Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 385: It was Spider-Man who closed the door to the multiverse! !

"American comics start by asking Iron Man (

The appearance of this latest topic can be said to have thoroughly aroused everyone's interest.

Everyone has been spoiled many times how the door of the multiverse is opened, or what the consequences will be after opening, but the topic of closing the door of the multiverse is the first time!

This is still very meaningful for everyone, at least everyone can learn from the experience in this topic.

"Everyone, now it can be confirmed that the multiverse crisis mentioned in the previous topic is not the one of the Spider-Man incident!"

Captain America first made a most basic judgment.

Because of the multiverse crisis that time, Doctor Strange had no way to solve it, and finally had to choose Scarlet Witch for help!

But among the options for this topic, there is no Scarlet Witch!

Not only that, in the title of the last multiverse crisis, a lot of explosive information was revealed, but there was no trace of Spider-Man from beginning to end!

So under the confirmation of these two aspects, Captain America can indeed draw such a basic conclusion.

Or a basic guess.

Because that alone is no way to determine that two crises are not the same.

But everyone knows the tone of this question.

"Whether it is true or not, we will know after answering this question." Tony Stark said so.

Everyone looked at the options on the big screen one by one.

"Peter Parker?" Peter Parker first looked at his option and questioned, "Why does my name also appear in the options? I'm just a good neighbor to everyone, solve the problem of the neighborhood, close the diversity I can't do something like the Gate of the Universe anyway, right?"

Not only Peter Parker, but even Tony Stark, the option seems unlikely.

Because of how the multiverse door of the Spider-Man event was opened is already well known, and that was the power of magic!

Not the power of science!

Even if Tony Stark is a genius, he shouldn't be able to solve the problem of magic, right?

But this is just a subconscious idea, an idea under a fixed mindset, nothing more.

Without knowing any details about closing the door to the multiverse, no one can be sure about this.

Maybe Tony Stark is such a genius that even the magic thing has been solved?

Who can say such a thing?

After all, this is something that happens in the future. We can't use the current Tony Stark to force the future Tony Stark, right?

The same applies to Peter Parker's classmate Ned.

Although Ned is an ordinary high school student now, in the future, he will also open the door to the magic space!

"Let's take a look at the four options in the options!" Captain America said again at this time.

He was also the first to make an analysis and judgment, "Doctor Strange's words... He is not only the one who opened the door to the multiverse, but also a powerful magician, if it is him... I can't think of any exclusions. Doctor Strange's reason!"

It cannot be ruled out, and even logically speaking, the possibility of Doctor Strange is the biggest one.

After all, this cargo has all the motives and abilities. It can be said that it is tightly bound to this matter, and it is impossible to stay out of it at all.

And the door to the multiverse was opened by Doctor Strange's magic!

No matter how you look at it, Doctor Strange is the number one "seed".

There is no doubt about this option, it cannot be ruled out at present, it can only be determined.

Next, everyone turned their attention to the second option, Spider-Man.

"I can only say that Spider-Man can't be ruled out." Loki gave a different answer, "Everyone, look at the question carefully, the question is not about who closed the door to the multiverse, but who proposed it. The way to close the door to the multiverse! The two are completely different!"

To come up with an idea just means to come up with the idea, nothing more!

It does not mean that you have to do it by hand!

In this case, it is even more difficult to exclude the four people in the options, because each of them is possible!

"That's right, Peter can't rule it out!" Circe nodded as well. "Besides Doctor Strange, Peter Parker is another participant in the whole process."

In this case, even if Peter Parker doesn't know magic, there is a way to know how to close the door to the multiverse!

"That cube! The cube destroyed by the Green Goblin!"

A light flashed in Circe's eyes, "Could that be the key to closing the door to the multiverse?"

Circe's words can be said to attract everyone's interest all at once.

Because it is really possible!

From Doctor Strange's standpoint, he naturally wants to close the door to the multiverse. If so, wouldn't those parallel universe visitors be unable to return?

Of course, this is just the reason for everyone's speculation, and it is not necessarily correct, but what can be snatched by people from different universes is very likely to be related to the multiverse gate.

"If that's the case...then it's a bit more likely that the answer is Peter Parker!"

Captain America nodded and said sternly.

No matter what everyone talks about, Peter Parker is also pending and cannot be ruled out.

"If it's possible for me, it's also possible for Ned!"

Peter Parker spoke at this time.

Judging from all the information we have, Ned is everywhere in the Spider-Man incident!

Not only did Ned use the space portal to find the other two Spider-Man, but the cube was kept in Ned's hands until Peter Parker was found.

Even Ned was there when the last three worms battled parallel universe monsters in the same frame!

This product is also a "heavy participant"!

"Yes, we can't rule out this little fat man." Tony Stark nodded in agreement.

"Great! Stark can't be ruled out, right? That means we can't rule out any options for this question?" Thor shrugged and couldn't help but said a little helplessly.

The difficulty of this question is not small!

"No, I can rule it out!" But Tony Stark remembered something and said with great certainty, "At the time of the Spider-Man incident, I was already dead!"

When Tony Stark said this, several elderly answerers who had experienced the answer to the question at the scene also responded one after another.

"That's right!" agreed Peter Parker. "Mr. Stark died while Aunt May was alive!"

