Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 440: Batman, breaking the line between life and death

The option of Martian Manhunter has been ruled out by everyone, and there is basically no doubt about this.

In any case, it is unlikely that people will choose an unfamiliar option they have never seen as the answer.

Unless several other options are definitely ruled out.

But this question is clearly not the case.

Not only that.

Martian hunters also have a good reason for being excluded to a certain extent.

"Arthur Curry can also be ruled out? We all know that Bruce Wayne was the first to look for him, but he was rejected on the spot."

Thor's voice sounded, and he said to everyone with a face of course at this time.

There are also enough reasons.

"Although Arthur Curry rejected Bruce on the spot, we all know that he joined the Justice League later, so ~ this alone, I don't think it's enough to rule out."

Captain America thought for a while, but said so.

"That's right."

Clark Kent also nodded, agreeing on the side, "I don't think Bruce is a person who gives up easily, maybe after Arthur Curry rejected him, he went to invite him many times, and finally moved Arthur Curry. ."

"It's also possible that something happened that made Arthur Curry change his mind." Diana added on the side.

All in all, the meaning is obvious. Arthur Curry rejected Bruce Wayne for the first time and then joined the Justice League. No one knows what happened.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Arthur Curry's attitude has undergone a 180-degree change.

When exactly did this transition take place?

Nobody knows.

It may be very early, or it may be very late, which is not a good thing to say.

So the answer to this question may still be Arthur Curry.

"Sea King Arthur Curry, wait to be determined first."

After some exchanges with each other, Captain America gave Aquaman this option and marked it with such a label.

Thor is still very helpless about this. Does he think these people are thinking too much?

It can't be ruled out, nor can it be ruled out.

But after so many answers, Thor also understood Captain America's temperament very well, and didn't say much.

"Let's look at the other two options." Captain America immediately suggested.

Everyone, one by one, set their sights on the two options of Victor Stone and the Flash Barry Allen.

However, everyone found that these two options could not be analyzed at all.

Even for Martian Hunter, an option that everyone has never seen before, everyone can find some entry points and conduct some related tendencies analysis.

But the two options, Cyborg and Flash, are really completely impossible to start with.

"The only thing we know about these two options is that they are indeed members of the Justice League, that's all, there is no other relevant information."

Tony Stark shrugged.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. In this case, even a person with a high IQ like him can't analyze what one, two, three, or four are.

In other words, we can only do some pure theoretical analysis, which is completely unsupported by any facts.

"If it was me, I think The Flash is more likely." Tony Stark gave such an answer after some thought.

"I think so too." Bruce Wayne spoke on the side, but thought about it with Tony Stark.

"Why? Why do you all think the Flash is more likely?" Thor was really curious.

These two options are obviously impossible to start with, why did they both make a choice?

How did you choose?

"I've never heard of Cyborg, The Flash, etc., before taking this quiz, or more specifically, the Justice League quiz."

Bruce Wayne spoke up and began to explain to Thor why.

Having said that, he turned his head to look at the other two dc bosses beside him, "How about you? Have you heard of it?"

However, Clark Kent and Diana both shook their heads.

"And both Cyborg and The Flash are so distinct, I mean, when they use their superpowers, it's hard not to get noticed."

"But all of them have been unknown for so many years, and I think it is reasonable to think that they are deliberately hiding themselves! Hiding their superpowers!"

Everyone at the scene looked at each other, but none of them refuted Bruce Wayne's inference.

After all, what Bruce Wayne said makes sense, as long as the appearance of Cyborg appears in front of people, it will definitely cause a sensation.

If the Flash's lightning speed is cast in front of people, it will definitely be the same.

These two people have not been known, and most of them are deliberately hiding themselves.

"So if I'm looking for someone like Diana, which of the two is easier for me to find?"

Bruce Wayne threw such a question again, which can be said to point directly to the key.

"That's right, it's the Flash." Captain America said, and he fully understood what Bruce Wayne meant.

"The steel bone can connect to all the networks, and Bruce Wayne will be noticed by him the first time he investigates him!"

"Unless Bruce Wayne doesn't do any online inquiries!"

But is such a thing possible?

Do not conduct online inquiries, but rely on offline surveys?

Obviously not possible.

"In addition, Bruce Wayne's every move will be easily controlled by the steel bones!"

"In this case, I think if Cyborg is intentionally hidden, it will be very difficult to find him."

"At the very least, it will be much more difficult than The Flash!"

"It makes sense! It seems that the possibility of being the Flash is a bit higher!" Thor suddenly realized.

Everyone has a certain understanding of what the Flash looks like, and this guy is a little funny.

Does not have any combat skills.

It can also be seen from several battles that this person is completely a layman for the set on the battlefield.

Most likely it is an ordinary person.

Bruce Wayne wants to find The Flash, naturally, it is much easier than Cyborg.

Although these reasons are pure analysis, pure speculation, without any relevant clues to support, but in the case that other analysis cannot be carried out for these two options, this analysis can only prevail.

Steel bones were also ruled out by everyone.

Among the four "candidates" in the options, only the Flash and Aquaman are left.

And how to choose between these two people is actually not too difficult for everyone.

