Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 321 "Death"

Chapter 321 ".Death"

The dull sound of fists and kicks echoed in the training hall of the Sanctuary.

James' height of more than 1.9 meters is considered tall among humans on earth, but he has just reached the chest of the "Mad Titan".

Two warriors who seemed never to get tired "fighted" each other for a long time, one was almost indestructible with only skin, able to easily resist all kinds of cold, heat, electricity, radiation, energy in the universe, even toxins, aging and disease.

And the other's body can heal and regenerate itself at super speed, and every move is aimed at taking the other's life. The fight between the two has become a kind of harmonious exchange of ideas and fighting.

"Phew, it's a pity that your body is absorbing most of your vitality by some unique high-level power. Otherwise, you should be an opponent worthy of my letting go."

The sleeveless light armor on Thanos' body was chopped into pieces by sharp claws long ago, he hung down his thick knee-length arms, and nodded contentedly with his dark purple rock-like chest bare.

For Thanos, the battle just now was a comfortable relaxation in the boring career of conquest.

"Hey, if you're not in some trouble, then you have to be careful, you might really be killed by me."

"Hahahaha Mr. Logan."

James' robes were also smashed to pieces by Thanos' fists, and the thick body hair on his chest was also mixed with gray and white like hair.He looked at the "Mad Titan" and laughed heartily, and the mystery in his heart deepened for this overlord full of unique personality charm.

"...Very few, very few powers or weapons can hurt my body. The energy in your body is related to the fairy palace of the Nine Realms."

Not only is his unparalleled personal combat power, Thanos is also a polymath who has a comprehensive view of the mysteries of the universe and technology. Although he does not have the vicious vision of Gao Tianzun and collectors who can recognize the eternal fire at a glance, he can also faintly feel it. The nature of that power.

James habitually groped his body, but the cigar in his arms had already turned into crumbs along with the crumbling top, so he nodded helplessly.

"It's Odin's collection, the Eternal Flame, because... a hiring mission was brought into Asgard by him, and there was a fight."

James' words were a little vague and he didn't tell Thanos the truth. The mysterious and powerful star hunter identity still needs to be maintained in the dark order.

Fortunately, Thanos' power has just touched the Milky Way, and he doesn't know much about the situation of the earth and the "Sirius Legion".

Thanos propped up his knees and slowly sat on the dark stone steps, his giant fan-like hands caressing his ravine chin, he said in a low hoarse voice:
"When your beard and hair are all white, and your lifespan, which could have survived for thousands of years, is exhausted by it, you will age and die just like ordinary life. My temple has the ability to provide you with the energy to continue your vitality, which will It will be your payment of employment."

".Since the collector Tanya Tiwan is also looking for the Infinity Gem, then I will go to his 'Noneland' after all, and then I will be able to take out the Eternal Flame for you, but the life that has been consumed But it can't be made up for."

James sat cross-legged across from Thanos, and continued to ask unwillingly: "Is there no way to integrate and control this kind of power?"

"Well, apart from Surtur, the king of fire giants, there is no other successful example in the history of the universe that I know of, 'Eternal Fire'. What is Eternity? Perhaps only 'Eternity' itself can tell you. Mr. Logan, In Odin's treasure hall, have you ever seen the 'Space Primitive', also known as the treasure of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

Thanos's views on the eternal fire are the same as Tanya Tiwan's. Finding the true meaning of "eternity", a question full of philosophical meaning, has become the key instead.

When Thanos asked about the Rubik's Cube, James' heart rate and breathing were extremely stable and he flatly denied it: "I haven't heard of it, maybe there is, but I haven't seen that thing. It was blasted into the fairyland during the chaos. Palace treasure house, and then fell into the eternal fire."

"Thanos, why do you want to collect the so-called 'infinity gems'? What's the use of collecting all those things?"

James looked at the silent Thanos and asked casually, but a pair of black pupils stared at his rough cheeks for a moment, and saw an inexplicable look in the eyes of this "crazy titan". Peaceful and calm.

