Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 423: Global Crisis: The Mother Box is Activated!

"In this parallel universe, the future of the story should be like this, right?"

Tony Stark's voice sounded, and he told everyone some of his predictions for the future, "Superman will return to normal, and then stand on a united front with the Justice League."

"Let's fight against the enemy the Justice League fought to resurrect Superman, and then... it's the perfect ending."

"Although there is no guarantee of a perfect ending, at least the Justice League has more confidence." Diana said calmly and restrained on the side.

The enemy is Darkseid!

Even if Superman joined, Diana didn't dare to hold too much hope.

Others who haven't experienced the battle of that year can't understand the horror of Dakseid at all.

So, the key to everything is the mother box!

Diana prayed secretly in her heart, hoping that the mother box would never be activated, otherwise it would be really troublesome if Darkseid and the others sensed the signal from the mother box.

"This topic is really timely!" Thor couldn't help but sigh immediately.

Now for several dc answerers, the most important thing is to confirm how the mother box is.

Whether the parent box has been activated, and if so, which parent box is activated.

These are all vital and important information concerning the safety of the world.

Unexpectedly, the answerer of dc has not had time to go back to investigate, and the answering system will take the initiative to issue a relevant answer.

"It seems that in the future, those three mother boxes will indeed be activated."

Bruce Wayne looked serious, "Of course, I'm not referring to the time when the Justice League resurrected Superman."

Of course the mother box was activated that time, but everyone believes that the mother box must have been activated once before that.

Otherwise, the Justice League would not have chosen to resurrect Superman.

It is precisely because the mother box has long been activated that Darkseid and the others have found the earth, and the Justice League consciously cannot deal with those enemies, so they chose to resurrect Superman.

This question was also asked when the mother box was activated before.

"Then let's answer this question carefully and see what's going on!" Diana said with twinkling eyes.

Everyone stopped talking nonsense, and one by one, they began to focus on the big screen, thinking and analyzing.

"First of all, I think the last option can be ruled out, right?"

Thor was the first to enter the analysis this time, "The possibility of three being activated at the same time should be very small, right? In your words, what is it called... a small probability event, right?"

"It sounds really weird to come out of Thor's mouth with some scientific terms."

Tony Stark first complained, and then added, "But, Thor, you are right, this is indeed a small probability event."

After all, the three mother boxes are kept in different places!

And it's not an ordinary place, and two of them are kept in "secret places" like Amazon and Atlantis.

In this way, there is only one possibility for the mother boxes to be activated at the same time. Someone has manipulated three mother boxes at the same time!

Because the probability of the three mother boxes being activated naturally at the same time is too low, this cannot be a natural occurrence, and someone must be manipulating it behind the scenes.

In other words, the simultaneous activation of the mother box is an artificial event.

However, the probability that someone will act on the mother box hidden in three places at the same time is also very low.

So low that everyone thinks it is unlikely to happen.

There is still no doubt about the last option, and it was ruled out by everyone at the first time.

Everyone agreed that the activated mother box must be one of the three mother boxes.

So which one is it?

There was a lot of discussion on this point.

"To analyze this problem, I think we have to clarify another problem first."

After some contemplation, Clark Kent threw a very sharp question, "The activation of the mother box is whether it is activated by itself or by someone."

The answers obtained from these two different activation methods may be completely different.

So Clark Kent is right, that needs to be figured out first.

"Diana, among us, you know the most about the mother box. What do you think is the possibility?" Bruce Wayne immediately turned his head to look at Diana and asked.

Although he himself thinks this possibility is unlikely, since a more authoritative person is around, of course, he must ask the opinion of a more authoritative person.

"The mother box has been kept in the Amazon for thousands of years, in a dormant state."

After thinking for a while, Diana began to give her own opinion.

"I believe that the mother box kept by Atlantis and humans must be the same, because the three of us had an agreement when we defeated Darkseid and kept the mother box separately."

"If there is any abnormality in the mother box kept by either party, it must notify and warn the other two parties in time."

"But for a long time, Amazon has not been warned, and we have not found any problems with the mother box."

"So I believe that the other two mother boxes must be the same, and there have been no abnormalities for thousands of years!"

There is no need for Diana to continue talking, everyone thinks that it is actually very telling when they hear this.

There has been no movement for thousands of years, but it is suddenly activated one day. This kind of activation cannot be regarded as autonomous activation, right?

"So, I think it's unlikely that it will activate autonomously. If the mother box is not stimulated to a certain extent, it will definitely continue to dormant."

Diana also made the same judgment as everyone else.

"Diana, you said that the mother box is actually an advanced technological product, right?"

Tony Stark has a different theory for this.

"That's right, Stark, what do you want to say?" Diana asked with a serious look at Tony Stark.

"That means all three mother boxes are one tool, right? One item, one weapon! Like Thor's hammer."

Tony Stark continued to talk eloquently, and also made a vivid metaphor, "And tools, if they are not used by users, generally do not act on their own!"