This was shown in a question about who is Iron Man's successor, when May also hosted a community party and let Spider-Man speak.

But when a reporter asked Iron Man a question, Spider-Man just broke the defense.

But in the Spider-Man incident, May is dead!

So the only question worthy of investigation is whether the three-generation Spider-Man fighting against the multiverse monsters in the same frame in the Spider-Man incident happened before or after May's death.

Considering that if Peter Parker fights a few monsters, it is absolutely impossible to bring these monsters back to his home, so things are already very obvious.

Mei was killed by the Green Goblin first, and the three worms in the same frame battled the monsters after!

And Tony Stark died before May was killed!

After such a little stroke, a basic, unequivocal fact emerges, that is, when the Green Goblin blew up the cube, Tony Stark was indeed dead.

does not exist anymore.

Then naturally it can't be the method that Tony Stark came up with.

Tony Stark, rule it out!

This is certain.

"But even if Tony Stark is excluded, we still have three 'candidates'." Thor scratched his head and said with a bit of pain.

Not only that, but these three candidates actually have one thing in common, that is, they are all participants in the Spider-Man incident.

Everyone has more or less "suspect".

No option can be ruled out.

After everyone discussed with each other, they could only...

"As of now, we can only compare the possibilities between these three candidates!" Loki glanced at everyone and said in a very wise tone, "I don't think this is difficult, Let's sort it out."

"In terms of likelihood, Doctor Strange comes first, Peter Parker comes second, and Ned comes third."

Captain America looked right.

No one on the scene can pick out any faults at this point.

Doctor Strange's first need not be analyzed at all, and there is nothing to say. Although Ned is also a participant in the whole process, compared with Peter Parker, Ned seems to be a little soy sauce.

He didn't seem to do anything other than open a few space doors.

And from various clues, it seems that Ned kept the cube because of Peter Parker's entrustment!

Even everyone has reason to suspect that Ned was involved in this matter because Peter Parker was involved.

After all, Ned was just an ordinary high school student, that's all, he had nothing to do with Kamathage.

Or the only intersection is when his good friend Peter Parker goes to Kamathage to seek Doctor Strange's help.

"It seems that there is no other better way. I can only try Doctor Strange first." Tony Stark spread his hands on the side, "but I don't know why, I suddenly feel uneasy, and it's true Weird."

This round of answering questions has been answered by everyone else, and only Tony Stark is left, so although Tony Stark is not very interested in the reward of Ten Temple Yama, he can only answer it.

"I choose A, Doctor Strange!" Tony Stark immediately gave his answer to the big screen.

【wrong answer! 】

But the system prompts that the answer is wrong.

"The answer is really not Doctor Strange, my hunch came true." Tony Stark shrugged and couldn't help but sigh.

[Tony Stark, the answerer, will be punished by erasing his knowledge and experience of polymer materials, which will be executed immediately! 】


Tony Stark couldn't help but groaned in pain.

Tony Stark is actually not at all cowardly about the various punishments in the system, but this kind of punishment based on knowledge and experience makes him the most painful.

Although it can be learned back, it will take a lot of time!

And right now, what Tony Stark lacks the most is time.

"Fortunately, I remember that polymer materials are also one of Dr. Banner's strengths." But then Tony Stark thought of this again, and he got a little comfort.

At least if you really use the relevant knowledge of polymer materials one day, you can ask Bruce Banner to help.

It doesn't really delay things.

"Since the answer is not Doctor Strange, then the only choice is Peter Parker. Who will answer next?"

Then Tony Stark glanced at several other people on the scene and asked.

As of now, all the answerers have completed their rounds, and everyone is about to start a new round of answering.

Everyone at the scene had a brief discussion, and in the end, the quota fell to Peter Parker.

Because the Ten Temple Yama is a reward, no one at the scene knows, this is a reward that can't be seen from the Only Peter Parker was very curious about it, so he decided to answer.

Another reason is that the next answer to choose is Peter Parker, and Peter Parker thinks it's interesting to choose himself.

"I choose B!" Peter Parker gave his answer expectantly.

【correct answer! 】


Peter Parker slapped his thigh excitedly.

Frankly speaking, he actually didn't have much confidence in choosing his answer, and there was some guesswork involved.

But he made the right choice!

[Congratulations to the answerer Peter Parker for getting the reward Ten Temple Yama! 】

[The reward has been issued, please pay attention to check it! 】


With the sound of the system, Peter Parker's hand suddenly had an irregular "stick" covered with white cloth strips.

"This is the Tenth Palace Yama? An inconspicuous stick?" Loki couldn't help staring at the Tenth Palace Yama and exclaimed in surprise.

Frankly speaking, this reward was completely beyond his expectations.

Why does a stick have such a strange name?

Is there a dime relationship between the stick and Yama?

"Although this stick looks ordinary, it gives me a very complicated feeling." Said Circe

"Yes, yes!" Peter Parker sorted out the relevant information in his mind and nodded excitedly, "This reward is indeed very difficult."

Speaking of this, Peter Parker thought, and the white cloth wrapped around the irregular stick suddenly collapsed.

The tenth hall Yama, who looked distant, simple, and a little mysterious, appeared in front of everyone just like that.

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