Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 92 Winter Wolf

Chapter 92 Winter Wolf

New York Private Noble High School, Meister.

Emma Frost looked at Eric Lanshere who was walking out of the classroom, and followed slowly.

"Do you know what Mr. Howlett usually likes, Jane?"

The two said hello and walked side by side. Recently, many students have seen the picture of the two talking together. Although there is no intimacy, they have always been generous but polite. The president of the school belle, but she has never had such a close relationship with any boy.

"Father, oh, dad, he seems to have no other hobbies except smoking cigars, and alcohol is average. He should like fighting the most, but I heard from Asazzo that he has not been able to find anyone for him to fight for many years."

Eric thought about it seriously, but Emma next to him frowned lightly.

"Why do you call him Daddy, he's not old at all..."

Emma said slightly annoyed, she even suspected that it was Eric who lied to her that James liked to fight, Emma resisted the idea of ​​using her ability to probe into the other person's thoughts.

She promised Eric that she would never read his mind again.

"Hey hey, no one knows about dad's age."

Eric smirked rather furtively. The person who followed James the longest was the former housekeeper, Mr. Casper Foss, and he was over 70 years old.

"Looking young, no matter how old you are, Mr. Howlett looks at most 25 years old."

Emma refuted without confidence, but suddenly remembered that although she was still very young, less than 17 years old, what should she do when she was old one day? The girl began to worry about such annoying things at a young age.

"I'll see you later, Emma, ​​Mr. Barney is here to pick me up, Dad! Why are you here?"

Eric was saying goodbye to Miss Emma Frost, when he saw his father waiting by the limousine, he ran over, and Emma behind him came gracefully, and fought James Hello.

"Let's go, get in the car, cough, go ahead."

James sent Eric to sit in the front seat of the back row. Emma stroked her ears lightly as she had known for a long time, got into the car with her head down, and sat with James in the most spacious seat in the back row.

He looked at Mr. Lanshere, who looked back a little resentfully and puzzled, and explained with a smile.

"Today I will take you to see a special event. I have invited Emma earlier."

Eric continued to look "Why don't I know" and continued to complain.

Emma sat next to James with a smile on her lips.

"He smells like truffles," the girl thought wildly in her mind.

After driving all the way back to the manor, there were only a few attendants in the living room holding two black and one white long fine fur coats, helping Emma and Eric to put them on.

Emma happened to be wearing a white coat and long skirt today. The skirt was not as long as the standard school uniform, but just reached the knees. Her long, white legs seemed to be wearing a pair of white silk stockings.

Asazuo puffed up a puff of black smoke and appeared in the center of the hall. Emma looked at the red-skinned, black-haired and long-tailed man with some surprise, bowed slightly to him as a gentleman, and greeted him with a smile.

She had already heard about Asazo, but today was the first time she met him.

"Bonjour, beautiful lady."

The red devil took Emma's hand, and touched her lips lightly on the back of her hand. The girl blushed slightly, and slightly bent her knees in return.

"Have you been to France recently?"

James looked suspiciously at Asazo's nondescript mannerisms, and couldn't help but ask.

When there is no important matter, he will not take care of Asazo's daily life, let alone restrict his freedom. After all, he is quite at ease with the ability of the Red Devil now.

Azazzo continued to talk nonsense in broken French, while taking the fur coat held by the attendant and putting it on himself.

James is a man who really understands French, but he can't understand what Asazzo is saying.

He shook his head and put his arm on Asazo's right shoulder, Emma nervously took James' arm, and Eric grabbed Asazo's other arm.

The four disappeared instantly.

Emma didn't feel any discomfort in this novel experience of time-space transformation, but an invisible picture and lingering black smoke flashed in front of her.

Between two breaths, the icy wind and snow suddenly blew on their cheeks, and the four of them were already on the top of a snow peak.

Suddenly arriving at a high altitude among the mountains, she and Eric were a little uncomfortable, their hearts were pounding, and their breathing was blocked for a while. James gently supported the backs of the two young people and channeled some biological energy , quickly eased over.

Their evolution technique is still in the first stage, and they are not mutant abilities of the flesh system, and their bodies are still relatively fragile.

Asazo's long tail, which was thrown behind him, seemed to feel too cold, so he shrank back into his fur coat, dodged around, and looked down the cliff.

