Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 338 The Mad Titan and the Wolf Emperor, the Price They Pay Each Other

Chapter 338 The Mad Titan and the Wolf Emperor, the Price They Pay Each Other

When sister Xingyun was stretched out in large characters by Ebony Throat's magic spell, she was controlled in mid-air like a little beast waiting to be stripped of its fur and put on a chopping board to be cut into pieces.

Gamora gasped violently, her chiseled green face tried her best to stabilize the twitching of every muscle, and the long and slender knuckles on her back were already twisted together forcefully.


The crystal-like spikes condensed by Ebony Throat's magical power pierced Nebula's scalp and spinal meridians one by one, and her skull was sliced ​​open inch by inch, making an ear-piercing rubbing sound.

Nebula tore the corner of his mouth and howled miserably, finally, making Gamora let go of all his insistence.

"Stop! Stop. Stop"

Perhaps it was James' combat teaching as the two adopted daughters of Thanos, which had an important impact on them in terms of martial arts thinking and even personality.Gamora did put away her aloofness, and seriously experienced and looked at the unspoken feelings in Xing Yun's heart.

Thanos tapped lightly with his fingertips on the Blackstone Throne, and Ebony Maw stopped immediately, and used magic power to control and restrain the blood that was continuously flowing from Nebula's head.

"Gamora, my daughter, I have taught you many things, but I have never taught you how to lie. So, your lies are poor."

Perhaps from the very beginning, the lie that Gamora reported that he had not found the "soul stone" had been seen through by the "crazy titan".

It's just that Thanos may not be eager to get this rough stone in his heart, or he may have other plans, so he didn't expose it immediately.

"Vormir is all I know."

As soon as Gamora finished speaking, Nebula was liberated with a plop and fell from mid-air. Ebony Throat used invisible "needle and thread" to suture her open skull, and whispered to Thanos road:
"Master, although Vormir is rarely heard of, it is not an unknowable place. Please allow me to fetch the original stone and present it to you."

The ebony throat gracefully touched his chest and bowed to salute, but he saw Thanos's head wearing a dark golden helmet shake slightly, and said in a low voice:
"The soul gem has a lofty and special status among the six infinite rough stones. I will go to retrieve it in person, and there will be no mistakes."

Glancing at Gamora who was squatting and slowly lifting Nebula up, Thanos had no intention of punishing his daughter who dared to deceive him, but just cast his gaze at the secluded entrance of the hall, and did not speak again.

In the palace, whether it was the eloquent black-tongued counselor, or the silent sisters Gamora and Nebula, the state where even breathing was suppressed passed by every minute.

Until General Deathblade held the hook sickle upside down, footsteps slowly approached from the end of the corridor.

With his right hand, he held a small round dark silver ball high above his head, and Proxima Centauri walked beside him. He walked to Thanos's throne with a solemn expression but couldn't hide his excitement, and knelt down on one knee.

"The overlord who conquered the universe, the supremely powerful Thanos, the one whose destiny belongs to you. Your servant fulfilled his mission and enshrined in front of you the treasure that has been immersed in the ocean for thousands of years!"

The "Cosmic Spirit Orb" that happened to be held in the palm of the hand of Death Blade was lightly clasped by the tips of Thanos' thumb and index finger, and landed in the palm of his fan-like palm like a slightly larger projectile.

When Thanos unscrewed the metal ball a little rough, a waterfall radiated in a ring and exploded to the surrounding purple halo!

Except for Thanos who was still sitting upright without even shaking his brows, including General Deathblade and Proxima Dark Night who were kneeling in front of the throne, they were all blasted towards the walls around the hall by the overflowing power of the original stone when it appeared, sticking to it. Slowly sliding down the rough black stone.

"Raw Stone of Power. It is the purest incarnation of 'force' and 'energy' in the universe. It contains endless energy. It is the root of controlling and manipulating everything."

Thanos' fingertips approached a little bit tentatively, and suddenly picked up an irregular purple gemstone that was only four or five inches long and approximately oval in shape from the spirit ball in full bloom.

The moment Thanos' body came into contact with the Power Stone, dense purple light flew between his skin and flesh and bones like an electric current.

Legend has it that this infinity gem is the most untouchable existence. No life can hold this gem for a long time with a flesh and blood body. Even a slight touch is enough to wipe out the mortal body.

