Marvel King of Glory

Chapter 463

Chapter 463 Tug of war

“Don’t give them a chance, pay attention to the defense below!” However, before they can get it, Batman and Wonder Woman who arrived later immediately reminded them.

“Bang!” At the same time, another bullet with amazing destructive power was shot from a distance. Hearing this gunshot, Superman finally understood whose sight he had fallen into.

Deadshot, only his observation ability can firmly grasp his position and provide accurate positioning for the person launching the fireball attack.

Because the movement of the fireball is so loud, people from a long distance can see this strange and dangerous scene. Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is that the Justice League and the Anti-Justice League have broken out again.

Not to mention the residents who were close, even if they knew that there were some dangers, they couldn’t help but drove up to this place to witness the heroic demeanor with their own eyes.

Superman used high-temperature rays to shoot at two shadows at the same time. However, when the high diffuse ray in the eyes hit them, it only destroyed the two shadows, and did not destroy the energy fluctuations of a powerful enemy.

“No, these two shadows were created! The purpose is to attract our attention.” Superman reacted immediately, but it didn’t alleviate their worries.

In previous battles, the Anti-Justice League had never demonstrated this kind of method. It can only show that it is the strength that the opponent has gained after absorbing stronger enemies in the last few days.

Before they are attacked, all their breath, power response and energy fluctuations are like a real enemy. This kind of Ability on the surface only makes them make wrong judgments, and will not produce real threats, but in a tense counterattack state. , And when the enemy is in the dark, this method of combat is very vulnerable to counterattack from other people, and the real enemy will launch a fatal attack at the moment when they make a mistake in their judgment.

Fortunately, they were prepared well before, and they were also very vigilant. In order to fear that the plan was discovered in advance, the traps prepared by the Anti-Justice League were not as comprehensive as last time, and most of the enemies were still on their way.

However, the power of Deadshot is enough to make them very vigilant. And vaguely saw some red light approaching, an enemy with red hair in a red dress and his whole body appeared in front of him like a ball of flames.

Unlike other members of the Anti-Justice League, he is not worried about revealing his identity, nor is he afraid of becoming a target for Superman and others. He seems to have absolute confidence in his own power.

“Hmph, just rely on a bunch of buns on the earth to form the so-called Justice League? You are too arrogant about your own power, and you need some people to educate you!”

Although the attack just now was blocked by Superman and The Flash, Lianke still didn’t take them seriously. According to his thoughts, he is one of the cores of the unstoppable Red Lantern Corps in the universe. If any hero on a small planet can stop him, the Red Lantern Corps would have been destroyed long ago.

To put it another way, if the earth buns really have the power to stop them, then there will be a lot of opportunities to become famous in the galaxy, and they won’t be anonymous even now.

“The red-ray alien? Who are you? What does it have to do with Atoshitas!” As a Kryptonian, Superman is about to face the enemies of alien forces. He has done something about his home planet and certain cosmic forces. understand deeper. Vaguely knew the existence of the Red Lantern Corps.

“Huh? I even know the name of our leader, but I won’t appreciate you for it, but I must make you understand that Lord Atoshitas’s name is not for you to call!”

Suddenly, five more shadows appeared, attacking them from different directions.

The feeling of these five shadows is very similar to just now, indicating that the two shadows that were previously attacked were also made by him. Superman and The Flash entered a defensive state, and did not easily make a move.

The other party actually used the magic that they had used before in front of them. I’m afraid it can’t achieve the effect of a surprise attack, right? The possibility for the other party to choose this way, except for being too careless and not paying attention to them, is only to cause their misunderstanding and make them fall into a trap. It is always safe to be cautious.

However, their caution seems to be superfluous. Lianke himself does not intend to attack. It seems that these shadows are the main attack method: “A bunch of cowards? I was too afraid to fight back before I rushed forward. In that case, rely on my men to destroy your morale.”

The power of the red light ring and the green light ring are both quite different and similar. They must use the transformation between energy and matter to transform various combat weapons or props to exert their power. In this sense, those made by him It’s not wrong that the dark shadows are his “subordinates”…

“Be careful that there must be other enemies around, especially Deadshot’s sniper!” Superman and The Flash saw that the shadows had been bullied in front of them, and if they didn’t fight back, they would directly threaten them. At least, psychologically, no one can be assured that they are really close to them, what if these dark shadows still have the ability to blew up?

Reminding each other, the two began to fight back. If these shadows are all virtual power and will be exposed after being attacked, it shouldn’t be too difficult to break them.

Sure enough, with Superman’s powerful body and the speed of The Flash, they easily broke all the first four shadows. By the time of the last one, they had preconceived notions and subconsciously thought that they could be easily broken.

However, when Superman’s iron fist touched it, he felt that his strength could not touch the target.

It seems that its existence is completely different from its own, or it is a purer energy body than the previous black shadow, which cannot be eliminated by physical means.

Either way, it cannot change what happens next. When his energy hit the empty space completely and could not be recovered in a short time, the black shadow suddenly burst open, forming huge amounts of black mist to completely cover Superman. 0.0

“Clark!” The Flash was taken aback, and immediately rushed to help Superman.

However, the more they use their power to struggle, the more the black mist, and start to separate new shadow men from the original mist.

As soon as these shadow men took shape, they immediately attacked Superman and The Flash.

The other party will never do useless things. These shadow men must be different from the previous ones. They are definitely not incorporeal, but existences with real offensive power! But the two still couldn’t get out of the fog.

“Bang!” At this time, Wonder Woman rushed to her side. She inspired the divine light in her body, and turned these shadows into nothingness. Brute force actually dissipated all these black mists.


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