Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 387: The Time Keeper's head was chopped off!

"American comics start by asking Iron Man (

"I know, please cast a spell!"

After taking a few breaths, Peter Parker spoke to Doctor Strange in a very determined tone.

He has made a decision.

I have to say, Peter Parker has really grown up.

"Then go say goodbye." Seeing Peter Parker insist, Doctor Strange said nothing more, but suggested to Peter Parker.

During this period of time, he could only continue to grit his teeth and persist for a while.

"Thank you, sir." Peter Parker thanked Doctor Strange sincerely.

"Call me Stephen!" said Doctor Strange.

It can be said that Spider-Man's name for Doctor Strange has changed several times.

From the gentleman at the beginning, it became Stephen, because Doctor Strange didn't have to be so rusty considering that two people saved the world together.

But later because of the spell, Spider-Man gave him a trick, so he asked Spider-Man to change Stephen to Mr.

until now.

Doctor Strange took the initiative to ask Spider-Man to change his name to Stephen.

It can be seen that Spider-Man has regained the approval of Doctor Strange, and his willingness to sacrifice himself has moved Doctor Strange.

Make Doctor Strange look up to him.

"Thank you Stephen."

on the screen.

Peter Parker, "as good as he is," changed his mind and said to Doctor Strange.

"Still feels weird." Doctor Strange grinned at Peter Parker.

"See you later!"

After saying hello to Doctor Strange, Peter Parker turned around and jumped off the top of the Statue of Liberty.

"I think it's time, you should go back!"

Peter Parker first jumped in front of the other two Spider-Man and said goodbye to his "peer".

After a sincere thanks to each other and another big hug, Peter Parker came to MJ and Ned again with spider silk hanging.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Yes, we're fine!"

"Oh my God, you're bleeding."

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Then shall we go?"

The three hugged each other and greeted each other. MJ and Ned were very excited and happy when they saw that everything had been resolved.

"You will forget who I am!"

But at this time of harmony and beauty, Peter Parker suddenly and indifferently said such a sentence.

"What?" Ned looked confused.

"We're going to forget who you are? What are you talking about!" MJ was also unacceptable.

The two of them are the closest people to Peter Parker. One is a best friend and the other is a girlfriend. For them, this kind of thing is really a bit cruel.

But now, what can be done?

Several people finally cried and hugged together.

At this time, Doctor Strange began to cast a spell that made everyone forget Peter Parker, and one after another dazzling magical runes burst out in all directions.

The other two Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus, Electric Man, Lizardman and other visitors from the parallel universe disappeared one after another.

The huge cracks that spanned the surrounding sky also disappeared.

Obviously, the door to the multiverse was closed, and the guests from the parallel universe outside the sky were also sent back to their own universe.

This multiverse crisis is solved just like that.

The image on the screen also freezes here.

"It turns out that the door to the multiverse is closed like this!" Peter Parker suddenly realized.

This time, the multiverse crisis can be said to be caused by Peter Parker, but it was also ended by Peter Parker in the end.

People all over the world still forget about a person like Spider-Man, and everything is no different from what is going to happen in Kama Taj.

Except for one thing: May is dead.

Of course, Spider-Man himself has grown up through this incident, but the price of growth is a little too high.

"Now we can be sure!" Captain America said heavily, "The multiverse crisis of multiple Doctor Strange doctors is not this time. The door to the multiverse has been opened again!"

"This Doctor Strange is poisonous."

Loki couldn't help but complain, "This time he opened the door to the multiverse~ Well this time it may be because of Spider-Man, but he also opened the door to the multiverse this time!"

"That evil Doctor Strange is right, the biggest threat to the universe really seems to be him!"

The door to the multiverse only needs to be opened once, and Doctor Strange is actually one after another!

And once the door to the multiverse is opened, isn't it the entire universe that threatens it?

"We already know the cause and effect of the Spider-Man incident, and this incident is completely avoidable."

Captain America had a solemn expression on his face.

The main reason for the Spider-Man incident is that Mysterio exposed the true identity of Spider-Man, so Spider-Man went to Doctor Strange for help, and those messy things happened in the end.

So it's just a matter of stopping Mysterio.

"Right Rogers!"

Speaking of this, Tony Stark suddenly remembered something, turned his head and asked Captain America, "Has the identity of Mysterio been found out?"

After learning of what Mysterio did, SHIELD naturally would not sit idly by, and immediately started an investigation on Mystery.

But it is conceivable that even S.H.I.E.L.D. can't find out anything without any relevant information other than the nickname "Mysterious Guest".

Captain America shook his head.

Tony Stark also shrugged, and Jarvis also investigated, but failed to find any tangible clues.

Across the country, there are simply too many people nicknamed Mysteries to be screened.

"Actually, I think Doctor Strange is right."

Thor said, "The real problem is not with Mysterio, but with Peter Parker. Peter, is it really so acceptable for you to reveal your identity? You have to understand that your secrets cannot be kept for a lifetime. It will be exposed sooner or later, what will you do when that happens?"

"I..." Peter Parker was asked, speechless, not knowing how to answer.

Because he never thought about it.

"Peter, Thor was right!"