The toughness of Thanos's body, even after James obtained the eternal fire to recast his flesh and blood, and pushed his life level to another level, it could barely cut through his "Titan Steel Skin".

Perhaps continuing to hold this rough stone will one day hurt the body of Eliminator Thanos, but at this moment, he just felt the slight tingling pain in his palm, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Bring me my knife."

Deathblade and his partner Proxima Proxima held the "Double Blades of the Tyrant" and walked up to Thanos.

Thanos grabbed the double-headed knife, glanced at the gemstone in the palm of his right hand, and snapped it to the sharp end of the knife near the handle, embedded the gemstone on the blade, and gradually slowed down the surging traffic in the hall. Purple energy.


He blew away the black ashes that had been eroded by the rough stone between his palms, without even leaving any scars.

The chopping knife blessed with the original power stone slashed in front of Thanos, and he stood up suddenly from the throne, his face as calm as an abyss.

"Go ahead, Vormir."

"Why are you doing this?"

".What why? Don't move!"

Gamora sternly stopped Nebula who turned her head to look at her, and her hands were a little heavier in treating the wound, and the latter grinned silently in pain.

"Why didn't you tell Father that you found the Soul Stone in the first place? And why because I told him."

On the "Temple No. [-]" flying towards Vormir with all its strength, the two women who gradually became true sisters were silent for a while, until Gamora healed the wound on Nebula's head, and asked softly:

"Do you still think of him as 'father'?"

Nebula has a pair of beautiful eyes with long eyelashes and deep pupils.

She blinked and opened her mouth, but still couldn't figure out how to answer.

"The ideal of Thanos will only lead to the irreversible demise of life in the entire universe. My home planet, your home planet. We are all just playthings on his whim. I want to prevent him from collecting all the infinite gems, but again."

Gamora may not realize that the sudden tenderness in her eyes when she looked at Nebula was the one she hadn't had since she was taken away from Zehuberi by the Dark Order when she was young.

There was another vaguely awkward silence, and Gamora breathed a sigh of relief as if thinking of something:

"It doesn't matter Nebula, even if he gets the soul gem, it's nothing. Have you forgotten Mr. Logan who took away the soul gem after defeating him? He will stop Sano—"

The tremor of the "Temple II" starship getting rid of the curvature engine shuttle state interrupted Gamora's words. She ran out nervously, and Xing Yun behind her also grabbed the dismantled mechanical arm and followed.

Outside the hanging window of the spacecraft, which can be called "vast" in area, there is only dust and meteorite debris in the empty space. According to the deduction and search of various hidden star maps, the coordinates of the Vormir star that the dark church finally came to location, but no one star.

Thanos stood in front of him carrying the "Double Blades of Tyrant" on his shoulders, the power gem inlaid on the chopping knife faintly shone with light, and Ebony Throat beside him said tremblingly:
"Master, the final positioning of the star map must be wrong, please wait a moment, this subordinate--"

"Not in the wrong place, Ebony Maw, not in the wrong place."

He held the side of the double-ended knife with his left palm, looked at the undulating rough stone with purple light on it, and squinted his eyes to look at the center of the meteorite debris group that was covered in wind and sand.

The eyes of the "crazy titan" gradually reflected a huge peak with two black stone towers on the top of the mountain. The mountain peak quietly suspended in the void space of the universe, without any support from land or planets, it was extraordinarily weird and mysterious.

It wasn't until the temple spacecraft approached the giant peak that General Hei Yao Si, Gamora and Xing Yun finally saw the whole picture of the mountain clearly.

The black mountain peak, which is less than one-tenth of the size of the starship, looks a little "small", with a faint winding mountain path on it, and two hundred-foot-high cubic stone towers on the peak, and there is nothing else.

"Gamora, it's the information you found that can be found here, come and take a look with me."

Thanos didn't let any of the Dark Order's subordinates follow, he just glanced at the silent adopted daughter and said casually.

When the spaceship's tractor beam threw the two of them towards the black mountain, and when they stepped on the stone steps with obvious traces of man-made creations, Gamora, who was wearing vacuum equipment, noticed the blue light spots flickering on his wrists, and hesitated slowly. Slowly took off the helmet.

This mountain suspended in the void, without the support of any planet, let alone an atmospheric environment, can breathe and survive freely.

