MARVEL: start with limitless technique

Chapter 12- Meet Steve

 [ mission info : Become friend or foe with Steve Rogers. The important thing is that you'll be unforgettable in his memory.]

As Michael sat in one of the back seats of the cinema, he looked at the man throwing popcorn at Steve from a distance and waited for the movie to end. After the movie was over, he would wait for this man to pull Steve into the back alley and take the opportunity.

While Michael was enjoying the experience of watching a popular movie in a nineties theater, it was a different scene in the office of the general who was searching for Michael.


The General raised his coffee cup to his nose to smell the aroma of freshly brewed Italian coffee and after a time that seemed like an eternity, he put it back on the table and looked at the soldiers standing at attention in his room.

“It's already been five hours and you idiots are standing in front of me saying you can't find one man.”

As the soldiers all bowed their heads, the bald soldier, the leader of this small group, stepped forward and tried to take the blame to take the pressure off his people.

"Sir, I was responsible for showing the soldiers the areas to search, it was my incompetence that the fugitive named Michael could not be found."

The general realized at a glance what the officer in front of him was trying to do.

“Hahaha, so it was your incompetence. That's good, that's good... My top brass would question my competence if I were to send all these soldiers at once to the most dangerous front of the war."

“But sir.”

“But what! You disobey my orders, soldier! We train you to kill the monster called Hitler who murdered millions of people in Europe, but your dog piss can't even find one man."

The officer was already regretting the decision he had just made as he looked at the veins in the old general's face trembling with anger, but some sense of honor in the officer prevented him from going back on his word.

The general continued shouting for a while, then, realizing that the soldiers behind the officer were clenching their fists and clenching their teeth, he stopped insulting the officer.

“I'm giving you one last chance. Your mission is not to find that man. Your job is to make sure he is not captured by the local security forces or a different company. Each of you goes to a different area and keeps your eyes on the outposts. And don't tell anyone about your mission, anyone could be a Nazi spy. You can go now.”

As the soldiers left the room in the order they had been instructed, the General asked the officer to stay a while longer. After all the soldiers had left the room, the general turned to the officer and poked him in the heart with his finger.

“Do you know why, despite all your achievements, you have never been promoted?”

The officer endured the general poking his heart with each word as long as he could and asked why.

“There are too many of you. You are a soldier, son, not a doctor. If you continue to treat those soldiers like your children, they will lose their formation, become frightened, and die with the first bomb that falls near them on the battlefield.”


In fact, the movie was so boring and made to instill an American spirit in people that I was glad it came out early.

After watching the first half of the movie, I started to think about the ability that filled my brain and directly became a reflex. In the last mission, I obtained one of the most op abilities of Demon Slayer, a classic anime I watched in my previous life.

The swordsmanship, which in the anime is referred to as the breath of the sun but which I prefer to call the breath of everything, was etched into my bones as if I had been using it for years. Halfway through the movie I closed my eyes and focused on the clues about the side techniques arising from the sun technique, but the only conclusion I got was that I would have to do trial and error on my own to learn the other breaths.

As the movie was nearing the end, I saw Steve moving to leave the theater, and a second after Steve moved, the guy who had argued with him in the pre-movie military trailer moved to follow Steve out of the theater.

As they were leaving, I followed them out of the theater. While the bad guy was still in the hallway, I quickly caught up with him and grabbed his shoulder.


"Who the fuck are you? Don't touch my shoulder."

After taking a deep breath, filling my lungs, and forcing my heart to work faster with the energy released, I raised my fist and swung it with all my might at the man in front of me.

The boy didn't even have time to react properly, but that was no reason to show him mercy. Of course, if you consider that I hadn't intended to hit him in the first place, I didn't need to show mercy.

As the brat, who had probably just entered his twenties, watched helplessly at the unexpected attack, I stopped my fist in front of his face. Even though my fist stopped, the wind current that was released did not stop immediately.

As the brat fell to the ground dazed by the wind from my fist, I suppressed my astonishment as best I could, mesmerized by the impact of the punch I had just thrown.

As soon as the brat managed to get up off the ground, he ran away without looking back as if he had seen a monster. I smiled at the ticket seller woman who looked at me with her mouth open and calmly left the theater.

After using the breathing technique to throw a punch for the first time, I decided to find a way to measure my maximum power output as soon as possible to see more clearly the effect of the general training technique on me.

With my head full of these thoughts, I looked at the map in the corner of my field of vision and came to Steve's location.

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