Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 150 In Prison and Out of Prison (2 in 1)

Chapter 150 In Prison and Out of Prison ([-] in [-])

The Arctic Circle, above 66 degrees north latitude, is the boundary between the north frigid zone and the north temperate zone.

Most of the area here is the Arctic Ocean, including three-quarters of Greenland, northern Europe and northern Russia, and parts of northern Canada.

Due to the severe cold, there are very few species of organisms in the Arctic Circle area. Most of the plants are lichens and mosses, and there are few trees.

In the Greenland Strait between the Sbarvar Islands and Greenland, there is an unnamed island with an area of ​​less than [-] square kilometers.

Beneath the knee-high frost and snow are solid ice sheets and permafrost, and the vast expanse of white seems to be the most dazzling light spot in a blue-black ocean.

The snow trees unique to the Arctic Circle are covered with ice and snow, and are connected by clusters of ice edges, standing like Buddhist pagodas.

From a high altitude, only a single black spot stands out against the pale ground.

It was a burly man with flowing black hair, naked with a majestic body built like marble, wearing only a pair of black trousers and high-top leather boots, his left arm reflected the sunlight on the ice field.

With the man's feet as the center, a piece of fertile black soil with a radius of several meters and no ice or snow radiated out.

When people all over the world gradually become aware of the existence of the supernatural world, they may even meet "new humans" like lizards and birds, or super soldiers trained in national or military institutions.

People are more and more curious and push open a corner of the magnificent new world gate, and when they look around and peep inside.

Among the intelligence agencies of various countries, mutants, and extraordinary beings, it has long been rumored that there is a "tower" standing on the endless tundra, and there is a man with iron arms in the tower, suppressing super criminals and super criminals from the United States and even from all over the world. The most vicious.

He's called the Cold Warden.

Bucky stood on the ice field like a hot furnace, his white skin was as red as weeping blood, he looked up at the aircraft spraying ice-blue energy flames hovering steadily in the air, turned around and looked back. walk slowly.

Chief Captain of the Whip of Order executive, Steve Rogers, looked out from the window of the aircraft escorting the prisoners, watching his brother break through the cold wind step by step, bent down, and reached out to touch the surface of the tundra.

Bucky's Edman Gold left arm broke through the thick ice that had just condensed, as if he was grabbing something. He lowered his head, blood-red vigor flowed around his body, and the muscles on his back stretched like steel cables. , his pupils shrank, he pulled himself up suddenly and shouted:

The earth trembled, and a two-meter-high blue-black metal portal, like a crouching giant steel tortoise, was pulled up from the ground, and pieces of ice shattered and splashed away, as if a whale jumped out of the sea and smashed into the ground. Floes on the frozen ocean.

Steve walked in front, escorting five prisoners in special shackles and shackles around the neck, wrists and ankles to file off the aircraft.

The two members of the Whip of Order lined up on both sides of the rear, holding a special firearm in the shape of a heavy sniper rifle that flickered with blue energy fluctuations.

They walked all the way to Bucky, and the leading prisoner was the "Game of Thrones", Remy LeBeau, who was trembling in the wind and snow.

"Hey, with this force, your punch must be heavy again."

Steve's short blond hair was blown a little messy. He looked at Bucky, who had a calmer and thicker temperament under the wind, frost and bitter cold, and looked at the only entrance gate of the "Wolf Tower" prison that rose from the ground. , couldn't help murmuring with emotion.

In the world of supernatural forces, the only super prison "Wolf Tower" that is the least likely to be breached or escaped today is not a dark tower standing somewhere in a hidden place as vaguely guessed by the outside world.

It is an underground tower that hangs upside down on the ground, as if inserted nearly [-] meters deep into the frozen soil of the Arctic Circle.

The only entrance of the Wolf Tower is usually sunk under the ice cap and permafrost, relying on the supply of highly concentrated Rubik's Cube energy blocks, and only the guarding warden has the power and authority to open it.

There are 21 floors underground, and the [-] floors below are prisons. The more dangerous the super criminals are, the deeper they are held.

The entire Wolf Tower Prison was built using a large amount of vibrating gold and secondary Edman alloy, steel, and boulders, and there were also some means of suppressing various special abilities of mutants.

Aside from the prison's own protective power, even the severe cold outside the Arctic Circle with an average of below minus [-] degrees, and the dangerous location built alone in the vast ice ocean, are enough to make more than [-]% of the prisoners give up any idea of ​​escape.

"I heard that this time there is a person who passes the eleventh floor. Could it be this guy?"

Bucky and Steve bumped their fists, turned around and entered the password, stretched their left arms into a bowl-sized dark hole at the entrance of the prison, and twisted something.