Thanos, who was able to move freely in a vacuum, also noticed the strangeness of the environment. He nodded and went up the stairs, and the power stone inlaid on the chopping knife shone brighter.

".Welcome, Thanos, son of Al Lars."

"Gamora, daughter of Thanos."

The ghostly Red Skull made a gloomy voice, and like this mountain, not only was it not destroyed by the joint forces of James and Jean Gray, but it remained in the star space in such an unreasonable way .

"who are you?"

Thanos looked at the red skull figure in a torn black cloak, and said in a deep voice after he pronounced the name of his biological father, which was unknown to anyone but himself.

"The guide of the soul gem, Thanos, this is the place you are looking for."

Gamora's palms were already sweating, and she boldly guessed that this lonely mountain in the starry sky might be caused by James, after all, there was indeed the planet Vormir in her intelligence cognition.

In addition to Thanos, the hiding place of the soul gem was only told to James Howlett. He has most likely been here, but according to the Red Skull, he has not been able to take the gem?

".The status of the soul gem is respected. The gem can only be obtained at the price of the soul of the cherished person. Remember, you can't be deceived or fooled, and no one can bypass the conditions for obtaining the gem."

After the Red Skull finished speaking, he pointed to the cliff edge of the mountain peak, and then stepped aside, silently without words.

"Hey ha ha ha ha ha!"

Gamora's laughter grew louder, and she looked at Thanos's stunned back with ridicule in her eyes, and said teasingly: "'Father', use the soul of the one you cherish, it seems that you are destined to out of touch with it.”

"Can I—can I do it another way?"

Looking out of focus at Thanos, who was looking at the nothingness in front of him, he murmured in a low voice, even with a hint of prayer?
"Impossible~ Thanos, for me, for the ideal in your heart, this is the most important step, there is no other choice."

In the eyes of the "crazy titan", and only in his eyes, a black-haired figure caressed his mottled cheek.

It was an extremely tall woman, almost as tall as Thanos.

She is wearing a cloak that sparkles with stars, but the flickering light spots are more like swallowing the surrounding light. The woman's long and narrow cheeks are not so beautiful, but more like a face that is unforgettable at first sight. hole.

Her pale frosty fingertips gently brushed over Thanos' cheeks to the scars on his forehead where he had been slashed by sharp claws, and continued to bewitch:

"Do you still remember the feeling of heartache for the first time? When you ended your own mother's life with your own hands. You are already strong enough Thanos, you can bear all this, you are—destiny."

When the sneering mouth was still hanging on Gamora's face, Thanos slowly turned around and looked at her with red eyes.

His eyes full of guilt and love startled Gamora, followed by unbelievable absurdity and a shock of collapsed belief.

"I'm sorry. Little guy, I'm sorry."

"You can't! I don't believe—"

Thanos' big hand grabbed the struggling and screaming Gamora, and walked slowly but firmly towards the cliff step by step. He seemed to hear no sound in his ears, turned his back, and two lines of clearness dripped from his eyes. of liquid.
Until, with his eyes tightly closed, he threw her down.

"James Howlett, that's what I paid for you"

At the same time Thanos murmured, Gamora also fell from a height of a thousand meters onto the circular altar under the cliff.

The dim light engulfed Thanos' vision, and also engulfed his...everything.


"New king, you, the weapon you want to build is simply unheard of, never in the history of dwarves—"

"As I said, Ai Cui, don't call me the 'New King', just Mr. Howlett. Yes, I think this 'weapon' is complete only by doing so."

James pierced six half-meter-long bone blades with both fists, and there was a faint golden line of fire circulating in them.

"Sir, Mr. Howlett, do you know what price you have to pay for this? The pain caused when forging this might become the strongest artifact in the universe may come from the depths of your soul"

The dwarf king Ai Cui sat on the ground, the bound star core shining on the white-haired figure standing on the high platform of the furnace in front of him.

When the new king who had reconquered the Nine Kingdoms proposed the "King's Blade", Ai Cui finally let his legs go limp and sat down in front of the furnace.

"Compared to the price he has to pay, mine is nothing."

The golden flame exploded, and quickly wiped out James' flesh and blood, leaving only a flame-shrouded skeleton standing in place, and then shot towards the entrance of the dwarves' star forging furnace.
Jump in.

 Happy Friday everyone!

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(End of this chapter)

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