Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 140 The Night Sky with the Scorching Sun (Big Chapter)

Chapter 140 The Night Sky with the Scorching Sun (Big Chapter)
If the body of an ordinary human being is exposed to the outside without protection and moves at supersonic or subsonic speeds, it will be instantly shattered into pieces of broken flesh.

However, Emma's physique is beyond the limits of ordinary people, and she can transform into an organic diamond incarnation. Eric's electromagnetic force field can also isolate air resistance very well.

James led the two to break the sound barrier, and it didn't take long to fly from New York to Washington, D.C., at the gate of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Monday morning.

This central hub of American power, like an ordinary mansion, seems to have just woken up and tidied up.

The sentinel who had just changed his guard saw three men in strange clothes standing outside the towering carved iron gate, picked up the walkie-talkie, and reported to the special service team.

"Do you know why this place is called the 'White House'?"

Compared with Eric Lanshere, who was dressed in ocher red armor-style combat uniform, with a cloak on one shoulder and a dark red helmet on his head, and the graceful figure outlined in a pure white battle robe, showing his soft shoulders Emma Frost with her clavicle and flat belly.

On the contrary, James simply and casually wore the black suit of the wolf pack army, which seemed too normal.


Eric thought for a few seconds, and asked suspiciously. Emma, ​​who had excellent grades since childhood, knew this allusion, but she didn't say anything.

"In 1814, in order to retaliate against the hatred of the United States for attacking the Canadian colony two years ago, the British landed from the sea and went straight to Washington. The Americans set fire to York, the capital of Canada, so this time, they also burned the presidential palace of the United States."

James walked forward at a leisurely pace, not paying any attention to the closed iron gate and the sentinel who drew out his gun and stepped forward to question him.

The iron gate opened automatically just as James approached, and the guard who had just approached rolled his eyes and passed out on the ground.

As he walked forward, the two followed closely behind, listening to James continue to tell the story about the origin of the White House.

"... At that time, the Presidential Palace of the United States should be called the 'Grey Palace' because it was built of wood and gray sandstone. layer of white paint"

More and more members of the White House Secret Service held their guns and shouted into the walkie-talkie, and rushed forward while shouting. The weapons in their hands were suddenly dragged out by a huge force, and they were crushed into a mass of scrap iron out of thin air.

At the same time, their heads trembled one after another, and they collapsed on the ground as if they had been hit hard.

"...When Roosevelt came to power, the Roosevelt in 1902 officially named this place the 'White House', and it has since become synonymous with the American government, so—"

James just walked in front of the oak gate of the White House. On the lawns and squares he passed through, even seven or eight military dogs were lying on the ground stiffly. Among the hundreds of secret service members, no one was awake.

He pushed open the door with his hand, smiled and finally said:

"—So the only time this place was breached was by a Canadian, and I was born there."

"Damn. Damn God, Claudia! Take Lucy and hide in the bunker! Hoover! Hoover! You bastard, hurry up and answer the phone!"

President Lyndon Johnson knocked the black telephone receiver on the "Perseverance" table. This shipwood presidential table with important historical value was dented one by one.

While he was cursing Edgar Hoover's name, he was preparing to evacuate to the White House's nuclear explosion-proof bunker, but the footsteps outside the rotunda became less and less.

At four o'clock in the morning, Mr. President was woken up by a series of "nonsense" news. Before the reorganization, the former Secretary of State of the Kennedy Administration died on the way to the airport, and the Secretary of Defense was slit in the inspecting New Jersey military barracks.
Every phone call is the news of the death of a congressman or senior official. In the nearly 200 years since the founding of the United States, there has never been such a terrible night.

At first, the voices of staff shouting and summoning could be heard constantly, but now it became more and more silent.

"Mr. President! Come on, I'll take you—"

The last young bodyguard who was still awake had just pushed open the door of the rotunda, and fell headlong on the thick handmade Persian rug.

A few pairs of footsteps came slowly outside the half-open door, and a tall and burly man with black and long hair, but exceptionally young and stalwart walked in.

