Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 104 Extinct Hellfire

Chapter 104 Extinct Hellfire
The "Hellfire" Institute of Special Weapons is located in the complex of various military institutions not far from the north side of the Red Square in Moscow.

Sebastian Shaw was wearing a ochre-red long double-breasted coat, and a silver-black helmet that looked like metal but had a somewhat peculiar texture. He was leading a man with sickly white skin and hair, but Another young girl with green eyes.

Behind him were two tall and thin twins in black suits, a man with short hair and a dark green military uniform who looked like a soldier, and a strange young man with long hair.

Several people strode up to the roof of the institute, where a black-painted Mi-8 military helicopter was parked, and the actual director of the institute, Colonel Sergey Kriki, stood by and waited respectfully.

"Master, the helicopter is ready to take off at any time. The person in charge of the Murmansk Naval Base is Rear Admiral Robert Rostislav. As long as you control him, you can quickly control the entire Murmansk military port."

Colonel Sergey looked at the man in front of him with a look of fanatical excitement.

Xiao Helmet showed a fairly satisfied look on his face, and raised his lips jokingly, remembering the time when he was submissive and forbearing under Colonel Sergey.

Suddenly, this burly and tough Mr. Colonel grabbed Xiao's hand obsessively, kissed the back of his hand frantically, and kept telling his loyalty.

Xiao kicked Sergei away, shook his hands in disgust, and glared sternly at Nina Ivanovna, who was covering her mouth and snickering beside her.

Nina's stature is still not very tall, she is only about 1.6 meters tall, wearing a black fur coat and a thick mink fur hat, she looks round and cute.

"Can't you just stop leaving these disgusting thoughts, uncle doesn't like Nina like this."

The girl followed Xiao into the helicopter and sat down, aggrieved and tenderly defended:
"Nina can't control them all the time. She just puts the 'seeds' in and lets these minds suggest themselves to take root and sprout. Everyone's mental state and subconscious will be different, so there will be various strange behaviors."

The four people behind Xiao sat in one by one. The moment the pair of thin, brown freckled twins came in for the last time, Colonel Sergey no longer saw the huge black military transport helicopter.

As if these scenes were erased from this world, even the roar of the helicopter's blades spinning rapidly disappeared without a trace.

Red Square is a famous square in the center of Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, adjacent to the Kremlin in the southwest.It is a place for mass gatherings and military parades during important festivals.

In Russian, "red" means "beautiful". Red Square means "beautiful square". Wall and three towers, the south is Moskvasily Cathedral.

With a total area of ​​more than [-] square meters, it has a solemn atmosphere, which contrasts with the rich and gorgeous buildings of the surrounding Orthodox Church, and fully shows the magnificent atmosphere of one of the "two poles".

In winter, there are not many people on the square, and today's cold wind is howling, the weather is extremely cold, only the etiquette team patrolling the Red Square from time to time.

Occasionally passers-by also squeezed their heads tightly, pressed the felt hat on their heads with one hand, walked quickly across the square, and faintly heard a strange roar above their heads, but they just thought it was because of the heavy snowstorm, so they didn't pay much attention .

The snow on the square seemed to be blown by a strong wind, causing rows of white air waves, and it seemed that something invisible had fallen on the open space in the middle, but there was a dull abnormal noise.

James came out from the holed tail of the "Wolf Nest II" aircraft, casually wearing a neat and easy-to-move black suit, which was very similar to the combat uniform of the wolves.

Emma and Eric, who were half a body behind, followed closely, each wearing white and dark red fur cloaks.

Emma is wearing a white fur coat, revealing a flat and firm belly, with a bumpy figure, long white leather gloves and boots, which are particularly eye-catching.

She has mastered James' "taste" more and more over the years.

Bucky and Colin led all the winter wolf warriors in full armor to keep up. Asazo, who fell at the back, was wrapped tightly in a fur coat, and walked down with his tail tucked.

James looked at the queue that was passing by more than 20 meters away in front of him. He looked around the square and said in satisfaction:

"It's right to send you to study physics hard. Although your academic performance is so-so, at least you have developed your own skills in a decent way."

Eric Lanshere's slim dark red suit, coupled with his tall and straight figure of 1.8 meters [-], his handsome appearance, has a bit of arrogance. After hearing his father's praise, he was happy but humbled. :

"It's just using electromagnetic force to bend the visible light around you to achieve an invisible visual effect. It's not as good as Emma's spiritual invisibility, which can make people unable to hear or smell, and even shield the sense of touch."

