Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 59 Fish's Friends

Chapter 59 Fish's Friends
Although in Gryffindor, Harry has similar popularity to Fish (only boys), but on Filch's side, the popularity of the savior is not so good.

Filch, who ignored the identity of Harry's savior, found a hard job for them-cleaning the cellar.

It was also the first time Harry knew that there was actually a hidden cellar about the same size as the auditorium directly under the auditorium.

"The things in the cellar have been temporarily moved away. Your task tonight is to clean it up."

Filch threw the bucket, mop and other tools to the feet of Harry and the others, and then pointed to the skinny cat with gray fur beside him.

"Remember, no magic is allowed, Mrs. Norris will watch you."

"You are joking?!"

Malfoy couldn't hold on to his faux pas any longer, and screamed, eyes wide.

"Fortunately," Filch grinned, showing a sinister smile, and said with some regret in his tone, "That means the old-fashioned way of punishment in the past is now abolished... hang your wrists, You're hanging from the ceiling for days. I still have those chains in my office, and I've been oiling them so they might come in handy one day..."

It seems that not only the savior's popularity is not working well, even Malfoy's almighty father is also not working with Filch.

This is probably the only piece of good news in tonight's confinement.

Harry thought bitterly, and glanced at Malfoy who was not far away. At this time, he seemed like a chicken that was strangled, and he didn't dare to make a sound at all, obviously because of Filch's words. I was startled.

In fact, Harry reckoned that his complexion might not look good... After all, this cellar is really too big.

After scaring Harry and the others, Filch nodded in satisfaction, and left the cellar with the oil lamp in his hand. He didn't have so much time to waste here. These little bastards are not the twins, and they don't need their own Personal supervision.

After Filch left, Harry and the others divided into two groups in a tacit understanding, and each chose a side to start cleaning the cellar.


"Merlin's crutch... Comey and the others must be lazy!"

After finally cleaning a corner, Ron leaned on a mop and wiped the sweat from his face indiscriminately, "These dirt will never accumulate for more than ten days!"


Malfoy gave him a cold look, and sneered aloud.

As the eldest son of the Malfoy family, since Filch is not here, he will naturally not do these hard work. Malfoy left the work to Crabbe and Goyle, and he sat on the ground like a god. On an upside-down bucket.

"Do you still want to fight?"

Originally dissatisfied with Malfoy's lazy behavior, Ron immediately raised the mop in his hand and glared at Malfoy.

Ron, who had already beaten Malfoy once, had a psychological advantage at this time, so he was not at all cowardly now.

Crabbe and Goyle quickly put down their work, and immediately stood in front of Malfoy.

They were scolded by Malfoy after they went back because they were not stopped in time before, but this time they couldn't let Ron succeed no matter what.

On the other side, Harry also stood beside Ron, confronting Malfoy and the others.


However, they failed to fight this time. A slightly shrill meow stopped the conflict between the two sides. Mrs. Norris came out from the darkness, staring at Harry and the others with her big eyes.

"Hmph! You are lucky!"

Malfoy snorted coldly, and sat back on the bucket again.

"That's exactly what I wanted to say!"

Originally, Ron was somewhat afraid of the strong Goyle and Crabbe, but now that he couldn't fight, he naturally couldn't lose to Malfoy verbally.

After replying with a harsh word without hesitation, Ron went back to work with the mop in hand.

"I really don't like cats..."

Ron whispered to Harry as he cleaned up the stubborn stains on the floor.

As a person who keeps mice as pets, it is very normal for Ron not to like cats, but the appearance of Fish made him have an illusion, and the existence of Mrs. Norris helped him to expose this situation. kind of illusion.

Harry smiled wryly. He liked cats quite a bit, except for Mrs. Norris.

Five little wizards, four to be precise, worked hard for more than two hours, and finally cleaned most of the cellar, but at this time they were too tired to lift their hands.

"No, I have to rest for a while."

Ron threw away the rag in his hand, followed Malfoy's example, turned an empty bucket upside down, and sat down on it.

Seeing this, Harry took a bucket and sat beside him.

Mrs. Norris, who was lying in the corner, glanced at them, and then lay back again.

Its task is to monitor students not using magic to work, and not forbid them to rest, otherwise Malfoy would not be allowed to do nothing there.

But in the next second, Mrs. Norris jumped up from the ground and ran towards the entrance.

Harry and the others thought it was Filch who had returned, so they quickly stood up and went back to work. Even Malfoy picked up a mop to pretend.

However, what came in from the door was a small silver-gray figure.

This is Fish who just came out of the kitchen. He found Mrs. Norris following the smell.

"Meow~" (=ΦωΦ=)

Fish first greeted Mrs. Norris, then changed into a human form, took out the food he had just brought from the kitchen from the non-traceable stretch bag Dumbledore gave him, and placed it in front of Mrs. Norris.

After finishing all this, Fish turned to look at Harry and the others, "Why are you here too?"

Ron scratched his cheek and replied, "I'm locked up."

At this time, Fish has already understood the concept of confinement, "You are too careless meow, you can't be caught by Minerva if you cause trouble."

Ron twitched the corner of his mouth and didn't correct Fish.

At this time, Fish noticed the injury on Malfoy's face again, "Meow? Did you fight Scarhead too?"

"That's right, the three of us, Harry and Malfoy, had a fierce fight, that's why we were locked up."

Ron, who was worried that Malfoy would slip up, quickly took up the conversation.

Malfoy on the side gave him an annoyed look, thinking that Ron deliberately didn't want him to talk to Fish.

However, before he could open his mouth to explain the reason of the matter, Fish had already understood the matter in his own way.

"When I was wandering around, those same kind always fought," Fish raised his head proudly, "But none of them can beat me!" o(* ̄ω ̄*)o

Malfoy still wanted to speak, but Fish didn't plan to stay here any longer. He took out some food from his pocket and distributed it to the five people present, then waved his hands and walked out of the cellar.

"I have to deliver food to Lu Wei..." At this time, Fish suddenly remembered the content of the storybook he had read before. The protagonists in it liked to introduce their friends to other people, so he immediately added : "You come to find me on the fourth floor after confinement, I will introduce Lu Wei to you to meet meow."

After Fish left, Harry and Malfoy rolled their eyes at each other, returned to their respective areas with the food Fish gave them, and gnawed silently...

They were indeed starving after so much work.

And Dumbledore, who was hiding aside, stroked his beard... Now he didn't need to find a way to lure Harry to the fourth floor.

Fisher is indeed a good boy!


Recommended monthly ticket

 If Dumbledore really wanted to hide the Sorcerer's Stone, he could just carry it with him or throw it in the principal's office. There is no need to set up any checkpoints. Most of the checkpoints are not dangerous, and the means of cracking them are not complicated. It's not like it's used to deter thieves.


  Thanks to Zi Mishuang Lun, Jessica, and Squirrel for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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