Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 427: 1 person caused multiverse chaos!

The latest website: "There are only two answers left. One is that the Lokis are killed, and the other is that Kang the Conqueror is killed. I think the answer is already very obvious, right?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but speak to everyone at this time.

"It seems that Kang the Conqueror is very likely to be a pervert, as Clark said." Diana added on the side.

As Tony Stark said, these two options are indeed very obvious.

Although Kang the Conqueror is a pervert, everyone thinks that the possibility is not very big, but in any case, it is more reliable than Kang the Conqueror being killed by Loki.

Others on the scene, including Thor, did not raise any objections.

The answer just fell on the head of option A.

As for who will answer this question next.

The answerers at the scene discussed with each other, and in the end, the place fell to Bruce Wayne.

After all, although everyone doesn't understand this reward very well, the "Foot of Shadow Ninja" does not have obvious distinguishing features.

But since the name has a "foot" and the quantifier used is "double", everyone naturally guessed that the reward should be something worn on both feet.

Most likely it's not shoes or socks.

And the reward for shoes and socks, what is the greatest possibility?

Naturally it's speeding up.

For this kind of reward, frankly speaking, among the answerers at the scene, only Bruce Wayne really needs this kind of reward the most.

Bruce Wayne was naturally rude, and immediately gave his answer: "I chose the Lokis to be killed by Kang the Conqueror."

【wrong answer! 】

But the answer is still wrong!

[The answerer Bruce Wayne will be punished by erasing his knowledge and experience of metal materials, which will be executed immediately! 】


Bruce Wayne only felt that his brain was in a trance, and then he was a little surprised to find that his related memories had really disappeared.

Even though he had already experienced the extraordinaryness of the answering system, he was still stunned by the situation in front of him.

Then came the pain in the ass.

Material-related knowledge and experience, that is a very important knowledge and experience for Bruce Wayne!

"Don't worry about Bruce Wayne."

Seeing the worry and pain on Bruce Wayne's face, Captain America immediately spoke, reminding Bruce Wayne, "The erasure of the system is not permanent, you can also relearn and gain those knowledge and experience."

"Is that so? Phew!"

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. It's not unacceptable to say such things.

It just takes some time.

[It is detected that the answerer has answered the question incorrectly three times in a row, this question will be automatically locked, and the answerer cannot answer the question in the locked state. 】

The sound of the system sounded again at this time.

In response to this situation, several Marvel answerers have long been surprised, and several DC answerers quickly showed a sudden look after a slight stun.

If the answer is wrong three times in a row, should the correct option still be used?

Directly locked, nothing strange.

[It is detected that this question is in a locked state, and the following directly enters the analysis stage. 】

[The correct answer to this question is C, the conqueror Kang was killed by female Loki]

[Play the answer analysis now. 】

And with the sound of this series of prompt sounds, a corresponding image was played on the big screen.

But I saw that in a very psychedelic and secluded hall, two people, a man and a woman, were moving forward cautiously with alert faces. There was no doubt that they were Loki and female Loki.

Even female Loki held a long knife in her hand, ready to fight at any time.


At this time, a loud noise came, which startled the two Loki, but it turned out that an elevator door opened.

A black man who looked very cynical was sitting in the elevator swaggeringly.

Could this guy be Kang the Conqueror?

This was the first thought that flashed through everyone in front of the screen after seeing this black man appear.

Because this black man is completely different from the Conqueror Kang that everyone imagined in their minds. First of all, this person is very short in stature, and secondly, he looks a bit condescending. No matter how you look at it, he doesn't have the slightest bit of a boss temperament.

Could it be that this man was a subordinate of Kang the Conqueror, who ran errands under the boss?

"It's so exciting!"

Kang the Conqueror stood up and said to the two Lokis, "You two are actually the same person, which is a bit unusual,'s really exciting."


As he spoke, Kang the Conqueror took a bite of the apple and ate it with relish.

It can only be said that in the aspect of pretending, Kang the Conqueror is also a bit deep into the bone marrow, and he has formed a habit. At this time, taking a bite of an apple is not only for pretending, no one can think of anything else.

"Legacy!" Female Loki murmured as she looked at Kang the Conqueror with murderous eyes.

"Legacy, does she still call me that? It's a bit strange, but... I actually like it." Conqueror Kang continued to pretend, and waved at the two Loki, "Come on, **** me. Office talk!"

"It seems that this guy is really Kang the Conqueror."

Thor couldn't help but look weird.

Others feel more or less the same way.

With the conversation between the two parties now, there is basically no doubt that the black is Kang the conqueror.

Although Kang the Conqueror did not explicitly admit his identity, he was a host from beginning to end, which has been confirmed.

It has to be said that it is indeed different from what everyone imagined.

"Different from what you imagined?"

on the screen.

Conqueror Kang stood in the elevator and said casually to the two people behind him.

He knew that the two people behind him were going to kill him, but he still left his back completely to the two of them.

Of course, since Kang the Conqueror dares to pretend to be this coercive, everyone also believes that Kang the Conqueror really has certain skills.

"You are just an ordinary person... an ordinary person with flesh and blood!" The two Loki spoke in surprise.

But for everyone in front of the screen, it was somewhat unclear what the "ordinary person" meant by the Lokis.

Literally speaking, this is saying that Kang the Conqueror is a human being, but how can ordinary human beings have the ability to travel through the sky and latitudes?

"Don't tell me you are disappointed." Conqueror Kang's voice continued to sound, but he did not deny it.

