Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 497: Only the Scarlet Witch can defeat the Scarlet Witch

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"With Clark, we don't have to worry!"

Bruce Wayne said the same, full of confidence, "I still don't believe it, Superman can't beat Apocalypse?"


Eric couldn't help but raised his brows, Clark Kent's nickname sounds really arrogant!

And seeing how confident Bruce Wayne is in the other party, Eric is really a little curious. Is this Clark Kent really strong?

"Bruce, we don't know the true strength of Apocalypse, but I think I'd be happy to know." Clark Kent said after thinking for a while.

"Why help us?"

Professor X asked very restrainedly on the side.

Wouldn't everyone answer a few questions together and become good friends who live and die together?

"Charles, do you need a reason to help people in need?" Captain America asked rhetorically.

What's more, it's not about the lives of one or two people, but the lives of most people on the entire planet.

With the nature of Captain America, it is definitely impossible to sit idly by.

In a word, directly asked Professor X to be speechless.

"That's right Rogers, there is no need for a reason to help others." Professor X couldn't help laughing.

He could see that Rogers was not pretending or pretending to be pretending when he said that magnificent remark, but he really thought so from his heart.

This is a man worthy of his respect.

"Charles, those of us who take part in the quiz have formed a 'Coalition of Responders' to deal with the crises of our universes."

"I don't think if you were smart people, you wouldn't reject this kind of alliance."

Tony Stark said this to Professor X and Magneto.

Professor X and Magneto looked at each other, but their reactions were somewhat different.

Magneto is no longer the Magneto he used to be, and with his wife and daughter, he is no longer so keen on these things.

But Professor X thinks this is a very good opportunity.

"It sounds like a very interesting thing, and I will seriously consider it." Professor X said sternly to Tony Stark.

[Please listen to the question: The Scarlet Witch caught Miss America and began to use the ceremony to gain the ability of Miss America, but she stopped after a battle. Who defeated the Scarlet Witch? 】

[A. Doctor Strange studied the Book of Darkness and defeated the Scarlet Witch using sleepwalking witchcraft]

[B. The Mage King made a sneak attack while Doctor Strange fought the Scarlet Witch and defeated the Scarlet Witch]

[C. Miss America exploded her potential at the juncture of life and death, defeating the Scarlet Witch]

[D. The Scarlet Witch woke up and decided to let go]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with the Tegu Dimensional Square Shangri-La;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

The system prompt sounded at this time, and a new text appeared on the big screen.

The latest issue has appeared.

"Has the Scarlet Witch finally been defeated?"

Clark Kent couldn't help laughing.

In the previous related videos, the Scarlet Witch is a super old man who is unstoppable and beats Kama Taj and kicks the Illuminati.

Is it finally ushered in defeat now?

"What is this, the Scarlet Witch has already been defeated by us once." Tony Stark said with disapproval.

As if this kind of thing is not something to brag about.

"Stark, we are the Scarlet Witch who were defeated together. If we fight alone, none of us will be the opponent of the Scarlet Witch."

Captain America corrected himself on the side.

"No, Rogers, what you said is too absolute. I gave Thor the chance. You can't win the Scarlet Witch by yourself, it doesn't mean that I am the same!"

Tony Stark was not convinced when he heard this.

Who is Benny?

Benedict is the one who sent Thanos and his army back to their grandma's house!

What is a mere Scarlet Witch?

"I'm sorry I didn't intend to interrupt, but... who is the Scarlet Witch?" Magneto asked in confusion.

Whether it is the Scarlet Witch mentioned in the title, or the Doctor Strange, Mage King, Miss America, etc. in the options, he does not know.

"Charles, Eric, Scarlet Witch is a girl who is proficient in magic..." Captain America simply introduced these characters to Professor X.

It was only then that Magneto suddenly realized that this Miss America was talking about the girl who accidentally opened the space door and trapped him in another universe.

It's just that everyone called that girl America at the time, and Magneto didn't react for a while.

But America...

Who would have a name that sounds like a country?

"I don't think option A is very likely."

Bruce Wayne's voice sounded, and he first started to conduct a basic analysis, "We have all seen the strength of Doctor Strange who has learned from the Book of Darkness. He can't even beat the other one who was hanged by the Scarlet Witch!"

"So it makes it hard for me to believe that studying the Book of Darkness will allow him to defeat the Scarlet Witch."

Several answerers who have experienced the corresponding answers still agree with this. It is very easy to compare the strength of Scarlet Witch and the "Dark Version" of Doctor Strange.

After all, both sides have played against Doctor Strange!

One completely hangs Doctor Strange, and the other is killed by Doctor Strange.

The difference between the two sides is not too obvious.

Although option A is more complicated, it can be summed up in one sentence: the dark version of Doctor Strange defeated the Scarlet Witch.

Naturally, this possibility is unlikely.

Although the two dark versions of Doctor Strange are not the same person, since they are the same person in another parallel universe, they can naturally be used for direct reference.

"Yes, I think option A is also ruled out." Tony Stark nodded in agreement.

Several other respondents also made no objection.

The answerers turned their attention to the next option.

"If it's option B... I don't think it's very likely."

Clark Kent held his chin in his hand, looked at the big screen and said to everyone, "The Scarlet Witch is much stronger than the Mage King, and I don't think his sneak attack will work."