Eric shook his head with lingering fear. If he had to say what kind of power scares him the most at the moment, it is the mind manipulation that cannot be caught and resisted. He has always envied a body that is as invulnerable as his father.

"I can only shield the senses of each living individual. If there are too many, it will be difficult. And it's not like you can shield the radar scan and let the aircraft fly all the way here."

Emma smiled and said that with the practice of evolution over the years, her physique has become stronger and stronger, and she is almost as brave as the warriors of the wolf pack, but there is always a layer of barriers. Practiced in one stage.

"It's just that each has its own characteristics. In the end, where you can go depends on your knowledge and mastery of strength. Both of you are top talents at least at the Alpha level. Reaching the third stage will be much more difficult than ordinary mutants. Later There is a second or even third floor, take your time, don’t rush.”

James casually mentioned a few words, and everyone immediately walked towards the north side of the Red Square. Asazo teleported away first, and arrived at the "Hellfire" Special Weapons Research Institute, constantly flickering, and searched from room to room. .

woo. woo. woo

As soon as he arrived outside the research institute, he heard sharp sirens sounding from the whole building one after another. It may be that Asazo has already attracted his attention.

James signaled Eric to remove the visual occlusion, and the guard at the door dazzled, then blinked in disbelief, and stared blankly at the dozen or so strangely dressed people who suddenly appeared in front of him.

The guard subconsciously picked up his gun and aimed at James who was standing in the front, but the rifle in his hand suddenly rattled, the wooden butt of the gun shattered, and the gun body twisted and deformed, like a steel bar stuck behind him The cement wall, the guards are firmly fastened to the wall.

James walked towards the research institute calmly, without any urgency. The guards and Soviet soldiers kept rushing around, and before they could fire, they covered their heads and yelled and passed out, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Or they were deformed and squeezed by the weapons and helmets in their hands, and lost their ability to move.

Bucky, Colin, and the other ten Winter Wolf warriors were a little helpless. They watched Miss Emma and Eric deal with all the ordinary soldiers with a wave of their hands, and they really felt that they had robbed themselves of the opportunity to make a move.

Asazo flashed in front of James, shook his head and said, "I haven't found it, he's not in the research institute, and there are many special sensing devices here, which are very exciting, very exciting."

The Red Devil bared his fangs, and said something incomprehensible. Behind him, Colonel Sergey, the person in charge of the Hellfire Research Institute, finally rushed out with a dozen mutant warriors.

"The colonel stays, and all the others are dealt with."

James made a soft voice and gave the order. He didn't think that as long as he was a mutant, he could be his compatriots. The opponents were all enemy fighters. Since he went deep into the enemy camp with a high profile this time, he didn't plan to hold back.

"I said Eric, Emma, ​​you two, take a break, and leave some entertainment for our boys."

Bucky shook his shoulders, and said to the two young rookies with a smile, Emma's mind explosion alone could wipe out most of the enemies, and they didn't want to come out just for nothing.

The "Hellfire" mutant troops rushed out a strong young man over two meters tall. Without any cover or observation, he charged forward, took out two daggers from his back waist, and slashed at the wrists of both hands , and cut his own chest indiscriminately.

Blood spewed out from several openings more than ten centimeters long, but it condensed and changed strangely, gradually covering the whole body, and the blood flowing out from the cut wrist was also shaped into two black and red sharp scythes.

The warriors of the wolf pack tentatively focused their fire, and the men in blood-colored armor blocked most of the firepower. The soldiers of the mutant army behind them showed their skills, jumping or running fast, and some shook their bodies. Retreat into the shadows and battle the winter wolves.

Opper found this man who could rely on hardened blood armor to resist bullets. He took out the vibrating gold dagger that every winter wolf is equipped with, and threw himself on him. Hit, bang, the opponent staggered back a few steps, hastily parrying Opper's slash.

The blood coagulation sickle, which has always been tough and sharp, cracked a gap within a few strokes, faintly about to shatter.

James watched the battle of the winter wolves. Most of the mutant warriors with mutant bodies were not their three-in-one enemy. The wolves' years of hand-to-hand combat skills, combined with the killing technique to improve the super-soldier physique, reached the level of Dr. Erskine Classified three levels of destructive power standards.

