Marvel's Mage

Chapter 113 Nine-Headed Snake Aegis Branch Alliance Undercover Pierce

Chapter 113 Hydra Aegis Branch Alliance Undercover Pierce
The knife in Dawn's hand turned into a watch on his wrist again when he came out of the marinated office. After he came out, his face changed, and he was happily going to find Sharon Carter.

Then I'm going to tell her about the matter, and then let her choose someone.

Because of her aunt, Sharon knows more about Agent 13 and who in S.H.I.E.L.D.

So Dawn is much more confident in handing it over to her than in choosing it himself.

Even if she really listened to the words of the corned egg and made troubles in it, she still had a Sitwell in her hand to help her watch.

Dawn sensed the spirit shell he had given to Sharon, and walked towards the elevator after confirming the location.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Dawn saw Pierce and Rumlow inside.

Dawn was taken aback, took a step back, looked at the elevator button, and thought in his heart that it was true.

I saw that he pressed the wrong button, and he pressed the button to go up.

"Wow, our hero, Mr. Ian, are you going up?"

Hearing this, Dawn would have thought he was mocking him if he hadn't been used to the American way of speaking for so long.


Well, Dawn heard it, he did mean a little bit of sarcasm.

But he didn't show it, the word "hero" was subconsciously accentuated by him.

If it weren't for Dawn's strong sense, I really wouldn't be able to hear it.

Dawn glanced at Rumlow who was standing behind Pierce and looked at him hostilely, and walked into the elevator with a move in his heart.

Because Dawn hasn't activated the formation in his mind, he still regards Dawn as his enemy.

"Mr. Minister, is this going back to the office? I really want to have something to do with Mr. Minister."

Pierce applauded appropriately, showing a surprised expression.

"Oh? I don't know what it is? Mr. Ian!"

"No hurry, let's go to your office first. I heard that Mr. Minister has collected some good tea from the East. You can't hide it!"

Dawn smiled back, and pointed at the camera deliberately and covertly.

Seeing this scene, Pierce's heart moved, and he chatted with Dawn in agreement.

"Why did Mr. Ian come to our bureau today? What's the matter? Do you need my help? If I can help, I still have some face with Nick!"

Dawn thought to himself: "The old fox is the old fox, return to our bureau, heh!"

"It's a matter of finding marinated eggs, and it's already taken care of."

"spiced corned egg?"

"Oh, it's Nick Fury!"

Dawn saw that he didn't understand, so he explained.

The two of them came to the door of Pierce's office while talking.

Originally, Rumlow was supposed to do whatever he was supposed to do at this time, but because Pierce was more afraid of Dawn, he didn't send Rumlow away, but let him stay by his side.

Rumlow opened the door, and Pierce walked in without any intention of letting Dawn go first.

When Dawn saw this scene, he was not emotional, and his living habits were different, so he had nothing to say.

After Dawn walked in, Rumlow visibly stiffened when he closed the door, then shook his head and recovered in an instant.

When he looked at Dawn again, he was full of respect.

At this time, Pierce turned his back to them, so he didn't see them.

After Pierce entered the office, he went straight to the cabinet where he kept coffee beans, cigars, and tea leaves.

Dawn deliberately slowed down, letting Rumlow, who was behind him, pass him.

Pierce opened the cabinet door and asked:
"Mr. Ian, which kind do you prefer, green tea? White tea? I also have black tea from Great Britain here, which tastes pretty good too, er..."

When he said this, he didn't hear Dawn's answer, so he just turned his head to look at Dawn, but what caught his eyes was a magnified fist.

And the owner of this fist is his second trusted subordinate, Brock Rumlow, and the first is of course the Winter Soldier.

Rumlow punched him on the nose, Pierce pretended to be dizzy, and consciously fell to the desk next to him, where there were sirens and his hidden pistol.

Rumlow squatted down and stabbed his neck again, Pierce really passed out.

Rumlow didn't dare to kick him on the neck for fear of kicking him to death.

"The quality of your Hydra is really good. Such an old man has been trained in fighting, and you didn't faint with a single punch?"

Dawn sighed.

"Boss, I didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of killing him!"

Rumlow quickly defended himself!
It's nothing to do with him anymore, Dawn arranged a mind control array for him, this person has a high status in Hydra, he can't just let him die like this, Dawn might still be able to use him in the future.

After arranging the formation, Dawn woke him up and sighed:
"Hydra is really a good person, there are so many talents."

Next, Dawn told him that Sitwell was his own, and then arranged two things for him.

The first thing is to cooperate with Sitwell in the next period of time to transfer the Hydra talents within S.H.I.E.L.D. to the alliance one after another.

It's just talents, those useless people, just keep leaving it to the braised eggs.

The second thing is to transfer the Winter Soldier here, and ask him to destroy all the mission records that the Winter Soldier has performed, including all the backups at Zola.

It is self-evident why this is done.

After the arrangement was made, Dawn was really relieved about this matter.

Let the Howards die in a real car accident.

Regardless of whether others think it's good for him or not, Dawn thinks it's good!
After the arrangements were made, Dawn asked Pierce to make a backup copy of "all" information in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Includes technologies researched by S.H.I.E.L.D. and technologies under research.

Pierce's authority is at the same level as that of Potato. Except for some things that Potato has tinkered with, there is nothing in S.H.I.E.L.D. that Pierce cannot see.

After finishing all this, Dawn held a piece of paper in his hand, which recorded the 100 intelligence talents selected by Pierce to take away this time.

Hydra people accounted for 50, half.

Now that I have controlled the Hydra leader in SHIELD, there is a high probability that nothing will happen to SHIELD in the future, and the wool has to be squeezed slowly.

Otherwise, the braised egg would be caught off guard, and all the people including Hydra would leave, blow up S.H.I.E.L.D. in a fit of rage, and then run off to space.

Doesn't that mean you won't have to squeeze it in the future?

So you have to take it slow.

After arranging all this, Dawn and Rumlow came out, Dawn went to find Sharon, and Rumlow went to gather all the commando members in S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for the transfer of the Hydra Aegis branch, if someone asks, I believe Pierce knows better than himself how to deal with it, so Dawn didn't make his own claim.

Of course, this is not a one-time transfer, but one after another. After a while, Dawn will free up his hands.After cleaning up the rest of the Hydra, there is no need to bother with them.

Tsk tsk, Puffett!
(End of this chapter)

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