Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 167 The biggest offense to Tianqi

Chapter 167 The biggest offense to Tianqi

"It's really hard to find here."

"Knight of War" Alexandra Rasputin looked at this nameless island that was colder and more silent than the Siberian plains, and casually distorted the space beside her while walking.

A snow tree surrounded by frost and snow extensions is rotated and cut into pieces of irregular crystal debris.

The cold wind of tens of degrees below zero in the Arctic Circle whistled past, blowing up the snow tree fragments that were smashed into flocculent white flakes, and the sky was like shining diamonds falling from the sky.

Rasputin looked at the scenery he had done with his own hands, nodded in satisfaction, and followed the footsteps of Tianqi to go forward. His son Peter was left somewhere, and he did not bring him with him.

Tianqi stepped on the ice cap. Although he had the ability to travel through space thousands of years ago, he seldom set foot in every corner of this planet. Instead, he likes to "dwell" in his own kingdom and feel the thousands of thousands of miles away. The praise and praise of thousands of people.

"Have you found it! I hope the news from the mouths of those so-called 'executive officers' is true, hehe, they are all hard bones."

"Plague Knight" Caliban's browbones protruded high and protruded, like two exoskeletons growing out, he frowned displeasedly, his gray face drooped, he squatted down slowly, and dressed in a serious manner The giant palm of the blue gauntlet pressed against the ice cap.

Caliban didn't like this woman's attitude towards him, but he also knew that he was not her opponent, so he never showed any anger.

After Alexandra Rasputin was freed from the shackles of the secular world, she indulged in the supernatural pleasure brought by a more powerful force. Except for the apocalypse, no one paid attention to her, and her methods were extremely cruel.

After sensing it for a moment, the "Plague Knight" bowed to Tianqi and said in a deep voice:

"Master, it's here. There is a deep space deep underground. There are many mutants there, and two of them are the most special."

Tian Qi's eyes and pupils turned slightly, and he probed his hands to sense the space more than ten meters in front of him, and walked forward slowly.

"Huh? Interesting."

He frowned, and the purple-red streamer that had just flashed in his pupils turned into a blue halo again, and his right hand seemed to be holding something in mid-air, and he slowly lifted it up.

Boom. Boom. Boom.
Under the thick ice cover, the permafrost boulder rumbled and trembled, like the head of a giant whale floating out of the ice, breaking through the ice layer with a click, and slowly rising a huge blue-black portal, as a whole, it looked like a monster crouching on the ice field. Like a giant tortoise, it still dropped fine pieces of ice and rocks.

The only entrance gate of the "Wolf Tower" was opened.

"not good!"

Gambit groaned secretly, Bucky caught the alloy stick he had slashed diagonally, and then was lifted up with one arm clenched tightly. Remy LeBeau, who was holding the stick tightly, was thrown like a child up in the air.

Bucky turned over and drew the long stick to the ground, wanting to smash Gambit on the ground,
Cracks were exposed on the alloy floor tiles, but seeing that the King of Gambling was able to get rid of it just in time, he turned over vigorously, stepped on a stick and stepped in front of Bucky and kicked him several times.


Seeing that this Gambit dared to approach him empty-handed, he casually punched him twice, and he fell to the ground in pain. He threw the stick back, took advantage of the situation, and punched seriously.


Gambit took the long stick and placed it in front of him, barely blocking Bucky's punching fist, but the alloy stick was bent in the middle by the explosive force, and then hit his chest.

Fortunately, the Lord Warden was merciful, he didn't let the energy burst into the body of Gambler, and let the force of this punch be pushed out, sending him flying more than ten meters into the wall, and falling slowly.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Remy Lebo vomited two mouthfuls of blood, looked at the severely deformed stick in his hand that had been hammered long ago, tried to stand up straight while supporting the ground, and grinned and said:
"How much strength did you use?"

Bucky casually tore off the battle uniform that was burnt when he just used the secret art of flesh and blood, and the tightly closed pores did not shed any sweat. He laughed and said:

"Hit you. I used [-]% to [-]% of it, but it is serious to defend against your attack. The body is still too weak. Even with the blessing of that kind of energy, it is still far from enough. If you use will die."

Over the past six months, Bucky has occasionally practiced with Gambit every month. The two are familiar, and he is willing to talk to the prisoner under his supervision. Guide Gambit and improve his fighting skills.

He dusted his pants casually, and said loudly:
"Okay, let's stop here today, if you want to add some heat to your layer, you have to—"

The alarm system in the "Wolf Tower" prison rang loudly, and Bucky also faintly felt the violent tremors above his head from the surface. He winked, and the guard handcuffed Gambit's energy suppression armor again, twisted his neck and said solemnly :

"Everyone is on alert! Hmph. Someone dared to find this place!"

