Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 315 James Howlett and the "Mad Titan", the first fight

Chapter 315 The first fight between James Howlett and the "Mad Titan"

The "Sanctuary" starship is almost the size of a moving asteroid.

It is shaped like two giant eagles with wings joined together up and down. The thick ship trunk in the middle is like a dark and deep peak. Each of the three circular spaceships that first entered Corbin Star has a volume comparable to that of the "Sirius". , but it is only a subset of spaceships attached to the giant wings of the "temple".

There are more than a dozen circular halos shining on the wings of the dark golden Sanctuary, and each halo is a circular cruise ship.

The massive mass of the super starship faintly interfered with the planet's gravity, and the shocking force of the flood made the Corbin horse-faced man who was trying to resist on the wasteland stunned for a while.

Facing a powerful enemy beyond imagination, even just seeing it would make them fearful and powerless, the Corbins raised their heads dully, and accepted the "arrangement of fate" again.

For them, being abducted and trafficked to alien planets from time to time is a normal thing.

"Horse-faced Thor" Beta Bill was once again blown away by Black Dwarf's giant double-edged axe.

Ma Mian, who had long since lost his "Thunder God's Power", relied on the already powerful "Storm Hammer", barely holding on to the hands of the black dwarf star with the strongest absolute strength and defense among the "Black Five Generals" until now.


The black dwarf's forehead and the top of his skull were closely attached to the dark brown horns. He looked up at the "Holy Temple" that descended majestically, beat his chest and let out a roar, stomping his feet like wooden piles and rushed towards the horse. face, eager to end this battle before the master arrives.

The brass-colored double-edged giant ax waved fragments of afterimages, and once again chopped the somewhat difficult Corbin into the rocks.

"Thanos is here."

James sold a loophole to General Deathblade, twisted his claws to press down the hooked sickle warblade, raised his foot to chop it down, and stomped the tip of the warblade into the ground.

"You are not qualified to mention the name of Lord Thanos, the stupid boy."

Deathblade squinted his eyes and lifted his body to pull the gun. The warblade trampled by James' right foot trembled and became the object of the two wrestling, but General Deathblade suddenly lightened his hand, and saw that the opponent followed the sword that was suddenly pulled back. The blades rushed forward at the same time, and six staggered cold lights cut down on the head.

"Then what should I call him, Thanos?"

James watched as his head was chopped into pieces, and General Deathblade, who fell to the ground wearily, said casually, and cast his gaze far away at the super giant battleship gradually hovering at low altitude.

The largest spaceship he had ever seen, the Dark Star of the Kree Charge Corps, was only one-third the size of Thanos' core spaceship.

The Sanctuary is connected to the dense light clouds in the sky, and it touches the horizon of the wasteland below. It seems that only the endless galaxy can let it swim freely. With its size, even if it enters the sky above any planet, it will appear cramped.

James stared intently at the mid-air, his ears trembled slightly, and he immediately flew back, a shallow mark was drawn on the armor on his chest.

Just now, the sharp claws crisscrossed his head and smashed his head. The seemingly dead General Deathblade turned over and stood on the spot with his long spear unharmed.

He spat at his side indifferently, with a vicious look on his face, he gave up his plan to kill James as soon as possible, and straightened his arms with his war blade raised flat, resembling the posture of practicing a big spear in boxing, with the tip of the blade pointing directly at James' eyebrow.

Just when Deathblade was preparing for some kind of offensive move, a buzzing sound that shook the broken stones on the ground sounded from the deepest part of the Sanctuary, as if signaling the arrival of a certain existence.

Dark blue streaks of thick waterfalls of light projected from the head of the giant ship Sanctuary to the ground, and a dim shadow loomed as the light beams flowed.

The outline of the figure is extremely burly.

The square and square shoulders bear the simple and simple dark gold armor, the head wears a flat-topped battle helmet, and the cloak-like chains extend from the shoulder armor to the back. The armor on the chest, abdomen and limbs is not tightly fitted, but very classical. Wearable combined armor, it can be seen that the user does not care whether the defense of the equipment is impeccable.

"Boy, I hope you can still have the courage to face his gaze in front of the Supreme Eternal Titan."

Death Blade turned around and walked away with his gun in hand, standing not far from the Pillar of Light and Shadow that hadn't stopped yet, leaning on the War Blade and kneeling on one knee, his head drooping deeply.

"Great master, Deathblade is here...waiting for your arrival."

The light curtain suddenly closed and a gust of wind blew up. James clenched his fists tightly, looking at the figure of the giant who could finally see his face clearly.

