Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 101 Traitor (2 in 1)

Chapter 101 Traitor ([-] in [-])

Jingle Bell!Jingle Bell!
The ear-piercing fire alarm echoed in every corner of the entire sanatorium hospital, strands of black smoke leaked out from the ventilation ducts and countless gaps, the doctors and nurses were busy moving the patients, they were too late and could not find the source of the fire , it only matters if you run out first.

In the abandoned basement of the hospital, the garden at the back door, and the disabled elevator shaft, all kinds of people wearing research uniforms or even military uniforms suddenly ran up from the hidden passages opened.

Many ordinary sanatorium staff looked on in astonishment, as if they had been stabbed into an ant's nest deep in the ground. Regardless of the fear that some of them were still splashed with blood, they fled to the road outside together desperately.

It didn't take long before the ground under our feet trembled violently, and a thunderous roar was faintly heard. The building of the sanatorium swayed and collapsed in a daze. Out of the group of flames, like purgatory.

"I thought you were going to kill everyone here."

Azazzo and Steve Rogers appeared out of nowhere on the hillside not far away, and he took the Adamantium short knife handed back by Steve, which was as clean as new without a trace of blood.

"Your knife skills are not bad, I can't do it so neatly, without blood."

Steve looked at the ruins of the nursing home that still exploded and shook from time to time, and finally responded: "Weapons are the extension of fists and feet. Many people below have never even seen me. Just solve a few people who have been 'getting close' to me." gone."

They watched for the last moment, and there were already a large number of military off-road vehicles and armored vehicles speeding up in the distance. Asazo put Steve on the shoulder, and disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.

When the Strategic Science Corps received an emergency communication and learned that the secret research institute outside New York had been destroyed, Steve Rogers stabbed more than a dozen researchers and military security personnel and disappeared, and the branch director Roger Dooley had just repaired There was no trace of blood on the delicate face.

The old butler Casper handed Steve an exquisitely crafted but obviously old-fashioned black leather jacket, raised his chin, and motioned for him to put it on.

"This is my master's clothes from a long time ago. His body shape has changed a lot over the years. The most troublesome time. The size of this dress should be just right for you."

Steve touched the unusually delicate sheepskin jacket with empty eyes. He didn't notice the satisfied expression on the old butler Casper's face after he put it on. He kicked his hand into his pocket and looked hesitant.

"Go ahead, it's not a big deal. You've been cautious since you were young. You look gentle, but you always want to do your best."

The old butler patted Steve on the broad shoulders and urged him to go upstairs, where James was waiting for him in the study.

Tuk Tuk Tuk


The door of the study was open, and James smoked a "golden apple" specially made for him, nodded and motioned for Steve to come in.

"Where's the shield?"

Steve Rogers opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer for a while.

"If you lose something, go get it back yourself."

James said calmly, watching the student's eyes suddenly gather together, and added: "Thinking about it on the way, why is this happening."

Steve nodded vigorously, strode out of the quaint study, and Bucky, who was leaning on the armrest of the chair at the stairway, embraced his arms and walked down with him naturally.

"The teacher said, I want to get it back by myself."

Steve pushed Bucky's shoulder, shook his head, and said to him very persistently, seeing that Bucky still wanted to speak, he grinned instead.

"Why, don't you believe me?"

Bucky was silent for a moment, then grinned and said, "Hurry up, come back and fight with me."

He found Asazo in the basement of the old house. Although he had to retrieve the shield by himself, he still needed the help of the Red Devil to send him away.

After a while.

"Have you figured out how to appear?"

"How did it appear?" Steve looked at the red devil with a smirk on his face. They continued to teleport and change, and finally found the military base of the Strategic Science Corps in New Jersey.

puff puff!

Steve was brought into the air more than 100 meters above the base, and Asazo disappeared immediately. He teleported to the roof of a certain building, watching him free fall and falling rapidly with a smile.

Steve Rogers fell from the sky, his left knee touched the ground, and he squatted halfway in the middle of the base playground. A pit was smashed into the masonry ground, and cracks spread like spider webs.

The soldiers on the sentry tower were stunned for a long time, and the surrounding patrol training team unconsciously stopped, watching this very familiar man slowly get up and walk forward.

Warning whistles sounded everywhere, and Steve was wearing a black wolf pack combat uniform and tactical military boots, without any special markings, and walked step by step without squinting towards a trapezoidal concrete stone structure building in the style of a bunker.

It was the ground entrance to the underground research room he was familiar with, with the number E47 painted on the door.

