Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 55: Online live broadcast unarmed fighter dismantling

   After a short while, the elevator was full of various agents in disguise, encircling the Captain America group intentionally or unintentionally.

   Captain America glanced around at everyone, and said: "Before we do, anyone wants to go out?"

   "What this says... really pretend to be!"

   Even Iron Man, who has always been fond of pretending, was pretended by Captain America’s words.

   He originally thought that Captain America was a rigid and boring soldier who only knew how to execute orders, but he didn't expect the other party to pretend to be so good at it.

   is natural, round and smooth.

  Iron Man is ashamed of his age for many years.

   "Well, that's good, you can use it when appropriate in the future!"

   Captain America's eyes lit up slightly, and he silently remembered his words.

   And following Captain America's words, the atmosphere in the elevator began to become weird, and the scene was swept across the building with a kind of rain and rain.


   The sound of the electric current surging sounded, but the agents in the elevator began to swarm up and moved their hands to Captain America.

   However, it is obvious that the group of well-trained players are weak in front of Captain America, and a group of people are quickly beaten by Captain America.

  A few of them even took electric batons and stuck to Captain America, but they didn't have any influence on Captain America at all.

   I have to say that the body of Captain America is indeed not covered.

   After thunderously overturning the agents in the elevator, Captain America was about to open the elevator door to go out, only to find a large number of agents with guns and live ammunition in the corridor outside.

   Captain America swung around, and instantly cut the cable in the elevator shaft with a shield.

   The elevator began to fall at extreme speed, but it stopped again after only a few floors, and there were still a large number of agents rushing in the passage outside that floor.

   Captain America made a jaw-dropping thing at this time. He suddenly smashed the protective glass of the elevator and jumped downstairs!

   That's twenty stories!

   Although it was just a video, it did not really happen in reality, although it was clear that Captain America was not an ordinary person, but a super soldier who reached the limit of the human body.

  Iron Man and Nick Fury were still severely stimulated, and there was a burst of blue veins jumping.

   After all, the visual impact is real.


   After exiting the building, Captain America's body was doing a free fall motion in the air and fell rapidly.

   During this process, Captain America put the shield under him, and then passed a height as high as sixty or seventy meters before hitting the ground severely.

   It can only be said that the super soldier is just hanging up. At such a high distance, ordinary people must have fallen into a pile of meat long ago, but Captain America seems to have not been affected at all.

   got up from the ground and ran out.

   "Nothing happened at all?"

  Iron Man was stunned, "I finally understand now why so many organizations want to copy the super serum."

   I have to say, the super serum is really a bit sloppy.

   "Stark, don't you have any ideas?" Nick Fury glanced at Iron Man with one eye.

   "Do you think I will be able to see this serum?" Iron Man said with a face full of dissatisfaction.

   The super serum is indeed powerful, but can it be as powerful as his steel armor?

   What's more, the super serum is not like a steel armor. It can't be controlled. Once it falls into the wrong hands, it will be a disaster.

   is not like a steel armor. Even if it is obtained by someone in some way, it cannot be used without the authorization of Iron Man.

  Iron Man doesn't want to have a few more people like Winter Soldiers in this world.

   When Iron Man learned that his weapons had also been used by terrorists, he resolutely shut down the weapons manufacturing department.

   At this moment, facing a super serum that is more dangerous than ordinary weapons, he is naturally more sensible.

   "Are you kidding me?"

   Command room.

   A bald commander wearing glasses, saw this scene from the monitor, and was stunned.

   "Rogers went to the garage and immediately began to block the bridge!"

   Immediately afterwards, the bald-headed commander quickly recovered his senses and issued an order in the communication channel.

   Then everything in the camera, the gate leading to the bridge checkpoint of the Tri-Wing Building began to rumble and close.

   Just when there was a gap left in the gate, Captain America rode a motorcycle and swooped out of the gap.

   This is a difficult move.

   "Very agile action, comparable to those circus stuntmen!" Iron Man couldn't help but praised.

   Captain America couldn't help but frown slightly. This arrogant arrogant is really too venomous, and it really doesn't make people like it.


   A fighter plane passed through the air at this time, and easily caught up with Captain America, and turned around, blocking Captain America's path.

   "Disarm readiness, Captain Rogers, disarm readiness!"

   "Repeat it, Rogers, disarm!"

   Following the warnings over and over again Gatling barrel came out from the fighter plane.

   However, Captain America turned a deaf ear, and continued to drive his motorcycle towards the bridge at high speed.


   After the warning was ineffective, the fighters started firing decisively. The dense rain of bullets suddenly poured out toward Captain America.

   But Captain America wasn't built, so he drove a motorcycle like a dexterous butterfly, dodges from left to right, and escaped Gatling's shooting perfectly.

have to say.

   From escaping with the "jump escape" in the Triquy Wing Building, and now heading upstream against the rain of bullets, Captain America has demonstrated amazing individual combat capabilities.

   is completely worthy of his status as a super soldier.

   But even so, Iron Man and Nick Fury are not very optimistic about Captain America's action this time, it is a fighter plane after all.

   Captain America doesn't even have a weapon in his hand, only a shield for defense, and he can only dodge passively.

   In this situation, how can he get rid of that fighter plane in the sky?

   But then, a series of operations by Captain America blinded Nick Fury and Iron Man.

   But in the midst of Gatlin's bullets, Captain America went upstream all the way and approached the front of the fighter plane. Then he shook his hand and shot the shield in his hand all at once.


   The shield that was thrown out by Captain America casually contained terrifying power, and it was suddenly inserted into one of the Quinn fighter's engines.

   instantly destroyed that engine!

   The shield is like a giant axe, directly inserted on the fighter plane!

  Nick Fury and Iron Man looked at them secretly, how much strength is this?

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