Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 102 Fisch's Christmas Gift

Chapter 102 Fisch's Christmas Present
Although he was very resistant to writing greeting cards, Fish still took advantage of his spare time and finished writing 210 four greeting cards with Professor McGonagall.

And at the suggestion of Professor McGonagall, he also printed a cat paw print on each greeting card.

And when Fish finished writing the greeting card with great difficulty, Hogwarts Christmas vacation began, and the school suddenly lost more than half of the people, and it became a little deserted. Only him, Scar There are three people on the head, Red-haired No. [-].

But none of this matters to Fish, the important thing is...

He doesn't have to do homework after the holiday!

"I'm starting to like Christmas again meow!" (●ΦωΦ●)
After learning that there would be no classes or homework for a long time to come, Fish jumped up and down in the common room excitedly.

And because of the holiday, Professor McGonagall also relaxed the restrictions on Fish. Originally, he could only go to the Forbidden Forest on weekends. During the Christmas holiday, Fish could go every day.

It's just that because the weather is too cold, Fisch doesn't go to the Forbidden Forest every day. He still stays in the warm dormitory most of the time, either sleeping or playing games such as crackling and exploding cards with Harry and others who stayed in school. .

In addition, he will also wander around the castle as before, go to various professors and school staff to mix some snacks, or go to the Room of Requirement to drill a cat climbing frame, or go to the owl shack Find an owl and let it take itself out for a flight.

Occasionally, when I think of a new idea, I will go to Lu Wei's to try it out, to see if I can break through its defense and slip into the trapdoor, but unfortunately I failed after several attempts.

In such leisurely days, the time soon came to December 25th.

"my God!"

Early in the morning on Christmas Day, Ron's exaggerated screams sounded in the dormitory.

Awakened, Fish poked his head out of the bed and was startled.

"Meow!" ∑(=ΦДΦ=)
The dormitory, which seemed a little empty because Neville and the others had left, was now filled with gift boxes of all sizes.

The area near Fisher's bed was even more severely affected. His bed was completely surrounded by layers of gift boxes. When he got out of the bed, he saw boxes full of eyes.


Accompanied by a burst of noise, Ron's head opened a few boxes and came in from the outside, "Merry Christmas, Fish!" After greeting, he said enviously: "As expected of you, actually To receive so many Christmas presents."

Only then did Fish, who was stunned, come to his senses. Today is Christmas, and these are Christmas presents given to him by others.

"Unwrapping the present, meow!" (●ω●)

Fish excitedly jumped up from the bed, transformed into a cat-man form, and threw himself into the pile of gifts.

Because there were too many presents, Ron and Harry leaned over to help Fish unwrap the presents, but put their own presents aside first.

"Snacks again, chocolate frogs from Hannah Abbott."

Ron, who had already taken out several snacks, skillfully placed the card on the box on Fisher's bed, and then stuffed the chocolate frog into the magic pocket that had already been opened.

"Mine is a snack too," said Harry, doing the same thing as Ron. "It's Blowing Super Bubblegum from Arya."

"This is finally not edible," Ron opened another one, "Oh, it's a gift from Seamus, a box of Crackling Explosion's actually a limited edition!"

"Professor Dumbledore sent... er... a big box of cockroach piles."

"Hagrid sent a... er... a whole rock pie."

After taking out several more foods, Harry made another discovery.

"I also unwrapped a gift that wasn't food... Tsk! It's a gift from Master Brain..."

Probably some kind of evil fate, what he opened was a gift from Malfoy.

Harry glanced at it in disgust, curled his lips and said contemptuously, "A golden cat statue really fits his flamboyant style."


Hearing that it had something to do with cats, Fish stopped what he was doing, stretched out his hand to take the statue that Harry handed over, looked it up and down, and found two words written in beautiful cursive characters on the base.

"Fat Cat?" Fisher said the two words casually with a puzzled look on his face, "This cat is not fat."ω

Just when Fisch was puzzled, the golden cat statue in his hand suddenly came alive, and the originally smooth metal surface also turned into a furry texture.

The revived golden kitten first licked Fisch's fingers with its cold tongue, and then arched its head on his palm, making a milky meowing sound from its mouth.