He smiled gently, with sharp canine teeth showing at the corners of his mouth, and greeted Lyndon Johnson.

"Good morning, Mr. President, I'm James Howlett."

Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring.
Edgar Hoover sat in his old lair, in his office at FBI headquarters.

The right half of his face has already jumped out of the "skyline", and no adjective can describe the chaotic expressions of fear, anger, panic, and gloom that are constantly changing.

Seeing that the phone in front of him kept ringing harshly, his body seemed to be petrified, and he didn't have the slightest intention to answer it.

"You can accept it. The order not to see the sun does not include you."

Bucky's alloy left and right hands intertwined, casually placed on his lap, quietly sitting at Director Hoover's desk, and spoke to him kindly.

"I'm still useful."

It was no longer necessary for Hoover to hold his twitching cheeks with his hands, and he had long lost the feeling of that half of his face. After a while, the ringing of the phone finally stopped, and there was no more sound.

Mr. Director didn't say a word of nonsense, he simply stated a fact.

Bucky shrugged and said casually:

"Well, there are still things in your mind that may be useful."

"Can I live?"

"It's hard to say, there is a high probability that after searching your memory, you will become a fool. That lady has a much worse temper than the 'two pole' professor."

Hoover listened to the strange adjectives in the words of the man with metal arms, and after pondering for a while, he roughly understood the meaning, which was accurate.

"Sergeant Barnes?"

Mr. Director tentatively asked, the vast amount of intelligence information in his mind summed up and inferred the identity of the person in front of him.

Bucky smiled and nodded without saying anything. He looked at Hoover opposite and let out a long breath, picked up the square bottom wine glass and drank the last sip with a drunk face, and said hoarsely:

"You don't want to stay alive at all. I have to struggle again, isn't that the reason?"

Bucky spread his right hand and made a gesture of "Please go ahead". He had already felt a few particularly strong and strong breaths, and slowly approached the director's office.

The toe under Hoover's desk kicked a certain switch, and the floor under the seat burst open. The building structure under the director's office was rather strange. There was no normal floor, but a dark passage leading to nowhere.

The door and shutters of the office shattered, and four figures in suits or training uniforms rushed in at the same time, shooting at Bucky who was sitting in the middle.

The four of them fired extremely fast, and the magazine in the pistol was emptied within a second or two. The long-haired man who was the target in the middle just shook his body and blocked it with his metal arm a little, but he was not injured at all.

He took the initiative to meet one person, swung his right fist, and there was a blast in the air. Even the documents and papers on the table were smashed into pieces by the force, and they were scattered in the entire office.

The tallest man in a suit, nearly two meters tall, shielded his arms with shields in front of him. He thought he could easily parry the punch, but his forearm bone, which was as thick as a calf, suddenly bent and broke, and he watched helplessly. A fist was printed.

In the next moment, a huge head exploded into pieces of watermelon, and the remaining three people were also reluctant to fight, and punched, either to explode the head, or directly explode the chest.

Bucky's "Falling Star" punch was a fist that Steve didn't dare to hit hard even without a shield in his hand, especially the full-strength punch of the Edman alloy left fist, which was the only one other than James that could win in the second round. A powerful strike that leaves an imprint on the Adamantium material.

There was no chance of a back and forth fight in the fierce wind and rain. Bucky glanced at the deep hole, smiled and jumped straight down.

Sure enough, after falling more than ten meters, the tunnel had already been sealed by a thick alloy gate. He retreated his left leg, and the reddish energy gushed out from the gap in the shoulder of the alloy arm, piercing through like high-pressure steam. To the face of the fist.

The tens of centimeters thick steel portal was blasted into a cone shape by a punch, and a hole was torn from the pointed end, and it flew three to four meters away along with the surrounding large concrete walls.

Bucky looked at a secret underground garage, and Director Hoover stared at him through the window of the Mercedes-Benz sedan with astonishment. It took less than 20 seconds from when he kicked the hidden door mechanism to when he got into the car and started the ignition.

"I gave you a chance, Mr. Director, but your people are useless."

