Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 379: 4 bizarre, 2 crimson, chaotic multiverses!

"Meiman starts by asking Iron Man(!

"What is this place?"

Thor couldn't help but ask, this place on the screen looked very unfamiliar, and everyone had never seen it before.

But a solemn and faint sense of oppression was uploaded from the screen. This place is obviously not an ordinary place.

Even Doctor Strange was caught.

On the high platform in that hall, there were a total of six chairs.

Although everyone does not know who the six chairs are prepared for, it is clear that these six people are used to judge Doctor Strange!

This identity, this status, thinks that it is not bad.

Because at the very least, these six people are obviously above Kama Taj!

Otherwise, how could the Supreme Master of Kama Taj be captured by them?

——Although there is no clue or evidence in the video that Doctor Strange is already the Supreme Mage, everyone acquiesced to this.

After all, it is to open the door to the multiverse. Whether it is intentional or unintentional, it requires a certain amount of strength. The Doctor Strange before the Supreme Mage should not be able to do this.

"Tell him the truth!"

At this time, a voice sounded, but saw a bald head in a wheelchair, and opened his mouth so leisurely.

Obviously, that bald head is one of the "Six Supreme People".

Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but concentrate for a while, staring at the bald head, trying to remember more details about the bald head.

It's a pity that the bald head only shows a back, that's all!

With this little feature, it is impossible to identify the identity of the bald head.

The other is to listen to the voice of the bald head, it seems that the age is not too young, but there are thousands of old bald heads in the world?

At this time, the pictures on the screen began to switch continuously.

The first thing that appeared was Doctor Strange and a girl in a denim jacket floating in the air.

But they saw the two of them smashed a layer of something similar to a glass mirror at once, and fell straight forward.

After so many rounds of answering questions, everyone is no stranger to what it is like to travel through the universe.

Everyone knows for sure that the boundary of the universe is something similar to glass!

What was displayed on the screen just now was the scene of Doctor Strange and another girl traveling through the universe together!

Next, the screen changed again, but in a room, Doctor Strange and another person were confronting each other.

When the angle of view on the screen rotated, and the face of that person gradually appeared in front of everyone, everyone couldn't help but make a noise.

"Doctor Strange! Another Doctor Strange!"

Peter Parker couldn't help but be surprised.

"That Doctor Strange looks so evil, don't you think his smile is very similar to Loki's smile? This Doctor Strange is not a good person!"

Tony Stark also pointed to the other Doctor Strange and called.

In fact, it's not just a smile. Although that Doctor Strange has the exact same face as the Doctor Strange deity, it has to be said that the temperament of the whole person is simply two completely opposite styles!

"Am I not a good person? Tin Woodman, you finally got one thing right." Loki grinned at this time, and it turned out to be the same as that "Evil Doctor Strange".

Boom boom boom!

What followed was a few scenes of fierce battles.

However, he saw a golden light all over his body and a character very similar to Captain Marvel flying around in the air.

The girl in the denim jacket who traveled through the universe with Doctor Strange seems to be very simple, jumping high and punching out a terrible wave of energy.

An octopus-like monster threw a bus on the street to smash Doctor Strange, but was cut in half by a magical gear of Doctor Strange.

In addition, two Scarlet Witch also appeared together...

Seeing everyone is dazzling, although these short pictures are not long, I have to say that the amount of information conveyed is really amazing.

Who is that "light man"?

Who is that cowgirl?

Why are there two other Scarlet Witches?

What a gibberish!

Sure enough, the door of the universe cannot be opened, and once it is opened, the world will fall into extreme chaos!


On the screen, the voice of the Mage King suddenly sounded.

However, he saw the Mage King crawling on a cliff and shouting to the top.

On the cliff, a Doctor Strange was grinning and dancing.

But this is not the key, the key is the rotten flesh on this Doctor Strange face, the face is hideous, it is a... Zombie!

The picture freezes on the terrifying face of the zombie Doctor Strange.

"Wood grass!"

"I go!"

"I do!"


"I am!"

It can be said that there is a piece of grass in front of the screen, and everyone is deeply stimulated by the zombie Doctor Strange. What the **** is that guy?

That can't be Doctor Strange!

"I have to say, this multiverse crisis is really a mess."

Captain America couldn't help but let out a sigh, even after watching the related video, he felt his head was numb and his eggs were broken.

