Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 99 The Bloody Shield

Chapter 99 The Bloody Shield

In the empty military airport, Steve was faintly surrounded by two personnel carriers and a company of soldiers.

He looked at Major Harper who was slowly backing away with a face as deep as water, and his bright blue eyes gradually dimmed a bit.

The surrounding U.S. troops spread out little by little, keeping a distance of less than 30 meters from Steve. The assault rifle in his hand was hung behind his back. A special firearm closer to a submachine gun.

A dozen or so special warfare soldiers whose vigor, blood and physique were obviously many times stronger than ordinary people retreated to the end of the line, as if they were preparing for something.

"Captain Steve, I am very sorry, but please understand and cooperate."

Major Harper spoke earnestly. He held his hands up high, palms outward, as if he was calming and stabilizing the situation. Steve looked at him solemnly, with his left hand carrying the bag, his right fist clenched and loosened, his gaze became colder and colder. .

"You have been very uncooperative in your missions in recent years, and even blatantly rejected orders issued by the military many times. I believe you understand, resist military orders!"

"What a serious act, the intelligence agency intercepted a series of information, and suspected that you were instigated by Soviet spies."

Steve gritted his teeth, and let go of the army green nylon equipment bag in his hand, which contained a combat uniform with a part of vibrating gold armor. A burst of loess smoke and dust hit the ground, like a drop of water, falling into the calm lake .

Major Harper's Adam's apple squirmed unconsciously, sweat was faintly visible on his forehead, and he suddenly shouted in a high-pitched tone: "I hope you will accept our 'protection' and cooperate with the investigation in a safe place!"

Nearly one company formed, the American soldiers who were armed to the teeth pointed their silver-gray muzzles at Steve Rogers. Major Harper raised his voice in the last sentence, his tone was weird, and at the same time he clasped his hands together and beat together.

Bang bang bang.
A round of volley, hundreds of specially-made bullets hit Steve from all angles. Major Harper has been trying to create an atmosphere of conversation and communication, but he didn't even give him a chance to reply, but he was already prepared. The release signal, fire immediately.

Steve Rogers's nerve reaction speed is not something that these ordinary soldiers can keep up with. Although he was a little caught off guard by the military's decisive and fierce attack, he dodged and made a wrong step in an instant, dodging the dense crowd, which pierced the ground an inch deep. Sharp needle bullets.

The armed company seems to have practiced a long time ago. Seeing Steve running and dodging, he quickly divided into seven or eight teams, constantly wandering and interspersing, ensuring that at least four directions can suppress the target with firepower. The tactical space of about 30 meters won them a moment Chance to keep firing.

Steve didn't keep his hand anymore, changed his position, grabbed the shield with his hand back, and shot at a group of American soldiers from a rebound angle. This bullet specially made for him has a needle like a triangular pyramid, as long as a finger, and gunpowder. The bullet is also driven by the explosion of the primer to shoot.

Hitting ordinary people is no different from being hit by a large-caliber rifle bullet. Four or five soldiers were pierced through the chest and died instantly.

The siege team quickly retreated to expand the area, and at the same time, there were soldiers who were killed by shields and sputtered bullets. The military airport in the mountains and forests was empty and lacked bunkers, so he could only choose one direction to break out of the encirclement.

Boom boom boom!
Steve Rogers was full of vigor, and with his shield on his head, he sprinted over a distance of more than ten meters in one step, like a heavy armored vehicle accelerating to the extreme, smashing into the air the combat team that was determined not to retreat.

There was the sound of cracking bones, and five or six soldiers were knocked away like rag dolls for more than ten meters, their limbs were twisted indiscriminately, and blood was vomited from their mouths from time to time, and they seemed to be dead.

Steve finally rushed towards the dense mountain forest lined with barbed wire walls to the east. Once he entered the mountains, there was no way to restrain him.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
Originally thought to be the staff in charge of ground handling at the airport, they had already made preparations, pulled up a hidden wrench on the ground, and pulled out two huge vertical sonic cannon barrels more than two meters high from the dug tunnel, facing Steve. The husband turned on the high-frequency sound wave attack with the maximum power.

Since the establishment of World War II, SSR has been continuously researching new powerful weapons and equipment that can cause damage or affect super individual forces.

This kind of sonic cannon is still very rough and huge, and even the smallest model requires two or three ordinary soldiers to move and operate.

Steve instantly felt severe pain like eardrums exploding, and there were faint circles of sound ripples in the air. He erected his shield in front of him, and the pressure was greatly relieved immediately.