"Can Sea King be ruled out?" Diana first expressed her opinion, "Is this obvious?"

Not only Diana, everyone at the scene actually thinks so.

Even if everyone can't be sure when Aquaman "changed his mind", in any case, this guy also has a "report" of rejecting Bruce Wayne.

What about The Flash?

There is no "black stuff".

Therefore, although there is no too definite evidence and clues, there is indeed no big doubt about who to choose.

"Wait a minute everyone, remember the video of the Flash tripping himself?"

Tony Stark recalled a detail at this time, which further supports this point.

"In that battle, Sea King did not participate in the battle from beginning to end, and only appeared when the last flood broke out."

"He stopped the flood for everyone!"

"There's a detail when The Flash once asked Bruce Wayne who Aquaman was!"

"The Flash at that time didn't know Aquaman at all!"

"That's right, Aquaman definitely didn't join the Justice League at that time!" Thor clapped his hands excitedly. There was no doubt about the answer to this question.

Next comes the question of who will answer the question.

Several dc bosses wanted to discuss it again, but the Marvel bosses on the opposite side laughed.

"Bruce, this reward is none other than you, only you are the most suitable." Thor said to Bruce Wayne angrily.

Others also looked convinced.

This made Bruce Wayne a little confused.

Looking at this, it is obvious that the people on the opposite side know what this so-called heart-shaped grass is.

But grass?

What can this thing do?

Bruce Wayne couldn't figure it out.

"Stark, do you know what kind of grass this is?" Bruce Wayne looked at Tony Stark curiously and asked.

"Wait a minute, heart-shaped grass? Is this the heart-shaped grass from Wakanda?" Diana asked.

"Yes, this heart-shaped grass, just like the last desperate virus, came from our world!" Tony Stark nodded and said.

Tony Stark and the others are not surprised that the people on the opposite side know about their Marvel world.

Because several dc bosses have told them long ago that they also have works circulating in each other's world.

"Wakanda? Diana, did you even read the chapter on Black Panther?"

Bruce Wayne glanced at Diana and asked.

Wonder Woman seems to be very busy.

Bruce Wayne also watched some of the main characters and big events, that's all.

"Of course, that's a very good read." Diana smiled.

"Serving heart-shaped grass can give people extraordinary power! Of course, to a certain extent."

Captain America saw that Bruce Wayne didn't understand heart-shaped grass, so he specifically explained it.

If this is the case, then this heart-shaped grass is really only suitable for Bruce Wayne.

After all, there is no need for someone like Thor, Diana.

Captain America is also reinforced, even Tony Stark.

The only one who is still downright mortal is Bruce Wayne.

And the heart-shaped grass does not turn people into monsters like the desperate virus, and Bruce Wayne naturally has nothing to refuse.

"I choose The Flash!"

Bruce Wayne immediately faced the big screen and gave his answer.

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately sounded such a prompt tone.

Like everyone's analysis, the answer is indeed The Flash.

[Congratulations to the answerer Bruce Wayne for winning the reward heart-shaped grass, the reward has been issued, please pay attention to check! 】


Following the system's prompt tone, Bruce Wayne's hand immediately saw a very unique flower that seemed to sparkle.

There is no doubt that it is a heart-shaped grass.

"Take this grass, and you can get the power of the black panther."

Bruce Wayne sorted out the memories in his mind and couldn't help but smile, "So, will I become a black panther in the future?"

Of course, Bruce Wayne's remark was purely a joke.

"Black Panther Power" or something, it's just a title.

It is a belief totem of the Wakanda tribe, and has nothing to do with the leopard.

After all, the heart-shaped grass and Captain America's super serum are actually things of a nature, both of which can stimulate the potential of the human body and enhance the strength of the human body.

That's all.

"Very good, Batman will be super human in the future." Tony Stark interjected.

To a certain extent, he and Bruce Wayne still have a lot of similarities. Both of them are technological geniuses, relying on various equipment, but they are actually ordinary people.

Once they leave the support of technological power, they are simply helpless.

This is actually the Achilles heel of the two, and it can be said to be the only shortcoming.

But now, this shortcoming has also been filled.

Frankly speaking, the power of the heart-shaped grass is actually very powerful. During the civil war, the Black Panther T'Challa had fought against the Winter Soldier several times.

It can be seen that both are of the same level.


Diana also opened her mouth at this time. She introduced to Bruce Banner, "In addition to enhancing personal strength, this heart-shaped grass has another side effect."

Having said this, Diana's expression began to become serious, "It seems that it can also make people meet their dead ancestors again."

"Diana, what did you say?"

Bruce Wayne suddenly became excited, and his breathing was also a little short.

Even at his rank, he couldn't keep calm when he heard such news suddenly.

His parents had been dead for decades, and Bruce Wayne was left alone at a very young age.

After so many can he see his parents again?

Heart-shaped grass, can actually break the boundary between life and death?

But soon, Bruce Wayne regained his composure again. He glanced at Diana and asked, "How did you meet? My parents have been dead for decades."

"Actually, I'm not too sure. In short, after taking the heart-shaped grass, your spirit seems to enter a certain kind of spiritual space or something."

"There, you will meet your parents."

Diana explains for Bruce Wayne.


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