Marvel: The Strongest Villain

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Are you Snow White?

Quinn Industrial Co., Ltd., a steel manufacturing and welding plant.

This factory was closed and abandoned long before the gold medal Quinn was involved. Laurel didn’t expect that she would be locked here by him. She was a little unsure whether Su Sheng really wanted to kidnap herself or had another purpose, but anyway she did. They all decided to investigate this person clearly.

Laurel is not the only one investigating Su Sheng, far away in Gotham, Oracle Barbara Gordon and his father James Gordon are also investigating Su Sheng’s situation, and Talia El Goul is also investigating naturally. In addition to them, there is a huge group of forces also investigating Su Sheng.

Tianyan will. A.R.G.U.S, the full name of the Advanced Super Human Joint Research Group, also known as the high level research joint support organization, is the official underground organization of the United States government, and its nature is similar to Marvel’s S.H.I.E.L.D. The current leader, Commander Amanda Waller, is a very skilled woman. She formed a team called the Seventh Squad but was not satisfied. As the leader of the Sky Eye Society and the warden of Bellerive Prison, she even more I want to recruit some super villains and anti-heroes to set up a dangerous and suicidal squad to do the dirty work that the United States government is inconvenient to come forward and the tasks that ordinary agents cannot complete.

When the Gotham incident broke out, Amanda Waller took advantage of the trend to propose the idea of ​​forming Suicide Squad, but the crisis of Gotham was resolved before the approval of the above. Suicide Squad was therefore stranded, and Amanda Waller was eyeing it. Su Sheng asks him to investigate, and at the same time sets Su Sheng’s known information and intelligence to a high level authority to prohibit police from accessing it to avoid extraneous problems.

Su Sheng didn’t know all of this, even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care. Maybe he would take the initiative to join Suicide Squad to find excitement.

At the moment he was cooking dinner in Felicity’s apartment while humming a tune. Where did you say the money for grocery shopping came from? It’s definitely in Laurel’s wallet. How did you get in without the key? The fifth floor is not particularly high. A dish of delicious, fragrant and delicious dishes were laid out on the table, and the sound of the key opening the door sounded.

“The time is just right.” Su Sheng smiled brightly and took off his apron and walked to Felicity who opened the door.

“It smells so good, what is it?” Felicity said subconsciously as soon as he came in.


Su Sheng came over to take Felicity’s bag and put it aside to help her take off her coat and hung it up. Felicity stared at Su Sheng blankly, first made dinner, and then greeted herself so kindly and courteously. What is the sense of sight of this boyfriend? Could it be that I am still dreaming?


Felicity felt her side face kissed by Su Sheng and immediately heard his brisk voice. “What are you doing in a daze? Go wash your hands and change clothes to prepare for dinner.”

Felicity was pushed into the bathroom by Su Sheng to wash her hands in a daze. She went to the bedroom in a daze and changed into comfortable clothes at home before she came out.

Felicity came to the dining table and sat down and watched Su Sheng rushing around. He couldn’t help asking, “You seem to be in a good mood?”

“Yes.” Su Sheng smiled.

“Did something happen? You, didn’t you say that you have no money? Where did these things come from, and you went out? How did you get in without the key?” Felicity reacted and asked hurriedly at this time.

Su Sheng said: “This is not important, the important thing is to eat first.”

“Oh.” Felicity’s dumb answer can only suppress the curiosity in her heart.

Speaking of it, he didn’t expect Su Sheng’s craftsmanship to be so good and so much better than the previous takeaways. Originally, Felicity was still a little confused but gradually became a foodie.

“It’s delicious, I’m going to get fat again.” The contented Felicity couldn’t help but patted her belly and exclaimed.

“Beautiful and ugly, fat and thin are in the sky. People who eat two bites are full, and when you are full, you still say ‘I can come again!’” Su Sheng said with a chuckle.

Felicity blushed. “I blame you for making it so delicious.”

“The work of washing the dishes is left to you.” Su Sheng said.

She doesn’t have the ability to let Felicity cook, but she can still wash the dishes.

Su Sheng leaned on the sofa and watched the TV. After a while, Felicity finished washing the dishes and came over and sat down beside him. “Now I can tell, what the hell is going on with you?”

Su Sheng smiled and lay down on Felicity’s lap. Felicity followed with a slight stiffness and saw his hand poking in underneath the T-shirt. She was frightened and hurriedly grabbed him. hand. “You, what are you doing?”

“Hey, take your hand away.”

With black eyes and a gentle voice, Felicity let go of her hand in a daze, followed by her blushing, her body trembling slightly, her hands clenched fists seemingly nowhere to be placed, uncontrollably sent out Some kind of feline version of hum.

Felicity is more interesting than Harley Quinn.

Seeing her reaction, Su Sheng suddenly smiled and said: “Snow White was rescued by the seven little dwarf and lived in the forest for a while, until the prince rode a white horse to pick her up, and then she married the prince, but The prince abandoned her after the wedding night, because the prince discovered that there were dark spots on Snow White’s body.”

“Are you Snow White?”

Felicity looked at Su Sheng blankly with a dazed expression before reacting to it for a while. “Definitely not!”

“Then let me take a look.”

Su Sheng suddenly turned over and sat up after speaking. Before Felicity could react, he hugged her directly, and went directly into the bedroom amidst her cries of surprise.

PS: I recommend my old books “Marvel: The Advent of the King”, “Marvel: The Immortal Throne”, and “The Deadly Covenant: The Strongest Death God”, which have been completed and will soon be completed.

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