Quirrell will have returned by then."

"Meow! How could this happen!" ∑(●ΦДΦ●)
Fisher's mood immediately sank.

The little witches around him immediately glared at Fred, including Angelina.

Fred's smile froze immediately, and he was full of regret in his heart. He just teased Fish out of habit, and accidentally ignored Fisher's popularity among girls.

"Ahem, what I'm talking about is just a possibility," Fred quickly added, "If we're lucky, we might not see Professor Quirrell for a week or two."

Fish, who was chewing his food, glanced at Fred, but ignored him.

Fred tried a few more times unwillingly, but Fish found him annoying, so he ate the food on the plate in a few mouthfuls, and then turned into a cat and ran away, causing him to suffer more glares from the little witches.

Fisch, who left the dining table, was naturally unaware of Fred's tragic experience. He stopped and stopped all the way, and arrived at the Charms classroom before class began.

Fish, who no longer needed to delve into the transfiguration technique, returned to his original style, directly got into the drawer of the desk, and began to sleep.

When Professor Flitwick stood on the podium and looked around the classroom, he immediately noticed that Fish was missing from the students.

"Where's Little Fish? Didn't he come to class?"

"Meow~" (=ΦωΦ=)

Hearing the little man's inquiry, Fish poked his head out from the desk and greeted him.

"Oh, you're here," Professor Flitwick nodded, and then asked curiously, "So, you succeeded?"

Regarding Fisher's recent abnormal behavior, the professors knew the reason for a long time ago. Professor McGonagall greeted them at the beginning and asked them to find a way to keep Fisher's enthusiasm for learning... although they didn't see anything effectiveness.

"Success meow!"

Speaking of this, Fish immediately felt relieved. He regained his human form, took out a golden snitch from his pocket and held it up high. (●ΦωΦ●)
"Look! I found this from a strange room, so I don't have to learn that troublesome Transfiguration meow!"

Fisch triumphantly displayed the toys in his hand.


Professor Flitwick scratched his bald forehead. This development was beyond his expectation. As for the strange room that Fish was talking about, as an old professor who has worked in Hogwarts for many years, Flitwick is more or less familiar with it. I know a little bit.

"Okay, then you're really lucky." Professor Flitwick couldn't think of a way to make Fish continue to listen to the class seriously, so he could only let him go as before, "Go on to sleep, other students Turn the textbook to page seven..."

"I think I might know how Wood lost the Snitch last time."

Ron elbowed Harry beside him, and said in a low voice while flipping through the book.

"I guessed it too." Harry lowered his head and suppressed a smile.

Wood, who had been run over by the Twins for so long over the incident, also led by example by punishing himself by running five laps around the field.

Now it seems that Wood was really wronged.

But Harry wouldn't sympathize with Wood, even if the culprit wasn't Fish. After all, Wood was too tortured during training, and there was no one in the team who didn't hate him.

Harry and Ron were gloating at Wood's misfortune, while Hermione on the other side was moaning.

After a lot of effort, Fish became fond of studying, and it took less than two weeks for him to return to his original state.

But Hermione thought about it again, in this way, the library would return to its former tranquility, which was another good thing for her.

Sure enough, it is impossible to have the best of both worlds in this world.

Hermione sighed silently again, and took notes seriously.

When the morning's Charms class ended, the news that Fisch's enthusiasm for learning had finally exhausted spread throughout Hogwarts immediately, but it didn't cause much waves, it just gave everyone a topic to talk about.

After all, Fish just returned to his original appearance, so there was nothing surprising about it. On the contrary, they finally figured out why Fish worked so hard and satisfied their curiosity.

"I'll just say it's the role of Professor McGonagall!"

Hermione, who guessed the reason, looked proud in front of her study group partners.

Except for Professor Quirrell who was punished by Voldemort, the only one who was distressed by this was Professor McGonagall.

She didn't expect that Fish would directly find a Snitch who was not under Ms. Hooch's control, which made her unable to find an excuse to continue fooling Fish.

Do you want to think of a way to make Fish's golden snitch accidentally "lose"?Then he used the reason of finding the Golden Snitch back to trick him into continuing his studies...

Professor McGonagall thought in her heart that the success of the previous little tricks allowed her to find the right direction of educating Fish, and she also found the fun of fighting wits and courage between the two before Fish entered school.

"Meow!" (=>ω<=)

I don't know that Professor McGonagall is calculating his own Fish at this time. After the day's class, as soon as he returns to the Gryffindor common room, he releases the golden snitch in his pocket, and then turns into a kitten to rest Indoor fluttering.

"Actually, Fish is better suited to be a Seeker than I am."

Harry watched Fish easily play the Snitch between the two furry little paws, and couldn't help sighing to Ron.

Originally, he was quite confident in his flying talent, but after seeing Fisher's performance, he instantly felt that his ability was nothing at all.

Ron patted his friend on the shoulder and comforted him: "But we can't make Fish obey the rules obediently, can we? As you saw that day, Fish has no interest in Quidditch at all, and Wood can't do anything about him." No."

"Also, Quidditch games don't allow players to turn into cats."

Simo also added on the side.

"Seamo is right, you are the most suitable Seeker for our team, and besides..." George walked over and put his arms around Ron's shoulders, "Don't let Wood hear what you said. , my dear brother number four."

Although he said not to let Wood hear him, George deliberately raised his voice, and at the same time glanced at the crowd, "After all, Fish is so smart, it's too normal that Wood can't fool him!"

Harry followed his gaze and saw that Oliver Wood was looking at Fisher who was playing with the ball with red eyes, and resentment was written on his resolute face.

And after hearing George's sarcasm that deliberately amplified his voice, Wood's eyes widened and he looked over, breathing heavily from his nostrils like an angry bull.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly?! Why don't you hurry up and follow me to the stadium for training!"

Wood strode over, grabbed George with one hand and Ron with the other, and dragged them outside.

"Wait, wait a minute, Wood! Could it be too early?!"

George, who had the same problem as Fred, immediately regretted it. Fred in the morning was a lesson from the past, and he foolishly said the same thing.

"I think the team's running-in is not enough! So we practiced earlier today! Angelina! Come along!"

Wood was unmoved, and called out to several other team members who were watching the show.

In any case, Wood is the captain of the team. No matter how reluctant Angelina and the others were, they still followed in dejection. Of course, they didn't have a good look at George, the instigator.

"Meow?" ω

Fisher, who was taken aback by Wood's roar, glanced at the startled humans, and flicked his tail lightly.

Inexplicable meow.

Tilting his head, Fisher, who didn't want to understand what they were yelling about, turned his attention back to the Snitch, and continued to flutter under the fiery gazes of the little witches.

"Meow~~~" (=>ω<=)


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 Tomorrow's release time is after 12:05 noon. There is no zero-hour update. You don't have to wait at night. As long as I am not busy tomorrow at noon, I will try to update as soon as possible.

  Regarding the name of the fans, there can only be four characters at most. If you have any ideas, you can come up with it. If there is no better name, I will call it "shit shovel officer" first, and I don't know if it will crash.

  Added several new character cards.


  Thanks to Long Haomiao, Hai Liuxin, Xiaohunzi, Nan Ding'er, and Squirrel for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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