Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 404: Batman: Iron Man, are you richer than me?

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"In that case, the answer won't be me, right?" Bruce Wayne made such a judgment on this basis.

"Yes, Batman can be ruled out."

Tony Stark nodded solemnly, "Besides, Louis Lane can also be ruled out. The answer is either Wonder Woman Diana or Sea King Arthur Curry."

"Why?" Diana couldn't help but asked curiously, "Iron Man, you seem very sure."

Having said that, Diana also glanced at Clark Kent, "Looking at Clark's appearance, he seems to agree with this. It seems that Louis Lane is a person who has a very unusual relationship with Clark Kent."

"Louis Lane, it's a classy name, one can imagine the owner of the name must be a beautiful and good woman."

"And our Clark Kent is also a handsome and easy-going handsome guy, so, are you two lovers?"

Bruce Wayne made the most logical guess.

Clark Kent just smiled, neither denying nor admitting it, leaving it to everyone to guess.

But there is little doubt that Louis Lane has been ruled out.

As Tony Stark said, then everyone just has to choose between Wonder Woman and Aquaman.

"Who is this Sea King Arthur Curry, does anyone know him?" Captain America glanced at everyone at this time and asked.

But everyone, you look at me, I look at you, no one knows who this Arthur Curry is.

"Sea King, this is really a very strange nickname, is he the king of the sea? He is... a pirate?" Clark Kent guessed.

"No, I think he should be from the Atlantis family." Wonder Woman immediately guessed the true origin of Arthur Curry.

"Atlantis?" Bruce Wayne couldn't help showing surprise on his face. "The legendary ancient marine civilization? Is this also true?"

The legend of Atlantis is actually a very famous legend in Bruce Wayne's world.

According to legend, under the boundless ocean, there is actually an empire under the sea.

There lives a group of people living under the sea!

They rule the entire underwater world, and all creatures in the sea are under their control and obey their commands.

That undersea empire is Atlantis.

Bruce Wayne did not expect that this empire actually existed.

"Yes, in the early days, the warriors of our Paradise Island fought side by side with the warriors of Atlantis." Diana nodded and introduced to everyone.

There is basically no doubt that the Atlantis Empire really exists.

"Ancient marine civilization?"

Clark Kent didn't know much about this legend, so he asked Bruce Wayne.

Considering that the Iron Man on the opposite side may not necessarily have heard of this legend, after all, the other party is from another universe, Bruce Wayne introduced the legend of Atlantis to everyone.

"If that's the case... then I think the answer is very likely Arthur Curry."

Clark Kent gave his own judgment on the side, "People in Atlantis live on the bottom of the sea, and the possibility of intersecting with me is relatively low, right?"

"Yes, undersea and land, these are two relatively isolated worlds!"

Tony Stark also agreed with this, "And this Wonder Woman Lady Diana, she does not live in an isolated paradise island, but in the city! So my answer is also Arthur Currie!"

Others at the scene naturally did not express any objection.

A person living under the sea, of course, is much less likely to know and befriend Superman than a person living in a city.

"So~ We have discussed the answer to this question? So how do we answer it?" Clark Kent glanced at the old answerers and asked them.

Captain America briefly introduced the rules of answering questions to several newcomers.

"Very fair and reasonable rules." Diana nodded in agreement.

"This question is about me, so it's up to me to answer?" Clark Kent glanced at the old people who answered the question and asked with certainty.

When he got a positive answer, Clark Kent immediately opened his mouth and said his answer: "I choose Sea King, Arthur Curry!"

【correct answer! 】

The prompt sound of the system sounded in the answering space.

And this answer was completely unexpected.

Frankly speaking, this subject is actually not difficult.

[Congratulations to the answerer Clark Kent for getting a ton of Mandalorian iron! 】

[The reward has been distributed to the system backpack, please pay attention to check it! 】

The sound of the system just disappeared, and Bruce Wayne and Diana couldn't help but turn their heads and looked towards Clark Kent.

"So Clark, did you really get a ton of this so-called metal? In your system backpack?" Bruce Wayne couldn't help asking.

"Do we still have a system backpack? Why don't I have such a thing?" Diana said suspiciously.

"I didn't know I had this backpack until I got the reward."

Clark Kent said with such a smile, "You don't have to doubt, this reward is real!"

After speaking, Clark Kent thought, entered the system backpack, and chose to extract a few pieces of Mandalorian iron.


Then Bruce Wayne and Diana saw that a few square pieces of metal suddenly appeared in Clark Kent's empty hands.

Bruce Wayne and Diana obviously did not expect this scene, and their faces couldn't help showing surprise.

That's out of nothing!

Even superman can't do such a thing at all!

The answering system is real!

At this moment, Bruce Wayne and Diana dispelled most of their doubts about the answering system.

They could not help looking at the metal in Superman's hands with some curiosity, and turned to have a strong interest in this mysterious metal.

Like Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne has come up with a lot of high-tech stuff, and he still knows a lot about some cutting-edge materials.

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But he hadn't even heard of the metal Mandalorian.

However, according to his observations, this Mandalorian is a very extraordinary material.

"The Mandalorian?"

Tony Stark is more experienced. "Clark, this metal should come from other planets, or other universes, right? It should be the hardest metal in that universe, right?"

