Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 148 Capture the King of Cards (2 in 1)

Chapter 148 Capturing the King of Cards ([-] in [-])

The sun began to drift westward.

On the train to Providence, Remy LeBeau lay comfortably in a single sleeper room modified with an extra ten dollars.

In addition to a long and narrow bed for one person to lie on, there is also a miniature dining table and a small sofa, which is quite comfortable for a short trip of more than two hours.

The United States once had the world's longest railway system in the last century, but since Howlett Industries launched the internal combustion engine vehicle in the end of the [-]th century, the railway transportation mode began to shrink rapidly.

Here, people would rather choose to drive across the state for a whole day than sit in a tin carriage for a long time.

On the one hand, the well-developed highway system and high-speed unlimited traffic regulations in the United States have greatly shortened the time difference between cars and trains, and even driving a car is more convenient and faster than taking a train.

On the other hand, the vast land here is sparsely populated and the unique scenery has given birth to all kinds of road cultures.People like to hold the steering wheel by themselves and run freely on the endless road.

This is the advocacy of freedom by Americans.

Not to mention that in the short distance from New York to Providence, there are only a few "train fans" who are willing to spend time in and out of the stations on both sides.

Lying on the small bed in the single room, Remy Lebo twisted his waist left and right, grinning sorely.

He was too lazy to take off his boots and coat, and he would arrive at the station in more than an hour. Thinking about taking a taxi to meet clients, Remy missed his favorite Dodge muscle car very much.

"Damn boy! Anyway, I once took a look at it, and the rules on the road don't follow."

Mr. LeBeau’s favorite car, the 70s Dodge Challenger, was melted down by “Shockwave” Alex and turned into a scrap iron with only the chassis left. He was so distressed that he almost met this man in downtown Manhattan. The Whip of Order execs get into a fight.

However, it was precisely because Alex Summers was afraid to make a shot in the city center that Remy had the opportunity to blend into the crowd and escape New York by train all the way.

With his hands folded under his head, Remy looked at the iron ceiling of the carriage, his eyes with faintly red pupils were stunned for a moment, and he took out two tubes of light blue serum reagents from the inner pocket of his windbreaker.

After shaking it vigorously for a while, I am amusing watching the fine blue bubbles slowly rise up.

"Big customer, if it hadn't been for the price of millions of dollars, I really wouldn't dare to touch this thing, and get the goods from under the nose of the Whip of Order, hehe! That's what I, 'Gambit King', have the ability to do!"

"Game of Thrones" Remy LeBeau, a mutant thief who sometimes walks alone and sometimes gathers his accomplices to commit crimes.His business is not fixed. Sometimes he steals some valuables out of interest, and sometimes he is hired to accept various bounty tasks.

And this time, Mr. Gambit received the biggest deal in his life——

Steal Super Soldier Serum from S.H.I.E.L.D. Strategic Technology R&D Department.

Fortunately, the relevant information provided by the employer was extremely detailed and complete, otherwise he would not be sure to get out of there unscathed. The intelligence department of SHIELD wears the same trousers as Whip of Order.

Remy fumbled again, and found a card with whitish and curly edges that had long been worn away, and the printing was somewhat unclear. There was an H-shaped emblem and the words of Howlett Group on it.

If he had accepted the invitation of the "Magneto King", he might now be an order executive with a "license to kill".

Remy Lebo fantasized for a moment, raised the corners of his mouth cynically, and sneered a few times. After paying the money, he would have to avoid the limelight for a few years and go to Europe to have fun for a while.

"Honestly, Hank, I didn't expect to be able to stand here with you again. We have changed a lot. Cough cough, of course. You are bigger."

Professor Charles Xavier and Hank McCoy stood at the gate of the "Whip of Order" headquarters in Manhattan, New York, where the Department of Mutation Force Research where they worked at the beginning was located.

Time has passed, and one of the two is not as high-spirited as before, with fluttering long hair, while the other has become a majestic and ferocious blue-haired beast.

SHIELD's supernatural daily affairs department and strategic technology research and development department will soon move to Washington, DC. A three-curved wing building is being built on Roosevelt Island. In addition to scientific research, more will focus on supernatural affairs with countries all over the world social cooperation.

And the most important supernatural power monitoring and intelligence department stayed in New York, and it was closely related to the work tasks of the Whip of Order.

James Howlett not only took the armed forces of America's Extraordinary Domain into his own hands, but also took away the most important part of the power and power of SHIELD.

"Actually, we've all just become what we should be, Charles, don't you think the most powerful brain in the world should be... sorry"

Facing Professor Charles' unfriendly gaze, Hank grinned resentfully. His current lion-masked and bear-like appearance showed such an expression, which was strangely cute for some reason.

No wonder Little Wolf Girl always likes to be tired of being with Hank, just like ordinary little girls who like to hug plush dolls every day.