Just like an ignorant teenager who is full of expectations for the future life, his eyes are full of fantasies about the "Utopia" in his heart.

"From the beginning of the birth of the universe, all intelligent races and civilizations cannot escape war, killing, and self-destruction. In essence, it is the desire for life that is at work, but the reality is that environmental resources and materials are limited, which cannot satisfy infinite reproduction. s population."

Thanos stared at the lines in his palm. His big indigo hand seemed to hold the entire universe, and every light line was a vast galaxy.

". My hometown Titan is a planet that has been developed to the extreme by advanced civilization. Eternal Titans have the same long lifespan as the Asir Protoss, but the speed of reproduction is not much slower than ordinary people. Tens of thousands of years later, the mother star is gradually drying up. all available resources”

"In order to survive, the Titans continued to explore and plunder and conquer the planets in the universe where life could survive, but the endless wars of aggression and attacks accelerated the demise of the ethnic group. We were on the verge of extinction due to internal invasion and foreign enemies. At that time The younger me came up with a solution."

James suppressed his breath, concentrating on waiting for what Thanos was about to say.

". Regardless of rank, high or low, regardless of age, wealth or gender, half of the population is randomly cleared without any bias, so that the civilization of the Eternal Titan can continue, and there will be no more killing and suffering. But they said I was crazy."

Thanos' eyes suddenly turned to look at James, and finally said without any emotional ups and downs:

"Infinity gems are formed at the beginning of the universe, representing the six essential energies that make up the world. When they come together, it may only take a snap of your fingers. My ideal can be easily achieved, giving endless life to be liberated."

As the voice of Thanos fell, the hall was silent for a long while.

James took a deep breath, and the doubts that had been lingering in his mind for a long time about Thanos collecting infinite gems and casting infinite gloves reached their peak.

"Are you sure? This is the ultimate solution to the problem? Thanos, with your wisdom, you shouldn't be unable to see the huge loophole."

"The power of the infinite rough stone can satisfy your wish at one time, and easily achieve the purpose of randomly erasing half of the life in the universe, but the originally large number of races will quickly multiply and return to the population before the eradication after decades, and this Rare or endangered species will directly fall into irretrievable extinction!"

".Even if it survives and reproduces many lives, it will go extinct step by step due to the complete imbalance and destruction of the planet's biosphere. In the end, your ideal world without wars and tragedies will only become a complete chaos. The living environment is exhausted, and after the remaining surviving lives are wiped out, the universe will fall into endless silence. What you do will only usher in "

Suddenly, an unprecedented omen of death stirred every inch of James' body and all his spirit.

Whether it is facing the "Phoenix", or the god king Odin or Thanos, after several evolutions, the "beast perception" that can almost perceive one's own destiny and life-and-death crises is a warning to James.

It was like an ordinary person plunged into a frozen river, and even his heart was suffocated by the sudden freezing cold and stopped beating for a few beats.

James Howlett faced Thanos' momentary bewildered gaze, clenched his fists with all his beard and hair, gritted his teeth and suppressed the fear that rose from nowhere in his heart, and finished the last word word by word:


"Is that right?"

There was a strange silence between each other for a long time, and Thanos's deep eyes were like he would often be absent-minded, looking at the void in front of him in confusion, as if he had just woken up from an unsatisfied sleep, his lips moved and closed silently with.

James suddenly felt his scalp and spine go numb, and he finally had an extremely absurd guess deep in his heart.

——Like the prosperous "Father God" Odin Poulsen, the "Mad Titan" Thanos, the most powerful and invincible overlord in the vast universe, is likely to be bewitched.


With a long sigh, Thanos' expression, which had been confused for a long time, returned to calm and firm.

James sat silently aside, even he himself didn't know what he was waiting or looking forward to, he only heard Thanos wake up from a dream and said calmly as usual:
"I have seen, the knowledge you have learned is far beyond your cognition, the star hunter like a 'lone wolf', there are too many powers in this world that you can't understand, the infinite gems will be the way of salvation for all this It's mine, destiny."