After a while, the vibrating gold gate with a thickness of more than ten centimeters slowly split open, revealing a long corridor.

Bucky glanced at the man in the thin orange-red prison uniform with distaste. His face was so cold that his nose was dripping down, hanging into two yellow-green icicles, and he couldn't stop clasping his arms and swinging.

"Yes, that's him. Remy Lebow, nicknamed Gambling King, is an energy-type alpha level 4 mutant. He's the most powerful mutant that has appeared in these years. He's not bad, and he knows quite a lot."

Steve glanced at Mr. Lebow, as if to defend him a few words.

Since his arrest, Gambit has been shackled by special alloy chains designed to restrain energy-type mutations, and he can no longer use his power to strengthen his body.

And no matter how much energy he injected into this vibranium-based alloy, it couldn't explode like other substances.

Several people walked down the deep stairs, and the temperature inside was warm and comfortable.

The wolf tower super prison does not have too many complicated electronic control systems, it relies on the most solid materials and harsh environment on the earth, as well as the special control technology of each layer.

And Bucky led some winter wolves and wolfpack fighters, and some mutant academy graduates, forming a guard force, which is the strongest violent institution in the supernatural world except the Whip of Order.

The five criminals brought by Steve were imprisoned one by one in the cells on their own floors as they went deeper into the Wolf Tower. The first three floors of the Wolf Tower closest to the surface are guards and staff working and resting, training and living. Area.

The first and largest floor of the prison is mainly used to detain vicious criminals who are close to the limit of human combat capabilities or have unique abilities, but none of them exceed the scope of ordinary humans.

The lower the level, the higher the danger level and the fewer the number of people.

"Gambit, right? Hehe, the first one to pass the eleventh floor will have a high status among your inmates."

Remy Lebow finally warmed up and had the energy to talk trash. He looked at the naked warden with a metal arm. His arrogance was stronger than that of Captain Rogers who arrested him. many.

Gambit was quite dissatisfied and said: "There are eighteen floors in total, and I was locked up on the No.11 floor. What is this? Your evaluation level is too bad!"

Not long after he finished speaking, he saw that the eleventh floor of the underground prison was empty and locked up only himself. He wanted to speak harshly again, but he couldn't help but choked back.

Mr. Lebo, who was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment in the Wolf Tower for stealing high-risk supernatural items, now only hopes that he will not be locked up in this lonely prison all the time.

Steve arranged for his two team members to rest for a while, and then went to his office and rest room with Bucky to have a drink before leaving.

The environment here is quite good, the decoration and architectural style is like some kind of avant-garde high-end hotel.The temperature in the depths of the wolf tower is not high. It can be said that the floors are getting colder and colder, but the daily rest areas of the guards are very comfortable.

Bucky put on a warden jacket that looked like a general's uniform, poured two glasses of whiskey and chatted with Steve.It has been less than three years since Wolf Tower Prison was officially put into use, but after being stationed here, they rarely go to the outside world.

Although the intelligence information that can be received every day is very complete, it is somewhat boring.

James Howlett didn't want his students to take on this responsibility. After all, it was too lonely and poor to be stationed at the Wolf Tower.

But Bucky took the initiative to ask to be the guard here. He felt that this was a good place to hone himself with peace of mind, and there were all kinds of vicious prisoners to practice.

The rules and regulations in the field of supernatural power are not bound by American or international laws, and the sentences are often extremely severe.

In this world, the Howlett family has the final say.

"Hey, the wine is good. By the way, I heard that Edgar Hoover's men are also locked here?"

Steve took a sip of the 15-year-old top-quality Glenlivet whiskey and chatted with Bucky.

"The teacher gave the guards and staff here the best life rations and treatment. There are many good things. Except for those who have undergone serum transformation, Hoover's people also have relatively capable secret agents. The rest are in ordinary prisons in the United States. You also know that these people went through the normal judicial process back then."

Bucky added some more wine to each other's glasses, clinked glasses and continued:

". The standard for entering the Wolf Tower is very high, but nowadays, whether it is an evolutionary or a person who obtains extraordinary power through serum and other means, there are relatively limited people. The strongest ones are either our people, or they are all wiped out by the teacher. Days It's kind of boring"

"The tone is serious, the legendary 'Cold Guard', I came today with a shield."

Steve tapped the Edman gold shield standing beside the chair with his fingertips. Seeing Bucky smile, he took down the cup and said with burning eyes:

"I'm waiting for your words!"

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.A small door opened against the steel walls of the boxy Holmsberg Prison.

Even in loose overalls, a white man who could see the twisted and deformed knee of his right leg grabbed his thigh with both hands and struggled across the low threshold.