Charles shrugged helplessly. With his bald head and a silver-gray close-fitting suit, he looked a bit more ruthless than before. He frowned and followed Hank into the building.

"What did you experience at Mr. Howlett's place? How did you change so much?"

With his beast feet bare, Hank walked slowly between the floors of the Whip and Sword of Order building, and talked to Charles about how he became a "beast" in the past few years.

The two met many staff members and members of the executive team along the way, some of them greeted Hank with a smile, and some of them just glanced at Hank and didn't stay too much.

".After I knew that my [a mutation] was only a 'semi-finished product', I came into contact with the evolutionary system created by Mr. Howlett. His understanding of the body and spirit opened up an evolutionary path that ordinary people can follow. "

"...not long after practicing with Alex, there are signs of abnormal changes in many parts of the body. Hey, Skylar."

Hank raised his knee-length thick arms, grinned and greeted a tall and heroic female executive, and looked back from time to time.

"You know that 'beast-type' mutants have a herd effect. Mr. Howlett took me to experience the state of real battle several times. After seeing his beast king's courage, I finally recognized and accepted my true face .”

The beast looked at Charles and shrugged, and said in a dull low voice:
"I can also control the deformation of my body now, and keep the appearance before awakening, but... this is no longer necessary, right? We are here, and it is not the same as what you used before."

Charles has been silent since he entered the building, listening to Hank talk about the various new life experiences of these years, watching the expressions and states of everyone in the Whip of Order, especially now that Hank has never seen before. Be generous.

He had to admit that Mr. Howlett was the one who really changed the world for the mutants.

After thinking about it, he finally came to a job position he was very familiar with. Charles looked at the newly built brain wave amplification room with mixed feelings.

"The Howlett family's scientific team helped me improve a lot of the original design, especially Dr. Zola, he...he is a pure scientific madman, the kind that even I won't let go."

Hank's ups and downs are like a combination of an orangutan and a cat, walking lightly and vigorously, walking in front to introduce the new brain wave augmentation equipment to Charles.

"The brand-new amplifier and brainwave helmet made by Zhenjin are powerful and clean, almost perfect Rubik's Cube energy, hehe, only you can feel the effect and difference. By the way, there is this, which Mrs. Emma proposed to design. Regulates psychic contamination for mutants who frequently use telepathic powers."

This is a spherical building with a radius of nearly 50 meters. A corridor bridge made of silver-gray alloy leads to the center point of the space. There is a 360-degree brain wave amplification network assembled by vibrating gold splicing without dead ends. Clothed with ice blue energy lines.

There is a black high-back alloy chair at the end of the corridor bridge, and a full-cover hollow brain wave helmet is strangely suspended on the front console.


Professor Charles subconsciously shrugged his throat. The scale and technical content of this set of brain wave amplifiers is full of exaggerated sense of separation from the times to the naked eye, as if it is an alien creation in the future or some kind of science fiction story.

"Mr. Howlett ordered these to be prepared more than a year ago, and he trusts you to accept the job."

Hank hugged his plush arms built of muscles, and was also full of pride in this new set of brainwave amplifiers.

"Ahem! Mr. Xavier, since we're here, would you like to experience the working status in advance? Hey, Hank."

Raven's red-haired and blue-skinned appearance, I don't know if it's a change or real. He is wearing a white lady's business suit and even a pair of silver-rimmed glasses. He looks quite sharp and neat.

She teased Charles, holding a stack of documents in her hand, and said hello to Hank.

"Your position and other specific details, Peggy will talk to you later. The Whip of Order is almost always an executive team that goes out to the field. Up to now, there are not many serious civilian and daily government affairs leaders. Peggy and I have always been in the office. In charge."

"Then will my salary depend on your nodding from now on, Vice Minister Raven?"

Charles said happily seeing that Raven, who was already a mother, also had his own business.

"You will be busy in the future, and the daily government affairs of Whip of Order will be entrusted to you. Steve is mainly responsible for all missions and field affairs of the action team. You will only be required to take action when encountering more important and difficult situations, such as this one now. "

Charles took the folder in Raven's hand. In the upper left corner, there was a photo of a very handsome man in his 30s, and information about "Gambit King".

The capital of Rhode Island, Providence.

Gambit is a few hundred meters away from the agreed delivery location, Narragansett Harbor, carefully watching a man in a black windbreaker who seems to be receiving the goods.

And above the clouds, the sonic plane of the Whip of Order has already rushed to the team carrying "Shock Wave" Alex Summers.

After receiving the latest information from Raven, he just learned that Captain Rogers would also come from Chicago to capture Gambit.

Alex, who has matured a lot, has long hair, wears a black executive combat uniform, and his complexion has become more resolute and calm.