That is, it is close to the destructive power of medium-sized firepower weapons, roughly comparable to shoulder-fired rocket launchers, landmines, mortars, and heavy-duty sniper rifles.

Azazzo teleported to Colonel Sergey's side, pinched his neck in his frightened eyes, and the two turned into a cloud of black smoke, flashing in front of James and Emma.

Emma understood James' eyes, stretched out her white and slender palms to cover the eyes of the colonel who was restrained by the red devil, slightly closed her eyelids, and kept rolling her eyes.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and said solemnly to James, "Xiao wants to cause a nuclear war."

Colonel Sergey, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly trembled violently. He grunted and spurted out large streams of blood. It turned out that he had bitten off his own tongue.

"His brain has been planted with deep layers of psychic hints. Maybe the last layer is that he would rather die than reveal Xiao's secret. I have never been very good at this kind of psychic ability to control, so I can only search it out roughly. his memory."

James nodded, his eyes fixed, and he looked at Emma seriously:

"Tell me what Xiao plans to do."

Murmansk Port is a famous year-round ice-free port in the northern part of the Soviet Union and an important military port in the Arctic Ocean. The port area is long and narrow, 8.5 kilometers long from north to south, and can accommodate ships of 1.3 tons.

There are one and a half months of long nights and two months of long days in a year. During the two months before and after the summer solstice, the sun does not set all day long, turning around in the sky again and again.

"Is this the nuclear submarine 'November'?"

Sebastian Xiao looked at the "November" nuclear submarine slowly rising from the submarine berthing area of ​​the military port with great interest. Some impression of a nuclear powered submarine.

Rear Admiral Robert Rostislav, the supreme officer of the Naval Base in Naval Harbor, saluted and introduced loudly:
"Yes, sir! The first nuclear-powered submarine, the Type 627 N-class, and there's a newly-launched Project 658 HI-class with ballistic missiles."

Xiao was obviously more interested in the new model equipped with strategic missiles, and said eagerly, "Then I want this one."


Major General Robert obviously hesitated, his brows were furrowed, and his expression was struggling in pain.

Nina stepped forward and poked the Major General on the forehead with her finger on tiptoe. Soon, Mr. Major General stood at attention and saluted again, ordering the captain and officers of the submarine to obey Xiao's order.

"Is there a nuclear warhead in it?"

Xiao excitedly asked Major General Robert, then winked at Nina and the mutants behind him, and they accompanied Nina to plant spiritual seeds for the submarine officers and soldiers one by one.

"I'm sorry, sir. This ship has just completed its launch test and has not loaded any ballistic missiles. Moreover, the launch of a nuclear bomb requires the authorization of the Supreme Leader and the Minister of Defense at the same time and the delivery of the nuclear code. Without this procedure, even if the missile is launched, it is safe. The device will also ensure that the nuclear warhead does not trigger an explosion."

Xiao nodded sloppily. He had already understood this point. Fortunately, the seeds had been planted, and the Soviet side had made arrangements, leaving only the United States.

Rear Admiral Robert Rostislav looked at the sinking nuclear submarine for the last time, blowing kisses like a child with his trembling white beard, saying goodbye to the invisible Xiao.

In the submarine cabin, Sebastian Xiao sat in the cramped command room with some discomfort, and said to several followers with unclear meaning in his eyes:
"It would be great if I could control a mutant who can move instantly, so I don't have to run around like this anymore, don't you think, Andre?"

Xiao recalled the red devil in the Alps, and the forces that had been faintly looking for his own position all these years, and secretly felt ruthless in his heart. He finally had some capital, and when the plan was successful, he would never...
Andre, a soldier with tough facial features and a short cropped head, remained silent as usual. When he heard Xiao's casual question, he smiled a little and didn't say much.

Bucky finally pinched a bald soldier with a birthmark on his face and strange patterns. The Edman alloy left arm gently squeezed his neck and broke his neck. Bacteria cause disease.

During the battle, several Winter Wolf fighters got hit unknowingly and vomited uncontrollably. Fortunately, Bucky, relying on his strong resistance, rushed up and squeezed the weak guy to death. James noticed.

"In his memory, Xiao and the albino mutant named Nina gave psychological hints to important figures in the Soviet army. Once the United States made a major military move, the Soviet side would take extreme reactions, thus trigger a nuclear war."