Bucky remembered the recent news that the teacher took Emma and Professor Charles to a "big event", and they had disappeared for more than ten days, and at this time, something unexpected happened to the "Wolf Tower".
It seems that after the world was "ordered" by the Howlett family, there are still hidden and unknown forces that want to cause trouble.

"Hehe. Interesting."

The guarding warden of "Wolf Tower" squeezed the metal palm, swung the metal arm to explode the air buzzing, and he was not seen wearing clothes. He was naked and led a group of people who had already put on their equipment and picked up the Rubik's Cube energy weapon. The Cold Guard headed towards the ground entrance.

Apocalypse and the two knights behind looked at the nearly three-meter-high underground entrance, like the head of a whale floating from the sea, and were even more amazed at this mysterious organization that controlled the field of mutants and supernatural forces.

Caliban has heard and familiarity with "Whip of Order" and "Wolf Tower". After all, the whole of Europe is almost radiated within its sphere of influence, but it has been trapped in Rasputin in the Siberian wasteland of the Soviet Union. I don't know much about the outside world.

"Master, I'm coming."

The iron boots of the "War Knight" clanged loudly on the frozen ground. She raised her hands flat and spread her ten fingers, and twisted the giant blue-black metal door in front of her.

The snowflakes floating in the air twisted into a coiled spiral, but the huge door that was completely closed remained motionless.

"Huh? Open it for me!"

The silver-gray light in Rasputin's pupils flickered, her cheeks flushed red, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and her pretty face twisted more and more ferociously.

Caliban watched with great interest that the woman's ability didn't have any effect on the heavy door. As she continued to exert force crazily, the metal on the door faintly showed deformed and twisted lines, but it was still firmly closed.

The most outstanding and powerful descendant of "Monk", Alexandra Rasputin has the ability to distort space.

Different from the space-type abilities that mostly focus on teleportation and movement, Rasputin is good at stirring the state of space, destroying and transferring matter or energy through space distortion.

Theoretically, there is no upper limit to the destructive power and influence of this ability on physical matter. Any object existing in space, no matter how solid it is and how stable its particle bonds are, cannot resist distortion and deformation at the space level.

But just like all kinds of mutants who possess high-level power, there is no limit to their abilities, but their manpower is exhausted.

Rasputin's space distortion will still be affected by the strength and volume of the material entity. If the object is too solid, it will be difficult for her to distort and destroy it.

After being promoted and transformed into a "War Knight" by Apocalypse, her energy intensity has been greatly increased, and the tricks to affect space have also increased a lot. Even Rasputin once believed that there is no physical substance in this world that he cannot destroy.

No matter how thick and solid boulders or superalloys are, they can't stop being shattered and deformed when twisted by her casually.

But the whole body of this black and unknown metal material buried in the ground, its stability is completely beyond the scope of the power of the war knight, and in the end it only slightly deformed the surface of the giant door.

"Master. This should be a heavy door made of vibration gold. This metal is monopolized by the Howlett Group. The price in the outside world is more than ten times that of gold of the same weight. If we want to break through this super prison"

Caliban lowered his gray head and explained next to Tianqi. Seeing the obvious displeasure on the master's brow, he didn't dare to say more, and bowed back two steps.


There was a red light between Tianqi's eyes and pupils, and he held his hands empty. There was a creaking sound of the lock being opened and twisted behind the heavy door.

The only entrance gate of the "Wolf Tower" super prison burst open.

Boom, boom, boom.
Inside the dark and deep portal, the sound of heavy footsteps came slowly. The endless ice and snow on the tundra reflected the light on the sky, reflecting the distance of two or three meters inside the portal, illuminating the tall figure walking out of it. .

Tianqi and Caliban both showed doubts. They could feel the man with flowing black hair, solid flesh and blood like granite blocks, and a dark silver metal arm on his left arm. He had a strong aura and weirdness. energy fluctuations.

But he is actually an ordinary human being in essence!
"...Very good, I went directly to the prison, this kind of 'surrender', all in one step."

Bucky stepped onto the ice field, a crimson beam of light exploded from around his body, faintly opening the lead cloud on the dome, his black hair stood up in agitation, the intense red light enveloped his whole body, streaks of black and red were imprinted on the skin and flesh. The skin hisses as the veins burn.

A thin blood-red bell-shaped shield was buckled in front of the body, and a blazing heat wave emitted from the flesh and blood, which melted the frost, exposing large black soil and rocks.

"Mortal. Mortal power? Mortals shouldn't have such power, and mortals are not allowed to have such power!"

Tian Qi looked indifferently at this ordinary human being who was so fierce and fierce, but he didn't have the slightest mutant talent, his angry rumble seemed to arouse the muffled thunder in the depths of the sky.

He felt the greatest offense in his life that surpassed everything, and suddenly—

Killing intent everywhere!
(End of this chapter)

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