Hiss. Hiss. Boom!
Edgar Hoover stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, his eyes were red, and he slammed into the death-destroyer who was following him fiercely. Bucky folded his arms, put his right foot up suddenly, and kicked on the front of the car.

The cement floor was immediately rubbed with scorched black marks by the high-speed rotation of the tires. The high-performance Mercedes-Benz car seemed to be stuck against a rock of tens of tons, and the pungent rubber smell came. Bucky frowned and sniffed. , kick down.

The engine in front of the car was exploded by a leg, and a cloud of black smoke rose. Hoover watched the man squeak and pulled out his leg, pulled off the metal door, and dragged himself out by choking his neck.

Edgar Hoover finally understands why those serum research experts keep fretting that Steve Rogers' injections are far more effective than other super soldiers.

He now also has the strength and quality beyond the limit of the human body. The fists and kicks he can do his best are like scratching an itch. The right arm that is not metal firmly clamps his neck without shaking.

Hoover's left face and right face finally got the same expression, with strong unwillingness and despair, he suffocated and passed out.

The headquarters of the FBI has become a mess. In the director's office early on Monday morning, there are four bodies that look like they were stuffed into a bomb and detonated, and the director himself is also missing.

Bucky was carrying Edgar Hoover on his shoulders at this time, staring at the Rogers couple who "met" in a quiet street.

"What do you two mean, I'm afraid I can't figure it out?"

Bucky complained in dissatisfaction, and the two people on the opposite side exchanged a haha, and Steve changed the subject:
"Um... back to the old house together? I don't know what's going on with the teacher."

The three of them walked side by side to the landing point of the Wolf's Nest No. [-] transport plane, and they were all a little dissatisfied with their boring tasks.

Washington, in the Rotunda offices of the White House.

James sat opposite President Lyndon Johnson, who had just been in office for a few days.

He didn't overwhelm the guests, but sat in front of the president's desk, looked around the office with a gentle face, and compared the layout with the scene when he came last time.

Eric and Emma sat on the two sofas in the back very relaxedly, looking at the miserable-faced Mr. President as if watching a play. The entrance hall of the White House full of stacks.

"... I've seen almost every president in the last [-] years at least once, but this office has only been in Abraham's presence."

James is like an elder telling his grandson what he has seen and heard.

"...Lincoln is the closest to me. He later destroyed the records of Southern vampires. Few people know about it. I have a deeper impression of Roosevelt Jr. He was a capable person. His death was not right. Your last President Kennedy, I haven't I died before I could see you, do you know why?"

Johnson looked at the man in front of him intermittently telling various past stories, even including the personal details of some former presidents who had died for many years.

He suddenly received a question, and Mr. President subconsciously scratched the edge of the table, sweat dripping down from the top of his head.

As early as yesterday in the bunker, his courage was wiped out by the staff of the White House possessed by ghosts. His iconic big ears trembled. After muttering for a while, he finally squeezed out a voice:

"He's like you. It's Hoover! He did it"

James finally raised his eyebrows in surprise, he sighed, and shook his head regretfully.

"If he came to me, he wouldn't die. Kennedy would save me a lot of trouble, but it's all going well, isn't it, Mr. President."

James took out a folded letter paper from the inside of his jacket, put it on the table, and said naturally:
"You reorganized the cabinet for you, and some military and judiciary appointments were also listed according to this list. It is clearly written that you will not be in charge of the parliament, and someone will run for election according to the regulations to fill the vacancies."

"you you."

Lyndon Johnson raised his finger tremblingly, his face was pale, and he couldn't say a whole sentence for a while.

He just pointed his index finger at James, but immediately crouched back, and turned to open the dense list full of names and positions.

"Mr. Huhaolit, do you think that with such a violent purge, all American politicians and generals can bow their heads? Make such a country succumb to intimidation and force?"

Mr. President finally regained some of the courage of the heads of state. The wrinkles on his forehead were condensed into a ball, but his tone was still not firm enough.

James caressed the edge of the "Perseverance Table", which has been covered with enamel over time.