Emma told James about the information she had searched from Colonel Sergey's brain. After listening to it, James asked suspiciously:
"Why didn't he just let the mutant directly order the Soviets to launch nuclear missiles at the United States, instead of making such a big detour."

The battle of the surrounding winter wolf warriors gradually came to an end. From the corner of his eye, James caught a glimpse of a mutant soldier bursting out from the shadows. Colin was the first to expect it, and kicked his head with a high leg.

Emma shook her head helplessly, and explained to James:

"Will and mental manipulation are the most profound and complicated of this kind of mutant abilities. I don't have much talent in this area, and the mutants around Xiao can't completely control a person's mental thinking, they can only guide , hints and deceit, and the longer the effect, the better."

"Like this Colonel Sergey, he may have been infiltrated for a long time, and even planted a psychological inducement that he would rather die than betray, and those high-ranking Soviet high-level officials will not have too many opportunities for them to reform their thinking a little bit. Directly depriving the mind and ordering the launch of nuclear missiles. I can't imagine what kind of powerful mind control this will be."

James pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly. After reaching today's level, his spirit and ideas have undergone several transformations, but they are only simple and crude with the characteristic of "immortality", and he knows little about this extremely complicated field.

Emma's psychic power is extremely strong, but she is more inclined to fight. The powerful psychic blast, deterrence and psychic barrier can effectively destroy a person's spirit or resist similar psychic attacks.

To a certain extent, it can affect other people's perception of oneself, and even deceive the five senses to create an extremely real illusion, but so far, it has not been able to truly grasp the power to control the spirit and will.

James put aside his thoughts for the time being, took Emma and Eric into the research institute, and led by Asazo, checked some prisons where mutants of various colors were held.

Most of these mutants are dangerous elements with mutation ability and can't control themselves. Some of them are quite talented, and they are all energy-type mutants with high potential for discovery.

But these mutants who grew up in the Soviet military system were very loyal, and James was not interested in taking them back to study one by one.They found Xiao's office and took away all the documents and materials.

Outside the research institute, the wolves had already cleaned up the battlefield. Only four people were slightly injured. James looked back at the large-scale building and walked out. Everyone followed him all the way, only Eric Lanshere stayed at the end.

He raised his arms horizontally, his body slowly floated up, hovered more than 20 meters into the air and stopped, and the wind and snow blew Eric's robes. The three connected buildings of the "Hellfire" Mutation Research Institute began inexplicably. shaking.

As if distorted and deformed by some kind of huge force, countless bricks, stones and concrete stones shattered and smashed down. The steel structure building and the foundation creaked harshly, bending and collapsing section by section. It was crushed down like an invisible giant hand.

The whole row of buildings moved instantly, and finally filled with boundless dust, slowly drifting away.

The field army defending Moscow has already driven armored vehicles, tanks, and armed helicopters to the Red Square, and James and others have long since disappeared without a trace.

Surrounding the research institute swept by Emma's last mind blast, sporadic mutant survivors climbed up from the ruins of the collapsed building. They escaped with their own skills, but it seemed more like Eric didn't deliberately Killer.

However, some ordinary people or mutants who survived this encounter lost this part of their special memories, as if there was a blank space in their minds that had been ripped out.

beep, beep, beep
The radio transmitter of the nuclear submarine received a message from Mosk. The submarine captain looked at it and sent it to the room of the chief officer, Sebastian Shaw. But a voice kept repeating Xiao's important identity to him in his mind.

Xiao took the military newspaper, read a few lines for a long time, sat on the chair without saying a word, rubbed his cheeks and hair with his hands, and even his facial features were twisted and twisted, his eyes crawled. Bloodshot, he choked back the full roar in his throat.

Sebastian Shaw, who worked hard for more than ten years, finally controlled the "Hellfire" base camp in his hands. It was completely destroyed, just like the original Auschwitz.

 Everyone must want to scold me, let this Xiao run away again, don’t be angry, don’t be angry, again and again, Xiao’s behavior will promote the intersection and changes of the characters in this plot, and will affect the tension of the follow-up story. He still has life The usefulness of coming down is only to live for another day or two, poison is impossible.

Love everyone, scold lightly, the dish is very fragile, the kind that punches and cries for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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