Others also felt that their brains were a bit big, and they couldn't react very well, because the amount of information in this video was too large.

Not to mention anything else, just the many characters who have appeared on the stage are enough for everyone to take a good look.

If you don't even look at anything else, take out the Doctor Strange guy to see, there are more than one Doctor Strange in the image.


Circe opened her mouth with a solemn expression.

She has paid special attention to it, and there are four different Doctor Strange characters appearing on the image just now!

"Four? You mean Doctor Strange, isn't there only three?" Peter Parker was taken aback by Circe's words.

Doctor Strange, Evil Doctor Strange, and Zombie Doctor Strange, aren't these three Doctor Strange doctors in his opinion?

"No, there are four. There are two Doctor Stranges who look the same, but if you look closely, you will find that they are actually two people." Circe said with great certainty.


Thor patted his head.

Naturally, a guy with muscles like him couldn't see these extremely subtle places.

"Yes, not three, but four!"

Captain America echoed heavily. As a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, he still has basic qualities.

Peter Parker suddenly felt that his whole person was not well.

Four Doctor Strange, ah, squeezed into the same universe, this is too crazy, right?

His previous "three bugs in the same frame" was nothing compared to it.

"Four Doctors Strange, two Scarlet Witches, the mysterious being who tried Doctor Strange, the electric man, the girl in the denim jacket... oh, can't forget those tauren, the monsters who yelled at Doctor Strange... God!"

Peter Parker made a brief calculation, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Messy, so messy.

"Everyone, about the zombie Doctor Strange, I have a guess." Tony Stark said suddenly at this time.

When everyone around heard Tony Stark speak like this, they couldn't help but look over.

"We have been exposed to superhero zombie-related images before, do you remember? In that image, the whole world fell, except for a few people such as Peter, Happy, Hope, etc., everyone became zombies ."

How can people not remember this matter, after all, the content is so heavy and shocking, it is simply unforgettable after watching it once.

"Stark, you mean, in that video, Doctor Strange also turned into a zombie?" Captain America immediately understood what Tony Stark meant.

But then a new problem arose.

If the zombie Doctor Strange really comes from the future of the main universe, is this video mainly showing things from other universes?


After Captain America pondered for a while, he really understood what Tony Stark meant, "Stark, what do you mean, the zombie thing is actually not from the main universe, but...another parallel universe?"

After the topic of the parallel universe was clarified, everyone discussed how to answer the question of other parallel universes other than the main universe.

The consistent principle is that only when there is a clear departure from the main universe will it be considered a problem with other parallel universes.

But this is actually not rigorous enough, because not necessarily all the topics of other parallel universes will have places that are obviously contrary to the main universe.

After all, how much content can one question reveal?

At that time, the topic of zombie superheroes was regarded as the information of the main universe by default because there was no such contradictory clue.

Everyone has also made great preparations for this. Relevant biochemical institutions around the world, and other places where zombie viruses may appear are closely monitored.

But until now, no one has noticed any signs of zombie virus.


Captain America suddenly reacted.

In the past, it was true that there was nothing contrary to the main universe, but as the answer went on, something contrary to it had already appeared!

Because in the main universe, Captain America died of old age, instead of turning into a zombie and being cut in half by Bucky!

Not only that, the fact that Captain America died of old age has appeared in many consecutive questions in the future. For example, the issue of the heir to the Captain America has been discussed in three or four ways.

So obviously, Captain America should be the main universe.

Rather than Captain America becoming a zombie is the main universe.

In terms of probability, the probability of answering the question of the main universe is indeed much higher.

Looking at it this way, the "superhero-turned-zombie incident" should indeed be another parallel universe, and Tony Stark's guess is correct.

As everyone discussed, this point gradually became clear.

"If that's the case, it's really possible that the zombie Doctor Strange came from that 'zombie universe'." Peter Parker nodded and said.

According to the naming principle on the shared information, the parallel universe was named, "Zombie Universe".

This is good news for everyone, because the heavy future of zombies is not their future!

[Please listen to the question: In the final battle, Thanos ordered his fleet to cover all the superheroes with firepower. The heroes were beaten and retreated. Who appeared at the critical moment and wiped out the entire fleet of Thanos in one fell swoop. Turn things around? 】

[A. Iron Man Tony Stark]

[B. Doctor Strange Stephen Strange]

[C. Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff]

[D. Captain Marvel Danforth Carroll]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with the undead mantra.

