Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 472: Magneto, the ruthless man who overturned the entire football field

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately heard such a prompt tone.

Everyone's previous analysis is correct, and the answer is indeed Mystique.

[Congratulations to the answerer, Stephen Strange, for getting a reward mask of pain! 】

[The reward has been issued, please pay attention to check it! 】

As soon as the system's beep disappeared, a silver-colored skull-shaped mask appeared in Doctor Strange's hand.

Although it is skeleton-shaped, it does not look ferocious.

On the contrary, with a bit of coolness, it looks very beautiful.

"This is the Mask of Pain? I bet children will like it very much!" Tony Stark glanced at the mask in Doctor Strange's hands and couldn't help teasing.

In his eyes, the mask was indeed like a toy.

"So... this mask is a mask that will make others feel pain?" Bruce Wayne asked very curiously on the side.

"No no, don't be misled by the name of this mask, this mask has nothing to do with words like 'pain'."

Doctor Strange shook his head, and then introduced to everyone, "In simple terms, this mask has a total of three functions."

"First, it can increase the magician's magic attack by 120 points."

"Increase the magic attack of the mage?" Tony Stark keenly grasped these key words, "That is to say, this mask can only be used by the mage?"

"That's it." Doctor Strange nodded, "Yes, this mask, only I can use it among the few of us."

The person who answered this question was also Doctor Strange.

Is it a coincidence?

Or is the answering system some sort of arrangement?

Nobody knows.

However, the only mage got a reward that only mage can use, which is a happy thing for everyone.

"How much is a 120-point spell attack?" Wonder Woman Diana asked on the side.

"This... I can't tell you in a quantitative way." Doctor Strange thought about it carefully, and explained to Wonder Woman like this, "Let's say, this mask can increase my strength by 5%. "

At five percent, at first glance, this ratio doesn't seem to be too big, but don't forget that this is an instant increase in strength.

A person's strength, especially when the strength is stable, it is very difficult to go further.

Don't say it's 5%, 1% has to go through a lot of training for a long time.

A five percent increase is already a very good reward.

"120 points is a 5% increase, that is to say, Strange, your magic power is about 2400 points?" Bruce Wayne made a simple calculation.

"Magic isn't measured in such a simple and rude way,'re probably saying the same thing." Strange nodded.

"Then Scarlet Witch, I mean the Scarlet Witch in another universe, it's almost 10,000 points?" Tony Stark guessed weakly.

Doctor Strange was immediately unhappy.

He admits that the Scarlet Witch is very strong, but no matter how strong it is, it can't be nearly five times his own, right?

"Strange, what about the other two functions of the Pain Mask?" Captain America asked while looking at Doctor Strange curiously.

"The second effect is to increase my health by 800 points." Doctor Strange continued to introduce everyone.

Similar to some rewards that can increase life value, the system has also issued them before, and Peter Parker also explained what it means from the perspective of game props.

Simply put, it can increase people's vitality and make people's blood bars thicker.

This attribute can be said to be a very, very important and practical attribute.

In terms of specific manifestations, it is that people are more difficult to kill, more difficult to be injured, and more energetic.

It is very important in combat.

"As for the third point, if I hit the enemy with this mask, it will cause a certain amount of continuous damage to the enemy."

Without waiting for everyone to ask, Doctor Strange introduced the third point of action to everyone, "It can damage the enemy by 3% of their current health every 0.5 seconds, and it can last for two seconds."

Six six six!

Everyone around couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

This kind of continuous damage is more powerful, and it can weaken the enemy's health by 3% at once, and it can come four times in two seconds, which is 12% of the health at once.

This is still rather fatal.

"Strange, very good reward!" Clark Kent couldn't help but said to Doctor Strange.

To be honest, this reward is indeed very good.

[After answering the question, start playing the answer analysis! 】

The system beep sounded at this time.

A corresponding video was played on the big screen.

The first thing that appeared on the big screen was a crowded square.

Two gates were set up at the entrance of the square, and special soldiers at the gates searched the people who entered the square.

It seems to be a grand event organized by the official.

"Can I see your invitation letter?"

Beast Hank pushed Professor X, who was in a wheelchair, to the access control area, and was immediately questioned by a soldier.


Professor X was very casual, put his hand on his temple, and activated his ability, "These two are with me."

"Go in." The soldier immediately changed his attitude under Professor X's control.

Wolverine, Professor X, and Beast Hank walked into the venue with such a swagger.

But I saw gongs and drums and red flags fluttering in the venue. Looking around, there were people everywhere, black heads, various cameras, and many soldiers guarding and patrolling.

This is a grand official event no doubt.

"Magneto is the American high-level assassin who was assassinated in such a place?"

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

The same goes for the answerers at the scene.

It has to be said that the scene of the assassination was far beyond their expectations.

Generally speaking, assassination is naturally a secret place. Even if the situation forces you to choose a public place, you must choose a place with convenient transportation that is conducive to retreat.

In any case, I would not choose such a crowded venue.

It can only be said that Magneto is sturdy.

After entering the venue and sitting down, Professor X began to activate his ability and carefully searched for someone in the venue.

Everyone guessed that Magneto was mostly wearing a shielded helmet, so Professor X should not be looking for Magneto.

It must be someone else.

"I'm looking for her, she will definitely come." Professor X said to Hank and the others while activating his abilities.

