Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 13 What kind of bad intentions can a kitten have?

Chapter 13 What kind of bad intentions can a kitten have?
Although Fish has never really seen what kind of place Honeydukes is, but in Minerva's previous "deception", he already knew that all those delicious snacks were taken from a place called Honeydukes .

Fish, who had wandered in the human world for a long time, had the concept of a store... It was a place where he could exchange paper and metal for various things.

So when Minerva proposed to take her to the legendary Honeydukes, of course Fish couldn't hold back.

He quickly jumped off the beam, transformed into a human form in mid-air, and landed firmly in front of Professor McGonagall.

"Oh! Merlin's beard!"

Professor McGonagall was taken aback by Fish's actions, she hurried forward to hug him, and checked his situation up and down.

After discovering that Fish was not injured, Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, then she put Fish down, and sternly reprimanded: "Don't do such a dangerous move in the future!"


Fish tilted his head suspiciously, jumping from this height is not dangerous at all.

But this matter is not important to Fish, and it is serious to go to Honeydukes as soon as possible.

"Where are the clothes to change?"

Fisher tore off the robe that was on his body with three swipes, and tugged at Professor McGonagall's robe naked.

"Didn't I say that you are not allowed to be naked?"

Professor McGonagall knocked on Fish's little head angrily, and then called Comey, and brought over the clothes he had prepared long ago.

Under the careful guidance of Professor McGonagall, Fish put on a full set of clothes, and finally put the previous robe on his body.

"Why does Meow wear so many strange things Meow?"

After finishing dressing, Fish twisted his body and complained non-stop. Even though Professor McGonagall specially prepared a set of relatively loose clothes for him, he still felt very uncomfortable.

Especially the shoes and socks on the feet, Fish felt extremely awkward.

Why do human beings specially wear this kind of shoes to make the sound of their footsteps obvious?

"Come on, Fish, it's time to go to Honeydukes."

Professor McGonagall's call interrupted Fisher's attempt to reduce the sound of footsteps as much as possible. He immediately ignored the sound of footsteps and rushed to Professor McGonagall's side, then looked up at his little face and looked at Professor McGonagall.

Smiling, he touched Fish's head, and Professor McGonagall took his hand and walked out.

This was Fisher's first time wandering around in Hogsmeade village. From the moment he walked out of the door, Fisher turned his little head tirelessly, curious about everything around him.

Because this is also the first time Fisch enters human society with a human appearance, which is completely different from his usual cat perspective.

Although the wizarding society in front of me is not the same as the human society that Fish used to know, but for a cat, there is not much difference between the two. Anyway, they are both new to Fish.

It was Hogwarts' summer vacation at this time, and there were no students in Hogsmeade, but there were still residents of the village, as well as a large number of wizards who came to have fun, and some of them were professors who came from Hogwarts to relax.

Regarding the fact that Professor McGonagall adopted a natural Animagus, although there was no publicity, most of the professors and the residents of the village had heard some news.

So when they saw Professor McGonagall leading a little boy he had never seen before, everyone gave Fish a friendly smile.

"Good morning, Minerva, is he the child?"

"What a cute little guy, Professor McGonagall, is he the natural Animagus?"

"Haha, no wonder you adopted Minerva, this little guy is as cute as a kitten!"

Similar words kept coming from different wizards, and Professor McGonagall responded politely one by one, but Fish didn't respond at all. He only found these friendly words noisy.

Professor McGonagall didn't intend to teach Fish the manners so soon. While greeting the acquaintances around, she led Fish to the door of the Honeydukes candy shop.

However, at this time, Fisher did not pay attention to the candy store he was thinking about. His big green eyes were almost completely occupied by black pupils at this time, and he stared at a person across the street without blinking. house.

That's where the post office in Hogsmeade village is, and there are at least two hundred owls in it, ranging from great gray falcons to pocket bards.

These owls are perched on color-coded shelves for the wizards in Hogsmeade to choose from. Fish can clearly see owls, big and small, through the window of the post office.


Minerva's long-drawn call came to his ears, and Fisher, who was subconsciously licking his lips, looked away reluctantly.

"Remember what I told you earlier?"

"Owls are friends, not food meow..."

Fish pursed his lips and replied reluctantly.

Professor McGonagall didn't care how reluctant Fish was, she only knew that if she hadn't been watching, the owls in the post office would have been killed by this kid.

In order to prevent the little guy from continuing to miss the owl in the post office, Professor McGonagall forcibly dragged Fish by the arm and dragged him into Honeydukes.

"Welcome, Minerva."

Honeydukes' proprietress, Mrs. Froome, who looks about the same age as Professor McGonagall, came forward.

During the recent period, Professor McGonagall is a frequent visitor in Honey Dukes. Coupled with the similar age of the two, Mrs. Froome unexpectedly found that she and the serious and old-fashioned Professor McGonagall in the rumors are actually pretty good.

"This little gentleman is Fish, right? When we meet for the first time, I will give you a small gift."

Mrs. Froome took a bag of pear candy from the shelf next to it and put it in Fisch's hands.

Fish had long been dazzled by the dazzling array of candies in the store, and he didn't come back to his senses until Mrs. Froome put the hard pear candy in his hand.

"Meow! Minerva! Are all these things for me?!"

"how is this possible!"

Professor McGonagall laughed and said: "You can choose three kinds of snacks to take home today, and if you do well in the future, I will bring you to buy new ones... Well, the pear candy in your hand does not count."

Fish looked at the lonely bag of hard pear candies in his hand, and then looked at the dazzling variety of candies around him...

Breaking free from Professor McGonagall's grasp with lightning speed, Fish opened his arms and picked up a large handful of candies from the shelf next to him, and rushed out of the store with his head down.


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 I copied the saved manuscript to the background today, and found that the number of words in several chapters was greatly missing. I used Notepad to code the words. I usually use the file size to estimate the number of words. I don’t know what went wrong with those chapters. suddenly became larger, resulting in a deviation in the word count estimate.

  Damn, this kind of thing can happen to me...

  Today, I basically spend all my time organizing and saving manuscripts. I haven’t packed my luggage yet, and I don’t have much cat food. I have to buy some before I leave.


  There are also rewards from everyone. I have been really busy recently, and I don’t have time to confirm them one by one. I will send a separate chapter to thank you when I come back. Anyway, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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