Marvel King of Glory

Chapter 465

Chapter 465 : Death is approaching

When Yi Han summoned Guan Yu and Yu Ji, he deeply realized their desire to fight. He just hid in the dark but didn’t find them. He immediately understood that it must be Mi Yue’s arrangement.

Since I took Cyborg and Aquaman from behind to give them a fatal blow, I definitely want to maximize the results of this time.

Miyue does have a back plan, but just now General Zod suddenly came out and almost penetrated Superman frontally, making them appear much worse. General Zod should be able to easily block Guan Yu and Yu Ji’s first wave of attacks and adjust them to the opponent. time.

And Yi Han rushed out at the critical moment, forcing General Zod to also concentrate all his strength to deal with his attack. Others could not get rid of the attack of Diana and others. All the enemies were in a state of being restrained. At this time It is most suitable for Guan Yu and Yu Ji to join the battle group suddenly.

“Saddle knife roars!”

After receiving Miyue’s signal and entering the battlefield, Guan Yu raised his speed to the highest level even in a very short distance. The speed and the sword’s momentum were perfectly combined, and he hit the strongest Zord on the field!

Yi Han frowned. In terms of the situation, Guan Yu’s choice is actually problematic. In the current situation, I don’t need his support here.

Instead, he should attack the weaker Penguin and other enemies. Help Diana and other superhero to get rid of them first, freeing up more people, so that they can use more and more power to support the wandering, and finally it will be easier to concentrate the power of many people to defeat General Zod.

But Guan Yu’s overly arrogant character made him sometimes know where the most convenient way is and still stick to his own path. As an experienced hero in the world of Wu Sheng and King of Glory, it is impossible for him to fail to see such a simple situation, but he still chose the target of attack that he must insist on.

definitely, maybe it is precisely because of this persistence that he can become such a powerful hero now.

Belief is also an indispensable part of strength growth. Yi Han couldn’t accuse him, especially his respected second brother Guan, anyway, now their strength is enough to overwhelm the opponent, nothing more than the strength of the battle.

Yu Ji made Yi Han a lot more worry-free, and she was not as arrogant as Guan Yu, she shook her hand, revealing her delicate but deadly dangerous double crossbow for the first time.

“The wind will take away the proof of your existence…!”

A Cloud Crossbow, that is not as powerful as Sun Shangxiang’s Tumble Strike. Although she doesn’t have the blessing of Endless Blade, the enemies she faces are far less than those of BOSS-level characters like Thanos.

“Snipe them! Can’t let them reach the battlefield smoothly!” Joker is also aware of his own crisis. Although I don’t know how the plan went wrong, Yi Han actually jumped out of the position where they were accurately ambushing them, and they hadn’t been seen for a few days. The opponent also had two powerful heroes to support him. He invited the Red Lantern Corps and General Zod’s The advantage is completely offset, and the ambush plan is also equivalent to the opponent’s ambush.

Deadshot calmly shifted his gun. Although his power may not be as powerful as the opponent’s Superman, Yi Han and other powerful heroes, he is still the strongest sniper in the world!

He will use this bullet to tell the Justice League people not to ignore your own existence!

However, his thoughts just arose, and at the same time he covered Yu Ji into his aim, but suddenly he felt a gust of wind blowing on his face. As a sniper’s instinct, he smelled death, and it was It comes from myself!

Before he had any other consciousness, a sharp arrow had already arrived in front of him. Although Deadshot escaped a disaster last time, it is definitely not the kind of person who is known for his speed. He has not yet made an evasive movement. The sharp arrow has passed under his neck. With all organs destroyed, no one can bring him back to life.

Moreover, the power of Li Jian was not weakened by hitting him, and it extended out again to shoot the two of the outer Owl Court Gunners behind, until the boundary of Yu Ji’s skills, Li Jian naturally stopped and dissipated into the void.

“Be careful! This shooter is terrible! Don’t stay in the same place and let her shoot!”

Originally, long-range precision attacks were the advantage of the anti-justice alliance, but the appearance of Yu Ji completely reversed this situation.

What the outside shooters need to worry about is not Yi Han’s powerful fireball-that requires a certain amount of time to gather strength-but Yu Ji’s sudden and rapid fatal shooting.

Long-range advantage has also come to the justice league side.

“Obviously so beautiful, but the arrows shot are so deadly, are the women around Yi so terrible?” Batman, who has already eaten Mi Yuekui, sweats behind his back, and it seems that staying with Yi Han often seems to happen. A lot of pressure.

And Guan Yu’s attack has also taken off. When his speed reached the extreme, the power of the sword power reached the most astonishing point, and naturally the sword power was accumulating its power, just like the water flowing in the galaxy without any hindrance.

When Guan Yu appeared, Zod realized that his power was even stronger than himself, and was even strong enough to rule the roost in the entire universe, but even with vigilance, when he was locked in by Guan Yu’s power, he even felt very difficult to escape. , Let alone Yi Han’s restraint on the side, if you forcibly break away, you will first be beaten miserably by Yi Han.

When Guan Yu really gathered his strength to attack, General Zod’s heart immediately aroused regret. This enormous power is already very difficult to resist. What’s more frightening is that its attacks are like the most natural evolution. It seems that Guan Yu has driven a certain more essential level of “.‖ potential. When it evolves naturally, no matter what Any obstacles, struggles, and escapes in the middle will lead to the inevitable “result” of being hit by his big sword in the end!

This kind of power seems to be released at will, and it also condenses the strongest power of (Li Lezhao) Level Universe heroes. At the same time, it also has an essential level of “causal” power, unless there is a level above this power. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to evade.

“Boom!” Guan Yu’s people are Qizhi, and General Zod is also a ruthless person. After feeling that he can’t dodge, he actually gave up dodge, concentrated all in front of him, and tried to block the attacks of Yi Han and Guan Yu.

The consequences can be imagined. Although General Zod’s power is now the most powerful of Krypton, it is still not called the Level Universe. Even in the face of Guan Yu’s single power, it is not easy to resist, let alone the attack of Yi Han.

The only pity is that in order to cooperate with Guan Yu’s attack, Yi Han did not have time to use the essential level of flame, otherwise most of his life will be lost in this blow, and now he can only be injured and knocked out.

“What’s going on! Why are there forces outside of your plan to join!”.

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