Marvel's opening inherits Darkseid

Chapter 25 Revenge

Chapter 25 Revenge
It was late at night, the three children had already fallen asleep, and Nan Zhou left the house at this time.

The nightlife in New York is very rich, even many times richer than that in Washington.

Countless drunk boys and girls released their pressure on the street.

It looks beautiful and exciting under the feasting, but in fact, it is extremely dangerous, because I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at those unsuspecting people in the dark corners.

Nanzhou has only one goal, which is a bar three kilometers away from Wanda's three-person school.

This bar was owned by the father of that bastard named Oaken, and now, his father is spending money in this bar.

Nanzhou's home is not too far from the three children's schools, so it is not far from this bar.

Arriving at the bar on foot, Nan Zhou swaggered in and put on a mask with the help of the crowd.

Squeezing through the crowd in the bar, Nan Zhou walked upstairs to the private room on the fifth floor.

Arriving at the designated floor, the atmosphere immediately changed. The entire corridor was extremely quiet, and the sound insulation of every door here was quite good. It could be seen that a lot of money was spent.

"Who are you!"

As soon as Nan Zhou entered the fifth floor, he was blocked by a man.

"The fifth floor is closed today, please go back!"

The man was wearing a black suit and sunglasses. He looked like Okun's father's pony.

"Is Mr. Leo here?"

Nan Zhou looked at the deep gate, where there were still two guards.

The man was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"Is there anything you need?"

Seeing Nan Zhou smiled lightly, grabbed the man's shoulder, and fell him to the ground with an over-the-shoulder fall. At the same time, there was a crisp sound from the man's back, and his spine was broken.

"My business is very simple, take his dog's life!"

The man's fall alarmed the two guards guarding the gate at the deepest point. Seeing that Nan Zhou was approaching in a bad manner, the two drew their guns and aimed at Nan Zhou.

Nanzhou didn't care whether he had a gun or not, he dodged and went straight to attack the two of them.

When the two saw this, they also fired immediately, but it was still an old tradition, and the bullets could not harm Nanzhou.

Afterwards, the two were directly brought down by Nan Zhou, and one of them smashed through the door and fell into the house.

The deafening music was playing in the guarded room, and a rather burly man was embracing several enchanting women in revealing clothes. The sudden smashing of the door made them startled.

Nan Zhou walked in from the door at this time, and saw the cautious man who had drawn out his gun.

"You are Mr. Leo, aren't you?"

The man's face was gloomy, and he pointed his gun at Nan Zhou, while the others also surrounded Nan Zhou, all pointing their guns at him...

"who are you?"

This man naturally realized that Nanzhou's arrival definitely had bad intentions.

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's just that I don't like having guns pointed at me."

Seeing Nan Zhou's thought, all the muzzles aimed at him were deformed, and they were directly twisted into a knot.

This development stunned everyone, no one has seen such a battle before.

But before these people could react, Nan Zhou waved his hand again, and the boys around him slowly lifted up as if they were caught by the throat.

"So many people are too much of an eyesore, I just want to have a private chat with you."

As Nan Zhou spoke, he waved his hands again, and these people were smashed directly against the wall, some of them were directly smashed into the wall, and some fell to the ground.

But they are silent, do not know life and death.

And Nan Zhou drove out the trembling girls in the room, moved a chair and sat in front of Leo.

At this time, Leo's muzzle was also twisted into a knot. Although his body could move freely, he still didn't dare to act rashly with this person sitting in front of him.

After all, the ability used by the masked person in front of him is not what humans can use.

"Brother, there is no need to make this situation happen."

Leo smiled awkwardly to cover up a trace of fear in his heart.

"It's not necessary? No, no, it's very necessary."

There was a smile in Nan Zhou's words, but people couldn't laugh no matter what they heard.

"You've provoked me."

These words made Leo confused, he was frantically recalling, he really couldn't figure out how to provoke such a great power.

Seeing the doubt on this guy's face, Nan Zhou added again.

"Actually, you can't say that you provoked me. It was your bastard son who beat up my brother and sister at school, so I found you."

Hearing this, Leo couldn't help cursing, he didn't expect his son to cause him such a big trouble.

"That's because I can't teach my son well, we can compensate for it!"

Although the current Leo has become very rampant, but he has not forgotten his ability to confess.

He knew that the person in front of him couldn't be offended, so he quickly confessed, lest he would be killed.

Nan Zhou touched his chin when he heard this...

"How to compensate me? Why don't you let your son commit suicide and apologize."

Hearing this, Leo's face was a little gloomy.

" not appropriate, he is still a child."

"Then you can die for your son."

Nan Zhou continued: "You should die for selling drugs, human beings, and organs, so why don't you die?"

Nan Zhou's Hu completely angered Leo, but he was afraid of Nan Zhou's power and dared not show his anger.

This Laiou, Nanzhou had already investigated the matter before he came, anyway, it is not a good cake, and the crime he committed should be shot seven or eight times.

"I know you are strong, but don't think I'm easy to bully."

Leo's complexion was already ugly, whether he could bear it or not, although he hadn't forgotten the skill of being cowardly, but he was no longer who he used to be!

Saying that, Ryan took out his dagger and stabbed at Nanzhou.

But Nan Zhou didn't even raise his hand at all, just a thought, and Ryan's arm suffered a [-]-degree fracture.

The severe pain made Leo let out a scream.

But immediately after, Nanzhou pressed on his head...

"You are too noisy. Remember to thank your son after you go to hell. If it wasn't for your son, I wouldn't be able to find you. Goodbye!"

As soon as the voice fell, Leo's head was rotated 360 degrees directly, and he died instantly.

Looking at the body of Leo who had already collapsed on the sofa, Nan Zhou took some of the gold objects from him, at least he could earn some money.

Gathering all the valuables, Nan Zhou used Leo's blood to leave behind his name of "Code 47", and then left gracefully.

If these gangsters don't mess with Nan Zhou, unless Nan Zhou accepts their reward, they will all live well.

But if Nanzhou is provoked, then the fate is beyond their control.

(End of this chapter)

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