Rows of off-white brick-walled camps, cafeterias, and training grounds are still familiar to me. There used to be a signboard of "Captain America's Birthplace" hanging on the gate, but now it is gone.

A line of armored military vehicles galloped up and stopped in front of Steve. A middle-aged officer wearing sunglasses and a colonel's badge on his shoulder came down, and a dozen strong soldiers behind him jumped out of the vehicle and lined up to clean up.

"This is Steve Rogers? Is that the captain? Didn't I hear that he retired?"

There are more and more soldiers and officers onlookers, and the discussion among the crowd is becoming more and more noisy. For the ordinary American people, the "Captain America" ​​who was once well-known in every household has just quietly disappeared, and even the army officers only vaguely know that he has secretly retired. .

Only a small group of high-level officials in charge of the Super Soldier Program and the intelligence work of the Strategic Science Corps understood what happened, and a considerable number of them were still told that Captain Rogers had resisted orders and collaborated with the enemy.

In the barracks, Steve adopted a basic vigilance attitude towards the exaggerated appearance of Steve, but he did not raise it to a state of preparation for battle.

"Captain Rogers, I am the head of the New Jersey base of the Strategic Science Corps, Colonel Thomas, what is your business here?"

Steve looked at this Mr. Colonel with long hair, a firm face, and a tough tone, and then glanced at the dozen or so soldiers behind him, knowing it in his heart, and smiled disdainfully.

"Take back what's mine."

"The important base of the American military here is the property of the country. Captain Rogers, I sincerely advise you"

Colonel Thomas approached, not afraid of this murderer who had killed a special operations company and six newly promoted super soldiers under a planned ambush.

"Surrender is bondage! Follow the military's arrangement and fight for the country like you did before. I can assure you that everything you own will be taken back."

Mr. Colonel's words are sonorous and powerful, full of the arrogance and domineering of American military officers.

Steve raised his chin, looked at Colonel Thomas meaningfully and said:
"The latter, as well as the twelve soldiers before, all came from you, right? That operation, if my guess is correct, is also your plan? Colonel Thomas."

Thomas took a deep look at Steve, whose expression and temperament had changed drastically. He didn't say anything more. He was about to step back when his eyes dazzled. Soldier queue for firing.

Bang bang bang.
The sudden burst of fire immediately blew up the battalion, and there was a firepower conflict in the barracks, which was a very serious mutiny camp incident.

The ordinary officers and soldiers who were still watching curiously, swearing indiscriminately, quickly hid back to the camp, picked up their equipped guns, and watched the increasingly terrifying battle.

The nearly [-] soldiers brought by Colonel Thomas are another group of super soldiers who have completed the transformation of serum injections. Since the success of the serum re-engraving and the effectiveness of the experiment, a special individual combat team has been formed, and it has officially been put on the military schedule of the US military. .

Steve dodges the volley of assault rifles, kicks the military jeep, and smashes it into the formation of super soldiers. Interestingly, none of them survived the ambush of Steve that day. ,so.
The muffled sound of rattling bones reached Steve's ears. He watched the dozen or so soldiers finish firing a round of bullets, then abandoned their guns at the same time, twisted their joints and necks, and strode towards him.

"Steve Rogers, I once really regarded you as a hero. I remember all your brilliant achievements, but when I, Alice Morgan, got this power, I—"


Second Lieutenant Morgan, who was more than two meters tall after being injected with serum, had a flash in his eyes, and his chest collapsed deeply. Steve didn't move, but quickly retracted his whip legs. The Second Lieutenant knelt down on the ground and vomited blood.

"Idiot! Keke he is different from you! Different! Let's go together!"

Colonel Thomas, with a broken bone in his back, roared hoarsely, and ordered the armed forces of the entire camp to open fire on Steve Rogers.

The light red air flow spurted out from every pore of Steve, the bangs on his forehead swayed, his body seemed to swell again, he raised his hands and swung his arms, his two arms were like thick iron whips, whipping The air rumbled.

The super soldiers who went up one by one were no match for the enemy. The crossed arms were broken, and the collarbone of the shoulder was sunken together. Steve swung his arms and crashed into more than a dozen super soldiers like a hurricane. within the battle circle.

The weird arm was as soft as water, and the whip was as long as it was, but it was twisted like strands of steel bars, and it exploded the skeleton's head all the way.

Steve Rogers' face was stained with red and white blood, and he found the indescribable joy when he killed the enemy for the first time.

