Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 397: Don't be afraid to learn math and magic

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"Peter Parker beat Doctor Strange?"

Thor's surprised voice couldn't help but sounded first, and I have to say that this question still surprised Thor.

Of course, it wasn't just Thor, none of the other answerers on the scene were not surprised.

That's Doctor Strange!

A powerful being that can unintentionally open the door to the multiverse by casting a spell, all kinds of magical magic are weird and powerful, and it is hard to guard against.

How can Spider-Man be able to beat Doctor Strange?

Although Spider-Man is equally powerful, in front of Doctor Strange, he is still completely invisible.

The two sides are not rivals of the same level at all!

But this topic tells everyone that Spider-Man has defeated Doctor Strange!

"It looks like this, I have to say, this is really what I didn't expect." Tony Stark also shrugged.

Now everyone has come to understand, no wonder Doctor Strange's ring will appear in Ned's hands, no wonder the cube will also appear in Peter Parker's hands!

At first, everyone was a little curious about why this happened, but now it seems that Spider-Man snatched it from Doctor Strange!

"Wow! I actually defeated Doctor Strange? This is incredible! This is really cool!" After Peter Parker was stunned, the whole person became excited.

Defeating a great **** at the level of Doctor Strange is enough for him to brag for a lifetime.

"OK, let's take a look at how this kind of thing happened in detail!" Captain America opened his mouth to propose at this time.

Everyone at the scene stopped chatting temporarily, and began to focus on several options on the screen.

"Option a can be ruled out, right?"

Peter Parker said first, making a basic judgment on the first option, "With my own strength, it is impossible to win Doctor Strange head-on, and I am not a match for Doctor Strange at all!"

For this, other people on the scene also agreed.

Everyone knows the strengths of Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, so they naturally know for sure that Spider-Man can't be Doctor Strange's opponent at all.

Even though Doctor Strange had lost the Time Stone at the time of the Multiverse Crisis and was no longer the Supreme Mage of Kama Taj, that still didn't change that.

Option a was ruled out by everyone without any doubts at all.

"What about b?" Thor turned his attention to the second option, "We already know for sure that Peter Parker did indeed steal Doctor Strange's ring, right?"

"Yes, Peter Parker did steal Doctor Strange's ring, but there is a timing issue here."

Captain America said on the side, "Peter Parker can take away Doctor Strange's ring first, then defeat Doctor Strange, and of course he can defeat Doctor Strange before taking his ring!"

Tolton was left speechless by Captain America.

Because Captain America has indeed put forward two reasonable guesses, and each possibility cannot be ruled out.

"If it is for me to choose, I think option b can also be excluded." Tony Stark opened his mouth at this time and conducted his own analysis.

"There are two very obvious things about this option. First, what is the suspension ring for Doctor Strange? It's just a tool for him to open the space door, that's all, it's not Thor's hammer!"

"Even if Doctor Strange loses the ring, what are the consequences? The space gate cannot be opened, that's all! Is there any other impact on Doctor Strange's strength?"

"Stark is right." Circe spoke on the side at this time, agreeing, "There is no direct causal relationship between Doctor Strange's loss of the ring and his defeat by Peter Parker."

"Even if Doctor Strange loses his ring, Peter Parker is unlikely to win him."

There is no doubt about this for everyone.

After all, opening the space door is just one of the many methods of Doctor Strange.

In addition, Doctor Strange has a variety of other magical magics, just refer to the information on the other side's battle against Thanos on Titan.

"Besides that, what option b describes is very likely to be a completely wrong thing!" Tony Stark's voice sounded again, and he began to follow his own analysis and continued to talk eloquently.

"That is... I don't think Peter Parker can grab Doctor Strange's ring in a head-on battle! This should also be a very difficult thing."

"Not to mention, the option said that he stole Doctor Strange's ring in the mirror world!"

Tony Stark heavily emphasized the mirror world.

When Tony Stark said this, in the minds of the answerers at the scene, they couldn't help but recall the scenes of how Kama Taj's mage changed the world in the mirror world!

In their respective mirror worlds, they are gods!

You can control everything, you can do anything!

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly very, very difficult for Peter Parker to steal the ring from Doctor Strange.

Although everyone does not know the specific details of that battle, everyone still thinks this possibility is very small.

that's it.

After everyone's discussion, there is basically no big doubt about option b, so it was ruled out by everyone.

Everyone then turned their attention to option C one by one.

"Using mathematics to defeat Doctor Strange?" Loki scratched his head, showing a look of confusion, "What does this mean?"

Others are also somewhat unable to understand exactly what this option is meant to convey.

"Could it be that Peter Parker used some mathematical knowledge during the battle to defeat Doctor Strange in one fell swoop?" Captain America made a natural guess.

This is indeed what the c option literally means.

But what kind of mathematical knowledge can be used on the battlefield and defeated Doctor Strange in one fell swoop, this is something that no one can imagine no matter how much you think about it.

"It seems... we can't analyze option c for the time being." Peter Parker shrugged and said to everyone, "Then we can only wait for this option."

There is no objection to this point.

Just because we can't imagine a specific situation of option c, we can't imagine the reason for excluding this option!

