Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 30 God?

Chapter 30 God?
James changed into a black button-down coat, as if he had expected it.He stood firmly on the front of the car, and the train was coming towards Adam. Victor leaned out and looked ahead, and pulled the brakes. When the train stopped abruptly and rubbed against the rails, clusters of sparks were produced, which was jaw-dropping. Slowly stopped in the sour sound.

Victor also jumped onto the roof of the car, naked to the waist, with a huge body and a ferocious physique, looking down at the vampire below with a strong oppressive force.

"Huh? Interesting." Adam stared at Victor closely, took a deep breath, and seemed to notice something, his eyes were strange.

Except for Vadoma, the other vampires slowly dispersed and surrounded the train, some jumped onto the roof and some got into the carriage.She retreated a little distance, hid in the woods beside the road, and watched secretly.

James didn't say a word, but just stared at Adam condescendingly, his whole body locked on the ancestor of the vampire. He could feel that Adam was different from all the vampires he had encountered before. There has been a qualitative change in the body, and it is possible to completely abuse the blood clan with only the flesh, without relying on the mysteries of boxing techniques, but Adam made him unsure.

Adam shot at James from the bottom up. He was deeply disgusted by James' arrogance and arrogance. In an instant, his face turned into that of a ghost, with fangs and dark complexion.The right hand clawed at James' head.

There was a muffled sound, and as soon as the two touched the point, James punched his fist in a steady manner, and put it on the palm of Adam's sharp claws. What he didn't expect was that Adam looked a little slender but had extremely strong strength. James was knocked back a few meters by the blow, lost his strength, and landed on the rear compartment, while Adam stood upright on the front of the car where he was standing just now, and changed back to the elegant and noble appearance earlier in just this moment, like that ghost. Has nothing to do with him.

Seeing Adam easily repelling James, the blood races have greatly increased their confidence. Many of them have witnessed the massacre of the blood race by James and Victor these days. strength.At this moment, Adam's casual display of strength made them grin cruelly and look excited.

Victor also shrank his pupils. He knew very well how strong James is. No matter how much he has improved over the years, no matter how exaggerated his physical training, James can firmly suppress him, and even make him less and less visible. hope of winning.And Adam was able to easily repel James, which made Victor's desire for strength even more ignited.

Only Adam himself was not so optimistic. He maintained a confident and elegant appearance, and secretly quickly repaired the bones and muscles that were twisted and broken from the wrist to the elbow by that strange punch.

This Mr. Howlett, who looked less than 30 years old, had a spiral force in his fist, which twisted and exploded his forearm.Adam kept thinking in his mind, what is the origin of this kid.

"Mr. First Ancestor, you have already lost." James said quietly to Adam.

"Oh? Didn't you deliver real ammunition?" Adam asked in surprise. He glanced at the blood race who jumped out of the cargo box, and the other party gave him an affirmative response.

"It's true." James continued, "But both sides are true."

Adam's eyes suddenly became terrible, and he realized that he had been tricked.

"I reminded Mr. President about the situation of Joshua Speed. It didn't take him much effort to discover that Speed ​​was secretly contacting the South. We took advantage of him and made him think that the entire North was only capable of catching a train. Armed." James smiled, looked at Adam's face that was gradually turning black and continued to say indifferently: "In fact, my factory has sufficient productivity, and silverized ammunition will continue to be sent to various theaters. It was doomed from the start.”

"Ha! You guys?" Adam seemed to have heard something extremely absurd, looked at James and Victor with playful eyes and said, "Do you think you are different from us? Young Mr. Howlett, you and Victor The one next to you is the same as Lincoln and the others?"

"Of course, I'm different from you." James replied calmly.

"Because you don't need to drink blood? Hahahaha! Mr. Howlett, you haven't seen the essence of the problem at all!" Adam's face became more and more crazy, he waved his arms a little excitedly, and continued in a high-pitched voice.

"Our existence itself is a problem! Our strength, longevity, strength, everything that mortals can't touch! They are the root of their inability to coexist! Human beings...they will have different status, wealth, appearance, knowledge, etc. differences, but they cannot escape birth, old age, sickness, and death!"

Adam almost howled and uttered the last four words. James was also a little dazed when he heard this impassioned singing, not knowing what he was thinking.

"But we can't even give them these equality, and we don't even have the qualifications to be human beings." Adam was inexplicably depressed, and his tone was also very desolate. He became very calm, and it was natural for him to be calm, and finally said: "So we are God. God’s destiny is to rule over mortals, God must do what He should do.”

Adam finally finishes his monologue, and it looks like he's not going to say anything more, seemingly throwing some sort of option to James.

"So this is the God in your heart?" James suddenly looked at Adam with compassion.

"As long as it is strong enough, it is a god. Then tonight, are you ready to become a mortal? Adam." James' expression became more determined. He looked at Adam's extremely indifferent eyes and slowly clenched his fists.

The two rushed towards each other at the same time, and the iron sheets of the train under each other's feet were dented. Adam seemed to be faster, with one claw stabbing at James' chest and the other clawing at James' throat.
James came later, and his boxing skills have become increasingly invisible to the shadow of the so-called national boxing techniques of his previous life.A fist is a fist, and a palm is a palm.The offensive trajectory is simple and direct, but every contact can cause headaches for opponents.

Adam watched James' punch to the forehead, and his body moved sideways out of thin air for a period of time as if it did not conform to the laws of physics. He was dodging left and right in mid-air without using force, and his bright red claws stabbed more quickly.

Although Adam didn't have any systematic fighting skills like other blood races, but with his speed and strange body movement ability at a completely different level, as well as thousands of years of combat experience, James couldn't hold his head up for a while.

And even if he is like a ship under a storm, James is as calm as a giant ship of [-] tons. No matter how fast Adam is or how strange the angle is, he can always use the smallest physical adjustment to cut off Adam's attack route in advance.

Even if the hurricane rages and the waves roll back, this giant ship can also break through the waves.

On the other side, Victor was facing the attack of more than a dozen vampires. After killing a few of them with injuries as usual, the vampires turned to rely on their own speed and number advantages to hoist the kite.

All attacks are retreated with one blow, regardless of whether they kill or not, they quickly move away after one pounce. Victor became a target who could only roar and let blood, and the battle situation on both sides immediately became stalemate.

(End of this chapter)

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