His body shook suddenly, and he was shot several times in the back. The thick and long triangular pyramid-shaped needle bullet pushed unknown liquid into his body.

Steve threw out the shield, and the ejection exploded the sonic cannon that only delayed him for a few seconds. His whole body was beating vigorously, and his heart was pumping out majestic blood.

Controlling the peristalsis of the body's muscles and fascia, he flicked away the needle that had penetrated deeply into the flesh, and squeezed out part of the light yellow liquid from the blood hole.

"Quick! Quick!"

Major Harper yelled that the special operations team that had previously retreated to the back of the team was finally ready. This period of lightning and flint battle lasted only a few tens of seconds. According to the initial battle plan, they bought time.

The four tallest and strongest team members, each carrying a small sonic cannon weighing several hundred kilograms on their shoulders, bombarded Captain Rogers in the middle who had just received the flying shield from four angles.

Eight special alloy chains as thick as a child's arm were thrown through the air. The chain ends were three barbed hooks. husband.

"Ho ha."

Steve lowered his body slightly while holding a shield, protecting one side of his head and face, and endured a part of the sound wave impact that was not blocked by the shield. He parried and swung a few alloy grappling hooks, but was hooked by one of the left calf, A tall, tall, bald member of the special combat team shouted and pulled desperately.

These twelve so-called special forces members were the first group of members injected with the replica super soldier serum, and their first mission was to capture the World War II hero who "betrayed" the military, Captain Rogers.

Steve suffered from pain in his calf, and was swayed from being dragged. He gritted his teeth and stopped his steps. He let the bald super soldier turn red and couldn't pull it even with all his strength. He squatted down and smashed the shield in his right hand, clanging The sparks flew, cutting the chains of the grapple.

His eyes became more and more blood red, his head was hit by continuous sound waves, the remaining chains continued to be thrown, and there were still ordinary soldiers with fighting ability, who continued to walk around to the angle that the shield could not cover and shot at Steve. gun.

More and more tapered needle bullets hit Steve's body, and the grappling hooks clasped his arms, shoulders, and thighs one by one. Several super soldiers twisted their bodies and wrapped the chains tightly around the shoulders or waist. Come on, firmly hold on.
Finally, the secret numbing needle bullet on his body took effect, and Steve roared, the veins on his neck and forehead popped out, and his handsome face was more ferocious than ever.

Gradually he felt the strength was passing, and the two super soldiers dragged a chain that was re-fastened into the flesh and blood of the left leg, and stepped back step by step, pulling Steve's body to the ground like a tug-of-war.

He straightened his spine and stared at Major Harper who finally dared to step out of the crowd.

Four alloy grappling hooks were hung on Steve's body, and the blood hole thick as his thumb was bubbling with blood. He no longer had the energy to control his body to close the muscles to stop the bleeding and detoxify.

"Captain Rogers, you are really scary. Theoretically speaking, each of them should not be weaker than you, at least not too weak, and there is this super-concentrated anesthetic, as long as—"

Harper's voice came to an abrupt end, half of the waist without shoulders and head, crookedly paused for a few seconds, and hit the ground. Harper was not dead yet, but the blood gushing out from his throat made him He could no longer speak.

The shield that Steve threw out angrily at the end cut Harper's body in the middle. The shield was deeply embedded in the armored vehicle tens of meters behind. The red and blue American five-star logo was completely stained red by blood.

"Hoah. Ha!"

In the end, Steve burst out with all his strength and energy as if he was dying. A faint red torrent surrounded him, his eyes were completely blood red, and everyone present could feel the heat wave from more than ten meters away. Spray all over the face.

He didn't care about the pain from the steel claws penetrating into the flesh on his arm at all. He circled around twice, grabbed the chain, pulled the super soldier dragging his left arm over, punched him in the head, and shattered his head.

Immediately, he swung the tall headless body out, knocking over two super soldiers dragging their calves, and it was about to get out of control.

Bang bang bang.
The sound of continuous shooting sounded again, and the soldiers' mouths were trembling, they mechanically pulled the trigger, changed the clips, and did not dare to stop for a moment until all the equipped anesthetic bullets were used up.

They watched as Steve Rogers' body gradually became like a sampan covered with steel nails, and he still rushed forward like a thunderbolt, wrestling with seven or eight super fighters.
After what seemed like a long time, Steve finally felt that lifting his eyelids was a burden, and beside him lay four or five super soldiers with severely deformed chests and necks.

Even though the last few looked at Steve Rogers, who was in a crumbling figure and had no clear consciousness, they still didn't dare to come forward.

Until Steve finally crashed to the ground, completely silent.

(End of this chapter)

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