Then everyone began to analyze the last option.

However, this option is the best one to analyze among several options. Gu Jiu

"Option d can be ruled out without a doubt!"

Even Thor gave his opinion unequivocally, "We've seen the first few videos, but Peter didn't convince Doctor Strange at all!"

"Doctor Strange was accidentally killed by that little fat guy named..."

"Ned, Mr. Thor, he is my best friend, his name is Ned!" Peter Parker added weakly to Thor.

"Okay, Ned! Finally, during the battle at the Statue of Liberty, Ned opened a space door and unintentionally released Doctor Strange." Thor spread his hands and continued, "Look at Strange. The doctor's appearance doesn't seem to have been persuaded by Peter!"

"That's right, Doctor Strange was not persuaded by Peter before, but was persuaded after seeing that Peter really cured those monsters from other universes!" Captain America echoed on the side.

The d option was ruled out by everyone without any doubt. This is the only option among the four options that is supported by known facts.

"So~ the answer to this question is C! I used mathematics to defeat Doctor Strange!" Peter Parker glanced at everyone and said.

As to how he did this, Peter Parker expressed his confusion, and at the same time, he was extremely excited and extremely curious!

The next question, of course, is who will answer this question.

"Three-dimensional mobile device?" Tony Stark remembered something, "Wait a minute, isn't this thing the one used by Star Lord's stand-in messenger?"

After being reminded by Tony Stark, all the old people who answered the question at the scene also recalled the guy named Levi Arkman.

Although the opponent is relatively short, the opponent's combat power is still very sturdy.

In particular, the jet device used by the other party can actually give him the ability to fly over the eaves and walls, which left a very deep impression on everyone.

"Isn't it?" Thor scratched his hair, "The reward this time is actually the reward of Star Lord's reward? This is a bit embarrassing, isn't it? Could it be the case that these two rewards It just happens to have the same name, but in fact, is it a different reward?"

As soon as Thor finished speaking, he felt that Loki, who was standing beside him, quietly turned to one side, and showed a look of disgust.

It's like telling everyone that I don't stand with fools!

I don't know this idiot!

The names of the two rewards are exactly the same. How can there be such a coincidence in the world, it's really good that Thor can think of it.

"Of course, we cannot rule it out."

Although Captain America also felt that Thor's idea was too unlikely, he did not deny it, or denied it very euphemistically, "but there is also a great possibility that these two things are actually the same thing."

If this is the case, then such a reward is really tasteless for everyone, because everyone basically can't use it.

Needless to say, Tony Stark, the steel armor can fly as he wants, unless he is out of his mind to use this three-dimensional mobile device.

Thor does the same.

His air dance technique also allows him to achieve real flying, which is naturally not a reward.

Captain America has the Jia family's imperial art, Spider-Man can use spider silk to swing around, and even Circe has been rewarded with a Green Goblin skateboard!

Which of these are not much stronger than stereoscopic motorized devices?

Among so many people on the scene, only Loki was completely incapable of flying.

But the dignified Lord Loki, would he like such a gadget?

Frankly speaking, this reward is really not too attractive to everyone.

"Everyone, I have an idea. If this three-dimensional mobile device is handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D., will it play a greater role?"

After some contemplation, Captain America came up with such a suggestion.

"Well, you guys are looking at the handling, I have no opinion." Tony Stark spread his hands and said indifferently.

Naturally, no one else raised any objections.

After all, Captain America is actually right, and the three-dimensional mobile device can play its greatest role in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. really trains a group of "Spider-Man agents", it will also raise the level of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents by several levels.

After all, the cost of falcon wings is too high, and no one would be willing to spend such a large sum of money to arm a "falcon" squad.

In contrast, the cost of the three-dimensional mobile device is simply the price of cabbage, and it doesn't even require any rewards, and Tony Stark can make it casually.

It is guaranteed to be countless times more advanced than the three-dimensional mobile device!

That thing is really very simple. Anyone with a common sense of physics can understand at a glance. If S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to equip it, it can be said that there is no cost.

In other words, the only cost of investment is the labor cost.

After all, skillful use of three-dimensional motorized devices also requires a lot of hard training.

After everyone's simple negotiation, the number of answers for this question finally fell to Captain America.

"I choose c, and use mathematics to defeat Doctor Strange!"

Captain America naturally did not hesitate, and immediately gave his answer to the big The answer is correct! 】

The system immediately sounded such a prompt tone, and the answer can be said to have not exceeded everyone's expectations at all, and indeed choose c.

【Congratulations to the answerer Steve Rogers for getting a bonus three-dimensional mobile device! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】


Just after the sound of the system ended, everyone saw that in front of Captain America, there was an additional set of devices that everyone was very familiar with.

Sure enough, it was the three-dimensional mobile device Levi Arkman used.

"I believe that Nick Fury will like this thing very much." Captain America glanced at the set of devices on the ground and couldn't help grinning.

"Yes, I bet he will." Thor also echoed with a smile.

Those who know Nick Fury know that the cost is very low, but it can be of great value. Those who know Nick Fury know that the old thing is indeed impossible to miss.

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