"Ebony Maw just told me that Superstar is dead."


Another two much narrower dark blue beams of light flashed away, one of them was wearing a delicate light armor gown, and a thin figure with gray skin respectfully and gracefully folded his hands and stood behind the humming giant.

Another female figure holding a spear with flashing blue light spots has two horns on her head, and the close-fitting black armor shows her vigorous figure and exaggerated lines.

General Deathblade raised his eyebrows gloomyly and glanced at the "venomous tongue" behind his master, and said in a hoarse voice: "My lord, the superstar accidentally encountered a human being who can resist her spiritual erosion, so..."

"'Legend Speaker' should have a rough mind stone in his hand. You should know that the superstar's ability is very important for obtaining this rough cosmic stone."

Bang, bang, bang.
Compared with titles such as "Eternal Titan", "Lord of Black Glory", and "World Destroyer", the title "Mad Titan" is actually used by more people who know what it does to refer to the man who wiped out several galaxies. The invincible overlord of a hundred planets.

Thanos's footsteps were unusually steady. From the moment he appeared, James felt that this purple-skinned, chin-grooved titan seemed to be integrated with the entire planet.

For example, his majestic and thick to exaggerated physique, with a height of more than [-] meters, has a "refrigerator body" torso like a huge rock, and his limbs, especially the bones and joints of his forearms and legs are extremely thick and thick. Such a body shape is inherently perfect. warrior.

Thanos' voice was low, but there was a strange sense of wisdom and rationality in the thick hoarseness.

He looked at General Deathblade kneeling in front of him and paused for a moment, then turned his gaze to the black-haired figure standing in the distance and staring at him.

"Big, my lord, it's the negligence of my subordinates, I shouldn't let the superstar take action rashly, I—"

"You, the enemy that killed the superstar has not been solved yet."

Thanos didn't pay attention to General Deathblade's confession. His ancient and immaculate face was full of fine lines that have been through the years, but not only did it not make him look old, but he also added a sense of shamelessness like the god king Odin. The solemn temperament of Shangweiyi.

At this moment, Black Dwarf held the horse-faced Thor's head, dragging him barely alive, his bones twisted, his body covered in gaps, and he walked towards Thanos, and with a clatter, he snatched it from Beta Bill. "Storm Hammer" was still in front of him, as if showing his spoils to his master in a daze.

"Ulu Metal. It's a pity that there is no attachment of divine power. It should be because of the death of Odin Poulsen."

Thanos picked up the slightly smaller warhammer in his hand, fiddled with the rune runes on it, and considered it carefully like a sophisticated scholar. Those jewel-like eyes were full of the huge difference from the appearance. Wisdom shines.

"My lord, since Odin, the God King of the Asa Protoss, is dead, we must quickly advance the progress of obtaining rough stones. There are at least two infinite rough stones in the nine countries where the world tree is located. We can't waste them on this barren slave planet." Too much time."

Behind Thanos, an ebony throat dressed as a counselor approached and whispered.

His face has no nose, the pupils of his eyes are very small, his eyes are very white, his skin is blue and gray, and the black part of his mouth seems to have swallowed a big mouthful of squid ink. There is no hair on the top of his head, and there are a few sparse long white hairs floating on the back of his head. .

Deathblade always felt that this foul-mouthed "Black Tongue Adviser" was throwing stones at him, so he gave Ebony Maw a venomous stare, but finally he didn't make a sound to defend himself.

The "Crazy Titan" spread his left palm wordlessly, and two strong warriors with the appearance of wrestlers came striding forward with huge double-edged sabers in their hands. The weight is much heavier than it looks.

The long knife is close to the height of Thanos. The back of the knife is thick and the blade is wide. There is a handle in the middle that can be held with both hands. It is engraved with the pattern symbols of the Eternal Titans. The non-reflective metal material looks mysterious and simple.

"Go and gather all the Corbins here, send additional troops to the surrounding cities, and collect the news of the 'Legend Speaker' as soon as possible. Leave this person to me."

Ebony Throat, who is the most loyal to Thanos and also understands his mind the most, knows that this master who loves hand-to-hand combat has raised his mind to move his muscles and bones again.

Even with a powerful fleet and millions of modified creatures and dark order fighters, Thanos still likes to get off the field himself, feeling the thrill of cutting flesh and bones with a sharp blade and rushing to kill the enemy.

Seeing Thanos pick up the weapon and lock his eyes on him, James didn't wait for him to approach, but instead took the initiative to step forward, with a pair of sharp claws tucked into his waist with his fists, and he killed straight without fancy.