"If the three mother boxes didn't get the instructions from Darkseid, or the specific stimulus given, they should have been lying there honestly, right?"

"That's probably why the mother box hasn't made any movement a few years ago."

I have to say that what Tony Stark said is indeed a reason.

However, Captain America, who has always been "seeking stability", has a different view on this: "I think we still cannot rule out such a possibility."

"Although the mother box has not moved for thousands of years, it cannot be judged that the mother box will not activate itself."

"And Tony, I think your reason is also a bit far-fetched, whether it is tools or objects, that is just a division of us, that's all, we don't know enough about the mother box, we don't know what the mother box can achieve. degree."

"As far as the mother box itself is concerned, even if he has been dormant for thousands of years, and then suddenly activated automatically for some reason, I don't think it is impossible."

Captain America's remarks made everyone at the scene speechless.

They subconsciously wanted to refute, but they really couldn't refute them. Even if Diana and Tony Stark had a certain truth, they only demonstrated a possibility.

That's all!

However, it cannot be used as an argument for whether the mother box can be stimulated by itself.

"Rogers, you really complicate the problem." Tony Stark couldn't help but complain, but he didn't refute after all, "But... it seems that we really have to consider this issue from a complicated perspective."

Needless to say, this question can only be divided into two situations for analysis.

The first one is that the mother box is stimulated autonomously, and the second one is that the mother box is artificially stimulated.

"The situation of autonomous excitation is a bit complicated, let's look at the situation of artificial excitation first."

Clark Kent suggested on the side and gave his own analysis at the same time, "If it is artificially stimulated, it means that someone has manipulated one of the three mother boxes, which means that he got the Mother Box!"

"No matter how bad it is, even if he doesn't need to get the mother box, if he performs remote operation, he still needs to find the exact location of the mother box first!"

"If this is the case, the answer is the mother box kept by humans, right?" Thor knew how to analyze it. After all, this comparison is still very easy.

Atlantis is at the bottom of the sea, and most people have never even heard of it, and even if they have heard of it, they don't know how to get there.

Even if they know where Atlantis is, Atlantis, like the Amazons, are non-humans and want to break into a legendary underwater world and find the mother box from the "non-human" empire. .

The difficulty is naturally relatively large.

The same is true for Amazon.

Even Amazon is more mysterious than Atlantis, Amazon has hidden enchantment like Wakanda!

Among the three, only human beings are weaker, and naturally they are the easiest to succeed.

"Agree!" Clark Kent nodded in agreement.

The other people on the scene naturally did not raise any objections.

After all, regardless of the concealment of the geographical location, the overall defensive strength, etc., the mother box kept by human beings is the one that is most easily obtained.

The situation of artificial excitation is indeed relatively simple.

"Then, let's analyze the situation of autonomous excitation." Diana suggested on the side.

But everyone at the scene was a little bit troubled. Everyone could feel a little bit of context in the artificially stimulated situation of the mother box and try to analyze it, but the situation of self-evident excitation was really impossible to start.

Everyone discussed with each other for a while, but no clue came from the discussion.

"If this is the case, we lack enough information to conduct an effective analysis." Bruce Wayne spread his hands and said to everyone.

"If you encounter such a situation, how do you usually choose?" Diana couldn't help looking at Marvel's three answering old men with questioning eyes, and asked.

"Well, we haven't encountered this kind of situation for a long time." At this time, Thor introduced a few dc answerers with a look of anger, "But we did encounter it before, if it is In this case, we generally directly discard the unanalyzable situation and only look at the situation that can be analyzed.”

Ah this!

Several dc answerers couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. I have to say that this method of handling is really simple and rude.

But if they think about it carefully, they find that there really seems to be no better way than doing this.

"Yes, our consistent principle is that if there is a possibility in a situation, we will usually make a corresponding choice, because our answer, to put it bluntly, is the possibility."

Captain America added an explanation on the side, and I have to say that the same thing, coming out of Captain America's mouth, is a lot more advanced than Thor's explanation.

"Sounds a very sensible approach." Diana shrugged and smiled, "So the answer to this question is the mother box in the hands of humans?"

"It looks like this." Clark Kent nodded.

The answer is basically that. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The next question is who will answer this question.

"Seeing the domineering? ohoh, Rogers, is this the three-color domineering you mentioned before?" Tony Stark couldn't help looking at Captain America Steve Rogers with questioning eyes and asked.

Everyone has a certain understanding of the armed domineering that Captain America obtained before, and it can be said to be a very powerful skill.

What's even more rare is that the upper limit of this skill can be said to be very, very high, top-level domineering, and cracking rocks is just easy.

"That's right, the domineering look and the domineering look are both types of domineering, but even so, I only know the domineering look and feel, but I don't know more specific information." Captain America confronted the second said the man.

"That's enough!" Thor said excitedly.

Since it is three-color domineering, then this knowledge-colored domineering must be on the same level as the armed color domineering. Even if you don't know what it is, it will definitely not be bad.

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