Under the unknown cliffs and snowy peaks in the Alps, the assessment of this generation of wolves is about to begin.

They could only carry simple ropes and ice axes, and climbed more than 30 meters of nearly vertical ice cliffs in the severe cold of minus 1000 degrees in the wind and snow. Finally, on the top of the snow peak, in front of James, they fought a duel to create this generation. head wolf.

"Father, the viewing angle over there is the best."

Asazo teleported around and found a mountainside diagonally opposite the cliff, where he could see the entire cliff climbing process in a relatively complete way.

The four of them teleported away, and more than 20 candidates for this generation of wolves under the cliff were raising their heads and beating their hearts.

"Ahem, Opal, have you been trained like this for generations?"

Bucky's hair had grown to his shoulders, and it was scattered casually. He looked up at the cliff completely covered by wind and snow after more than 100 meters, and swallowed subconsciously. Xi's old rival asked.

Opper shook his head. His father belonged to the previous generation of wolves, and he was one of the nine "winter wolves". He knew that there was no so-called trial at that time, and only the best one would be selected as the head wolf.

"This is the first time Lord Wolf proposed it, and we have never heard of it."

Bucky shook his head helplessly. It was the first time for this group of "second-generation wolves", so they were all on the same starting line.

"No, I'm missing an arm, and I still have to climb the cliff, damn Falk." Bucky cursed in his heart, bitterly thinking of the "good brother" who threw him here.

"Listen up! Only by climbing the cliff can you be qualified to become a member of the real wolf pack, and after climbing, only one person will be able to kill out and become the alpha wolf, so every climber will also become your competitor .”

Remus Pete glanced sharply at the 20 or so young men in single clothes. The howling wind and snow did not affect his sonorous words at all. Every word Remus said fell deeply into their ears. .

"Falling off the cliff is just a pool of rotten meat. If you want to quit now, it's still too late."

He took a last look at the teenage wolves who were not trying to give up, and nodded in satisfaction, but Bucky muttered a few words, and Remus pretended not to hear.

The other eight winter wolves dropped coiled black ropes and an ice pick one by one in front of them, and everyone put on their equipment and walked down the cliff one by one.

The ice picks dug into the cliff wall covered with a thick layer of frost one after another. Bucky was not in a hurry. He bit the arm-thick rope and pulled it hard with his single arm. He checked section by section, and then carefully considered the length of the rope. , and looked at the cliff more than a thousand meters high, with a dignified expression.

"Barnes! You don't actually have to go up."

The old opponent Opper had already climbed seven or eight meters, and he shouted at Bucky jokingly, but he understood the implication.

Strictly speaking, I am not a member of the wolf pack, but a "relationship household" with a strange identity, and the disadvantage of being one-armed is too huge in this test. For his own good.

Bucky also couldn't tell what his persistence was for, he was not a thoughtful person.

But he will never get rid of Steve's majestic and heroic posture pushing all the way on the World War II.

I can't forget Mr. Howlett, nodding his head in the air, and looking at himself like hell.

Sergeant James Barnes gritted his teeth, tied the rope to the round hole at the end of the ice ax, tied the other end tightly around his waist, and climbed up the cliff.

Emma, ​​who was watching all this on the other side of the mountain, unconsciously moved closer to James, "They are here"

"A test."

Emma was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and said, "Is it a test of their courage and perseverance?"

James stared sideways at the girl's eyes. Her upturned nose was a little red from the cold, her eyelashes were flickering, and there were frost flowers hanging on her.

"What do you know about animals like wolves, especially when they're in packs?"

Emma didn't know whether it was because her face became warm, or James was looking at her with scorching eyes, his face was blushing a little hot, and he shook his head slightly.

"Wolves are pack animals. Groups are very important to them. However, they do not completely occupy each other's lives. For them, life is a circle with two parts intersecting. There is each other but not the whole. Groups, but also ego."

James looked away, turned to the white and frosty cliff, watched the black figures climbing up with difficulty, and continued to speak to Emma slowly.

"However, the wolf pack is a cruel group that is extremely rich in hierarchy, internal competition, and eliminated. This ensures that the alpha wolves will be more cautious, smarter, and braver from generation to generation, and it also ensures the reproduction of the wolf pack."