He was carrying a small army green canvas package, and after hurriedly walking a few steps forward, he settled down to block the blazing sun with one hand, squinted his eyes and took a last look at the prison where he had served 13 years in prison.

After being imprisoned in this prison for two years, Major William Stryker completely lost his so-called resentment and resentment towards his own fate. He only felt that he was much luckier than those niggers.

It turns out that more than 20 years ago, inmates at this Holmsberg prison were forced to accept experiments on skin diseases, biochemistry and pharmaceutical research.

From shampoo and toothpaste to liquid diet and eye drops, all kinds of disease-causing substances are put into their daily necessities.

Even after President Robert Kennedy ordered the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Vietnam War, prisoners were still injected with astonishing doses of dioxin, the main ingredient in a highly toxic defoliant.

You must know that the U.S. military dropped about 2000 million gallons of defoliants in Vietnam that year, causing 40 Vietnamese deaths and 200 million Vietnamese suffering from cancer and other diseases.

In the experiment in this prison, some people's nails were pulled out and stained with moss, some were injured and dizzy, and some were left with lifelong scars and could not recover.

Relying on his white identity and his good relationship with the prison guards, Stryker managed to survive more than ten years of his sentence.

From a promising major officer in the US military in his early 30s to a disabled prisoner in his 40s who looks like a [-]-year-old man.

It was his wife and children who had disappeared for almost ten years that supported William Stryker to come out.

I took the bus all the way from Philadelphia, turned it upside down several times, and could only eat some dry bread and mineral water on the way.

The poor travel expenses of the prison barely supported Stryker to Louisville, Kentucky, the address where his wife Marcy last sent a letter eight years ago.

After her husband was identified as an accomplice of "the villain of the century" Hoover and sentenced to prison in Philadelphia, Stryker's wife returned to her hometown in Kentucky with her two-year-old son Jason.

They cannot afford the daily expenses of living in New York.

At first, Major Stryker could receive letters from his wife at least once a month, and Marcy also visited him several times in the Philadelphia Jail, and even brought his six-year-old son.

But without warning, his wife suddenly disappeared one day!She no longer visited herself, and she did not have any phone calls or letters. She was told that the phone calls from the prison could not be connected, and she could not be contacted by all means.

The last time William Stryker, who was in prison, received news about relatives and friends from the outside world was when his distant cousin told him three years ago that his old father had passed away due to illness.

Sitting on the bus, bumping and shaking from time to time, Stryker rubbed the old yellowed envelope in his hand from time to time. Because of years of work in the prison, his callused hands could hardly feel the friction.

His hair was already gray, his back was bent deeply, his brows had creases like scratches, and he was limping on one leg.

But the only thing left, the last brilliance in his eyes has not been extinguished.

Major Stryker vowed thousands of times in prison that he must find his wife and children. If she remarried or found another man, at least she should send a letter of informing him, instead of leaving himself in the boundless world like this. despair in loneliness.

Unless their mother and child are dead.

".How to face your child awakening overnight to become a 'new human'? What kind of diet and training methods can increase the probability of awakening? And I will exclusively reveal the secrets of the extraordinary colleges in various states of the United States for you!"

"...on Fox [-] prime nights!. I'm Tim Keese and this is 'Evolution Night'!"

Clutching the envelope in his hand, Stryker asked passers-by how to get on Vic Street from time to time.

Many years have passed, and the address on the letter and the real street have long since changed. He watched a certain program preview being played on the TV in front of a shop window, and his throat seemed to be filled with thick phlegm, and he snorted. He laughed strangely twice.

"Hey. It's really Matt Falk! The whole world believes it? My child will become a damned mutant only after seeing a ghost! Whoa!"

A couple passing by looked contemptuously at the cripple in dirty clothes spitting on the ground. The husband gave Stryker a hard look, and pulled his wife away from this desolate and disgusting homeless man.

Stryker suddenly remembered something, slapped his forehead, staggered and limped, rushed to the telephone booth across the street, hurriedly flipped through the telephone yellow pages while dipping in his saliva.

"Marcie. Marcy's got it! Marcie Stryker!"

She didn't change her last name?
Orem High School in Louisville recently had another student transferred to the Howlett Extraordinary Academy in Kentucky. This is the third student this year and the seventh in history to awaken as a new human being.

A junior high school nerd who no one cares about, suddenly turned into a puddle of liquid when several school football players stuffed him into the locker, and "swimmed" away in a panic.

This completely ignited the topic of teachers and students on campus, and some students even went to find those campus bullies in private, trying to see if they could force themselves to wake up.

