Marvel: I am The Gamer

47: StarFall on Asgard

Austin stood a meter before Thor and looked at him in his eyes.

Thor didn't know why but he felt slightly intimidated by Austin's presence alone, almost as if something had changed within this mysterious person.

While he was thinking this, Thor's eyes landed on the blood that was at the corner of Austin's lips and his hair which was in a mess.

"it seems like you can't even handle her either, am I right?" Thor said after being dazed for a second. 

"she only caught me by surprise, her strength is continuously growing for some reason," Austin said expressionlessly before he stole a glance at Hela who was still in the void dome.

"of course, the only way to stop Hela would be to destroy Asgard itself," Thor said with a sigh, he already knew it was impossible to kill Hela himself.

"destroy Asgard you say?, then do I have permission to destroy Asgard?" Austin said slowly, his eyes glowing with a mysterious purple color.

Thor raised his brow in confusion for a second.

"well yes, if you can, but how do you expect-" Before Thor could finish his words, He was interrupted by Austin.

Austin didn't speak, he only raised a finger and pointed it to the sky above him.

"What?" Thor unconsciously looked up in the direction Austin pointed to, he could only widen his eyes in disbelief as he saw the chaos in the heavens.

The sky above Asgard had turned dark and gloomy, and the endless sea of clouds was also parting way, almost as if it was giving way to something colossal.

"Take the Valkyrie with you and leave, I'll handle this," Austin said as he disregarded Thor and looked toward Hela.

"What do you-" Although Thor was shocked at the movement in the sky, he still wanted to fight this battle as well.

But before he could finish his sentence, he, along with Brunnhilde had appeared in the spaceship which Loki had brought from Sakaar, the only thing Austin left behind was his lingering voice.

"Leave this whole place, I'm going to destroy Asgard" 


Austin appeared where Hela was once again, he watched silently as the Goddess of Death struggled to gain control of her body within the void dome.

After becoming a 3 Star Astral Sorcerer, Austin felt like all of his abilities had gained a qualitative leap in their power, especially his void dome, he could now control things in the void dome as if they were parts of his body.

With a wave of Austin's hand, Hela was released from the void dome before she stumbled to gain control of her body.

"you, What did you do to me," Hela said with visible anger in her eyes.

The spaceship with the Asgardians on it had long since flowed a great distance away.

it was at this moment that Thor saw the great horror that was approaching Asgard from the heavens, it wasn't something he could ever expect in his life.



Austin and Hela both turned towards the sound of loud explosions, the huge city of Asgard had been torn apart as a Huge red giant appeared from within the tallest of the buildings.

"Surtur" Austin exclaimed in his mind, he had forgotten about many key points in the Marvel movies and this was one of them.

Surtur would be the one who would destroy Asgard.


sounds of explosions went off as the huge demonic giant Surtur rampaged throughout the city of Asgard.

Hela's eyes widened in shock as she saw Surtur, she then looked at Austin suspiciously.

"Is this your doing?" 

"no, but give me a second," Austin said as he saw a certain figure in the distance trying to attack the raging giant.

Hela was confused, she was about to attack Austin but she realized that he had already disappeared.

it wasn't long before he appeared back in Infront of Hela once again with a grin.

"ok that's better"

Austin had thrown Hulk into the spaceship as well, Afterall Hulk was the reason he had gone through all this trouble, since Austin was planning on destroying the whole of Asgard, he couldn't let Hulk die in it.


it was at this moment that Surtur's loud and intimidating voice resounded throughout Asgard.

The huge Giant noticed Austin and Hela in the distance and Swung its towering sword through the air before Aiming at both of them.

"You're a little late big guy" 

Austin said with a smile before placing Comet in the pet space, he rose a few centimeters up into the air before his Astral energy condensed and his eyes released a powerful glow.

"STAR-FALL" Austin shouted and poured all his strength into this newly acquired ability.

While Surtur was Aiming his sword at Hela, A huge Asteroid was falling from the sky, the crust of the huge asteroid was filled with thousands of cracks and a fiery flame was emitted from it as it descended from the sky above Asgard.

It was like DoomsDay as the terrifying Asteroid broke apart the sky and fell towards Asgard at a terrifying speed.

Hela widened her eyes in shock as she watched both Surtur and the incoming Asteroid fall in her direction. 


Back on the ship, Thor, Brunnhilde, Hulk, and everyone else watched as the Asteroid Parted the sky filled with clouds and descended on Asgard.

it was a horrifying sight indeed, anyone who was caught in this attack would surely be killed no matter who they were.

"what's with the huge Asteroid?" Brunnhilde asked in confusion while looking at the Asteroid.

"I- I don't know" Thor stuttered to speak, although he wanted to assume that the strange man in the black outfit was responsible for this, he found it unbelievable that anyone had access to such a terrifying power at all.


it was at this moment that a loud explosion rang out. 

Asgard was destroyed, the explosion had wiped apart the whole city as well as a great portion of the huge terraformation on which The city of Asgard stood. 

Thor and the rest didn't notice that a figure in a black suit silently appeared on their ship at this moment, the figure was exhausted and passed out after a couple of seconds before falling on his face.


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