Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 160 Plague Knight

Chapter 160 Plague Knight
The largest and most powerful English Ministry of Mutants and Supernatural Forces in Europe.

Director Garfield, the person in charge of the special talent recruitment department, tried a young mutant man with bluish white skin, bald head and no eyebrows.

Looking at the pinpoint-sized pupils of the mutant boy opposite, the well-dressed Mr. Director was still a little uncomfortable. He straightened his presbyopic tie with a Windsor knot, and had to admit that the applicant's abilities were particularly suitable. Work on mutant affairs.

With the support and impetus of the "weird" of the American government, countries and organizations around the world have successively established relevant institutions to deal with mutants and supernatural forces.

This is not only because the emergence of extraordinary power may have multiple impacts on social tranquility and stability, but more importantly, evolutionaries have now become another armed force that cannot be ignored.

The "Hellfire" Research Institute in the Soviet Union and the "Whip of Order" team in the United States have fully demonstrated the strategic significance of evolution, so the mutant groups born in each country have become a new kind of special human resources.

Even countries need to work hard to attract these talents to play for their countries.

".Hmm. Let me see, the name Caliban, is there no full first and last name? Is 'Caliban' a nickname or is it?"

"This is Caliban's name, sir. The orphanage gave Caliban this name. It comes from Shakespeare's "The Tempest." Abandon Caliban."

The skinny mutant Caliban, with his large, round, bald head, looked like a corpse soaked in formalin.

His voice is a bit feminine and sharp, and his words are very strange. He always likes to use his own name as the No.1 pronoun.

Caliban put his hands on his knees, and listened to the interviewer on the opposite side rather cautiously and shyly:
"Mr. Caliban, your ability is very special. You call it. 'X-factor detection'?"

"Yes, sir."

Caliban said with a little smug pride:

"Caliban can sensitively perceive the existence of other mutants within 25 kilometers of him. Hey, even if he is close enough, Caliban can roughly feel their strength."

"Also! And when Caliban is stressed, he will rapidly secrete adrenaline, and he can temporarily display two kinds of extra power. There is power—"

"Let's talk about your perception ability first, how many mutants are there in this building? What's the level?"

Director Garfield held up the Toggins spectacle frame, took a sip of black tea with two fingers pinched, interrupted Caliban's chattering self-introduction, and began to assess his so-called "X-factor detection" ability.

Caliban's slender neck stiffened, he cleared his throat and then rolled his big eyeballs. After a little thought, he acted confidently.

"Cough cough! There are currently 23 mutants in the Mutants Office in England, including 1 mutants at the first level of Epsilon, three at the second level, four at the second level of Delta, one at the third level, and Beta"

Mr. Director nodded in satisfaction. The set of mutant ability levels and strength levels that came out of the "Whip of Order" in the United States is almost universal in the world.

This is not only because of the unshakable overwhelming power of the Whip of Order, but also because of the scientificity and accuracy of this division system.

Caliban's ability to detect and perceive mutants does not know what kind of experience it is, but he obviously compared it with this set of classification standards, which can make the interviewer understand more clearly.

"——Beta Level 3 two. And, and. Ho. Ho."

Caliban suddenly trembled violently all over his body, as if he was speechless in fear, his throat seemed to be tightly strangled, and he couldn't breathe.

His extremely thin pupils faintly dilated a little, and his long and slender limbs began to slowly swell with solid muscles.

"You! What's the matter with you? Taliban, have you lost control of your abilities? Hold on. Then what, what does the work code say, when mutants lose control of their abilities?"

The interviewer, Mr. Garfield, looked at this young mutant boy, who seemed to be changing into a muscular man, and thought that he had been stimulated and his abilities were out of control.

While hurriedly comforting, he called other staff to come to help, but he heard Caliban's shrill voice trembling:
"Ah, Alpha? Level five? No, could it be level six! Caliban doesn't know, card, Caliban has never felt such a terrifying power!"

Caliban's pupils were already the size of an ordinary person, and his figure was three or four times stronger than his scrawny appearance just now, and some kind of milky white ripples faintly emanating from his body made the interviewer's complexion paler, and his heart His emotions of panic and fear were rapidly magnified.

The space teleportation portal opened by Apocalypse leads directly from the top of the Khufu Pyramid to the Mutant Affairs Center in England, which is the closest and largest gathering of mutants that he has detected through the TV signal network.


Beside him, Professor Jackson took a thick leather booklet from nowhere, and started working as a "historian" seriously. He looked at Tianqi's blue-gray face for some reason, and looked around coldly. The mutants and staff were all stunned on the spot.

They had heard of powerful mutants who could teleport or teleport, but had never seen one.

"'Little lizard', 'little mouse'. One is weaker than the other, too weak to be useful, huh? This is interesting."

