Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 515: Domineering Thor, slaughtering the king of the gods Zeus

Popular recommendation:

I have to say that this latest topic has really stimulated everyone.

In the previous related topic, you already know that the God Slayer is very powerful, slaughtering a lot of gods, and even being able to singled out Thor without falling behind at all.

As a result, everyone found that the God Slayer was still underestimated.

Thor had no way to fight the **** slayer, so he had to recruit gods for this purpose and build an army of gods!

Strong, really strong.

"It's a pity, Thor didn't participate in the answer this time." Tony Stark had a slight regret on his face, "otherwise I would really like to see the expression on his face."

With Thor's extremely arrogant personality, I'm afraid he can't believe such a thing at all, right?

"The City of Almighty, does this legendary place really exist?" Captain America said with a hint of surprise.

But think about it, too.

Even the gods like Thor, Odin, and Hela already exist, so why doesn't the Almighty City exist?

"Almighty City, what is this place?"

Magneto couldn't help but ask, but he had never heard of the City of Almighty.

"The City of Almighty is also called the Pantheon. In simple terms, this is the place where the gods gather." Bruce Wayne explained to Magneto on the side.

Needless to say, the phrase "the place where the gods gather" vividly describes what the Almighty City is.

"Since it is a place where the gods gather, is this a free and loose place similar to a book club, or is it a place where there are classes and rule?"

Professor X asked a very crucial question, "Since Thor went to this place to recruit the gods, then there is no authority in this place, I think we should find out in advance, right?"

Whether there is someone in power or not, those are two completely different things.

If it's just a free and loose place, Thor's coming to recruit troops or something will not violate anyone's interests or offend anyone.

The only thing everyone considers is whether Thor can persuade other gods to join his camp.

But what if it was someone in power?

That is completely different, which means that all the gods in the City of Almighty are under the management of those in power.

Thor's recruitment of people is equivalent to a kind of provocation to those in power.

Things will be much more troublesome.

There may even be direct conflict with those in power.

"We know very little about the City of Almighty. If there are people in power here, frankly, I don't know."

Bruce Wayne thought for a while, then turned his eyes to the two of Tony Stark, "Stark, Rogers, what about in your world?"

But they both shook their heads.

Even in myths and legends, the City of Almighty is only a place that has been briefly mentioned. The description is not detailed, and they do not know much.

"We don't know much about the City of Almighty, and we can't start from this background, so... let's take a look at the options."

Captain America proposed at this time, "The options are divided into two cases, namely, Thor's recruitment is successful, and Thor's recruitment fails. Let's take a look at these two cases separately."

If Thor's recruitment is successful, will he recruit an army of the gods, or will he recruit some shrimp soldiers and crab generals?

"I think it should be the army of the gods?"

Clark Kent pondered slightly on the side, and then gave his own guess, "With the strength of the **** slayer, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals may not be able to play any role at all... Since they are shrimp soldiers and crab generals, their strength should be very weak, right?"

"It makes sense, and with Thor's temperament, he should also disdain to leave with a group of shrimp, soldiers and crabs."

Captain America also added.

"Since it is the place where the gods gather, Thor shouldn't respond like he did in Asgard?"

"Everyone in the City of Almighty is a god, so they have the same status as Thor. It's a different matter to ignore Thor."

"Usually so, but what if the gods face the threat of godslayers? Everyone has a common enemy, and it makes sense to form an alliance, right?"

The answerers at the scene had a heated discussion about what kind of army Thor could recruit.

Ultimately, most agree that Thor has recruited a true army of gods, not prawns.

"Then let's take a look at the failure of Thor's recruitment."

Captain America proposed again, and gave his own opinion first, "Based on what I know about Thor, I'm afraid he will leave in such a gray state."

"Yes, Thor will definitely make a scene!" Tony Stark said with great certainty.

"If it was Thor, I wouldn't be surprised if he did such a thing." Bruce Wayne said with a smile.

He does have some contacts with the universe next door, but after all, the time is not too long, and it is limited to some tasks and some matters between the two universes.

It's all very serious business.

So although I know something about Thor, it is limited after all.

But even so, there is a general impression of Thor's temperament.

Bruce Wayne brought that impression into the matter of making a riot in the City of Almighty, and found that it did not violate the harmony at all.

"It seems that there should be no doubts about Thor's rioting in the City of Almighty." Magneto couldn't help laughing on the side.

He already knew that Thor was a man from the world of Tony Stark and Captain America, and the fact that the two agreed that Thor was going to make a big fuss was pretty telling.

is very informative.

In the case of Thor's failed recruitment, there is nothing to discuss.

What everyone needs to discuss next is which of the two cases of Thor's recruitment success and recruitment failure is more likely.

"I think it's more likely that recruitment will fail."

Professor X thought for a while and gave his own judgment, "How can it be so easy to recruit an army? I don't know if there is any geopolitics among the gods, but since those gods are not from the same place, how can they It is difficult to identify with each other, and in my opinion, the possibility of fighting each other is more likely."

"Zeus! Everyone, have you noticed this? Zeus is also in this almighty city." Tony Stark found an entry point at this time.

"Zeus doesn't need me to introduce more. He is the same existence as Odin in myths and legends. He is also known as the king of the gods, but he does not come from a god."

