Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 450: Powerful witch, turn over the entire Kama Taj!

As for why the Scarlet Witch insisted on arresting Miss America, and why Kama Taj had to protect Miss America, because of the lack of all the cause and effect of the matter, it is impossible for everyone to know anyway.

No one can even guess whether Miss America is evil, good or bad.

Because both sides fighting for her are superheroes.

All are standard positive characters.

"It seems, or all this can only be known after we answer the questions." Thor shrugged and said to everyone.

"OK, let's start to analyze this topic." Captain America nodded and said to everyone.

And he turned his attention to the first option, and made a corresponding analysis, "The Scarlet Witch didn't even enter the door of Kama Taj? It shouldn't be very likely, right?"

"We have all seen the strength of the Scarlet Witch. She alone can block Thanos who has collected five gems, and even nearly killed Thanos in the final battle!"

"Karma Taj is amazing, but I don't think it's enough to let the Scarlet Witch even enter the door."

The answerers on the scene also agreed with Captain America's words. With the power of the Scarlet Witch, if you can't even get in the door, everyone is really a little unacceptable.

"Yes, let's look at all the options, only the first option says that the Scarlet Witch was blocked from Kama Taj, and the other three options are the opposite options!"

Bruce Wayne said, and he was very keen to notice this interesting place in the setting of the topic options.

In addition to the first option saying that the Scarlet Witch was blocked at the door, the other three options, no matter what the result, the Scarlet Witch broke into Kama Taj!

And whether the Scarlet Witch was blocked or broke into the door, this is an either-or problem!

Impossible to coexist!

This is more interesting.

Or, everyone thinks that Scarlet Witch is more likely to be blocked, then you don't need to look at other options at all, and the answer is A.

Or, everyone thinks that the possibility is not so great, so it is ruled out without a doubt.

This is an option that requires an extreme choice.

The pending situation that Captain America said is obviously not applicable here.

So do you think it's very likely that the Scarlet Witch is blocked from the door?

Everyone at the scene felt that the possibility was not very high.

Then there is no doubt.

"Let's rule out option A, let's look at a few other options." Tony Stark said to everyone, and also made a basic classification of the remaining three options.

"Options B and C say that the Scarlet Witch defeated all Kama Taj mages, but Option D says that the Scarlet Witch was defeated by Kama Taj's mages!"

"Everyone, here comes the interesting part."

"We only need to analyze whether the Scarlet Witch will be defeated by all the mages of Kama Taj, and how likely it is, and we can make a screening again."

If everyone thinks this possibility is very high, then option D is naturally ruled out without question.

But if everyone thinks that the possibility is not very big, the answer is naturally D.

This question is still very interesting.

What problem does everyone need to analyze, is implied clearly, no, it should be said to be clearly stated.

Unlike other topics, everyone has to dig and search slowly by themselves from which angle to analyze.

And Scarlet Witch VS Kama Taj, which one is stronger among the mages?

There was a lively discussion about this.

"I think Kama Taj's mage." Diana expressed her opinion, "Although Scarlet Witch is powerful, she is not facing a person."

"The title says, what the Scarlet Witch has to face is a group of mages from Kama Taj, the mages of the entire Kama Taj!"

"No matter how powerful she is, she shouldn't be able to single out Kama Taj, right?"

"Makes sense!" Clark Kent nodded and agreed, "Kama Taj has always protected the earth from the invasion of other dimensions, and its strength is still very strong."

"If Scarlet Witch can defeat the power of the entire Kama Taj, doesn't this mean that Scarlet Witch alone is comparable to a dimensional invasion-level threat?"

"Scarlet Witch, has reached a level that threatens the multiverse?"

Everyone at the scene looked at me, I looked at you, and began to fall into contemplation.

When hearing Clark's analysis at first, everyone's first thought was how could Scarlet Witch reach the multiverse threat level?

In everyone's cognition, the real such a huge threat is the infinite Ultron.

Maybe add a Conqueror Kang, and those other variants of the Conqueror Kang.

In front of that level, the Scarlet Witch may indeed be worse.

Here I have to mention that the information of the answerers is poor. They naturally cannot imagine that the Scarlet Witch mentioned in the title is actually the Scarlet Witch after studying the Book of Darkness.

The strength is far stronger than the Scarlet Witch everyone knows.

"Wait a moment."

Just when everyone agreed that Scarlet Witch had a great chance of failing, Tony Stark raised a key question.

"Since Miss America has the ability to open the door to the multiverse, can we think that she is also a multiverse-level powerhouse?"

"Even she was arrested by the Scarlet Witch. Does this mean that the Scarlet Witch may have reached the level of the multiverse?"

This reference made by Tony Stark is indeed an important reference.

But then there are loopholes that other answerers put forward for this reason. Just opening the space door does not mean that Miss America is a multiverse-level powerhouse.

This reason is still somewhat far-fetched.

After all, the universe is actually not as strong as everyone thinks.

Doctor Strange can unintentionally open the door to the multiverse with a single spell, but is Doctor Strange a multiverse-level powerhouse?

Obviously not.

The blackened Doctor Strange in another parallel universe is similar.

So it remains to be seen whether Miss America has reached the level of the multiverse.

that's it.