However, the cat's meow was meaningless to Fish, and it was a bit like the sound of a kitten calling a big cat, but there were some differences in pitch.

Fish raised the meowing golden kitten in front of him, put his nose close and sniffed it... a smell similar to that of Galleon.

So he instantly lost interest in the golden kitten.

"It was transformed by Transfiguration again, it's boring meow."

Throwing the golden kitten on the bed casually, Fish continued to unwrap other presents, and the golden kitten moved around on the bed for a while before turning into a motionless statue again.

After unwrapping a few more presents, the door of their dormitory was flung open, and Fred and George in blue sweaters rushed in.

"Merry Christmas!"

After the two finished shouting, they saw the mountain of Christmas presents in Fisher's bedroom.

"Oh... this is really..."

"Amazing scene."

"But it's understandable."

"It's Fisher after all."

The twins spoke one by one, and joined the unwrapping of the presents, and Percy soon followed.

The six people worked hard to unwrap the presents, and when they were hungry, they took some food from the gift pile to eat. After spending most of the morning, they finally unwrapped all of Fisch's Christmas presents.

Most of the gifts Fish received were all kinds of food. Obviously, everyone knew that Fish was a snack.

Among these foods, there are some that Fish usually eats, and some that he has never seen before. I haven't seen them at all, and then Fisher generously distributed some to them.

But even if it was divided into one circle, there was still too much food left over. Even the non-marking stretch bag that Dumbledore gave Fish couldn't hold it, so the extra part could only be temporarily piled aside.

Besides food, what Fish received most were all kinds of toys, some from the wizarding world, and some from the Muggle side. After Fish had seen them, he temporarily threw them aside.

Although most of them are not as interesting as the Snitch, he will still play with them when he is free in the future. As for how long he can play with them, it depends on when these toys are broken or lost by Fish.

The third most gifts are all kinds of plants, mostly from Hufflepuffs, probably seeing that Fish likes the potted decorations in their common room, so many Hufflepuffs gave them a pot of plants Come over, including their dean, Professor Sprout.

Among all the gifts, there are a few gifts that Fish prefers, or cares about.

The first is the children's version of the broomstick that Minerva gave him. Fish has no obsession with the broomstick for a long time, but it was a gift from Minerva, so he likes it.

Then there is the special candy given by Professor Youtou, which is the kind he wants to visit on Halloween.

And Professor Shorthair gave him a whole set of Quidditch balls, and a silver whistle to control their movement.

There is also the magic cat climbing frame from the little professor. Like the magic stairs in Hogwarts, this cat climbing frame will automatically change its structure after a while, giving you a new experience every time.

In addition to the gifts from several professors, there are also several gifts from the students that Fisch prefers.

Among them was a book given by Shuya—"Illustrated Handbook of Cats in the World", which contained many species of the same kind that Fish had never seen before.

And several music boxes from the Muggle world, all given by little wizards born in pure Muggle families. Although the music boxes are not very interesting, Fisher likes the music inside.

Finally, there is the gift from the twins, George and Fred, the magic prop skull hats made by themselves-wearing them can make their own heads and hats disappear together, Fisher thinks it is very interesting.


Recommended monthly ticket

 Fat cat, literally means fat cat, actually means powerful and rich, a phrase that fits the character of the Malfoy family.


  Regarding the number of people at Hogwarts, it has already been analyzed at the end of Chapter 25, so I won't repeat it here.

  I also think it's a bit small, but according to the various details of the original book, it's about 300 or so.

  In fact, you can think of it this way, maybe Voldemort killed too much back then, and the wizarding world has not recovered, especially non-pure blood wizard families. They are actually the main source of students, but they are also Voldemort's main targets of attack.

  Thinking about it this way, it's barely reasonable.


  Thanks to New Beginning 233, Shaking Jade, Life in the Sun, Jiang Lizi, Oh Yeh, YSL, Titti, Three Speeds, News and Peach Blossoms, Zhu Xiang, Xu Aohan, Xiaoyao Yanhuang, One Thought is Flowing Water, Seven Grandpa Xun Baoqiao gave a simple reward.

(End of this chapter)

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