"Then since such a level of **** is also in the city of almighty, whether he is the ruler of the city of almighty or not, although I personally think this is more likely, but even if these are not considered, I think, Thor's recruitment , no matter what, you can't get around him."

"Whether the gods in the City of Almighty follow Thor and accept Thor's recruitment, I think a large part of it should depend on Zeus' attitude."

If Zeus showed strong support for Thor, other gods would certainly support Thor's recruitment enthusiastically.

On the contrary, if Zeus doesn't pay much attention to Thor, the attitude of other gods can be imagined.

So will Zeus take care of Thor?

Tony Stark thinks that this possibility is not too big, after all, the two are not a system at all.

One Norse pantheon, one Greek pantheon.

Suppose a **** from another system suddenly came to his house one day and said that he wanted to recruit some people for use. If it was Tony Stark, he would substitute himself in and feel that if he was willing to see the other side, he would be regarded as giving him face.

"Yes, Thor and Zeus are from different gods, this is the key!"

Captain America's eyes lit up, and he immediately nodded in agreement.

Isn't this the equivalent of a prince in one country, going to another country to recruit people?

No matter how you look at it, it's unreliable.

Of course, there are indeed successful examples in history, but you must know that such successful examples are only a few and a few cases, nothing more.

"It seems that the answer has come out, isn't it?" Professor X shrugged at this time.

Up to now, all the other answerers have answered all the questions, and only Professor X is left.

Therefore, the number of answers for this question has undoubtedly fallen to Professor X.

"I choose D!"

Professor X faced the big screen and gave his answer.

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately heard such a prompt sound.

【Congratulations to answerer Charles Xavier for his reward Chameleon Tea! Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】


With the sound of the system, a very delicate-looking bottle suddenly appeared in Professor X's hand.

There is some liquid in the bottle, which is undoubtedly chameleon tea.

"Interesting, very interesting tea."

Professor X combed through the information about chameleon tea that had been instilled in his mind, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke an amazed smile.

This kind of tea is very magical even in front of a person like him who has come into contact with many mutants with various magical abilities.

"'Chameleon tea', can you change your color like a chameleon after drinking this cup of tea?"

Magneto made a natural guess on the side.

"It's more advanced than that." Professor X explained to Magneto, "Drink a sip of chameleon tea, and then touch an object with your hands, you will directly become that object."

Six six six!

All the answerers could not help but give a thumbs up to this, this chameleon tea is a very interesting prop.

However, Professor X is a teacher, and his usual job is to teach students. I am afraid that basically he can't use this chameleon tea very much.

This kind of props that can perfectly help people and the environment blend together is the most suitable for sneaking and hiding.

If you put it in the hands of an agent like Captain America, it will play its due role.

"Very good reward, but Charles, is this change permanent? I think there should be restrictions?"

Tony Stark stared at Professor X and asked.

According to the consistency of the answering system, chameleon tea should also have some kind of time limit, otherwise it would be a bit too outrageous.

"Yes, the transformation of Chameleon Tea can only last for fifteen minutes."

Professor X nodded, "If this time is exceeded, the transformation effect will end automatically."

"Of course, within that fifteen minutes, the user can recover on his own."

"Fifteen minutes? Enough." Bruce Wayne nodded.

Fifteen minutes doesn't sound like a long time, but you can actually do a lot of articles while performing tasks, and it's definitely not too short.

Overall, this reward is actually a very good reward.

Although Professor X is not yet used, in the future, after the X-Men is born and begins to "undertake tasks" from the outside world, it may be able to be used.

[After answering the question, start playing the answer analysis! 】

The system beep sounded at this time.

A corresponding video was then played on the big screen.

"My fellow Asgardians, I wish us all the best!"

Thor's voice sounded.

But I saw him standing on a high platform, talking to the surrounding Asgard people.

And beside Thor, there is another fully armed Thor: the goddess of Thor Jane Foster, or the **** of thunder.

"Because we'll be sailing at the speed of Odin's crow, we'll bring the kids back!"

"A lot of kids!"

"Then we'll have a good meal with the kids!"

"Uh...we wouldn't do that, those were dark times, those were shameful times."

"Okay, we should go!"

Thor gave a nonsense speech to the crowd, and then boarded a boat with the goddess Thor, the Valkyrie, and the Stone Man.

Thor fixed his storm axe to the bow of the ship, and used the storm axe to "spray" a rainbow bridge outwards.

Then two goats were used to pull the boat, and the official departure began.

Yes, the goat.

The two goats were just like two Erhas. When they pulled up the boat, they were called a shengmeng, and they squeaked like a ghost movie.

Respondents: "…"

Using the goat to pull the boat, and then flying on the rainbow bridge with all the radiance, roaming in the sky, this scene has to be said to be very inconsistent.

But one thing is certain, the two goats must not be ordinary goats, but two "goats of gods".

It's the beast!

"Asgard still have these kind of goats? Would you like to ask Thor for a few?"

Tony Stark rested his chin in his hand and muttered to himself with interest.

Everyone couldn't help but be speechless, Tony Stark really dared to think.

On the screen, the picture continues to move.

The two goats were full of fire, pulling the crowd to slid across the sky.

Soon, a magnificent and majestic city in the sky, shining with golden light, appeared in everyone's eyes.

There is no doubt that it is the city of omnipotence mentioned in the title.

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