"What does the United States rely on to dominate the world?"

Mr. President felt that it was time for him to make an impassioned speech. As soon as he breathed out, he heard the man on the other side say easily:

"About 160 kinds of high-tech, strategic weapons, light and heavy industries, biochemistry, electronic information. The most secret strategic core technology you can think of has been packaged and can be sent to the Soviet Union and China at any time."

Johnson grunted a few times, and continued to listen obediently
"There are more than a dozen places in the United States, and there are several islands off the coast. Intercontinental ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads can be launched at any time. Wall Street, the Federal Central Bank, Treasury bonds, and federal funds."

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I can show you the economic level of this country, back to before World War I."

James didn't pay attention to President Johnson's disheveled face. He had been quietly watching the sun gradually rise outside the window, becoming more and more dazzling, and said to himself like a god:
"My family started as a 'horse breeder'. Do you know how to control the horses well? There is an allusion in the East called 'removing the black sheep'. Hehe, really, shave off the thorny head, and the rest is not difficult."

"Mr Howlett"

Johnson's intake of air is less than that of output at the moment, almost moaning and humming:

"Have you wiped out the hundreds of millions of American citizens?"


James finally came back to his senses, as if he had heard the most ridiculous story, and looked at President Johnson with a half-smile.

"What do you rely on to make people believe in 'God Bless America'? Mr. President, you don't have to worry about this. Come here."

He stood up and walked to the window. He seemed to have observed the sky outside the window for a long time, and accidentally discovered something most interesting. He watched Johnson struggling twice before he could prop up his body with weak legs, and dragged it along the carpet bit by bit.

James lightly supported Lyndon Johnson's shoulders, fearing that he would collapse to the ground with greater strength. He smiled and pointed to the sky where the scorching sun was high, and said with great interest:
"Look, what a beautiful night."

The big hands on the shoulders seemed to be a heavy burden, Johnson tried to raise his eyebrows and eyes, his loose cheeks huddled together under the dazzling sunlight, he gasped a few times like pulling a bellows, and finally murmured:

"...You are right, sir, the night sky tonight."


On the last day of November 1963, the shocking case of President Kennedy being shot on the street was finally announced a week later.

In 1924, he became the predecessor of the FBI, the director of the Bureau of Investigation BOI. Edgar Hoover established the American FBI and served as the director for nearly 40 years.

Due to extreme power ambitions and dissatisfaction with President Kennedy's support for black racial rights, he secretly arranged for gunmen to assassinate the No. 30 fifth president of the United States of America, John Kennedy.

Afterwards, under the investigation of the US government, Hoover's heinous crimes were gradually exposed.

Edgar Hoover, who was in a desperate situation, put all his eggs in one basket and launched a hysterical violent coup and a large-scale bloody assassination through his monstrous power of running the largest federal secret intelligence and secret service department for 40 years.

There was an uproar all over the world at home and abroad, and almost everyone in the United States went out to protest.

Eastern and Western public opinion and high-level governments of various countries have expressed their disbelief and shockingness about this incident, so that the whole world has greatly shaken their trust in the United States and in the Western ruling regime.

More and more political shady and ugly acts about Edgar Hoover have been exposed, and countless unjust cases and unsolved mysteries have been put on the table again.

The conspiracy theories of people all over the world about the secret state agencies and governments are so high that they cannot be added.

In the headline of the English "Times" - "So this is the world without light" wrote:

".This is a dark night that has never been seen in human history. It is a promised land that holds high the lights of freedom. In the United States of America overnight, more than a hundred high-ranking officials suffered the most naked and bloody extreme assassination, and their lives were taken away."

".Do we doubt that the so-called civilization and progress of mankind is just a joke like a big dream. We think that Adolfo Xittler is dead, but maybe in the government offices of every country in the world, there are One or two 'Xinna Quen'."

". Bright! Bright! Bright!"

Also on this day, the BBC, CNN, Fox, NBC
All important channels in all countries in the world are broadcasting live broadcasts of the trial ceremony and confession of Edgar Hoover, the "villain of the century".

