Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 61 Cats play with balls, just right

Chapter 61 Cats play with balls, just right

Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, has been in a tizzy lately.

Originally, he found a flying genius who was also the favorite of the whole school. Wood was also very happy. After he knew about Fish's situation, he immediately thought about it.

If Fish can be recruited into the school team, not only can the hard power of the team be improved, but it can also get the support of most of the audience during the game, which will be of great benefit to the morale of the entire team.

As a result, before Wood had time to trick Fish into the team, he was brutally rejected by his own dean.

It doesn't matter, Fish's situation is special, Wood can understand.

Anyway, later he relied on the trials to find a good Seeker, who was the legendary "Boy Who Lived", which can be regarded as a weakened version of Fisher, and compared to Fisher's mischievous, Harry should be more It is easier to communicate, the only disadvantage is that he does not know the rules of Quidditch very well, so it takes a little time for training.

The results of it?
Harry the Seeker had just got his broom, and before he could start training, he and the substitute Ron ran to fight with the Slytherin students, and he was imprisoned for three days!
Their team was already pressed for time due to lack of personnel!This situation is still happening now!

If it weren't for the nearly two months before the start of the Quidditch season, Wood would have suspected that Harry and the others had been fooled by the Slytherin guys.

Because Gryffindor's first game was against Slytherin, and Slytherin had a precedent for this kind of off-court trick.

Fortunately, with the end of the confinement of Harry and Ron, their team is finally complete now.

Wood wiped his face vigorously, he beckoned to gather the players together, and everyone stood in a circle on the Quidditch pitch.

"Although due to various reasons, our training progress has lagged behind, but we Gryffindors will not be defeated by such a small difficulty!"

Before the training started, Wood cheered on the players as in previous years. He raised his fist and shouted: "This year's champion must be our Gryffindor!"


The Gryffindor players also raised their fists high and shouted in unison in response.

"Then... all lift off!"

Following Wood's order, the Gryffindor Quidditch players boarded their respective brooms, rose into the air to spread out, and started today's training.

"Meow?" (=ΦωΦ=)

Fish, who was lying on the window sill of the tower in the shape of a cat, looking at the sky with the evening wind, took it for granted that he saw the broomsticks slowly rising in the distance, and beside those brooms, Fish also looked at the sky. There are a few balls flying around.

There is only one Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts, so the training time of the four colleges is staggered. When the teams of the other three colleges are training, Fish is either attending class with Gryffindor or in the castle. hang out.

So this was the first time Fish had seen the Quidditch team practice.

Now he was immediately interested.

Although Fish has reconciled with Minerva now, and he doesn't intend to confront her, and his interest in broomsticks has decreased a lot now, if he only saw a group of people riding broomsticks, Fish would be far away at best. Take a look at it from a distance.

But who let there still be several balls scurrying around?
No kitten can resist a ball flying around!

What's more, there is more than one!
Fish just looked at it from a distance, and the little paws were already ready to move, and the tail behind him flicked restlessly.

Fish stood up from the window sill to estimate the distance, and found that it would take a lot of time for him to run over. It would be fine to use the gliding technique to float over, but then he would fall directly to the ground and would not be able to reach the sky at all. Those few balls.

So Fish thought for a while, turned his head and jumped off the window sill, and ran to the owl hut.

After reconciling with Minerva, she finally relented and allowed Fish to ride an owl, but only if he could not fly too far from Hogwarts, and he was not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest.

Fish was a good boy, so he agreed.

Anyway, as long as Minerva doesn't catch him, he's just an obedient cat.

Arriving at the owl hut, Austin had gone out to deliver the letter, so Fisher went directly to Hedwig, the snowy owl raised by Scarhead.

Naturally, Hedwig would not refuse Fisher's request. Anyway, Harry rarely needed it to deliver letters. As an owl with an owner, it couldn't deliver letters for others like Hogwarts' public owl, so Hedwig was usually free. Incredibly.

Naturally, Fish would not treat his friend badly, he took out a few pieces of dried meat and nuts from the small bag given by the bad old man and fed them to Hedwig, counting it as the reward for this flight.

After Hedwig swallowed all the rewards Fish gave, Fish then changed back to his original appearance, and lightly jumped onto Hedwig's back.

Hedwig flapped her wings and flew out of the window with Fish on her back.

"Meow~" (there.)
Fish, who was lying on Hedwig's back, stretched out his small paws, and pointed to the training position of Wood and the others. Hedwig's wings turned slightly, drawing a graceful arc in the air, and flew towards the Quidditch pitch.

Harry, who was riding the Nimbus 2000 in the night sky looking for the Snitch, suddenly noticed a familiar white figure flashing past out of the corner of his eye.

He stopped the broom and looked to the side, and saw a white snowy owl flying towards this side.


Harry was slightly taken aback. Although he couldn't see clearly in the dark, and he was not the only one who raised snowy owls in the school, he was inexplicably sure that the white bird in the distance was his Hedwig.

"Harry! What are you doing stupidly?!"

Wood noticed that Harry stopped suddenly, and shouted at him at the top of his voice.

And Fred quickly flew to Harry's side to protect him. This kind of standing still in the air is the most likely to attract Bludgers.

"Sorry, Wood." Harry also knew that he had delayed the training, he first apologized, and then pointed to Hedwig in the distance, "My owl seems to have flown to find me."

"What important things did you buy?"

Wood blew the whistle hanging around his neck, and everyone stopped training when they heard the sound. George and Fred worked together to put the Bludger back into the crate, and he himself flew to Harry and asked with a frown. road.


Harry Potter was at a loss, and he didn't know why Hedwig suddenly flew to find him.

At this time, Hedwig was already very close, and everyone noticed that there seemed to be something on its back.

Without waiting for everyone to watch carefully, Fish jumped up from Hedwig's back, transformed into a human figure in the air, and floated over with the gliding technique.

"Where are those balls?! Take them out and let me play with them!" (●ω●)
Fish, who was floating in the air, shouted at Harry and the others with bright eyes.


Recommended monthly ticket

 Gryffindor's training is at night, and there are three times a week. If you don't count extra training, seven days a week is not enough for four colleges, and there are astronomy classes at night, and there is no mention of joint training in the book The situation is that the Snake Academy often came to grab the Lion Academy's venue with the help of Snape, so other academies must have practiced during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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