"No!" said the female Loki, "this way, it will be easier to kill you!"

Before she finished speaking, female Loki raised the long knife in her hand and slashed at Kang the Conqueror.

But Conqueror Kang's body suddenly turned into a phantom, easily dodging the female Loki's knife.


Female Loki slashed the Conqueror Kang several times in succession, but the Conqueror Kang seemed to really be able to predict the future, and all of them easily dodged the past.

The two Loki, in front of Kang the Conqueror, were like children, allowing Kang the Conqueror to play.

"Female Loki is no match for Conqueror Kang at all, so how did she kill Conqueror Kang in the end?" Diana's voice sounded, with a hint of doubt in her voice.

"I think there is only one answer." After some thought, Bruce Wayne gave such an answer, "It wasn't that she killed Kang the Conqueror, but Kang the Conqueror wanted to die."

Everyone was slightly startled, but quickly agreed with Bruce Wayne's judgment.

In fact, things are already obvious. There is basically no doubt that Kang the Conqueror can predict the future, so will Kang the Conqueror not predict that Loki is going to kill himself?

But in this case he was still killed!

The only reasonable result was that Kang the Conqueror wanted to die himself.

on the screen.

After all, the female Loki failed to kill Kang the Conqueror, and could only follow Kang the Conqueror into his office obediently.

Conqueror Kang completely disregarded the actions of his two Lokis to kill him, and warmly greeted the two Lokis to sit down and made tea for them.

Immediately afterwards, Kang the Conqueror made another extremely coercive remark, and it didn't take long for the female Loki to get angry, and once again picked up the knife and slashed at Kang the Conqueror mercilessly.

But there is no doubt that it did not hurt a single hair of Conqueror Kang at all.

Not only that, but the two Loki also discovered a fact that made them even more desperate and unacceptable: their every move was all predicted by Kang the Conqueror.

Kang the Conqueror even has a script there!

He casually took out one of the pages and handed it to the two Lokis, which recorded the actions of the two Lokis just now.

As of now, there is no doubt that Kang the Conqueror can indeed predict the future.

The two Lokis were obviously hit as well.

"Why are we here!"

Female Loki asked such a very crucial question.

Conqueror Kang knows everything and knows everything, how could they find where Conqueror Kang is?

"Wake up, if you didn't have the transformation along the way, you wouldn't be able to get here at all!" Conqueror Kang said to the two of them.

Everyone vaguely understood what Kang the Conqueror meant.

At least I understand part of it.

The reason why Kang the Conqueror went to great lengths to get the two Loki to find himself seemed like he was putting them to some sort of test.

So under what circumstances does one person test others?

The answer is obvious.

When that person entrusts another person.

So what exactly does Conqueror Kang have to entrust to the two Lokis?

Everyone is still very curious about this.

on the screen.

The conversation between the two parties continued.

Everyone's speculation has been confirmed. What the two Lokis experienced was really the test set by Kang the Conqueror for them.

Conqueror Kang also put everything in a showdown against the two Lokis.

"...Without me, without the Time Administration, the world will be in chaos!" Conqueror Kang's voice continued to sound, and he said to the two Loki in a deep voice.

"Then what are you afraid of!" Loki asked with the same solemn expression.

"Myself!" Conqueror Kang thought for a while, but gave such an answer.

"Then who are you?" Female Loki asked while taking advantage of the situation.

This question is also a question that everyone is more interested in, and everyone's faces begin to show full of interest.

It seems that Kang the Conqueror must have experienced some very exciting and interesting things before becoming Kang the Conqueror.

"I've been jokingly called a lot of nicknames by a lot of people, ruler, conqueror, survivor, idiot... but my name is not as simple as a name."

Conqueror Kang began to tell his story and introduced his story to everyone.

"Long, long ago, there was no Time Authority, a version of me, living on Earth in the 31st century."

"He was a scientist, and he discovered that there are other universes stacked on top of his universe."


Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but secretly complained that the appearance of Kang the Conqueror could not be linked to scientists anyway.

The two are too contradictory.

"At the same time, other versions of me also discovered the same thing, and naturally, they started to make contact."

"The vision of peace remained for a while, narcissistic, self-absorbed peace, sharing skills and knowledge, drawing the best parts of their own universe to help other universes."


Speaking of which, Kang the Conqueror came to a turning point.

"Not every version of me is so simple. For some of me, the only meaning of the new world is a new goal of conquest!"

"Peaceful coexistence in reality has evolved into a full-scale war, with each variant fighting for the survival of its own universe while destroying other universes."

"The universe has almost ushered in the end!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of everything!"

Everyone in front of the screen could be said to be speechless.

If what Kang the Conqueror says is true, isn't it true that the universe has gone through chaotic multiverse battles before?

And the culprit behind all of this turned out to be a single person!

Just thinking about it is incredible.

Discovering the existence of the multiverse, or even breaking it, is simply out of reach!

But Kang the Conqueror has done this in every parallel universe.

Probabilistically speaking, this is almost impossible.

"Then the Time Guardian appeared, and UU Reading saved everyone."

Female Loki's voice sounded, and she looked at Kang the Conqueror and said with a sneer on her face.

"No, from here, the story has to go in a different direction than the teaching."

Conqueror Kang shook his head.

"The original variant encounters a monster, congealed from real grief, that can devour itself in time and space!"

"This creature, you all know it."

"Elrios!" Loki replied.



Everyone in front of the screen deeply remembered this name in their hearts.

This is a terrifying existence that can devour time and space!

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