James' eyes dropped in disappointment, and Thanos had no intention of continuing to talk to him.

The Titan stood up to block the light from the dome of the hall, cast a large shadow on James, and walked out slowly.

"Mr. Logan, the Chitauri's war of conquest is coming to an end, and the Black Order will continue to pursue the whereabouts of the 'Legend Speaker'. If your claws are willing to wave for me, 'General Black Glory' will have you of a place."

Thanos' figure gradually disappeared at the end of the quiet corridor of the temple following his last words.

His right palm touched his chest, and his fingertips clasped his skin a little bit. James felt the clear double heartbeat in his heart, and he seemed to be in a daze sitting alone in the hall.

". Unknown existence, don't you plan to talk to me?"

He suddenly and inexplicably called to the void, waiting for a long, long time.
Nothing happened.


Ebony Maw carried his hands on his back, still as elegant and indifferent as before, and his boots were suspended more than ten centimeters above the ground, and quickly floated towards the central throne of the Sanctuary.

But his pupils, which were almost filled with pale white, glanced around in a panic, not as confident as he appeared.

"Master, the Chitauri's legion has blocked all the orbits of Morta star [-] light-years in advance, and the informant has also confirmed the information that the 'Legend Speaker' is still on the planet. I can get the rough stone for you!"

The Black Tongue Advisor crouched beside the armrest of Thanos' throne, speaking earnestly.

The giant stone throne floating in mid-air spouted dark blue flames, and Thanos, who was in full armor, looked sideways at Ebony Throat indifferently, causing the opponent to hang his head deeply in fright.

"It's been too long since the army has been dragged around by this pretender. Ebony Maw, let the 'Legend Speaker' escape this time. Go to my hometown and guard the wasteland."

Thanos moved his mind slightly, and the throne flew up, leaving Ebony Maw, General Deathblade and others with solemn faces behind.

A man with beard and hair like frost stood opposite the four generals of Hei Yao, followed by Thanos' adopted daughter Gamora and Xingyun.

His skin obviously has the traces of the years. Although he is not old, he looks like a middle-aged human.

Three years.

James converted the time of the earth. It has been about three years since he was taken into Asgard by the Rainbow Bridge, and then to Saka and Thanos' dark sect.

The long white hair and beard that stood up like needles, coupled with a dark golden dark armor, this conspicuous appearance alone made everyone in Thanos' army know it.

"Professor Logan, are you interested in going to Morta to hunt down the gem holder?"

The respect in Camorra's words even brought a little bit of intimacy in front of Thanos. The training and getting along with James in the past three years made her experience the state of emotional communication with "normal people" for the first time in her life.

And besides her younger sister, Xingyun, who is still accustomed to maintaining a cold and reticent appearance, she is actually more dependent on James than she is.

"Your perception and sense of smell will definitely be able to catch the 'Legend Speaker' faster than Death Blade and Proxima."

Xingyun said coldly, but his eyes were not as paranoid as before.

Since James became their combat instructor, Thanos has never transformed Nebula's body. Although she still loses more and wins less, the fact that she has defeated Gamora several times proves that she is not a waste .

The ring-shaped spaceships on the flanks of the Temple spread out one by one, heading towards the planet Moulton on the brown earth.

James walked towards the cabin with his hands behind his back, and said to Gamora and Nebula:
"The dark church is searching for infinite gems all over the universe. If you can find one, you must go and see it. Hehe. He'd better be the owner of the real gem, otherwise it took so much effort to find it for a long time but it was just a false rumor. That Ebony Maw may not be lucky enough to be exiled to Titan."

The temple has just landed into the planet's atmospheric space. In the drop cabin, James, Gamora and Nebula were thrown to the earth along with the tractor beam.

Asgard's Rainbow Bridge seems to be the ultimate version of this technology, capable of teleporting to most corners of the universe in an instant.

The moment his feet stepped on a strange planet, the extra "heartbeat" in James' chest suddenly beat faster and faster.

(End of this chapter)

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