Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 177 Faith in Mr. Howlett

Chapter 177 Faith in Mr. Howlett

One centimeter, one centimeter, the pace of the setting sun receding is like the first yellow leaf falling in autumn, the first white tooth of a baby.

People try to grasp the coming and passing of that moment, but the moment of change seems to be waiting for you to blink your eyes tiredly, or the gap of trance.

Abandoned by time and human forgetting for more than a hundred years, the dilapidated statue of the Virgin barely left a single tearful eye, and the last ray of dim light disappeared, but the dilapidated church in the ruins of St. engulfed in darkness.

The scattered and stacked glass mirrors are like a giant coffin. The tongues of flames and complicated and delicate light cocoons inside the coffin have replaced the brilliance of the day, and continue to illuminate the sneaky church ruins.

There is no flaw in the mirrored sections formed by mana, and the splicing of each side reflects the resolute and stalwart face of James Howlett.

His expression gradually calmed down. If it weren't for the two blazing fireballs that were always burning in his eyes, Emma would have thought that her husband was just asleep.

"Your Excellency Gu Yi, James... can we really do nothing?"

Emma Howlett, Mage Ancient One, and Professor Charles, who was holding a blue-black simplified brain wave helmet, sat together in front of the mysterious sealing circle suspended in the mid-air of the church.
She watched James, whose expression was no longer changing and struggling like a nightmare, finally calmed down, but she didn't let go of her struggling heart.

"Ms. Howlett, you and Mr. Xavier also tried to penetrate his mind with psychic power, but even if you two joined forces, you couldn't get in, and the spirit of revenge and the demon lord Zatanos escaped. The flames of judgment will burn your souls."

There were some fine lines on the thin face of the supreme mage, as if he had grown seven or eight years old overnight.

Although his physical appearance is still young, which is nothing compared to his age of hundreds of years, he is indeed not in the same state as a young woman when he fought Mephisto.

Sitting cross-legged, she drew out an overlapping array of secret techniques with both hands. The light and darkness interacted with the cocoon-like sealing technique that surrounded James. She seemed to be investigating something, and continued coldly:
".The 'Ghost Rider' created by Mephisto, the lord of hell, is a very unique power. The spiritual power of the Dimension Lord is even more tricky."

"So, Mr. Howlett must defeat this 'invader' of the spiritual world on his own. If his will is swallowed up, it will be equal to"

Professor Charles knelt on his forehead with the knuckles on the back of his palm and said, under the clustered brows, his eyes were bloodshot.

For the entanglement of multiple mental consciousnesses, or to put it more generally, the symptoms of "split personality" similar to ordinary people, no one understands the danger and horror of it better than him.

Charles hesitated to speak and did not continue, but the ancient master continued without hesitation:
"—That is equivalent to the birth of the most terrifying life on this planet."

No matter how many hell lords, Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension, and other demon gods, they do not have a tangible body and the ability to enter the real material dimension at will.

Communicating with dimensional power until becoming a dimensional lord, to some extent gaining eternal life and boundless power.

But all of these great powers rely on the dimensional space full of strange energy and magic power. They are the undisputed masters in their own territory, but at the same time they are trapped in it,
Once you step into another dimension or the cornerstone and core of the infinite dimension of the universe-the dimension of reality, you will be like the devil Mephisto, no longer invincible.

Dimensional space is both a harbor and a cage.

"Professor Charles."

Emma was wearing a blue-black half-armor combat uniform. She turned her delicate white cheeks and said to Charles Xavier calmly and rationally:
"Go back to New York first. I'll be here to guard you. You must have sensed the mental fluctuations just now. The intensity of the radiation is almost equal to the power of the brain wave device. I'm worried about the awakened so-called ancestor of mutants Apocalypse Ariel. They will need your help!"

".It's all my fault that I didn't contact the British professor earlier. He wrote to me more than ten years ago, trying to discuss with me the discoveries in the early dynastic period of ancient Egypt. I don't know that this ancient mutant whose real name should be En Shaba Nur, How did it appear all of a sudden?"

After learning about the great changes in the outside world in the mirror world, Professor Charles finally realized that he had missed the opportunity to stop it from happening.

He didn't know if Professor Karlis Jackson, an ancient Egyptian historian who had written to him, was still alive, and whether he had anything to do with the revival of this ancient mutant.

But the city of Cairo, which was almost completely flattened, and the "Wolf Tower" super prison, which was hit hard, have become irreparable sorrows.

The spark line running at the fingertips of Master Gu Yi slowed down a bit. She secretly thought about this ancient history that even Kama Taj didn't understand, and remembered a few more distant and vague legends.