The Supreme Court of the United States of America, plus the four new justices appointed urgently due to the vacancy due to the assassination.

A total of nine life-long supreme justices in the United States appeared in court together as Hoover's judges for an unprecedented time.

The world watched as the man on earth who nearly extinguished the lights of the Statue of Liberty made his final confession.

Washington East Congress Avenue.

Sixteen towering marble pillars propped up the gate, and the entire special zone was blocked by tens of thousands of people and media.

In the First Judgment Hall of the Supreme Court, Edgar Hoover was decently dressed in a suit, reciting his confession in a low voice.

".Power will turn human beings into another ugly creature. At this moment, I value my past with boundless regret. This is the awakening of a sinner-we will finally enter a new era, one that respects all life equally. Not skin color, race, wealth level."

Under the sentence of Chief Supreme Justice Earl Warren, the White House, the Congress, and the Supreme Court jointly proposed and confirmed the execution of the only in-court death sentence in the history of the modern judicial system, and imposed a sentence that was abolished for more than half a century. Inhumane hanging.

Edgar Hoover's hanging will be broadcast live to the world on the Supreme Court Plaza, in a blaze of light that will remake America.

Hoover was taken off the trial stand by the bailiffs. He seemed to be in good condition with a calm face. When he came to the cell, he was asked to change into a prison uniform for execution.

As soon as the door of the cell was closed, his body trembled suddenly, pieces of fine indigo blue scales protruded, floating on his old face and clothes like waves, his body shrank rapidly, and suddenly turned back to Rui The appearance of the text.

"Raven played well. I think imitation should be one of your abilities. Your expression and tone are not bad at all, and you didn't stutter in such a big scene."

Eric and Emma were sitting in the room in suits, and Hoover himself was lying on the ground in a chained prison uniform with black and white stripes, his mouth was tightly closed, his eyes were protruding, and the right side of his face was no longer Twitching wildly, but crooked like a paralyzed face, motionless.

"I regretted it as soon as I came here! The crying and screaming of the several plans were useless, I was still too nervous"

Raven drooped his head desolately, as if thinking that another one would make the show even better.

She kicked Hoover in the stomach and asked Emma:
"Is he stupid now, why doesn't he speak, and this guy has also been reformed, can he be hanged?"

Emma smiled and shook her long golden hair that curled up beautifully, and said casually:
"I sealed his language function, and in order to let Mr. Chief understand all this, I deliberately did not hurt his brain in a 'gentle' way. Zola gave him medicine, and his body is not even as good as before the serum modification. .”

Director Hoover, who was finally brought to James by Bucky, was searched by the White Queen for all his core memories telepathically. After the end, Emma said that she had suffered unprecedented "spiritual pollution".

Except for the "wolf disaster" plan, all the hundreds of evil deeds announced are all the real actions of Hoover in the past 40 years, which can be called an encyclopedia of political dark methods.

Intimidation, monitoring, detention, assassination, framing... Even when President Roosevelt was re-elected for his fourth term, when he was about to make drastic changes to the FBI and replace Hoover, he secretly used drugs to pretend to have cerebral congestion and died unexpectedly.

He actually held the souls of two American presidents in his hands.

"Okay, it's time, let someone carry him out."

Eric didn't look at the ground any more, except Hoover, who faced all this with his eyes wide open, and couldn't even bite his tongue to kill himself. The three strode out of the cell of the Supreme Court, and when they came outside, the armed forces pulled up a wall and roadblocks. Isolated side of the empty square.

James Howlett stood with his hands behind his back and stood in the best viewing position directly opposite, leading Steve, Bucky and others, waiting for the final "observation ceremony".


Following Emma all the way through the flow of people that he actively avoided, Mr. Lanshere, who had just stood beside James, listened to his father's soft call without turning his head, leaned forward and responded:

"Well, have you figured out the name of the child?"

 Thank you Xiaoyebaa, Code Correspondent, Wuづliang, Rooster Announcing the World is Red, who have greatly rewarded Deacon, thank you for your votes!Love everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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