Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 410: Superman actually committed suicide!

"The Kryptonian monster." Bruce Wayne spoke first. He stared at the big screen and said, "It turned out to be a monster from Clark's hometown."

This point made everyone in front of the screen suddenly realize.

With the metamorphosis of Superman, there is no weapon to kill him on earth at all, and even those other "non-human beings" living on earth are far from being Superman's opponents.

But that monster also came from Krypton, so it's not surprising at all.

After all, everyone on Earth knows that all Kryptonians are terrible monsters.

When General Zod came to Earth, everyone really saw the power of Kryptonians.

Even Superman was ravaged to such a degree that he was devastated at first, and then he finally turned his defeat into a victory and turned the tide of the battle.

"So in the future, there will still be people on my planet coming to Earth?" Clark Kent's brows suddenly wrinkled into two old chrysanthemums blooming in late autumn.

Krypton has been destroyed!

Zod and the others should be the last Kryptonites!

But now it seems that there are other Kryptonians in the universe?

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is not all too surprising.

After all, Kryptonians are really perverted, they can survive on any planet in the universe.

Just like him, Clark Kent, didn't he just settle down on earth?

"Everyone, let's finish answering this question quickly, and then take a good look at what kind of monster this Kryptonian monster is!"

Diana also urged on the side.

The people at the scene didn't say anything more, they all turned their attention to the big screen.

Everyone first analyzed option A.

"Using a nuclear bomb?"

After Captain America saw this option, his expression was a bit exciting.

He couldn't help recalling that during the New York War, S.H.I.E.L.D. also planned to launch nuclear bombs in order to eliminate those Chirytas.

It seems that even in two different worlds, those politicians are exactly the same, there is no difference at all.

"Clark, can a nuclear bomb kill you?"

Captain America sighed a little, then turned to look at Clark Kent and asked.

Except for the party Lakla Kent, there is no need for anyone else to analyze this question.

"In the case of a nuclear bomb..." Clark Kent fell into deep thought, "I have not seen the power of a nuclear bomb, but according to some of my knowledge of a nuclear bomb, it should be the only weapon on earth that can threaten me."

"Threats you?" Thor sharply grasped the word "threat", "So... not to kill you?"

"Yes." Clark Kent pondered for a while, then nodded directly, "I don't think a nuclear bomb can kill me."

Since Superman has said so, then there is no doubt about option A.

was immediately excluded.

"Then what about B?"

Thor looked at option B again and asked.

"I don't think this option is very likely." Tony Stark said directly.

This kind of judgment made Bruce Wayne and Diana look at each other a bit.

Because for them, option B is a completely unanalyzable option.

In a nutshell, this option is Kryptonian VS Kryptonian. Who knows which Kryptonian is more powerful?

Obviously, Tony Stark knew something they didn't know.

"Because Clark's source of power is the sun!" Tony Stark gave his own analysis directly, "So Clark who grew up on Earth is stronger than ordinary Kryptonians!"

And when Krypton has been destroyed, other Kryptonians have also found a way to become stronger like Superman, or have also found a planet that can be irradiated by the sun every day. What is the probability?

In the vast universe, there are infinite planets! Not to mention, there are countless planets even in the Milky Way!

"In other words, Clark can get stronger when he basks in the sun?" Bruce Wayne was a little surprised.

This is a bit too open, isn't it? Why don't you just breathe to get stronger?

So Superman has been basking in the sun on the earth for so many years, isn't it really outrageous to be powerful?

If Clark Kent really became stronger in this way, then Tony Stark's judgment would really make sense.

Clark Kent should be stronger than the average Kryptonian.

Even if he was killed by that Kryptonian monster, he probably wouldn't be directly defeated and killed by the opponent.

But this kind of thing, in the final analysis, can only be a direction of analysis and speculation, and cannot be used as a direct basis for judgment.

"This option, we can only wait to decide!" Captain America made a final decision and gave such a conclusion.

And no one at the scene, including Clark Kent himself, expressed any objection.

Regarding that "Superman Death Battle", apart from knowing the two parties involved, we don't know any other relevant information, so we really can't do more analysis.

"Then let's look at option C, no, let's look at option D first!" Diana suggested, drawing everyone's attention to the last option.

"This option is a bit ridiculous, isn't it? Superman would make such a low-level mistake? He wouldn't be able to tell whether the Kryptonian monster is really dead?"

Thor immediately shook his head and laughed out loud. Even with his IQ, he felt that this question was a bit nonsense.

That was an existence that stood at the top of the universe even when looking at the whole universe, and ended up dying like a **** episode in some vulgar movies?

Others don't know what to think, but Thor couldn't accept this situation no matter what.

"I don't think this option is very likely." Diana said the same, and she completely agreed with Thor's opinion.

"Superman can be killed, but I absolutely don't believe he died in such a way!"

Diana's and Thor's reasons are actually the same.

But if you put aside all personal emotional factors and analyze this option alone, it is entirely possible.

On the battlefield, anything is possible!

So after some contemplation, Captain America decided to "decide" this option as pending.

Next, there is one last option left.

The answerers at the scene looked at each other, and they all saw the same idea as themselves in each other's eyes: this option is reliable!

At least it looks very reliable.