The civilized society of modern humans seems to have just stepped into the threshold of the supernatural power field under the impetus of James Howlett, but the secrets and potential power hidden on this planet seem to be far more than that.

"Master, please also send Professor Charles to me."

Emma nodded slightly and asked politely.

Just as Gu Yi took out the hanging ring from his wide sleeve, he saw that in the miniature mirror space of three or four cubic meters, most of the secret seal that wrapped around James was instantly shattered.

Groups of orange hell flames seemed to have poured into thousands of sinful souls worthy of being burned. They surged from James' body, and the flames lingered and burned the solid array of secret techniques.

James roared silently, the muscles of his face and the corners of his mouth pulled painfully, and the four sharp canine teeth changed slightly, but no sound came out of his mouth.

The skin and muscles of the whole body seemed to be burnt and destroyed from the inside, but they healed quickly and went round and round. The sapphire-colored bones were exposed from time to time, and the flesh and blood on the face melted from time to time, turning into a living skeleton.

Emma stood up abruptly, and changed into a brilliant diamond shape in an instant, pointing to James with one hand on her forehead and the other hand, her resolute face was filled with the will to die.

"It's not that you can help him by sending him to death!"

The Supreme Mage slammed down the extremely hard but freely movable diamond arm, stared at Emma solemnly and said:
"Now is his most critical moment. This battle that belongs exclusively to James Howlett in the soul world has reached the stage of deciding the winner. I don't know Mr. Howlett without you, but I don't believe he will lose!"

Gu Yi seemed to affirm the belief in his heart, and waved away together with the enchantment seal and mirror space replaced by the will of the demon soul to protect James.

She crossed her hands, the knuckles of the Adamantium alloy fan turned white, and said sharply:
"I trust Mr. Howlett, not because he was fearless from beginning to end!"

Charles and Emma also looked at the burly body of the skeleton burned by the flames of hell, and the endless flesh and blood skin still tenaciously regained their territory inch by inch.

".It is precisely because this man is more willing to put himself in the worst situation almost all the time. I once asked him why he must fight Mephisto. Is he really not afraid of the devil from the boundless purgatory? !"

Gu Yi's thin and pale cheeks were reddened by the flames of hell that were about to engulf this space. Her high-pitched aura calmed down, and she repeated a sentence that James once said to her with a soft sigh:

"Without fear, there is no courage."

"Humans! Humans! When your planet was still ignorant and barren, Zatanos, the great elemental demon lord, was feeding on your souls! The king of Atlantis even sacrificed his beloved daughter's talents Appease Zatanos' wrath!"

Boom boom boom.
In the world of soul and spiritual will, infinitely taller than Mephisto's dimensional real body, the towering demon head wears a hideous bone crown, and a skeleton body covered in flames and pitch-black armor is standing on its feet. Stamping a tiny figure.

Zatanos's majestic roaring sound wave collapsed this pure white spiritual world word by word, and he continued to yell madly and incomprehensibly:

"Why resist what you know to be invincible, why resist the great Zatanos! Surrender your soul to the will of Hellfire, and you will gain eternal life and infinite power!"


The huge paw condensed by flames and black armor was pierced by a claw, and James' soul manifested solidified again. He held up the sharp claws condensed by white soul flames with both arms, and sighed in disappointment:

"Do you know the state and content of your speech, it's like a dog barking."

James looked up, and his eyes were also like two groups of pure white flames.

".I don't know why you are impassioned. Could it be that Mephisto has almost exhausted your consciousness and rationality?"

Every time he took a step, it seemed that his stature suddenly became taller and stronger, but his figure like the mountain of Zatanos was shrinking one by one.

James looked down at his appearance in the soul world. Except for the burning white fireworks, there was no difference from his appearance.

"I have been looking forward to dialogue with the so-called higher-level life. What I can see, such as you and Mephisto, seem to be just some kind of creatures with extreme emotional evolution. You have further made me deeply disappointed in the so-called 'god' .”

As James stepped forward, he was almost the same size as Zatanos' evil spirit. This demon condensed with orange hell flames pounced on him, and was nailed in the air by the white soul claws piercing through his shoulders.

"...Either your emotions and wills are consumed like wood and stone, or you are the same as ordinary life, Zatanos, it is you who should be afraid."

The sharp claws of the soul criss-crossed and shredded the demon's will. James bit Zatanos's skull neck, devouring his soul fragments alive. The pure white spiritual space suddenly burst into endless flames of hell.

Like, the deepest abyss of purgatory.

 Today's Chapter 2 is relatively late, everyone should go to bed early, and continue to code in Panpan.

good night!

(End of this chapter)

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