"That guy's ability sounds average, Jason, have you heard that there is an academy in New York State that only recruits the strongest and most dangerous evolutionaries, and there, tsk tsk, if you can choose, I mean if, I think Awaken the power to control the flames, that's cool enough!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Jason Stryker was walking home with his good friends in the same class. He watched helplessly as he pretended to throw fireballs. In fact, he himself yearned to enter the Extraordinary Academy, which can be said to be the most popular among students. cool thing but
"Jason! I'm leaving first. My dad said he was looking forward to playing bridge with Mr. Stryker again. He said your father's skills are great!"

The skinny Jason smiled reluctantly, and vaguely agreed.

If it wasn't for worrying that there are also various powerful evolutionists in the Extraordinary Academy, or some testing equipment, he would have wanted to enroll a long time ago.

Even, Jason felt that with his own ability, he would definitely be able to enter the legendary "Super British Academy", but he heard that there was one of the two strongest spiritual masters in the world there, which made Jason a little afraid to really step into it. that piece of the world.

Near the downstairs of the apartment where he lived with his mother, Jason Strike faintly heard intense noise. Apart from his mother Marci, there was also a hysterical male voice, and many neighbors gathered around.

"...God! Marcy! You see, it's me. I'm your husband, William! What the hell are you talking about, I'm you—"

"—Sir! I don't know where you heard my husband's name, but I made it very clear that he is a retired senior military officer and will be coming back from work soon. If you are a fraudster, At least change into decent clothes!"

Marcie Stryker thrust her waist, and interrupted the crazy man in front of her sharply. The homeless man who claimed to be her husband opened his mouth wide, his bloodshot eyes protruded, and his face was distorted and terrifying.

Although Mrs. Stryker is not as youthful as she used to be, she is still a mature and beautiful woman, especially her pair of heterochromatic eyes, which often attract the attention of the neighbors.

"My dear, my mind is a little messed up. I seem to have met Marcie's husband, but why don't I feel like there is no such person?"

The neighbor next door was muttering to his wife, and more and more neighbors around were puzzled and rubbed their heads in a daze. It seemed that Mr. William Stryker who suddenly appeared and the one they remembered had Big discrepancy.

Stryker flipped through his package in a panic. There was the only photo of him and Marcie there. He didn't know what nonsense his wife was talking about, as if "William Stryker" had never left for so many years and had always been with her. live together.

Suddenly, Marcy shouted happily:

"William! Jason! My dear, you are back together. This gentleman may not be mentally normal."

When Stryker heard his son's name, his body suddenly turned into petrification. He slowly raised his head, watched his wife talking behind him happily, and turned around numbly.

I saw a pale, thin young man walking over with his pockets in his pockets, his eyebrows were very similar to his own.

Like Marcie, the neighbors around kept talking about a lunatic who claimed to be you and came to harass Marcie in the air around the boy.

Their vivid demeanor and back and forth dialogue, as if there is really a Mr. Stryker standing there.

"Sir, you see that my husband and son are back. If you are not feeling well or need some help, I can help you contact your family or the police."

Stryker could no longer hear what his wife was saying. He watched his son Jason staring at him with gray halos faintly in the depths of his pupils.

The people around continued to talk enthusiastically towards the air strangely, as if that Mr. Stryker was really tall and handsome, successful in his career, and loved by everyone.

Jason Strike gritted his teeth. He watched his biological father appear in front of him for a long time, unable to control himself, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Looking at the dilapidated and skinny man and his crooked legs, Jason raised his hand with a distorted expression, clawed at Stryker with five fingers, and watched the man slowly walk down the apartment building with dull eyes. He limped away without stopping.

After a while, the mother and the neighbors were finally comforted by Mr. Stryker in the hallucination, and they returned home. Marcy hurriedly brought out the freshly made spaghetti with meatballs for three people.

She regained her energy and asked her husband how his work was going today with a smile.

Jason forced a smile to respond to his mother from time to time, and even interacted with Wu Wu's father for a while, silently eating two servings of noodles.

In fact, he is very tired every day, very tired, even though he has been eating food for two, he is still emaciated as if he is malnourished.

A lie is like a patch with barbs. Once it sticks to the wound, it will open a bigger new wound. You can only stick another one, and another one. More and more
never ending.

 I still can't reply to everyone's comments. Yesterday, many people asked about the protagonist's illustration.

That’s right, everyone’s understanding of the image description of the protagonist in the story is correct, but Panpan himself doesn’t have the ability to draw the cool look in his mind, and the ability and understanding of the illustrator is only here, so it doesn’t satisfy everyone Please forgive me.

At this stage, we will slowly lay out some clues. There will be several climaxes in this volume and the foreshadowing of the next volume, so we must work hard!

Just sauce, love everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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