"Since Superman chose to join forces with Batman and Wonder Woman, and was still killed by the Kryptonian monster, the power of that Kryptonian monster is obvious."

"And since it's a Kryptonian monster, then this monster has the same weakness as Clark Kent, kryptonite!"

Tony Stark started talking in front of everyone. Anyway, Superman's weaknesses are already well known, and there is nothing to avoid. After all, kryptonite is not something that anyone can get casually. .

"In this case, if Clark and the others don't take advantage of each other's weakness, I will suspect that there is something wrong with their brains!"

"This can also explain why Superman was killed, because Superman was also weakened by kryptonite!"

Tony Stark's analysis made everyone at the scene nod frequently, and all agreed.

At present, this option is indeed the most logical option, and it is also the most suitable option for those who participate in the war.

In the eyes of everyone, Superman is almost unkillable, except for the one time Batman used kryptonite to ravage him.

Then in the situation described by this option, Superman died under his Achilles heel.

"Uh...I have a question." Thor said weakly after thinking for a while, "Since Superman knows that he will also be weakened by kryptonite, why did the person who used the kryptonite gun last? Is it him? Why not Diana, Wonder Woman?"

"If Diana used the kryptonite gun, it wouldn't be weakened, so Clark wouldn't have to die?"

Ah this!

When Thor said that, everyone at the scene couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

It seems... Thor's words are quite reasonable.

However, after an in-depth analysis, everyone felt that Thor's ideas were a little too idealistic, and some of them were not in line with realistic logic.

"There's a question we need to figure out, whether that Kryptonian monster can fly." Captain America said in a deep voice, "If that monster can fly, I'm afraid it's really only Clarke."

Among the three of Superman Batman and Wonder Woman, only Superman can fly!

If Kryptonian monsters are flying around, Batman and Wonder Woman won't help at all even if they get a kryptonite gun.

"Clark, do all of you Kryptonians fly?" In order to test his theory, Captain America turned to Clark and asked.

"Not everyone of us Kryptonians can fly." Clark said so, but then the conversation changed, "But every powerful Kryptonian warrior can fly."

Is a monster capable of one-on-three battles against Superman Batman and Wonder Woman, is it considered powerful? There is no doubt about this.

The only question is that it is a monster.

The word "monster" can describe a guy who is stronger and more perverted, and a literal guy. It's not a human being, but a kind of other creature, even the kind that looks terrifying.

Considering the specific context of this question, it is obvious that the monster here is the latter.

In other words, this monster is not a human, not a Kryptonian warrior like everyone thinks.

Then will this cargo still fly?

Not really.

"No." Bruce Wayne shook his head, he put forward a different point of view, "It doesn't matter whether that Kryptonian monster can fly or not, the important thing is that his mobility must be very high! His The speed must be very agile, and his reaction must be very fast!"

"Because Superman is such a powerful warrior, and he hardly has any obvious shortcomings. If the Kryptonian monster has a flaw in one place, he can't beat the three of us, and even kill Superman."

"In other words, that monster can be equivalent to another Superman!"

Everyone still agrees with Batman's words.

In terms of strength, Superman just lifts tall buildings casually. In terms of speed, Superman is also extremely fast, and everyone even thinks that he is not necessarily weaker than The Flash.

As for strength and speed, this has a very large impact on a person's combat power. Since the Kryptonian monster can completely crush Superman, the most basic and natural judgment will naturally come out: the Kryptonian monster's All aspects of attributes should be almost the same as Superman.

Even if it can't compare to Superman, it can't be too far behind.

Otherwise, how can you ravage Superman?

There is no doubt about the ultra-high mobility of Kryptonian monsters.

Everyone's analysis is actually quite reasonable. When facing an enemy with very high mobility, it also needs a person with the same high mobility to hit it.

After all, kryptonite is the Achilles heel of that kryptonian monster. Would people stand there dumbfounded and let you stab you?

In the end, it really took a superman to do this. I'm afraid it would be really bad if it was replaced by other people. Thor's previous doubts, after a detailed analysis, are actually untenable.

"Then the answer is Clark." Bruce Wayne summed up everyone's analysis and said.

In this regard, everyone at the scene did not raise any objections.

Although there are two other options to be determined, the possibility of the other two options is obviously not as good as C.

Next, everyone discussed who should answer the question.

Although this question is about Superman Clark, but Superman has already answered it, so this time the place will naturally be given to others.

"Stark, should you answer this question or me?"

Thor looked at Stark beside him and asked, the two of them are the only ones who haven't answered the question yet, so Thor didn't ask other people's opinions.

"Thor, you know, skill rewards have never been my thing." Tony Stark shrugged and said indifferently.

From the beginning to the end, his style has always been very distinct, that is, to be rewarded with technology.

"Okay, I knew that was the case!" Thor groaned. In fact, that's what he asked.

Because this skill is obscure and difficult to understand just by looking at the name, Thor is not interested at all.

But his level of disinterest is obviously far weaker than Tony Stark's.

So Thor reluctantly took this spot after shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"Since that's the case, let me answer, I choose C!"

Thor immediately said his answer to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately heard such a prompt sound.

Everyone's analysis is good. Superman did kill the Kryptonian monster by self-sacrifice.

This may be the reason why the country will mourn Superman so deeply after his death.


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