Tian Qi was dressed in heavy armor, and walked around to see a few mutants covered in scales or with long hair on their bodies. He shook his head in great disappointment, and suddenly raised his brows, as if he had sensed something again, and was instantly caught by the purple-red light. To swallow, to disappear.

Caliban in the recruitment office upstairs suddenly stopped trembling like a stroke. He remained motionless as if petrified. A giant hand in a blue gauntlet caressed Caliban's bald skull, as if Touching a cat's head.

The interviewer Director Garfield's cheeks were as white as a plastered wall. His heart has always been not very good, and at this moment he is in terrible pain.

I stared blankly at this blue-gray mutant who stepped out of the void and stood behind Caliban like a giant, and heard his rumbling voice:

"...So-so, but worth it. What's your name, my boy."

"Cal, Caliban"

Caliban stammered tremblingly and replied that his body had swelled to the limit, and the blood vessels and meridians were like gray-white worms. The inexplicable aura emanating from his body continued to magnify the fear around him, which made the interviewer even more worried. Knife twisted.

This mutant who can perceive the X-factor and the intensity of life energy, the strongest mutant he has ever seen in his life is a gamma level 4 mutant, and also the strongest in the field of British supernatural power, known as the "Kingdom Sword". Captain Ruddock, it is said that his daughter is even more talented.

But... Caliban has never felt so powerful that he felt fear in his heart, and the overwhelming oppressive gratitude sent out his other two mutant abilities of "fear absorption" and "strong".

"Kalibanwu's child, see your true strength!"

"Hoah. Ah!"

Tianqi clasps the right hand on the top of Caliban's skull, with five fingers spread out, and the armrest of the solid wooden chair is grabbed into pieces by him. He already has a strong body like an athlete and continues to proliferate and grow, even the bones are getting taller and thicker.

Hysterical screams filled the entire building, Caliban's pupils expanded until they filled the entire white of the eyes, turning into a mass of dark eyes, hammering the ground frantically, cracking the marble floor tiles with.

The entire floor rumbled and shook as if it had been rammed by an engineering cone.

The spirit of fear exuded by Caliban grew stronger and stronger, and even the mutants and ordinary staff downstairs fell to the ground with pale complexions, and some even gave birth to various sickness states of fever, fainting, and vomiting.

On the opposite side, Director Garfield, his eyes were wide open, foam was flowing from the corners of his mouth, his face was distorted with extreme horror, he was "scared" to death.

"Feel this power, gray giant, the plague of fear will be the sickle in your hand, and you are my seat. Plague knight!"

The chair under Caliban had completely collapsed. He knelt down in front of Apocalypse, and he became like a gray-white meat mountain. The bones of his face were raised high, like a gargoyle on a church building. Between the torn muscle texture , all over the pink tendons.

".This is me? It's you, it's you who made me so...powerful!"

Caliban raised his head abruptly, and stared frantically at the man who looked down on him with eyes without any whites. He knew that this should be the second awakening of the legendary mutant ability.

Not only did I upgrade from Beta to Gamma, but the physical strengthening and fear-absorbing ability that originally needed to be stimulated by extreme pressure became solidified and normal, and it was several times better than before.

It is said that only the evolution technique of the Howlett Academy has a safe and effective path for mutants to achieve secondary mutations, but very few people have practiced to that extent.

And this god-like man who is as deep as a prison has discovered his potential with a wave of his hand, endowing Caliban with such powerful power.

"...My child, tell your master where the powerful mutants are."

Tianqi lowered his brows and eyes like a statue, and his voice was soft, but it rumbled into the mind of the "Plague Knight" like a muffled thunder.

Caliban knelt down on the ground, his head drooping, his thin voice became extra thick, and he said in a low voice:
"Lord, master. Once the leader of the 'Whip of Order', 'Magneto' Eric Lanshere is generally considered to be the most powerful mutant, but for some reason, he has not appeared for a long time, besides."

"...Except for Rasputin on the Siberian Plain, the owner 'Wolf Tower' is said to house the world's most dangerous mutant criminals, and that academy."

Tian Qixin swung open another fuchsia space portal. Caliban’s iron tower, which was already over two meters tall, was a bit taller than Tian Qi at the moment. He followed Tian Qi with heavy steps, and stepped into the frosty Soviet Siberia. Badlands.

And when Apocalypse was looking for candidates for the Four Horsemen, James Howlett, the behind-the-scenes leader unknown to ordinary mutants in today's world, was fighting more and more heartily with the devil lord from hell in the mirror world.

 Caliban appears twice in the mutant movies, both as weakened cogs, but twice as the Knight of the Apocalypse in the comics.

You will find that due to the influence of the protagonist, Apocalypse was born nearly ten years earlier than the movie timeline, which also means that the trajectories of many characters are different. You can see what kind of Four Horsemen will be discovered during this period .

Just sauce!Love everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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