Tony Stark still has a voice in this regard, and the materials such as vibration gold and Edman alloy he obtained are better.

This time, Clark Kent became more and more convinced that Tony Stark and several others were old people who participated in the answering questions.

Because Tony Stark is absolutely right.

"That's right!" Clark Kent nodded. "This metal does come from another world. In that world, there is a fighting race called the Mandalorian."

"This race has a very high reputation in various universes, and only the best among them are qualified to use the armor made of Mandalorian iron."

Clark Kent sorted out the memory of Mandalorian in his mind and introduced it to everyone.

Although everyone doesn't know who this Mandalorian is, or how powerful an interstellar race can be, this Mandalorian sounds like a very good metal.

At least it is also the top metal in the interstellar space, and it is naturally much more advanced than the metal on the earth.

"Clark, I wonder if we can discuss something?"

Bruce Wayne looked at the Mandalorian in Clark Kent's hand for a moment, and suddenly couldn't help but ask with a twinkle in his eyes.

"tell me the story."

Clark Kent had vaguely guessed Bruce Wayne's intentions, but said so anyway.

"For a character like you, whether it's Mandalorian or broken metal, it should be the same, it's useless, so what do you think of me buying your metals?"

Bruce Wayne said directly to Clark Kent.

If this metal is used on his Batmobile, his Batmobile performance will be greatly improved!

Of course, the Batmobile is only one of the uses, that's all, the development and application of a new material is much broader.

Especially in the hands of someone like Bruce Wayne who wants money, money, technology and technology, the role played is unimaginable.

"I can sell you The Mandalorian." Clark Kent thought for a while, then agreed after a moment of indulgence.

After all, while Superman doesn't need money, Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent does.

"But there is one thing I need to clarify beforehand!"

Clark Kent's face became serious, "If I find that these metals are used where it shouldn't be, another guy in a cape will ask you for an explanation."

"Clarke, I thought my other identity would give you some sense of trust." Bruce Wayne shrugged a little self-deprecatingly. "It seems that I'm being self-indulgent now."

"No, I do have trust in your other identity, otherwise I wouldn't sell the metal to you." Clark Kent said so.

Clark Kent believed in Batman during this time period, although some of what Batman did was not overly agreeable to Clark Kent.

"Wait a minute!" Tony Stark hurriedly interrupted the two of them, "Clarke, how about selling me some of this metal? Bruce Wayne, there's a ton of this metal, it's not good for you to eat it all by yourself. ?"

"Mr. Stark, these metals are the hardest metals in the universe, so I plan to buy one billion dollars. I think this is the value in line with it." Bruce Wayne intends to use money to scare Tony Stark away .

He saw Tony Stark's temperament and guessed that the other party might not be an ordinary person, but even if he was not an ordinary person, no one could give out a billion dollars casually.

But such a little money is a drizzle for Bruce Wayne, after all, his superpower is money.

"One billion? You look down on these metals too much, don't you?" When Tony Stark heard it, he used money to pressure me. You are afraid that you have made a wrong idea?

What about Batman? Is the old man short of money?

"I think at least five billion!" Tony Stark suddenly raised the price of Bruce Wayne five times.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend to interrupt, but I'm really curious, can you give out five billion dollars at will?" Diana couldn't help being curious, and interrupted and asked.

She knew that Bruce Wayne would definitely be able to spend billions or tens of billions at will, and a mere one billion dollars would be a drop in the bucket for Bruce Wayne.

But this is called Tony Stark, isn't it a bit too big?

"Diana, you actually doubt my financial resources, I am the richest person in America!" Tony Stark said very unhappily.

"Really? That's a coincidence, I'm also the richest person in America." Bruce Wayne couldn't help laughing on the side.

Gotham City belongs to his Bruce family!

Many people may have let go of the rhetoric that "xx is my city", but no fool would believe that, but for Bruce Wayne, Gotham City really belongs to them.

Most of the industries in Gotham City are operated by their families!

That's why Bruce Wayne dares to pretend that my superpower is money, which is not a joke.

However, Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark are two different worlds. He looked at Tony Stark in a bad way, and he was really not sure whether the other party was really richer than him.

"I'm sorry Iron Man, let me interrupt."

But Clark Kent suddenly made a sound, interrupting the silent duel between the two "rich men", looking at Tony Stark and said, "I don't know you, so I won't consider selling The Mandalorian for the time being. yours."

Clark Kent was also worried that the precious metal would fall into the hands of criminals, otherwise it would be Clark Kent's responsibility.

"It doesn't matter. UU reading"

Tony Stark was slapped in the face, so he had to make up for it himself, "Anyway, I've used better metal, Mandalorian or something, it's just so-so, it doesn't matter."

[After answering the question, start playing the answer analysis! 】

At this moment, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

A corresponding video will start playing.

Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Diana were all experiencing this for the first time, and they were all very curious, staring intently at the big screen in front of them.

The first thing that appeared on the big screen was a room, an ordinary, unremarkable, slightly rudimentary room.

Everyone in front of the screen in that room basically didn't find any clues, because that room was so ordinary, and there are countless such rooms in the world.

But Clark Kent recognized it at a glance, it was his home!

That's the home he grew up in!

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