Marvel's God-level Pupil

Chapter 66

066 Angry Pierce! [4/10]

In the small town, a bar became dilapidated, the tables, chairs and stools were all smashed, many people were lying on the ground and wailing in pain, and in front of them stood a man with a mechanical arm, and beside them. On the sofa, a young man with different pupils watched all this indifferently.

This is Xia Zuo and Winter Soldier. After coming to this small town, Xia Zuo didn’t bother to talk nonsense with them, and directly let Winter Soldier subdue them, because he knew that these were HYDRA people, which was in the base just now. It was already confirmed, and after Winter Soldier subdued these people, Xia Zuo slowly stood up and came to these people.

“Tell me everything you know about HYDRA, their plans, their locations, and all kinds of things, and tell me what you know.”

Xia Zuo said slowly, her bright red eyes staring at all HYDRA personnel.

geass Ability, absolute command to activate!

After a while, Xia Zuo already knew more about HYDRA.

HYDRA is a decentralized organization, sometimes some HYDRA members don’t know whether other people are members of HYDRA, even Pierce, he only knows the existence of a part of HYDRA, and he doesn’t know the rest, so what Xia Zuo is now The thing to do is to find all the HYDRAs.

“Fix them all.

After finding the information he wanted, Xia Zuo walked out of the bar and let Bucky handle the rest.

After Bucky dealt with it, Xia Zuo turned on a golden halo and disappeared directly into this small town. As for the reaction of someone coming to this bar and seeing the mess on the floor, this is not Xia Zuo. thing.

After a while, at a certain base, a golden halo instantly appeared, and the figures of Xia Zuo and Bucky came out of it.

“This base is the next move, just as before, move on, Winter Soldier,”. Xia Zuo said to Winter Soldier, who nodded slightly, then charged towards the base.

With Bucky as a powerful fighter, Xia Zuo found that his actions became much more convenient, because there are not many people who can match Bucky in normal humans, and even well-trained soldiers are difficult to fight against Winter Soldier, no two. The trick is bound to fall.

In this way, Xia Zuo doesn’t need to shoot most of the time, the only thing he needs to do is to set the next enchantment type magic outside when Winter Soldier rushes in to deal with those HYDRA members to prevent anyone from escaping, and then Wait until Winter Soldier is resolved and then interrogate some HYDRA information, and the rest do not need to be shot.

After getting the information that Xia Zuo wanted to know, Xia Zuo disappeared at this base with Winter Soldier and continued to HYDRA’s next station.

In the headquarters of SHIELD, inside a building, Pierce frowned with a communicator in his hand. When Winter Soldier appeared at the HYDRA base to start a killing spree, Pierce had already made the rest of the base pay attention to the situation on that side. Over time, he found that some bases could not be contacted.

And the longer it takes, the more stations he finds he can’t get in touch with, which makes Pierce have a bad hunch first.

“Could it be that the power of mind-controlling used by the different pupils turned out the rest of the base?!

Pierce’s face changed greatly, and he suddenly thought of something bad. He knew that Xia Zuo had a power that could control his mind. In this way, Xia Zuo might have been destroying some of his bases.

Thinking of this, Pierce’s face is about to drip blood, those bases can be his hard work over the years.

“Damn bastard, I must kill you.”

Pierce roared in his heart, but he didn’t dare to go to Xia Zuo directly, because he was also afraid of that power that controlled people’s hearts, otherwise he wouldn’t let Winter Soldier directly detonate the abandoned factory.

“Let everyone in the rest of the base retreat, go to a base that has just been completed, and if you encounter an attack, kill yourself.

After calming down a bit, Pierce picked up a communicator and sent out a set of passwords.

Xia Zuo is cleaning up the HYDRA people, he also has his plans, not long ago, he just completed a new base, where the rest of the HYDRA members are not aware of it yet.

In other words, that is a base that Xia Zuo can’t know, even Xia Zuo can’t know it from the mouths of some HYDRA members, so Pierce sent the new location of the base to the leaders of some bases that haven’t had any problems, and asked them to bring them immediately. Go there with the rest of the HYDRA members to hide.

Definitely, Pierce is also afraid that the head of this part of the base will be caught by Xia Zuo, so he wants them to commit suicide as soon as they encounter an attack, so that Xia Zuo can’t know which new base exists, even if there will be losses , that is just a small team, so that he will not be so distressed.

^ “Different pupils, when this time passes, I want you to die!”

Pierce put down the communicator and muttered slowly, a venomous glow in his eyes.

He is very smart and knows that it is a very irrational thing to face Xia Zuo at this time, so he intends to let this matter calm down first and avoid the edge for a while, and after this matter subsides, that is him Revenge begins!

Can’t face it? Then he doesn’t come face to face, they (Wang Nuo’s) are agents, and they don’t even need too many ways of poisoning, and as long as he seizes the opportunity, he doesn’t want him to be unable to get a small one. The little eccentrics are crazy.

Pierce’s eyes turned slightly, he had already figured out some methods, and at this moment, a voice appeared in the empty office!

“Really? I’d like to see if you’re going to kill me?”

When this voice appeared, Pierce’s face changed greatly, he turned around in an instant, and suddenly saw two figures appear in his office, a boy with two-color eyes, and the most familiar Winter Soldier, and two figures appeared in his office. There is also a golden halo behind the person slowly disappearing.

This time, Xia Zuo went straight to Pierce!

| The soldiers are almost solved, it’s time to solve the boss!

ps: The fourth update, please subscribe, thank you!

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