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

Everyone was discussing, and the latest topic appeared.

Everyone stopped talking for a while, and looked at the big screen one after another.

This question is about the final battle.

In fact, up to now, everyone has a lot of information about the final battle, the two sides participating in the war, and even the final result, and so on.

However, the details of the process are not clear.

And this question will reveal more details of the final battle for everyone.

"One person wiped out Thanos' entire fleet? This is too amazing, right?" Peter Parker couldn't help but exclaimed.

He has seen the shared information.

How big is the lineup for Endgame?

Almost all the heroes on the earth have been collected, no, it should be all the heroes in the universe.

Not to mention the Avengers, Kama Taj, Wakanda, Guardians of the Galaxy, Valkyrie... and so on.

It was such a lineup, but it was defeated by Thanos' fleet, which shows how fierce the firepower of Thanos' fleet was.

However, such a powerful fleet was killed by one person!

How powerful is that person?

There is no doubt that it must be the kind of top strength that everyone knows.

Looking at the options, it is true, everyone is a messed up guy, and even strictly speaking, even the existence of Iron Man is not very attractive in these options.

"The Tin Woodman can be ruled out."

Loki's voice sounded, and with a faint sarcasm on his mouth, he ruthlessly said to Tony Stark, "Destroy the entire fleet of Thanos, how could the Tin Woodman have such a skill? This is a bit too much. Lift him up?"

After being slapped by Tony Stark several times, Loki finally found an opportunity this time and slapped Tony Stark once.

I can't help but think that's a refreshing feeling.

But even so, what Loki said made a lot of sense.

Even other people on the scene do not think that Tony Stark has the strength to kill the entire fleet of Thanos by himself!

After all, everyone has seen the picture of how Tony Stark and Thanos fought to the death at that time. Apart from the nano armor he wore, Tony Stark did not see any other powerful tricks.

Or a weapon.

And no one thinks that Tony Stark has really developed a powerful weapon that can take out a fleet.

In other words, everyone has seen the weapon Tony Stark developed for alien invasion, which is Ultron.

Moreover, Ultron was developed by Tony Stark with the help of Bruce Banner when he rubbed the mind gem in the right place and the right place.

Even so, it's just a scrap.

Later, it also triggered a small crisis, which destroyed Sokovia.

After this, according to the information we have, Tony Stark has no other weapons like this against Starfleet.

And Iron Man is a superhero that relies entirely on technology. If no corresponding weapons have been developed, it is naturally impossible for Tony Stark to fight against a fleet.

So is it possible that Tony Stark has actually made another set of powerful weapons, but it is not shown by the answering system?

In the end, he Tony Stark relied on that set of weapons to destroy Thanos' fleet?

This possibility is naturally there.

But everyone thinks it's unlikely.

After all, both on Titan and in Endgame, Tony Stark played extremely hard, and even lost his life in Endgame.

If there is such a weapon, why doesn't Tony Stark use it?

If there is such a weapon, when Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf came to Earth, Tony Stark didn't directly turn over the opponent's wheel?

So everyone thinks about it comprehensively, and still thinks that it is more likely that Tony Stark does not have that kind of weapon.

"Yes, in the final battle, it should not be the fleet of Thanos that I destroyed." Tony Stark did not deny this, "but..."

When Tony Stark is soft, there is often a bad guy behind him.

"However, as long as you give me enough time, what is the fleet of Thanos? I just don't have enough time, that's all!" Tony Stark said confidently.

As long as he is given enough time, Tony Stark believes that he can go out of the universe!

Doing over Thanos or something, that's not a problem.

"OK, Stark ruled it out first, let's look at other options." Captain America proposed at this time.

Tony Stark was excluded. Basically, there is no major objection to everyone. After all, everyone in the options has a lot of weight. Everyone knows how much.

In terms of hard the weakest among the four options is indeed Tony Stark.

Is his armor able to do better than Doctor Strange, who can open the door to the universe accidentally, or the Scarlet Witch who even Doctor Strange has to ask for help?

Or the Captain Marvel of the all-jeweled Thanos?

In front of these super bulls, Tony Stark is really inferior.

"And what about Doctor Strange?"

Thor's voice sounded, he looked at the options on the big screen, glanced at everyone and asked.

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