He no longer suppressed himself, without any hesitation, he watched two soldiers charge towards the steel column as thick as a bucket, and punched it, and the two of them were immediately fixed in place, watching Steve lightly embrace the column, left and right With a flick, the two of them were sent flying.

"Come on, Major. What should I do, open fire?"

The surrounding teams looked at Steve Rogers, who was in full swing and crushed purely unilaterally, all with bitter faces.

The major who was in command gritted his teeth, and said a word that made everyone feel at ease instantly: "How to shoot! What if I accidentally injured Colonel Thomas and other soldiers?"

The last two super fighters who had just completed a major turning point in their lives completely lost the excitement and arrogance of a few days ago. They watched Steve like a blazing flame, twisting the air and pressing towards them step by step. Few of the surrounding comrades could still breathe.

They watched helplessly as Steve Rogers walked up to Colonel Thomas, who was slumped to one side, and slowly squatted down.

"You haven't answered my question yet, Colonel Thomas, did you make that plan?"

"Rogers cough cough"

Mr. Colonel's complexion was flushed strangely, he rubbed his feet to the ground, rubbed his feet up, sat up straighter, and stared viciously into Steve's blue eyes.

"Did you betray your country like this? You are treason!"

"Tell me Mr. Colonel, can you represent America?"

Steve stood up, not really paying attention to whether Colonel Thomas had an answer, as if kicking away an obtrusive stone at his feet, raised his leg and blasted him more than ten meters away, making a crisp sound, hitting the armored vehicle in front of him The body shook for a while.

He continued to pace towards the E47 underground laboratory. The eyes of the surrounding soldiers followed him all the way, but no one made a sound or stopped him.

bang. bang. bang.
Steve punched the heavy pure steel door, and the surrounding alloy bolts were broken little by little. The concrete wall trembled and gradually cracked. The more than ten centimeters thick door was covered with dense fist marks. Finally crashed down.

Howard Stark sat in his workshop, calmly and complicatedly watching the expressionless Captain Rogers walking towards him step by step.

"It's all here, I haven't moved it, remember you didn't promise me to study them."

Stark no longer had the ease and joy of joking in the past. He took a deep breath, puffed up his chest, and even continued with a bit of begging: "Do you really want to do this? This country is for you— "

"Thank you, Mr. Stark, thank you for your respect for me. This country is very important to me. I never thought of betraying her, but from today, I will use my own way to protect America."

Steve Rogers burst into his trademark smile again, warm and incomparably reassuring, he patted Howard's shoulder lightly, his words relaxed and relieved.

He stretched out his hand, paused for a moment, picked up the shield again, looked at the five-pointed star in the middle, twitched the corners of his mouth, turned and left.

New York, Strategic Science Corps Division.

Peggy Carter curled up in the corner of the iron bed in the solitary remand cell. A few days later, she was still wearing the long skirt and beige shirt she had when she came out of the house, with her arms wrapped around her calves, her face deeply buried.

"Where is the special service team? Call for backup!"

Hearing the gunshots and shouts from outside, Peggy subconsciously clenched the bed sheet tightly, thinking of an answer she had been looking forward to but was even more afraid of.

Soon, the noise outside disappeared, only the sound of a pair of leather boots kicking on the ground, approaching step by step.

boom!The iron door of the prison room was kicked away, and Steve walked in tall and handsome.

He was wearing his blue-black combat uniform, the American emblem on it had been torn off, and he was holding a shield in his right hand, but as if deliberately, three black ink marks were like scratches, tearing apart the star-striped pattern.

"I'm sorry Peggy, I'm here to take you home."

Peggy Carter's lips trembled, tears welled in her eyes but didn't flow.

She didn't ask what Steve did or where she wanted to take her, but she just jumped down, stared at Steve for a moment, and hugged his waist.

Steve took Peggy into his arms, and with a pop, Azazzo came over.

He didn't care about the lady's terrified eyes, flicked his tail, and said relaxedly: "Is there another stop, Captain Rogers."

"This is my eldest brother, Asazo."

Steve introduced to Peggy. She looked at the red-skinned devil with a long tail in front of her, bowed gracefully to salute herself, and greeted her stutteringly.

"Go back, Roger Dooley should be hiding, for now."

On this day, there is nothing special for ordinary American citizens, and there is no special message in public opinion, but the American military, the White House, regards this day as the worst treason day in history.

The hero of World War II, "Captain America" ​​Steve Rogers, destroyed a secret research institute, a military base, and a branch of the Strategic Science Corps in the New York City area.