"She", most of them should be looking for Raven.

It's just that Professor X used the special helmet that can find people to look for Mystique before, and he still hasn't found it yet.

"Please, Mr. President!"

Accompanied by this voice, the incumbent president of the United States stepped onto the high stage amid the cheers of the crowd and delivered a speech.

"My fellow citizens, today we face the most serious threat ever, mutants!"

"We are ready!"

The speech of the President of the United States actually reminded the general public to be careful about mutants.

In this era, the situation of mutants is evident.

With Magneto's aggressive character, it makes sense to kill such a president.

"To borrow Robert Oppenheimer's famous quote, 'Look, the world will change'..."

Following the president's words, the curtain behind him was suddenly lifted.

A row of tall and incomparable robots was exposed in front of everyone.

"These robots are not the prototypes of Sentinel robots, right?"

Tony Stark made such a natural guess.

According to the President's remarks, it is clear that those robots are weapons used to deal with mutants, and they are the trump card of human defense against mutants.

Considering the span of fifty years, it is not surprising that the shape of the sentinel robot has changed so greatly that it cannot be recognized as the same thing.

It's just that Magneto still dared to assassinate when he had a sentinel robot on the scene, and even almost succeeded. I don't know if the sentinel robot in this period was too useless, or Magneto was too strong.

Whoa whoa whoa!

on the screen.

When the sentinel robot appeared, thunderous applause broke out at the scene.

And at this same moment.

The figure of Magneto appeared on a football field.

This makes everyone feel a little strange.

Didn't Magneto go to assassinate the top executives in the United States, how could he appear in another unrelated place?

"Do you need help?"

Inside the football field, a security guard asked Magneto.

"No, no need!"

Magneto answered casually, then spread his arms and began to activate his abilities.

Ka Ka Ka!

Ka Ka Ka!

However, I saw that huge cracks began to appear in the walls around the football field.

Those cracks continued to spread, covering the entire football field at once.

The entire football field was "cut in half".

The entire football field actually flew into the air.

Magneto also opened his hands, flew through the air, and flew towards the venue with an entire football field.

"That's a bit of an exaggeration."

Bruce Wayne's face showed a look of surprise, stimulated by the power of Magneto.

Everyone has always known that Magneto is very strong, but flying in the air with a football field?

This is really a bit too exaggerated.

Magneto is indeed strong, not ordinary.

Not to mention anything else, just this scene on the screen, the answerers thought they couldn't do it.

And everyone's previous guesses have also been confirmed here. Magneto is indeed wearing the helmet that can shield Professor X's psychic ability, and it tends to be more invulnerable.

on the screen.

The venue continued to be lively, and no one knew that a football field was flying towards them.

Professor X is still looking for the trace of Mystique Raven.

Under the podium, a man in a suit who looked like a secret service suddenly turned around suddenly and made a move to draw a gun.

Plan to assassinate the president!

There is no doubt that that person is Mystique Raven.

She came to this venue for the same purpose as Magneto, both to assassinate.


But at that critical moment, Professor X finally found Mystique.

Under the activation of the ability, Mystique's body suddenly couldn't move.

It can only be said that Professor X's ability to control others from a distance is really unreasonable, too buggy.

After immobilizing Mystique, Professor X began to persuade Mystique to give up the assassination, and also asked the beasts Hank and Wolverine to stop Mystique.

Only this time, Magneto is here!


The first is that the Sentinel robots suddenly started to lift off.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Dr. Trisk at the scene couldn't help turning his head to Stryker behind him and asked, "I didn't let you activate them!"

"I didn't start it!" Stryker said innocently.

The audience at the scene also thought it was the sentinel robots that were officially launched, and they all cheered loudly.

"Isn't it? How can Magneto control the Sentinel droid?"

Wonder Woman Diana couldn't help speaking, and she expressed that she didn't quite understand it.

Since the Sentinel robot was specially developed to deal with mutants, wouldn't the designers consider Magneto, who has the ability to control metals?

Logically speaking, the material of the sentinel robot should not contain metal.

The Cuban Missile Crisis, Magneto controlled the missile in front of so many people, must be a blockbuster shock to the entire human society.

Trisk didn't know that Magneto could control metal, and the possibility was basically non-existent.

Then the scene on the screen does indeed seem a little unreasonable.

However, it was impossible for the answerers in front of them to know what was going on.

Chu Chu Chu!

Chu Chu Chu!

Under the control of Magneto, several sentinel robots began to ruthlessly pull the trigger on the people in the venue.

Huge swarms of bullets poured down.

The place was in chaos.

A group of high-level officials, including the president, were immediately escorted to the safe room by the relevant Secret Service.

Mystique Raven, also mixed in.

Waiting for an opportunity to assassinate the president. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Outside the venue, Magneto had brought the football field to the venue and put it down.

The entire venue was surrounded.

The venue will be directly cut off from the outside world.

Everyone finally understood why Magneto overturned the entire football field. The original purpose was to trap the president and high-level people in the venue and couldn't leave.

to facilitate his assassination.

After surrounding the entire venue with a football field, Magneto slowly descended from the sky under the "escort" of the sentry robot.

Seeing Magneto coming, Hank took off his glasses and began to transform.

In the blink of an eye, the original little fresh meat disappeared, a green monster appeared, and rushed towards Magneto.


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