Marvel: I am the Man of Steel!

Page 26

"If there's nothing wrong, just hang up."

"It's all adults! Everyone's busy!"

"Okay, okay! Seriously!" The system clicked its tongue, bringing the topic to the right track.

"I said host, don't you feel that the speed at which you earn reputation is really too slow?"

"As a system, I can't stand it anymore!" The system sighed, "plus the impact of the last fight against abomination"

"You have a total of over 1000 million reputation points now," the system said in a tone of hatred.

"When this goes on, when will you be able to exchange for Silver Superman!"

"Nimma, I've worked hard already!" Hearing what the system said, Lin Feng was upset, obviously he was working hard every day to punish evil everywhere.

Of course, there are two days of game time per week.

More than 1000 million points is too little?

At this stage, the plot has just unfolded. Do I need to go to the universe to find Thanos now?

"I think I'm slow in earning reputation! Wouldn't it be enough for you to do two more tasks?" Lin Feng said mercilessly.

"Hey! It's a coincidence, isn't it?" The system let out a sigh, and followed Lin Feng's words.

"I came this time to give you a new mission!"

"Are you surprised, are you surprised?"

"Hehe..." Lin Feng sneered, thinking that something was wrong in his heart.

Usually, when posting tasks, they are just direct reminders, but this time he jumped out to set himself a trap. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

"Let's just be a little bit interested, let's talk about it."

"What does it mean to be barely interested?" The system was dissatisfied: "Let me tell you"

"The mission rewards this time are very rich!"

"How rich is it?" Lin Feng snorted disdainfully. The highest task prestige value currently given by the system is 100 million points. To be honest, he didn't expect the system to give any good tasks.

To earn reputation points, you have to rely on yourself to save lives and heal the wounded.

"Guaranteed 1000 million prestige points! How about it!"

The r8 in motion slammed on the brakes.

"How much?!" Lin Feng suspected that his ears had misheard.

"1000 million reputation points?"

"That's right!" The system hummed twice proudly.

"How about it, are you interested now?"

"Yes, yes, Master System, please elaborate!"

Lin Feng was excited, for the task of 1000 million prestige value, doing one task can be worth such a long time of work.

Please give me more missions like this.

The dog system was obviously very satisfied with Lin Feng's attitude, so the next second, a ding sounded.

You have a new task!

Foreign aid mission: save the blue star in the DC parallel universe, prevent the fusion of the mother box, and defeat Steppenwolf and the controlled black superman (task from the movie world Justice League)

Task time: 10 day

Task countdown: 3 hours

Mission reward 1: 1000 million reputation points

Task Reward 2: Give reputation points according to the rating of the host's completion event

Ok? ? ?

After finishing the task, Lin Feng was a little confused.

He looked at the task carefully again, just a few words.

Why do you seem to understand it, but you don’t seem to understand it?

"System! What's the situation?" Lin Feng was puzzled.

"DC Universe?"

"Does this require me to travel to the past to complete the task?" Lin Feng asked, he has already traveled to Marvel, can he travel to DC again?

"The right dog host!" The system answered questions online: "This task requires you to travel to the DC Universe to complete it."

Lin Feng was a little speechless: "And what does this Steppenwolf and the blackened Superman under control mean?"

"I remember that the plot of the original book is not like this, right? Why do you still want to fight Superman?" Lin Feng couldn't understand, he asked the dog system suspiciously.

"Are you bullying me for not reading the original book?"

"Where does the 1000 million reputation points come from if you don't hit me?" the system asked rhetorically.

"Just hitting a Steppenwolf can give you 1000 million reputation points?"

"The greater the risk, the greater the return, don't you understand this truth!"

Being pissed off by the system, Lin Feng was even more speechless. He touched his nose and said, "Okay... Tell me in detail, how big is the risk!"

"If you have any questions, wait until I finish talking! If you interrupt me, I won't say anything!"

"Okay, let's start your performance!" Lin Feng stretched out his hand and made a gesture of your invitation.

The system rolled its eyes and continued to describe the details of the mission.

"First of all, the host needs to know that you are not the only one who travels through!

Of course, you are not the only host who has a system! "

"Well, a piece of nonsense..."

"……I will not say anymore"

"Don't, don't, just keep going, I won't talk anymore..." Lin Feng raised his hands in surrender.

"Both the system and the host prosper, and the one loses and the other loses. The stronger the host is, the more feedback it brings to the system.

Therefore, in order to quickly improve the strength of itself and the host, some systems possess hosts with chaotic and evil personalities.

These slanted systems will be driven out and exiled by all our systems.

And the hosts who are lodged by these systems, we call them exiles, after they have enough abilities, the evil and desires in their hearts are constantly magnified.

They wantonly destroy the plots of various parallel worlds, so that they can absorb energy when the world line ends.

And the greater the difference between the plot and the original, the greater the energy generated when the world line ends..."

The system paused at this point, as if giving Lin Feng a time to digest.

"And this mission you took is a distress mission from the DC parallel universe!

A few days ago, there was an outcast who spoiled the main plot of Justice League by giving Steppenwolf a magic weapon.

Steppenwolf used this artifact to resurrect and control Superman Clark.

Batman and Wonder Woman couldn't beat Dachao at all, and lost consecutively.

The last mother box was taken by the Flash Barry Allen to roam around the earth constantly, in case it was obtained by Steppenwolf and Superman!

Your task as host is to get rid of Steppenwolf and Superman, and help the world line to converge. "

"In this way, the consumption of converging energy required by the world line will be very small."

"What the host needs to pay attention to is, beware of the appearance of the exile, because of the system, once he hides in the dark, we will not be able to find him!"

"Although the exile's ability to confront directly is not very strong, they are generally good at using some insidious tricks! You have to be careful of these!" the system said a lot.

Chapter 25 Farewell to Susan, ready to cross

Lin Feng understood, this basically belongs to the Justice League plot of the magic reform.

We have to fight against the black superstar to get the plot back on track.

In this way, the energy generated by the convergence of the world lines is small, and the energy that the exile can obtain is also lower.

"I have a few questions." Lin Feng pondered for a moment, and picked out a few things he didn't understand.

"First, leaving aside the question of justice, why do we want to prevent the exile from absorbing the energy of the world line?"

"It doesn't seem to affect the world we live in, right?" Lin Feng's first question was a bit cruel, but it really didn't happen in his own world, and the system has to take risks to deal with these things. There must be some hidden secrets in it.

Although he also has the strength of Dachao now, but Lin Feng knows that the truth of blackening is three times stronger, for no reason, Lin Feng doesn't want to face Dachao.

The system heard Lin Feng's doubts, and explained: "You help the world line reduce the energy used for constriction, and the world line will share part of this energy and give it to you"

"To put it simply, you help him reduce consumption, and he helps you increase your strength."

"Oh! This is reasonable." Lin Feng nodded. The gift from the will of the world should not be too stingy.

"Then I have another question, is there no power in the DC world?! They can clean up the blackened superman and the exile, and then get the world line back on track"

"Why is the task sent to us?" This is the question that Lin Feng is most concerned about.

When the task is sent to me, the logic of the front and back is not so smooth.

Just like my current Marvel, if there are really some exiles who wantonly destroy the main line of the world.

That much is the power to destroy them with one hand.

However, the system's answer exceeded Lin Feng's expectations.

"They can't make a move, host!"

"Let me give you an analogy, this is different from the plot of the novel you have read before"

"The simplest and most understandable analogy is"

"No matter how strong a Hercules is, he can't lift himself up!"

"If they make a move, it will cause greater changes in the world line"

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