If it wasn't for the fact that his own shock wave energy had a too large strike range, and "Gambit" was slippery and refused to confront him head-on, he didn't feel that he needed help from others.

Card Emperor Remy Lebow sat obliquely on a bench in a square. After observing for a while, everything around him was normal, and there was no sign of an ambush.

Le Bo, who was already quite capable in his own right, never changed the cautious style he had cultivated since he was a child. He spit out the chewing gum that had hardened in his mouth, patted his pockets and just stood up, a dark red light suddenly appeared in the depths of his pupils. A layer of faintly flickering energy light film suddenly floated on his body.

After a moment of dull eyes, Gambit turned around immediately, ran away without hesitation, and gave up the joint.

At the same moment, the voice of Professor Charles sounded in the minds of Steve and Alex one after another.

"...I'm sorry, Mr. Gambling King's ability is more abundant than the information provided. There is a certain energy in his body, which seems to be able to create mental isolation, which makes it difficult for him to be directly controlled by my mind."

On the clouds, the two aircraft of the Whip of Order have met. Steve felt the communication at the level of spiritual consciousness for the first time. While curious, he calmly said in his heart:
"Don't mind the professor. After hearing about your joining, I thought this mission would be completely boring. It seems that there is still a chance for me to make a move. Can you guide us to the position of the king of cards?"

"Of course Captain Rogers."

Charles said calmly in the brain wave amplification room thousands of miles away.

Two sonic planes burst into air waves, and suddenly appeared in the sky above a dense forest in the suburbs. Steve fell directly from a high altitude, and a light red stream of energy surged all over his body, falling in front of the fleeing Gambit.

"Remi Lebo, you are now being arrested by the Whip of Order for breaking into a confidential federal department and stealing high-risk items."

Steve jumped out from between the sunken earth and rocks, and spoke about the arrest process professionally and skillfully. Alex's aircraft slowly descended and hovered more than ten meters behind Le Bo, and two figures slid down the cable.

"Captain Rogers, you're here too. It's not as serious as you said, it's just a tube of serum, what if you can save a dying old man?"

Gambit laughed and stalled for time with Steve, with a stack of cards hanging from his cuffs in each hand.

Turning around, he glanced at the specially made battle uniform in front of "Shock Wave"'s chest, which was glowing with crimson lines, and a bald boy with blue and black oil paint on his face slowly approached him.

"Mr. Lebo, you should know what it is. The 'Super Soldier Serum' is a transcendent item listed as a first-level control by the Whip of Order. It will cause unimaginable harm to the society. You—"

Whoosh whoosh.
The Gambit threw out seven or eight cards wrapped in purple-red energy, and then ran to the right to break through. Steve didn't take the shield, but just punched and blasted the three rays of light that were shooting at him.

Alex at the back even combined his index and middle fingers into a pistol shape, shooting out several slender crimson energy beams, smashing the four cards that were aimed at himself and the players around him.

Now his shock wave power control is very proficient.

The skinny young man, whose face was covered with lines like the horns of a devil, had claw-shaped fingers, looked sternly at the direction in which Gambit was escaping, as if he was holding something, and slowly twisted his wrist.

"Ugh! Ugh"

Lebo fell to the ground with a thud, and couldn't help vomiting a few mouthfuls of acidic water. His stomach twitched uncontrollably, and his body began to feel cold, dizzy, as if he had a fever.

"Damn it. What kind of shit is this, vomit!"

While cursing, he stirred up the energy in his body, the purple-red light in his eyes was even stronger, and he quickly isolated himself from the influence of a certain strange force.

Gambit only possessed natural agility when he was a teenager, his movements were exceptionally vigorous and quick, and he could easily learn and master various fighting techniques and the control of weapons.

As he grew older, more and more mutant abilities of Remy LeBeau were discovered.

His core strength is to inject energy from himself into the objects by touching them, making them powerful explosive weapons. The larger the object in contact, the longer the energy conversion time required, and the stronger the relative explosiveness.

Therefore, Gambit likes to use small charging entities, for example, there is almost no charging delay when using cards.Relying on this surge of unknown energy, he can further increase his physical energy, endurance, dodge speed, etc.

It can even make him create an isolation layer around himself to isolate the spirit and the influence of many unknown forces.

Gambit slapped the ground, narrowly dodging the shield thrown by Steve.

Although most of the captured targets have special abilities, their pure physical quality and fighting skills cannot be compared with the Whip of Order Captain Steve Rogers at the same level.

Often a shield is thrown over the face before one can use one's abilities.

As for Gambit, it is very rare for someone who can compete with Steve.

bang bang
The shield bounced back, Steve caught the shield and put it on his body, while Gambit ran away, throwing a few poker cards infused with energy behind him from time to time, trying to delay the immovable shield warrior behind him.