Circe also turned to Peter Parker and said, "There are no secrets that can be hidden for a lifetime. You should prepare for your identity to be exposed early!"

"That way you won't be caught off guard when something happens suddenly."

Peter Parker nodded deeply, and what everyone said was actually quite reasonable.

The future revealed by the answering system is an iron lesson!

[Please listen to the question: During the battle between Loki and the female Loki to assassinate the Time Guardian, the female Loki cut off the head of the Time Guardian. What happened next? 】

[A. The Time Guardian was successfully killed]

[B. Loki and female Loki died in the hands of TVA agents who came later]

[C. The time guardian is not dead, the real body is revealed]

[D. The sacred timeline collapsed]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will get the bonus skill Blowing Fire Palm;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

While everyone was discussing, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded, and the latest question appeared.

I have to say, this topic still stimulated everyone for a while, after all, the information revealed is really amazing.

The head of the Time Guardian was cut off by the female Loki?

That is the guardian of time. It transcends the four-dimensional existence of the three-dimensional universe, and determines each person's "life script", and even one sentence can determine whether you are a time alien and can manipulate and play with time!

This kind of existence was cut off by the female Loki directly?

Everyone was very excited.

Female Loki, is she so powerful?

"See, that's the real purpose of my pretend cooperation with the Time Authority! It's not that they used me, I used them! No one... can use Loki, only Loki has to play and use other people!"

"Even the Time Administration is no exception!"

"If they dare to attack Loki, they must prepare to be killed by Loki!"

Loki suddenly became excited and proud, and said to everyone with a hint of show off.

In the first few questions, Loki was actually a little brother under Mobius, working for Mobius, which really made Loki feel very embarrassed.

Now, Loki finally raised his eyebrows.

Have you seen it, what about the Time Administration, and what about the Time Guardian who can write someone else's life?

The same will be done by Loki!

"Looking like this, Loki and female Loki finally... joined forces?" Peter Parker couldn't help but glanced at Loki.

The first one felt a little unexpected, but after thinking about it carefully, I felt that this is a reasonable thing, after all, this is Loki.

The **** of tricks and cunning, when have you played cards according to the routine?

"The heads of the time guardians have been chopped off. It seems that something amazing happened."

Tony Stark sighed with a stern face, "But... although I don't know what happened, I don't think A should be the answer to this question."

Following Tony Stark's words, everyone at the scene also turned their attention to option A.

And for Tony Stark's point of view, almost no one has any objection to it. On the contrary, they all express their strong agreement.

"Makes sense."

Even Thor, a guy with muscles in his head, thought so, "That's the timekeeper! Controls the timeline! How could they be killed so easily? This is ridiculous!"

"Even I think they must have seen the future through the timeline and the assassination of him by Loki and female Loki. They must know all this! Otherwise, what is the 'time management'?"

"So female Loki chopped off his head, it should be expected by them!"

"Oh, Thor, my brother who usually only knows how to swing a hammer, have you finally learned what is called analysis?" Loki suddenly shouted at Thor with a bit of annoyance.

This kind of brother doesn't want to dismantle his own platform at a critical moment!

Although deep down, Loki shares the same views as everyone else, but in terms of face, he still has to maintain a certain force.

"We all know that all magic, divine power, and even infinite gems and other powers will be useless in the Time Administration." Circe also said, "So if Loki and the others really want to guard the time If they do it, they can only rely on brute force!"

"In this case, I think there is little chance of success, but they still cut off the heads of the Timekeepers, so I don't think it will be that simple."

Overall, Circe also supports Tony Stark's point of view.

The same goes for Captain America, Peter Parker, and others.

After everyone's deliberation, option A was ruled out almost without any doubt.

Of course, for option A, what everyone is doing is "pure analysis", which is just a theoretical guess and argument, but there is no known clue to support this analysis.

Excluding this, UU reading is not very rigorous.

But for this question, all the options in the question can only be purely analyzed, and there can be no clues to support it, so in the final analysis, it is enough to analyze the possibility.

Other than that, no other analysis can be done.

"Since A is ruled out, then option D should be ruled out even more?" Peter Parker pointed to the big screen and said as a matter of course.

"Wll." Captain America nodded, and then made a straightforward analysis. "First of all, as Peter said, we have determined that the Time Guardian is not dead."

"Second point, as of now, among the many clues we have, there is no clue about the specific relationship between the Time Guardian and the Divine Timeline..."

"I mean, they may have compiled the sacred timeline, but whether their life, death, and safety will have any impact on the sacred timeline, we don't know."

"So~ we really can't directly conclude that the sacred timeline has collapsed."

In other words, even if it has been determined that the Time Guardian has died, it is impossible to assume that the sacred timeline has collapsed, not to mention that everyone still believes that the Time Guardian is not dead at all.

Option D is ruled out no matter how you look at it.

This question went very smoothly. Basically, everyone did not spend much energy, and without any in-depth discussions, two options have been ruled out.

"Then... the answer to this question has already come out, right!"

Loki's voice sounded, and he said solemnly to everyone at this time, "Me and the other me were killed by TVA agents, and this kind of thing will never happen anyway! This option can also be excluded!"

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