"So when they understand that even if they will become the targets of fighting and competition in the near future, they must learn to cooperate and unite in the face of crisis, then their test will be successful."

James' voice clearly reached the ears of the other three people, and they kept silent in tacit understanding, looking forward to the people who gradually climbed to the middle.

"Ah ho ah!"

The first young wolf to fall appeared, and the violent snowstorm quickly obliterated his desperate roaring voice and figure.

The ice layer is too thick, so you have to break the solid ice with an ice ax and try to climb the rock wall again, otherwise the slippery ice surface is not only difficult to get your hands on, but also easy to break.

There are quite a few people here who have practiced the killing technique to the second stage, who can burst out a second stage of dark force in their hands and wedge their fingers into the stone wall, but this kind of attack consumes a lot of physical energy, and they can't use it at all at present. several times.

The continuous cold and violent snowstorm will quickly take away their physical fitness and heat. Even these little wolf cubs whose physical fitness far exceeds that of the most elite soldiers of this era will not last long.

Gradually there was a sound of losing strength and falling off the cliff, and it was particularly difficult for Bucky to persevere. He used the ice pick to cut out two holes for himself to stay in, and then pulled his body up with the pick in one hand.

His right arm was already a little swollen, and it was almost impossible to hold the pick.

scoff. scoff.
Opal on top of Bucky kept slipping downwards, rustling broken ice and gravel falling down.

He was unlucky enough to bump into a loose rock wall, and a large piece of it peeled off. Opal smashed the ice ax down hard, but the shattering ice did not help him stabilize his body.

Finally, his speed became faster and faster, and he fell straight down.


Bucky's face was flushed, and his only right arm was tightly grasping Opal's forearm. The sweat on his head had already condensed into frost, and his hair was frozen into pieces of icicles, hanging upside down on his body, waist The rope on the top is connected to the ice ax that has been cut deep into the cliff.

"Fack! Whoa!"

Bucky's waist and abdomen curled up, and he hoisted Opal's body with one arm, pulling him closer to the ice surface of the cliff. Opal quickly stabilized his figure, but luckily the ice ax in his hand was still there.


In the end, Bucky, who tried his best, let himself fall in the air, slowly, shook his sore and almost unconscious palms, and pulled the rope again to climb up.


"What why?" Bucky was still panting, cursing in a bad voice.

"Don't you understand! This cliff can't be climbed alone, even with our physical condition, we can't climb it with such crude equipment, we must cooperate!"

Opal was stunned for a moment, then looked at the cliff above which was still invisible, and nodded thoughtfully.

"Tie a rope around your waist, and then connect each other. The more people, the better, so that you have a chance."

Bucky bit off the rope buckle attached to the end of his ice ax, and threw it to Opal. The short-haired boy who had never liked Bucky froze there.

His rope is in his hands, if.
Opper gritted his teeth, cooperated with one hand to connect the two lengths of rope together, and wrapped them around his waist again. He and Bucky looked at each other, and the two climbed up staggeredly.

They called out to the companions they met along the way. More and more young wolves tied ropes around their waists and connected them with others. From time to time, some people made mistakes or fell off, but they all relied on the ropes on both sides to stabilize them. Get in shape.

A long chain on the cliff was connected together, and a dozen people climbed slowly but firmly, and they were about to reach the peak.

James smiled, jumped up, and flew to the opposite side.

Emma opened her mouth wide. It was the first time she saw that James could fly. Before she could slow down, Asazo put two young men on their shoulders and teleported away.

At the peak of the thousand-meter cliff, apart from Bucky and Opal, a dozen or so testers who had just climbed up, only Colin Pete stood upright, facing James Howe who flew down from the sky and burst into a cloud of snow mist. Leeteuk knelt on one knee and saluted.

"Winter Wolves" constantly jumped up from the cliff. They were full of vigor and heat, and they inserted themselves into the ice cliff, and then catapulted up, carrying or carrying one or two testers who had fallen to the bottom of the cliff before.

It turns out that there have been nine super fighters below to protect the bottom, and they didn't really let them fall to death.

"Fak. It's all a routine"

Bucky cursed many times today, looking at the comrades around him who were still supporting each other and climbing up the cliff, the eyes of each other gradually changed.

(End of this chapter)

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