"Huhu Captain Summers, my control has been cut off, and Lebow is running too far now"

Alex and his team members ran to catch up with all their strength, their speed couldn't keep up with the two in front of them at all, and the mutant Lazaro in his team who was good at controlling the body and disease was recruited, and his physical fitness was even more ordinary.

"Mr. Rogers is here, and the King of Cards can't escape this time."

Alex still likes the kind of goals that rely on his thick skin and are willing to fight with himself. He recruited Lazaro into his team to increase his control and make up for his shortcomings of single means.

Two figures chased and ran among the rocks and forests, and from time to time a big tree hugged by one person was hit with a deep gap by the energy cards.

Gambit felt that the man behind him seemed to be chasing faster and faster. The specific energy in his body was not endless, but Rogers' physical strength was not exhausted at all.

blah blah!

Remy Lebo pulled out two short sticks from his back and connected them together. With a flick of his wrist, another piece popped out, turning into a long silver alloy stick slightly higher than his head.


Gambit shouted loudly, and intense purple light poured into the body of the stick violently, shining dazzlingly. It took him a lot of effort to build this stick, and it was not easy to find a material that could withstand his energy infusion for a long time.

"Captain Rogers, a shield has been invincible since World War II, and no one can break the whip of order after sitting on it for many years. Do you dare to make a bet with me?"

Steve looked at Le Bo "striking right away", standing upright on an empty wilderness waiting for planning, and replied with a smile:

"What to bet."

"I bet I can break your defense and hit your body!"

The King of Cards is full of provocation and disdain, this is a bet that is very beneficial to him, he is used to using the tactics of gambling in battle.


Steve took a heavy step forward, stomped out a deep hole, and continued quietly:

"I will take a step back. Even if you win, the Whip of Order will let you go."

On the contrary, Gambit didn't speak any more. After a long while, the purple-red light in his eyes spurted out streams of light fiercely, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

When your opponent bets far more chips than you imagined, and you are sure he is not bluffing, then it is best to discard the hand, if there is no room for exit-

Stud can only fight!

Gambling jumped up and slashed down with a stick. This alloy stick, which is continuously infused with its own energy, can release huge burst energy while hitting any object. Even a steel plate more than ten centimeters thick can explode.

Steve rushed forward abruptly, swiped the Adamantium alloy shield with his right fist over the top of his head, and slashed back again.

Accustomed to being shaky from being beaten by the teacher from time to time, and Bucky's heavy punches that he can't fight or fight now, Gambit's cudgel blows have no strength except for some energy effect bonuses.

Bang bang bang.
Lebo danced out pieces of stick shadows, and hit Steve intensively and continuously, all of which were lightly swung away, but he was forced back step by step, and even the light red energy entangled in the opponent's body continued to send strong oppression to him Force and needle-like pain.

"This Captain Rogers is really just injected with serum, and doesn't have the ability of mutants?"

Gambit gritted his teeth, and the speed on the other side was getting faster and faster. The shadow of the shield flickering around him faintly condensed into one body.

Steve backhanded the shield and slapped Gamboo flying, followed closely, twisted and threw the shield, broke the long alloy stick in mid-air, and hit Lebo's chest unabated.


Remy Lebow fell heavily on the ground, vomiting blood intermittently, plus the sandwiches and bile that he ate on the train before, he vomited everything in his stomach.

Steve strode over and said casually:
"It's rare to see a comprehensive evolutionary like you, Mr. Lebo, your talent is very good."

An aircraft fell overhead, and both of Alex had given up chasing on foot. He took out a disc-shaped vibrating gold lock and handcuffed Gambit's wrists, and found two stolen tubes from him. serum.

"Lebo, I accepted my teacher's invitation a few years ago. Today you may be the one who handcuffs someone else's hands. I hope you have a good time with Mr. Barnes in the 'Wolf Tower'. I believe you will like that fist."

Gambit let the two of them lift him up in a tense manner, looking at the "acquaintance" in front of him, he couldn't help but ask:
"You guys, who is the strongest, 'Magneto' Lanshere?"

Remy LeBeau still has a heart for the man who restrained him with a wave of his hands back then. Today, he saw Captain Rogers' fighting power, and he couldn't figure out what these strong men who were faintly surrounding the Howlett Group were. origin.

Alex was quite interested in talking to him a few more words, and said with a half-smile:

"Don't always think that you are not bad. Being a lone ranger can be free and easy. We also want to know the strongest person. Where is the limit?"

The sonic aircraft blasted into the distance, and in another continent, the Himalayas.

James and Gu Yi sat opposite each other, the Supreme Mage raised his eyebrows coldly, and said with rare anger:

"Are you kidding me! You actually want to test your limits with the Lord of Hell Dimension? You are the one who dared to let Mephisto in, Mr. Howlett!"

(End of this chapter)

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