Killed Colonel Thomas, one of the top leaders of the SSR, more than a dozen super soldiers who had just been injected with serum, and several military soldiers and secret service personnel.

Steve Rogers has become the most wanted criminal in the United States, a criminal who is not wanted at the ordinary social level, and the number one dangerous person who will never be tried, only sniped and imprisoned indefinitely.

In the top secret file of Area 51 in the United States, he only has one code name - traitor.

"Miss Peggy, first meeting, James Howlett, Steve's teacher."

James gently introduced himself to Peggy Carter. He often did not treat his students so gently, but he was extremely patient and considerate to their families, whether it was Steve's mother or Miss Peggy.

Peggy took a deep breath. She didn't know where this inexplicable tension came from, as if it was the first time she came to the house to meet her parents.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Howlett. The person Steve and I mentioned the most is you."

James smiled and nodded, motioning for Miss Peggy to sit down and rest. He looked at Steve who was standing aside holding the shield, and didn't say much, just ordered the kitchen to go down and prepare.

It was a dinner with a great atmosphere, like a big family. James sat at the head, and the old butler Casper sat beside him. His two little grandsons and granddaughters came to James' side anxiously from time to time. , stared at him blankly, and whenever James looked over, he blushed and ran away.

Bucky told Ms. Peggy about Steve's childhood fun, and a few boys from the wolf pack drank wine and joked with each other in a relaxed manner.

Since Colin Pitt became a wolf, he always has a serious look in front of them, but tonight James is just drinking and joking with everyone like an ordinary elder, and he can't stretch himself, turning back to a young man in his 20s heart.

After dinner, Steve arranged for Peggy to go back to her room to rest first, went upstairs alone, and knocked on the door of James' study.

"Sit down first, come up with something."

James waved his hand, walked into the room from the spacious peripheral balcony, sat behind the desk, and looked at the disciple in front of him who had undergone an inexplicable change in temperament.

"You actually mentioned it to me a long time ago, on the day Baki was apprenticed to a teacher, but I didn't really think it through. I was obsessed with the future enemy you said. Now I understand what it means to accept myself."

James watched Steve continue talking with interest.

"Accept your own strengths, your own differences, and never again have the illusion that we can live in peace with the world."

"You are much luckier than me in the process of understanding this truth. I have paid a very painful price to understand."

James pondered, his eyes a little out of focus, as if returning to the memory of a long, long time ago in his mind.

Steve didn't bother the teacher, and after a while, he continued to speak calmly.

"I should ask you to read more about anthropology and sociology. The cornerstone of the world's current rule is formed by the uneven distribution of productivity and resources. The superstructure relies on 90.00% of people to control more than [-]% of the world. resources to secure their position.”

James felt that his mouth was a little dry, so he poured a glass of gin on the table, motioned for Steve to get a glass, and poured him a glass too.

"However, our appearance has changed this structure, a new form of social formation, a new world based on the essence of life, stronger and more magnificent individual life, will reach the top of the pyramid, so future enemies, have A large part of it comes from the traditional forces that already exist in this world."

"You mean that ordinary humans are hostile to all extraordinary beings?"

Steve took a sip of the amber gin in the glass and asked deliberately.

"They will first find a way to crack such a mystery and try to master it, but when they finally find that this change cannot be controlled, the best way is to return everything to the familiar origin."

"The evolution of civilization and the change of race is a very cruel thing. From ancient times to today, too many lives have become sand in the torrent of history. The birth of a new civilization will inevitably be accompanied by the destruction of the old one."

Steve seemed to have thought of some terrible direction. He drank the last glass of wine and asked directly: "Do you want to promote a new civilization and destroy the old world?"

"Cough cough."

James looked at the student a little strangely, just like when he saw him kill for the first time.

"No need, this world will evolve naturally, just like the Darwinian evolutionism respected by the West, but there will definitely be rulers of the old world trying to obstruct this evolution, and they are the problems we need to face."

"Then my actions today will expose the Howlett family to their eyes."

James smiled, leaned back on the chair, put his feet on the table in a relaxed manner, and said casually: "They have already noticed it, but they won't have such a deep understanding today, and there is one more thing you forgot."

Steve frowned and looked at the teacher suspiciously.

"Me too, one of them."

 I haven't seen many comments recently, I haven't interacted with you much, and my condition is slightly worse. Our grades are steadily improving, and the pressure and anxiety of the disk are getting heavier. Get up early tomorrow and adjust the status of code words. This volume is approaching its climax.

Love everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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