Back then, the Scarlet Witch could overturn the entire Kama Taj by herself, but now she only beats Doctor Strange and the Mage King, will it fail?

"Sneak attack! Option B says sneak attack."

Captain America took a more conservative judgment, "Since it was a sneak attack, it's not a strange thing for a weaker person to defeat a stronger person, a sneak attack."

In this way, even a kid could throw a bomb to kill Captain America.

If it is to rely on strength to go to the front, what is it called a sneak attack?

"I think what Rogers said makes sense. Although the strength of the two sides has a great influence on the outcome of a battle, it is definitely not the only influencing factor."

"What's more, we are discussing the situation of sneak attack." Professor X also agreed with Captain America's point of view.

"So option B, let's wait for it." Captain America gave his opinion.

"That's to be determined." Clark Kent shrugged.

Tony Stark and Magneto didn't raise any objections either.

Next option to continue.

"For Miss America, I don't think she's very likely."

Tony Stark immediately shook his head, "She doesn't have any other abilities besides opening the space door, right?"

Miss America has been in their universe for a long time, and everyone knows Miss America very well.

Not even just that.

Because Nick Fury attaches great importance to Miss America, he is very concerned about the development of Miss America's strength, and has specially dispatched corresponding personnel to conduct psychological counseling for Miss America.

The understanding of Miss America is not general.

In this case, everyone's information about Miss America can be said to be reliable enough.

"Could it be that the Miss America you know is just an appearance, in fact, there really is a power hidden in her body that you don't know about?"

"It's just that it's hidden too deep, so it doesn't show up at ordinary times, but when Miss America faces a life-and-death threat, does that potential burst out?"

After Magneto pondered for a while, he also came up with such a reasonable speculation.

"Of course we can't rule out this possibility, but if I say it, this possibility is very low." Bruce Wayne thought for a while, but shook his head.

"Because Miss America has been hunted down by the Scarlet Witch for not a day or two, nor is she facing a life-and-death crisis once or twice."

"If there is really potential to be forced out, it would have been forced out long ago, right?"

After everyone's discussion, option C was ruled out without too much doubt.

Next, there is only one last option left.

"Scarlet Witch repented and let go? If it were me, I would choose this option." Captain America made such a judgment without hesitation.

"I always believe that Wanda just got into the horns for a while. Although she has done a lot of wrong things, I believe that she will come back one day."

Captain America's words are mixed with a certain degree of personal emotional factors, which are somewhat subjective.

However, even if these personal emotional factors are completely ignored, if you only analyze it logically, you can't find any reason to exclude option D.

The end is undoubtedly to be determined.

After preliminary analysis and screening, we have ruled out two options in total, and two options are also pending.

What everyone has to do next is to analyze and compare the two pending options to determine the final option.

"Did the Mage King sneak up on the Scarlet Witch, or did the Scarlet Witch give up on herself? What do you think?" Professor X asked while looking at the other answerers except Magneto.

He and Magneto knew too much about Scarlet Witch, but they couldn't give good advice on this issue.

"I think option D is more logical."

Clark Kent expressed his opinion, which is the same as that of Captain America, "We have all seen the skills of the Scarlet Witch. She is a powerful witch, and she is proficient in magic."

"It's a method with almost no weaknesses, allowing Scarlet Witch to do almost anything."

"She can even modify reality!"

"So... I don't think it's very possible to defeat the Scarlet Witch even if it's a sneak attack."

Scarlet Witch is not like a superman, and has such obvious weaknesses as kryptonite, which is why ordinary people like Bruce Wayne can almost kill her.

Scarlet Witch itself is invulnerable.

Moreover, the Mage King and Doctor Strange are both mages from Kama Taj, and the methods of the two are exactly the same, and they have no advantage in front of the Scarlet Witch.

After all, Scarlet Witch knew the magic of Kama Taj.

In view of all the circumstances, it is more reliable that Scarlet Witch does not want to fight.

After all, although the Scarlet Witch has killed a lot of people, her behavior is quite different from those villains who wantonly harm others. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Scarlet Witch only takes action against those who block her, not against people who are completely irrelevant.

Even before they hit Kama Taj, Doctor Strange and the others were given time to think about and prepare.

All of this shows that the conscience of the Scarlet Witch is still intact, but it is only because of the influence of the Book of Darkness that it infinitely magnifies her obsession with the reunion of her mother and son.

Under this premise, repentance is not too abrupt.

After some discussion, the answer to this question is D.

Although no one can be 100% sure that this is the answer, option D is undoubtedly the most likely.

After confirming the answer, the answerers at the scene went through some simple discussions, and the number of answers finally fell to Captain America.

"I choose D, Scarlet Witch will let herself go!"

Captain America didn't have too much nonsense, and gave his answer directly to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately heard such a prompt tone.

[Congratulations to the answerer Steve Rogers for winning the award Dimensional Square Shangri-La! 】

[The reward has been issued, please pay attention to check it! 】

With these few prompts from the system, a blue-gray, compass-like thing appeared in Captain America's hands.

There is no doubt that it is the so-called Teigu with a very strange name.

Of course, the corresponding information was also instilled directly into Captain America's mind.

"It turns out that this is actually a space teleportation prop!"

Captain America said in surprise.

You can't tell by looking at the name alone.

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