Marvel's Mage

Chapter 145 Xandar Star and Nova Corps

Chapter 145 Xandar Star and Nova Corps

After more than a month of stop and go, a group of four finally arrived at Xandar, the capital of the Nova Empire or the Nova Empire.

The four of them sat on the clouds and took the nearest transition point to the Xandar planet. After circumnavigating two large stars, they flew for a certain distance, and a planet appeared in the eyes of the four of them.

A planet that looks about the size of the earth, but the ocean area is much larger than the earth, and it has a crystal luster.

This makes it look like a sea blue crystal ball dotted with green.

The other three didn't respond, because they had seen this planet many times, only Dawn looked at this planet with novelty.

"I don't come here very often. Because of the Nova Legion, the vicinity of Xandar is relatively peaceful. There is not much room for me to play."

Carol shrugged.

"Oh? Groot and I come here quite often. After all, this place is safer. You know that we are different from you. When we need to recuperate, we usually come here."

Dawn nodded.

"Let's go, go down and have a look, I came here specially for it, what if I don't want to go around?"

As soon as Dawn finished speaking, Rocket drove Tayun straight to Xandaar Star.

Since the Xandar people overthrew the royal rule, they have been ruling the country with a parliamentary system for thousands of years. The highest leader is the chairman of the parliament, a woman named Nova Supreme or Nova Supreme.

And she is also the controller and commander of the Nova Corps.

In Dawn's movie memories, this woman was wearing a dark blue military uniform. She looked a bit older, but her face was well maintained, her hair was neatly combed, and she looked like a very serious person.

And it is worth mentioning that the country of the Nova Empire is simply the country of people's dreams.

Free medical services, free housing, free higher education, a good security environment born of the Nova Corps, as well as high employment rates and high incomes, the ruler of the Nova Empire has done a lot of work to make Nova The citizens of the Va empire enjoy this rich and harmonious social environment!
Although Dawn has not been to many planets, in his opinion, among all the great empires in the universe, the Nova Empire is the most suitable empire to settle in!

No wonder his capital Xandar has a city of a thousand stars.


Let's talk about the prestigious Legion organization of the Nova Corps.

The Nova Corps is an organization specifically responsible for maintaining justice in the universe, a lawful and good organization.

Especially in the Milky Way and other nearby galaxies, if it weren't for the continuous efforts of the Nova Corps, then the Milky Way and other nearby galaxies would probably have fallen into chaos long ago.

After all, a single Carol can't protect there, and the main force is still these people.

Moreover, they also control the Nova Empire, which is how they got the name Nova Empire. The headquarters of the Nova Legion is on Xandar.

The Nova Corps has a very large population, with tens of millions of soldiers on the job. The entire Xandar Star is the headquarters of the Nova Corps, and it is also the largest logistics base and training place for the Nova Corps.

In fact, the members of the Nova Legion are very complicated, and the entire legion is composed of civilizations from different planets.

And these numerous civilizations formed an alliance led by the Nova Empire, an empire controlled by everyone, with relative rationality and constraints among them.

There was no civilization-level war launched because of excessive expansion.

Therefore, Xandar, the capital of the Nova Empire, has various races.

The Nova Corps manages the Nova Empire, and the idea of ​​the Nova Corps is to maintain the multi-civilization and multi-cultural diversity of the universe.

"Only diverse civilizations shine in the universe. Only this universe can shine!" This is the philosophy of the Nova Corps.

Very tall.

This is also the reason why the Nova Empire, the Cree Empire, and the Skrull Empire do not deal with each other, and there are conflicts of ideas.


The distance between the four of them was getting closer and closer to Xandar. Not long ago, Carol had just communicated with and greeted the patrol members of the outer Nova Corps, so no one blocked the spaceship of Dawn and others.

It is worth mentioning that Carol, Captain Marvel, is also very prestigious within the Nova Corps, which stems from what she has done in the past ten or nearly 20 years.

When the four of them traveled through the atmosphere in a spaceship and entered the sky of Xandar, Dawn straightened up unknowingly and looked into the distance.

A city that looks very sci-fi is getting bigger and bigger in Dawn's eyes, and the surrounding islands, large and small, surround the main city like an island chain.

It looks dreamlike in the sunlight of sunrise.

The towering white sci-fi building is the headquarters of the Nova Corps, with the Nova Corps logo on it.

For the Nova Corps, Xandar is a place that cannot be lost.

All four of them looked at this rare beauty, and as the spaceship entered the sky above the city, their expressions slowly recovered, with a trace of regret.

"Oh, this scene is quite rare!"

After the rocket reacted, he said, and Carol next to him also nodded in agreement.

The spaceship landed on the tarmac of the Nova Corps. When the four got off the spaceship, a staff member of the Nova Corps greeted them.

Dawn recognized him immediately, he was the fat man who captured Star-Lord in the movie, Danalian Day!

After bowing to Carol, Danalian smiled at the three of them, and said:

"My lord, welcome to Xandar."

"Ms. Nawei was very happy when she heard the news of your visit. Ms. Nawei originally wanted to meet you in person, but there is an urgent matter at the border that needs to be dealt with, so she arranged for me to meet you. I hope you will Don't be offended!"

The Ms. Neville that Danalian said was the ruler of the Nova Empire and the Nova Corps—Nova Supreme.

As for why Danalian didn't call her Supreme, it was because of Carol's strength.

A strong person like Carol is a superior existence in the universe. In order not to leave a bad impression on her, that's why she seems a little approachable.

Dawn didn't know who this Ms. Neville was, so he checked on the communicator, and only then did he find out her identity.

"It's okay, thank you Nova Supreme for your welcome, but I still have a few friends here, can you visit Nova Supreme after we settle down?"

Carol pointed to the three of Dawn behind him.

After hearing what Carol said, Danalian deliberately inquired and asked:

"I heard that your Excellency joined a mercenary group called League of Legends. Are these the ones?"

Carroll nodded.

"Yes, that's them."

Denalien immediately bowed respectfully to Dawn and said:

"Your Excellency, welcome to Xandar."

"Thank you!"

Dawn nodded at him with a formulaic smile.

(End of this chapter)

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