Thanos stood horizontally in front of him with a double-edged slasher. This black-haired, black-eyed, seemingly wild and reckless charge and attack pointed at the only hole where he had a weak aura just now, and Thanos shuddered again. The arm sent a pair of white bone blades flying, and James flew away with unabated inertia.

After being invaded into the body and even the spirit of the soul by the eternal fire, the only positive change in James is his pure physical strength.

In the past battles, he seemed to be able to easily destroy mountains, crack rocks, and blast starships and spaceships, but they all relied on the use of life energy and fierce energy. Strictly speaking, his attacks were more like those made under the use of energy. Super critical strikes, rather than purely brute force combat.

The core of the physical potential of "Wolverine" is based on unparalleled self-healing and vitality. It is because James finally unlocked the mysteries of the body step by step and condensed the "life force field" in his body that he was able to obtain powerful combat destructive power.

And this kind of power also coincides with the foundation of the use of "strength" when first practicing martial arts.

Even General Deathblade, who had been fighting for a long time just now, was far stronger than James in the past in terms of pure physical strength.

Without the influence of the Eternal Flame and the battle adaptation of Star Saka, James Howlett, without the blessing of using life energy, would have been difficult to compete with the leader of the "Black Five Generals" of the Dark Order.

And when he slashed in front of Thanos, the force of his claws was like a mud cow entering the sea, and the hollow feeling suddenly struck, like a child beating a huge rock thousands of meters high, full of powerlessness.

"Your strength is even worse than Deathblade, but your martial skills"


Thanos was a little excited and slashed a few times with his body wrapped left and right. He thought that the power of the countershock long knife would shatter the two pairs of bone claws that were not very tough in his eyes.

But the opponent's way of unloading the blow perfectly dissipated the attack, only flying back more than ten meters, full of "elasticity".

James watched Thanos raise his blade and nodded, signaling for himself to attack again. He also gave a light drink full of fighting spirit, and held his hands back and forth in front of his chest, like a beast ready to pounce at any time.

The "mind hand" that belongs to James's all martial arts techniques can be traced back to the root. After being used to using flesh and blood secret techniques and energy-like attacks for many years, it finally has a place to use again.

He knows that he is no match for Thanos at this moment, and even without the influence of the eternal flame, relying on the combination of hellfire and life energy to achieve a strength similar to "Father God", he has to fight to know the gap between the two sides .

But not afraid of death is the nature of James that has never changed.

He seemed to be the most primitive and pure beast pounced, and the claws that rushed up again pointed at seven or eight flaws on Thanos' body that might be attacked.

When the combat skills are at their peak, every move is the best choice, and the opponent's response must not have any mistakes or omissions, in order to be qualified to fight each other.

The movement of Thanos' body and the swing of the knife are extremely simple. He nods frequently in response to James' claws. He does not overwhelm others with overwhelming strength and physique, but purely dismantling each other. A brilliant chess player who has been alone for many years.

Straight forward, the two sides fought for a while with the most ingenious fighting ideas. James suddenly opened his eyes slightly, his temperament suddenly changed like a snake, and he clasped the back of the double-edged knife with his hand.

The tall figure over 1.9 meters shrank into a ball in a blink of an eye, and ran sideways to Thanos's right rib to slay two claws, but it seemed that he hadn't planned to use this move to make meritorious deeds, so he didn't continue to attack Thanos behind. Blind spot rushes forward, but the stroke of genius turns back to the front.

In an instant, the femininity and spirit of the boxing style suddenly disappeared, and it changed back to the majestic boxing style, and stabbed the claws of the purple-skinned giant who finally opened the middle line and his eyes flickered with shock.


The bone blade pressed against Thanos' neck with all its strength, but the three sharp claws only slightly lowered his dark purple skin, leaving not even a trace of white spots.

The silky muffled sound of the blade piercing into flesh and bone came from Thanos's backhand after a slow move, and the double-edged sword that broke James' head from the back of his neck.


The eyes of the "crazy titan" were full of complex regrets, a rare person who was able to match him in the essence of fighting skills, and even won half a move, was beheaded by him like this.

Thanos sighed softly, stepped back and took off the head that had been completely severed from his body, and fell sideways from his neck with a grunt.

The sound of the head falling to the ground did not come, the hand that was empty above the neck, and the bone blade was still pierced between the fist bones quickly grabbed his head, and the big hand grabbed the thick black hair that was full of blown hair, so that he could relax.
in my arms.

 The power of Thanos and the Dark Order will be closer to the comics, not the greatly weakened level in the movie plot.

(End of this chapter)

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