Everyone at the scene had a heated discussion about who is stronger between Scarlet Witch and Kama Taj.

But in the end, no conclusion was reached.

After all, Scarlet Witch and Kama Taj are really strong and weak. It's really difficult to compare them out of thin air like this.

Furthermore, the real battle is also very complicated. In many cases, it is not necessarily the strongest that can win the final victory.

"I think, let's take both cases into account for the time being." Clark Kent finally made such a suggestion.

"The Scarlet Witch may defeat Kama Taj, but it is also possible to be defeated by Kama Taj! If the Scarlet Witch is defeated by Kama Taj, the answer is undoubtedly D."

"But what if Scarlet Witch defeated Kama Taj? Which would be option B or C?"

"C?" Thor said on the side, and he came to the conclusion of course, "Even if Miss America can't beat the Scarlet Witch, but there are so many Kama Taj mages to protect her, she can always escape. Bar?"

The other answerers at the scene felt the same way.

At any rate, he is also a strong man who can open the door of space. Even if his strength really does not reach the level of the multiverse, if he cannot escape under the protection of the entire Kama Taj, it will be a bit of a waste.

But what the answerers will not think is that Miss America is really such a waste!

After some discussion, everyone finally reached an agreement. If it is possible that Scarlet Witch defeated Kama Taj, then the answer is C.

"So, we have this situation again." Captain America shrugged, "Two different situations, two different choices, it depends on how you choose."

Captain America has just answered a question, so this question has nothing to do with Captain America.

The remaining five answerers discussed this accordingly.

Of course, the focus of the discussion is naturally the rewards released by the system this time.

"God stone? Magic stone? So what kind of reward is this question?"

Thor said very curiously. Literally, the reward for this question seems to be just a stone!

And the description of "magic stone" is a bit too general. If you look at this description alone, you can't see any way of this reward at all.

"I really want to know what kind of magical stone this is." Bruce Wayne smiled, and he glanced at everyone, "Everyone, if you are not very interested, I will consider answering this question. already."

Bruce Wayne is really right, other people are really not very interested in this reward.

Just curious at best.

But Bruce Wayne is really very interested, because it looks like a raw material that is suitable for Bruce Wayne to study and use.

You might be able to create something very miraculous.

Of course, Tony Stark also has some interest in this, but since Bruce Wayne has spoken first, Tony Stark will naturally not fight with Bruce Wayne.

"Casillas can lead people to slaughter the London Temple, so Kama Taj's strength may not be as strong as we think."

"I mean, the strength of Kama Taj may be more dependent on a few of the strong heads. As for the other ordinary mages, I don't think they play such a big role."

"Kama Taj has only three temples in the world, so the situation of these three temples should be similar, and the situation of the London temple seems to be a reference."

"Doctor Strange's choice to lead the entire Kama Taj mages to face the Scarlet Witch also speaks volumes."

"So... the answer to this question, I choose C!"

After some analysis, Bruce Wayne gave his answer to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately sounded such a prompt tone.

Bruce Wayne spread his hands: "It seems ... my luck is not bad."

Frankly speaking, in fact, Bruce Wayne is not so sure about this question. Although he gave a decent analysis, it is only a guess.

That's all.

[Congratulations to the answerer Bruce Wayne for getting a reward stone! 】


The sound of the system fell, and a seemingly ordinary, unremarkable stone appeared in Bruce Wayne's hand.

Everyone at the scene immediately gathered their curious eyes one by one, wanting to see what kind of stone it was before it could be called a "God".

But I have to say that the first look at the sale is a little different from what everyone imagined.

"It looks like an ordinary stone," Clark Kent said, glancing at the stone in Bruce Wayne's hand, "but it certainly doesn't look so simple, does it?"

"Of course." Thor pointed to Bruce Wayne's face, "Just look at the expression on Bruce's face."

But seeing Bruce Wayne at the moment, there is a trace of amazement and admiration on his face.


The so-called **** stone is definitely a very powerful thing.

"This is an amazing stone!"

Bruce Wayne said to everyone, his voice full of amazement, "This is simply the masterpiece of God, no, it is the creation of God in another world!"

"Bruce, you have successfully aroused my curiosity, so, what is the origin of this stone? What does it do?" Tony Stark couldn't help but ask.

"Well, this stone comes from another fantasy world in the East."

Bruce Wayne began to talk freely for everyone and introduced the God Stone.

When everyone at the scene heard that it was the eastern world, they couldn't help showing a very interested look.

Because a lot of reward systems from the eastern world have been distributed, basically every reward is very magical.

Whether it is the twelve spells, the magical oriental martial arts, or the Qilin bloodline of the Zhang family, they all left a deep impression on everyone.

"In that world, there is a legendary **** called Nuwa. According to legend, their world was once broken, and it was this Nuwa who used her supreme divine power to mend and improve the world."

"And this divine stone in my hand is the leftover stone that Nu Wa used to repair the world!"

Not to mention, the origin of this stone alone pushes it to the extreme.

Even if the legend is false, it is enough to show the extraordinaryness of the divine stone.

"I know, I know! You want to know what this stone is for, right? In short, it can increase a person's strength twenty times!"

Bruce Wayne once again introduced to everyone.

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