Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 48

Chapter 48
"Over there! Over there!"

"Nice turn!"

"Ahhh! We're about to collide!"

"Can you escape like this?"

On the Quidditch practice ground, a group of Gryffindor students watching the excitement were yelling.

After two rounds of preliminary testing, it has basically been determined that the Gryffindor team's Seeker will be produced between Harry Potter and Alicia Spinnet, but who will be handed over to? Captain Wood and Professor McGonagall were undecided.

In terms of flying, there is not much difference between Harry Potter and Alicia Spinnet for the time being, but this has already proved Harry's talent in flying. Just a flight lesson.

But Aliya's advantage lies in her rich flying and competition experience, and Harry doesn't even know the specific rules of Quidditch, and he is still a first-year freshman, which makes Wood hesitate.

"Why don't you come to a mock game?"

George and Fred, who were not interested in being Seekers, saw Wood's hesitation and directly proposed.

"Maybe they can have a better performance in the confrontation."

If you simply look for and chase the golden snitch, what you can see is indeed very limited, so Wood quickly adopted the twins' opinion.

He divided Harry and Aliya into two teams and added two Bludgers, leaving George and Fred to join the teams with Ron and Seamus respectively as batsmen.

Because the main purpose is to select the Seeker and test the situation of the two in the confrontation, the Quaffle and the Chaser used to score are omitted.

The main reason is that their manpower is not enough to form two complete teams.

So this abbreviated version of the small mock competition began.

The differences between Harry and Arya are quickly revealed after the confrontation that joins them.

What is surprising is that Harry Potter, a novice with serious inexperience, when he dodges the Bludger, he showed his adaptability and flying talent in an emergency that he had not fully shown before. Made one amazing flying move after another in the air, easily getting rid of the multiple attacks of the Bludger.

In contrast, Aliya seemed a little mediocre at this time. Although she relied on her rich game experience in the past and successfully avoided the Bludgers that attacked her several times, she was still obvious when it came to responding on the spot. A lot less ground than Harry, which also made her need the help of the batsman more than Harry.

While Aliya was still concentrating on avoiding the Bludger, Harry had already discovered the traces of the Golden Snitch. He first led another Bludger to Arya's side, and then shot at a nearly ninety-degree Angle's climb breaks away quickly.

After getting rid of the pursuit of the two Bludgers, he controlled the broom without hesitation and rushed towards the Golden Snitch.

"It's Potter! It's Harry Potter who caught the Snitch!"

A moment later, Harry held up the golden snitch in his hand, causing the lion cubs below to cheer.

After calming down his excitement, Harry controlled the broomstick to slowly fall from the sky.

"Harry! You're amazing!"

Ron jumped off his broomstick, threw himself at Harry's side and hugged him, and shouted excitedly, "You will be the Seeker of Gryffindor in the future!"

Except for Ron, the other players of the Gryffindor team also gathered around, chattering non-stop at Harry, and even Alicia Spinnet, who lost to him, looked delighted.

As players, they could feel Harry's talent as a Seeker even more.

"Professor McGonagall, I have a bold idea!"

Team captain Wood didn't rush to Harry's side with his team members, but said to Professor McGonagall beside him with shining eyes.

"I want Harry to be the team's primary Seeker directly!"

"Although it has been a long time since there has been no precedent for a first-year player to become a regular player..." Professor McGonagall's mouth slightly curled up, "But I agree, Wood, I will go to Dumbledore to talk about this year's Quidditch Cup, Gryffindor will definitely make a big difference."

"That's right!"

Wood nodded his head vigorously, full of pride in his heart.

He really didn't expect that even if he lost Fish, the flying genius, Harry, the talented Seeker, could still be selected among the freshmen. Wood was very grateful that he specially held this trial because of Fish.

And in addition to Harry Potter, the twins' younger brother, Ron Weasley, also has some talent in flying and can join training as a substitute.

"Next, we've got to get Harry a decent broom, Professor - I think a Nimbus 2000 or a Sweeping Seven."

Wood looked at Harry who was surrounded from a distance, muttering in his mouth.

"It's a shame that a Seeker doesn't have a broom that's fast enough."

Professor McGonagall didn't speak, she walked towards Harry Potter.


The arrival of Professor McGonagall quieted down the surrounding Gryffindors.

"Wood and I have decided to make you Gryffindor's Seeker," Professor McGonagall's sharp eyes fell on Harry through the lens, "I hope you can train hard in the future, don't let me change idea."

"Yes, yes! Professor!"

Harry subconsciously stood up straight, and replied a little nervously.

Professor McGonagall stared at him with a serious expression for a long time, until Harry's forehead began to sweat, and she smiled faintly.

"Your father would be proud of you," she said. "He used to be a good Quidditch player."

After speaking, Professor McGonagall left Harry, who was full of thoughts, and turned to leave the Quidditch pitch.

"God Harry! Did you hear that?! You're a Seeker! Not a substitute! An official Seeker!"

Ron jumped on his back in excitement, yelling.

"You must be the youngest team player in many years!"

"A century, to be exact."

Wood, who was full of smiles, came over. He reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder, and then said to the excited Ron: "Also, I think you can join the academy team, but the team is full now. You have to start off the bench."

"Of course! I problem!"

Ron was hit by this huge surprise, and his whole body became a little dizzy.

His performance in the test just now was only slightly better than Seamo's. He thought that he was just a make-up player who focused on participation, but he didn't expect to be included in the academy team.

Just when Ron was full of joy, two familiar arms rested on his shoulders, one left and one right.

"Oh~ my dear red-haired number four, the cooperation between our brothers will definitely be as tacit as we did with Charlie back then."

George smiled maliciously.

"But before that, you have to go through hard training."

Fred, who also had a malicious expression on his face, continued, emphasizing the word "hard work".

"Of course, you don't have to worry, as brothers, we will definitely take good care of you."

When George talked about "care", he also emphasized his tone.

Under the words of the two "good brothers", Ron's elation cooled down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Thinking that he would have to be with the twin brothers when he was training in Quidditch in the future, Ron Weasley suddenly felt that joining the academy team did not seem to be a particularly happy thing.


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 I saw someone bring up the issue of the protagonist's growth rate, and the situation where he is too naughty now.

  The protagonist will definitely gradually become obedient, or become like a human being. This is the main line of this book, but the time will definitely not be short.

  It has been less than 3 years since Fisher became a talent, during which time he mostly acted like a cat. In this case, it was only a week or two after school started, which is unlikely.

  And I have already arranged a little change in detail, that is, after Fisher realized that the deduction of points was actually a bad thing, he showed apology.

  It's just that Fish chose to use the thinking of a cat to solve this problem, that is, try not to be caught and dragged into the water...

  Someone also mentioned Luo Xiaohei, I am right that Fisher's human form is based on Xiaohei's, but they are essentially different. Xiaohei was a cat demon from the beginning, and the demon actively chose to transform into a human. Fish was just a wild cat at first, and it was only an accident that he became a human. So far, he still recognizes his identity as a cat, and his thinking and habits are still dominated by cats.

  And there is one thing to say, it is rare for a cat to be as well-behaved as Xiao Hei.


  Thanks to Xinghai-Liu, Eat VV Hao, Kapeng Becky, King Slime, Dark Tan Yuankong, Unknown Doctor, It’s Raining in the Sky, Murong_Liuyue, Magenta Demon, Nandinger, and Roger Otarios reward.

(End of this chapter)

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